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Dll ExportViewer

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 05:55
by jNizM
Dll Export Viewer
Displays a list of all exported functions for the specified Dll files.

DllExport (GitHub)

Download (precompiled executable)


- Displays the name of the function
- Displays the ordinal of the function
- Displays the entry point (the relative address) of the function or its forward string
- Displays OriginalFilename / CompanyName / ProductVersion / FileVersion from a module
- Drag and Drop Dll-Files or Folders in Left Listview
- Rightclick both ListViews for ContextMenu
- Filter by searchbar (See below)
- Search function in web ""

- Searchmode is RegExMatch. (e.g. "^Get" or "W$")
- case-sensitivity is default off "i)"
- see examples how to search (

Test environment
Image Image

- special thanks to just me

Inspired by
- Dependency Walker
- DLL Export Viewer by NirSoft

Questions / Bugs / Issues
If you notice any kind of bugs or issues, report them here. Same for any kind of questions.

Copyright and License

Re: Dll ExportViewer

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 05:55
by jNizM
- load common dll's
- Fix bugs
- Optimize code
- Whatever

Predefined list of frequently used DLLs

Code: Select all

Common used DLL's
- gdi32, combase, ntdll, kernel32, ole32, shell32, shlwapi, user32

Graphics related DLL's
- d3d11, dxgi, gdi32, gdi32full, gdiplus, glue32, opengl32

Crypt / Security ralated DLL's
- advapi32, bcrypt, crpyt32, ncrypt


Code: Select all

2022-12-06 - added menu
           - added menu dark mode
           - added dll common lists
           - added dll folder search
           - added function web search (
           - added select all context for dlls
2022-12-02 - initial v2
2017-07-10 - initial v1.1

-> viewtopic.php?t=34262

Re: Dll ExportViewer

Posted: 02 Dec 2022, 16:27
by iseahound
Excellent tool.

Can you add a sort by popular (or a sort by most functions exported)? It's hard to explore alphabetically.

Re: Dll ExportViewer

Posted: 03 Dec 2022, 06:20
by jNizM
A list of common dll's (like kernel32 / user32 / gdi32 / ...) are on my todo list.

Re: Dll ExportViewer

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 10:05
by jNizM
So far I have picked these out. If I have forgotten some or should add another list, please write

List see -> viewtopic.php?p=494118#p494118 (Predefined list of frequently used DLLs)


Re: Dll ExportViewer

Posted: 05 Dec 2022, 18:41
by iseahound
also ntdll, shlwapi, shcore, ole32, combase, etc. For graphics don't forget DXGI, D3D11. But maybe a sort by number of functions exported?

Re: Dll ExportViewer

Posted: 06 Dec 2022, 08:58
by jNizM
Update (see changelog 2022-12-06)