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[Class] MySql By Just Me Conversion to V2

Posted: 07 Feb 2023, 14:55
by Tre4shunter
Hey All,

My first attempt at porting some code over to V2. All credit goes to original Authors panofish and @just me .

Sincere apologies for the code that i hopefully didnt butcher too much attempting to convert it....
It seems to work just fine for my purposes, but PLEASE advise me if you see anything grossly incorrect in my adaptation. I am not intimately familiar with either Classes, or new V2 Syntax so...this is a best effort attempt.

Code: Select all

; ======================================================================================================================
; Wrapper class for MySQL C API functions        ->
; Based on "MySQL Library functions" by panofish ->
; AHK version: V2 2.02+ 32bit
; Author:      panofish/just me
; Version: me        - libmysql.dll error handling
;         me
;Converted for AHKV2
;Example Usage
;ClassInst := MySql()
;QueryResult := ClassInst.Query(ClassInst.Real_Escape_String("Select * From Salesmen"))
;if(QueryResult = 0){
;    ResultSet := ClassInst.GetResult()
;    for k,v in ResultSet.Fields
;        MsgBox(v.Name)
; Remarks:
; The character encoding depends on the character set used by the current connection. That's why the code page for
; all connections is set to UTF-8 within the __New() meta-function. String conversions are done internally
; whenever possible.
; ======================================================================================================================

Class MySql {
    static FIELD_TYPE := Map(
    0, "DECIMAL", 1, "TINY", 2, "SHORT", 3, "LONG", 4, "FLOAT", 5, "DOUBLE", 6, "NULL"
    , 7, "TIMESTAMP", 8, "LONGLONG", 9, "INT24", 10, "DATE", 11, "TIME", 12, "DATETIME"
    , 13, "YEAR", 14, "NEWDATE", 15, "VARCHAR", 16, "BIT",63,"UNKNOWN", 256, "NEWDECIMAL", 247, "ENUM"
    , 248, "SET", 249, "TINY_BLOB", 250, "MEDIUM_BLOB", 251, "LONG_BLOB", 252, "BLOB"
    , 253, "VAR_STRING", 254, "STRING", 255, "GEOMETRY"
    static FIELD_FLAG := Map(
        "NOT_NULL", 1, "PRI_KEY", 2, "UNIQUE_KEY", 4, "MULTIPLE_KEY", 8, "BLOB", 16, "UNSIGNED", 32
        , "ZEROFILL", 64, "BINARY", 128, "ENUM", 256, "AUTO_INCREMENT", 512, "TIMESTAMP", 1024, "SET", 2048
        , "NO_DEFAULT_VALUE", 4096, "NUM",	32768

    static MySql_SUCCESS := 0

    static __New(LibPath := "")  {
        Static libmysql := A_ScriptDir "\libmysql.dll"
        ; Do not instantiate instances! -> What does this mean?  Is it even needed in V2?
        If (This.Base.Base.__Class = "MySql") {
           MsgBox("You must not instantiate instances of MySQLDB!","MySQL Error!",16)

        ; Load libmysql.dll
        If (LibPath)
           libmysql := LibPath
        If !(MySQLM := DllCall("Kernel32.dll\LoadLibrary", "Str", libmysql, "UPtr")) {
           If (A_LastError = 126) ; The specified module could not be found
              MsgBox("Could not find " libmysql "!","MySql Error!", 16)
           Else {
              ErrCode := A_LastError
              VarSetStrCapacity(&ErrMsg, 131072)
              DllCall("FormatMessage", "UInt", 0x1200, "Ptr", 0, "UInt", ErrCode, "UInt", 0, "Str", ErrMsg, "UInt", 65536, "Ptr", 0)
              MsgBox("Could not load " libmysql "!`nError code: " ErrCode "`n" ErrMsg,"MySql Error!",16)
        this.Module := MySQLM
        If !(this.MYSQLh := This.Initialize()) {
            MsgBox("Could not initialize MySQL!")
        this.Connected := False

     UTF8(Str) {
        buf := Buffer(StrPut(str, "UTF-8"))
        StrPut(str, buf, "UTF-8")
        return buf

     static Initialize(MYSQL := 0) {
        Return(DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_init", "Ptr", MYSQL, "UPtr"))

     Real_Connect(Host, User, PassWd, DB := "", Port := 3306, Socket := 0, Flags := 0) {
        If (DB = "")
           PtrDB := 0
           PtrDB := This.UTF8(DB)

        If !(MYSQLi := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_real_connect", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Ptr", This.UTF8(Host)
                            , "Ptr", This.UTF8(User), "Ptr", This.UTF8(PassWd), "Ptr", PtrDB
                            , "UInt", Port, "Ptr", This.UTF8(Socket), "Uint", Flags, "UPtr"))
        Return (False)
        Return (MYSQLi)

     Query(SQL) {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_query", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Ptr", This.UTF8(SQL), "Int")
     GetResult() {
        If !(MYSQL_RES := This.Store_Result())
              Return False
        Result := {}
        Result.RowsCount := This.Num_Rows(MYSQL_RES)
        Result.ColumnsCount := This.Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES)
        Result.Fields := Map()
        Result.Rows := Map()
        While(MYSQL_FIELD := This.Fetch_Field(MYSQL_RES))
           Result.Fields[A_Index] := This.GetField(MYSQL_FIELD)
        While (Row := This.GetNextRow(MYSQL_RES))
           Result.Rows[A_Index] := Row
        Return Result
     GetField(MYSQL_FIELD) {
        Field := {}
        Offset := 0
        Field.Name      := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.OrgName   := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.Table     := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.OrgTable  := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.DB        := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.Catalog   := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        ;Field.Default   := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.Length    := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4
        Field.MaxLength := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 * 8 ; skip string length fields
        Field.Flags     := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4
        Field.Decimals  := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4
        Field.CharSetNr := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4
        Field.Type      := MySql.FIELD_TYPE[NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt")]
     GetNextRow(MYSQL_RES) {
        If (MYSQL_ROW := This.Fetch_Row(MYSQL_RES)) {
           Row := Map()
           Lengths := This.Fetch_Lengths(MYSQL_RES)
            loop(this.Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES)) {
                J := A_Index - 1

                FieldObj := []
                MYSQL_FIELD := this.Fetch_Field_Direct(MYSQL_RES,J)
                FieldObj := this.GetField(MYSQL_FIELD)

                If (Len := NumGet(Lengths + 0, 4 * J, "UInt")){
                    Row[FieldObj.Name] := (StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_ROW + 0, A_PtrSize * J, "UPtr"), Len, "UTF-8"))
                    Row[FieldObj.Name] := ""
     Store_Result() {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_store_result", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UPtr")
     Num_Rows(MYSQL_RES) {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_num_rows", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt64")
     Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES) {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_num_fields", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt")
     Fetch_Field(MYSQL_RES) {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_field", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr")
     Fetch_Row(MYSQL_RES) {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_row", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr")
     Fetch_Lengths(MYSQL_RES) {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_lengths", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr")
     Fetch_Field_Direct(MYSQL_RES, FieldNr) {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_fetch_field_direct", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UInt", FieldNr, "UPtr")
     Free_Result(MYSQL_RES) {
        DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_free_result", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES)
     Get_Client_Info() {
        Return ((S := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_client_info", "UPtr")) ? StrGet(S, "UTF-8") : "")
     Ping() {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_ping", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Int")
     Get_Client_Version() {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_client_version", "Int")
     Get_Host_Info() {
        Return ((P := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_host_info", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "")
     Get_Proto_Info() {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_proto_info", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UInt")
     Get_Server_Info() {
        Return ((P := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_server_info", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "")
     Get_Server_Version() {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_get_server_version", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UInt")
     Info() {
        Return ((S := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_info", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(S, "UTF-8") : "")
     Insert_ID() {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_insert_id", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UInt64")
     List_Fields(Table, Like := "") {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_list_fields", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Ptr", This.UTF8(Table)
                     , "Ptr", (Like = "" ? 0 : This.UTF8(Like)), "UPtr")
     List_Tables(Like := "") {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_list_tables", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh
                     , "Ptr", (Like = "" ? 0 : This.UTF8(Like)), "UPtr")
     More_Results() {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_more_results", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Char")
     Next_Result() {
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_next_result", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Int")
     Real_Escape_String(From) {
        L := StrPut(From, "UTF-8") - 1
        SO := Buffer((L * 2) + 1)
        N := DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_real_escape_string", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Ptr", SO, "Ptr", this.UTF8(From), "UInt", L, "UInt")
        Return StrGet(SO, N, "UTF-8")
     Real_Query(SQL, Length) {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_real_query", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Ptr", SQL, "UInt", Length, "Int")
     Rollback() {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_rollback", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Char")
     Row_Seek(MYSQL_RES, Offset) {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_row_seek", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "Ptr", Offset, "UPtr")
     Row_Tell(MYSQL_RES) {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_row_tell", "Ptr", MYSQL_RES, "UPtr")
     Select_DB(DB) {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_select_db", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Ptr", This.UTF8(DB), "Int")
     Set_Character_Set(CSName) {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_set_character_set", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Ptr", This.UTF8(CSName), "Int")
     Set_Server_Option(Option) {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_set_server_option", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Int", Option, "Int")
     SQLState() {
        Return ((P := DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_sqlstate", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "")
     Stat() {
        Return ((P := DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_stat", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UPtr")) ? StrGet(P, "UTF-8") : "")
     Thread_ID() {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_thread_id", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UInt")
     Use_Result() {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_use_result", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UPtr")
     Warning_Count() {
        Return DllCall("libmysqlx64.dll\mysql_warning_count", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "UInt")
     Options(Option, Arg) {
                              , MYSQL_OPT_WRITE_TIMEOUT: 12, MYSQL_OPT_USE_RESULT: 13
                              , MYSQL_OPT_GUESS_CONNECTION: 16, MYSQL_SET_CLIENT_IP: 17, MYSQL_SECURE_AUTH: 18
                              , MYSQL_REPORT_DATA_TRUNCATION: 19, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT: 20
                              , MYSQL_OPT_SSL_VERIFY_SERVER_CERT: 21, MYSQL_PLUGIN_DIR: 22, MYSQL_DEFAULT_AUTH: 23
                              , MYSQL_ENABLE_CLEARTEXT_PLUGIN: 24}
        If !IsInteger(Option)
           Option := MYSQL_Option[Option]
        If IsInteger(Arg)
           Return DllCall("libmysq.dll\mysql_options", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Int", Option, "Int64P", Arg, "Int")
        Return DllCall("libmysql.dll\mysql_options", "Ptr", MySql.MYSQLh, "Int", Option, "Ptr", This.UTF8(Arg), "Int")

;Example Usage
ClassInst := MySql()
QueryResult := ClassInst.Query(ClassInst.Real_Escape_String("Select * From Salesmen"))
if(QueryResult = 0){
    ResultSet := ClassInst.GetResult()
    for k,v in ResultSet.Fields



Re: [Class] MySql By Just Me Conversion to V2

Posted: 07 Feb 2023, 15:55
by Tre4shunter
Slight modification:

I notice on large queries (Say 70k records, 30 columns) everytime 'GetNextRow' tries to build the row data, it executes 'GetField' for every record.

why does it need to do that? We already get the list of fields when we initially call 'GetResult' - so i just passed the fields array into 'GetNextRow' and then just use that to build the row data on each iteration - saves quite a bit.

Am i missing something there...?

Code: Select all

 GetResult() {
        If !(MYSQL_RES := This.Store_Result())
              Return False
        Result := {}
        Result.RowsCount := This.Num_Rows(MYSQL_RES)
        Result.ColumnsCount := This.Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES)
        Result.Fields := Map()
        Result.Rows := Map()
        While(MYSQL_FIELD := This.Fetch_Field(MYSQL_RES))
           Result.Fields[A_Index] := This.GetField(MYSQL_FIELD)
        While (Row := This.GetNextRow(MYSQL_RES,Result.Fields))
          Result.Rows[A_Index] := Row
        Return Result
     GetField(MYSQL_FIELD) {
        Field := {}
        Offset := 0
        Field.Name      := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.OrgName   := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.Table     := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.OrgTable  := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.DB        := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.Catalog   := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        ;Field.Default   := StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8"), Offset += A_PtrSize
        Field.Length    := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4
        Field.MaxLength := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4 * 8 ; skip string length fields
        Field.Flags     := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4
        Field.Decimals  := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4
        Field.CharSetNr := NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt"), Offset += 4
        Field.Type      := MySql.FIELD_TYPE[NumGet(MYSQL_FIELD + 0, Offset, "UInt")]
     GetNextRow(MYSQL_RES,FIELDS) {
        If (MYSQL_ROW := This.Fetch_Row(MYSQL_RES)) {
           Row := Map()
           Lengths := This.Fetch_Lengths(MYSQL_RES)
            loop(this.Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES)) {
                J := A_Index - 1

                ;FieldObj := [] We dont need to do this for every column - we already have the field info available based on column index?
                ;MYSQL_FIELD := this.Fetch_Field_Direct(MYSQL_RES,J)
                ;FieldObj := this.GetField(MYSQL_FIELD)

                If (Len := NumGet(Lengths + 0, 4 * J, "UInt")){
                    ;Row[FieldObj.Name] := (StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_ROW + 0, A_PtrSize * J, "UPtr"), Len, "UTF-8"))
                    Row[FIELDS[A_Index].Name] := (StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_ROW + 0, A_PtrSize * J, "UPtr"), Len, "UTF-8"))
                    ;Row[FieldObj.Name] := ""
                    Row[FIELDS[A_Index].Name] := ""

Re: [Class] MySql By Just Me Conversion to V2

Posted: 08 Feb 2023, 05:48
by just me
Tre4shunter wrote: ; Do not instantiate instances! -> What does this mean? Is it even needed in V2?
What does this mean? Don't create new instances from existing instances:

Code: Select all

Instance := New MySQLAPI()
AnotherInstance := New Instance()
Is it even needed in V2? No!

Am i missing something there...?
I don't know. It's not part of the original GetNextRow() method:

Code: Select all

   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Returns the values of the next row of the given MYSQL_RES as an array.
   ; Parameters:    MYSQL_RES - Pointer to a MYSQL_RES structure.
   ; Return values: Array of values, False if there is no more row
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetNextRow(MYSQL_RES) {
      If (MYSQL_ROW := This.Fetch_Row(MYSQL_RES)) {
         Row := []
         Lengths := This.Fetch_Lengths(MYSQL_RES)
         Loop, % This.Num_Fields(MYSQL_RES) {
            J := A_Index - 1
            If (Len := NumGet(Lengths + 0, 4 * J, "UInt"))
               Row[A_Index] := (StrGet(NumGet(MYSQL_ROW + 0, A_PtrSize * J, "UPtr"), Len, "UTF-8"))
               Row[A_Index] := ""
         Return Row
      Return False

Re: [Class] MySql By Just Me Conversion to V2

Posted: 08 Feb 2023, 08:40
by Tre4shunter
Thank you for the feedback!

I see what happened now with the 'GetNextRow' Method - I had hacked up the original class in order to modify the output to include field names. I just did it awfully.

Thanks for all your efforts!


Re: [Class] MySql By Just Me Conversion to V2

Posted: 08 Feb 2023, 15:28
by Tre4shunter
As far as performance V2 vs V1, a simple query to an AWS hosted DB seems to reliably perform a little bit quicker

V1 ~12.5s
V2 ~9.5s

Table has ~80k records with about 30 Columns. total table size ~50Mb

Not bad!