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HideMyIcon - auto hide icons with fading effect

Posted: 29 Mar 2023, 14:51
by aeiklmr
Hi everyone,

I wanted to share this simple function, I use it on daily basis for months now.

HideMyIcon now is a standalone function to auto-hide the desktop icons in Windows 10+. It also offers a customizable fading effect.

When I use multi-monitor setups, I get annoyed by the icons by just seeing them from my peripheral view. :problem:

This simple script helps me to control the visibility of the icons in Windows 10+.

Code: Select all

; Script     HideMyIcon_ahk_v2.ahk
; Github:
; Date       19.01.2023
; Version    0.4

#Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0

SetTimer(HideMyIcon.Bind(1, 15, 20), 10)

    ; Hover: effect triggered by clicking (0) or hovering (1)
    ; Speed: 1 (frames 256), 3 (86), 5 (52), 15 (18), 17 (16), 51 (6), 85 (4), 255 (2)
    ;        works with any number between 0, 255
    ; Delay: sleep time between changing the transparency
    ; Recommended presets:
    ;   SetTimer(HideMyIcon.Bind(1, 15, 20), 10) 
    ;   SetTimer(HideMyIcon.Bind(1, 51,  0), 10)
    ;   SetTimer(HideMyIcon.Bind(0, 85,  0), 10)
    ;   SetTimer(HideMyIcon.Bind(0, 255, 0), 10)
HideMyIcon(Hover := 0, Speed := 17, Delay := 16.67) {

    static init := 0, hDesk := 0, hIcon := 0, Transparent := 255

    if !init {
        ; get handles
        if !hDesk := winExist("ahk_class Progman") ; credit to SKAN
            hDesk := winExist("ahk_class WorkerW")
        hIcon := ControlGetHwnd("SysListView321", "ahk_id" hDesk)
        ; raising proc priority makes the fade animation smoother (could be placebo)
        ; exiting the script will restore the icons" transparency to 255
        init := 1

    Step := 0, id := ctrl := cls := wnd := ""
    ; active windows and transparency
    Desk := WinActive("ahk_id" hDesk)
    Tray := WinActive("ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd")        
    ; start menu button gives an error
    try {
        MouseGetPos(,, &id, &ctrl)
        cls := WinGetClass("ahk_id" id)
        wnd := WinGetTitle("ahk_id" id)
    ; class under mouse
    MousePos := ((cls ~= "Shell_TrayWnd" && ctrl ~= "TrayShowDesktopButton")
              || (cls ~= "Progman|WorkerW" && wnd == "") ? "ShowDesk"
               : (cls ~= "Progman|WorkerW") ? "Desktop"
               : (cls ~= "Shell_TrayWnd") ? "Taskbar"
               : (cls ~= "DFTaskbar") ? "DisplayFusion" : "")
    ; decrease or increase transparency
    if !Hover
        Step := (Desk||Tray) ? 1 : -1
        Step := (MousePos) ? 1 : -1
    ; forcing fade in effect at TrayShowDesktopButton
    if (MousePos ~= "ShowDesk|Tray")
        Step := 1
    NextStep := Transparent + Step * Speed,
    before := Transparent
    ; a minimum value of 1 is required for proper use of the taskbar and showdesk button
    if (NextStep == 1) || (NextStep == 0) || (0 > NextStep)
        Transparent := 1
    else if (NextStep > 255)
        Transparent := 255
        Transparent := NextStep    
    ; set the transparency of the icon
    if (Transparent!=Before)
        WinSetTransparent(Transparent, "ahk_id" hIcon)
    if Delay

    RestoreIcons(*) => WinSetTransparent(255, "ahk_id" hIcon)
Any thoughts?

Kind regards,