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Extract a sorted list of functions

Posted: 04 Aug 2023, 19:14
by DrReflex
It is often useful to have a sorted list of AHK functions. This is particularly useful for large libraries. Here is a simple function that will extract a list of functions that conform to the format: Function(parameters) { ... code lines ... } etc. It requires input and output file names (with full paths). It reads the input file, extracts all functions meeting the format noted above, and saves the sorted list of functions to the output file.

Code: Select all

;	NAME:			ExtractSortedFunctionList.v2.ahk
;	DESCRIPTION:	Strips functions from ahk program code and save it to a file.
;	NOTE:			Change FullPath, FileIn, and FileOut then execute
#Requires AutoHotkey >=2.0-<2.1
#SingleInstance Force				; Recommended so only one copy is runnnig at a time
SetWorkingDir A_ScriptDir  	; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
FullPath  := "D:\_AHK2\___SCRIPTS\GDIP\Buliasz_AHKv2-Gdip-master\"
FileIn		:= "Gdip_All_184.v2.ahk"
FileOut		:= "Gdip_All_184_SortedFunctionList.v2.txt"
FileInFP	:= FullPath . FileIn
FileOutFP := FullPath . FileOut

	StrIn 	:= FileRead(FIFP)
	while ((PosSemi := InStr(StrIn,";")) > 0)
		PosCR 	:= InStr(StrIn,"`n",0,(PosSemi+1))
		StrIn 	:= SubStr(StrIn,1,(PosSemi-1)) . SubStr(StrIn,(PosCR+1))
	StrIn := StrReplace(StrIn,"`r`n","`n")
	StrIn := StrReplace(StrIn,"`n`n","`n")
	while ((PosCB := InStr(StrIn,"}")) > 0)
		PosOB := InStr(StrIn,"{",0,-(StrLen(StrIn) - PosCB+1))
		StrIn := SubStr(StrIn,1,(PosOB-1)) . SubStr(StrIn,(PosCB+1))
	StrIn := StrReplace(StrIn,"`n`n","`n")
	StrIn := StrReplace(StrIn,"`n`n","`n")
	StrIn := Sort(StrIn)
		FileDelete FOFP
	FileAppend StrIn, FOFP


Re: Extract a sorted list of functions

Posted: 04 Aug 2023, 22:41
by thqby
This script has major limitations, and if the string in the script contains characters such as {};, the generated content will be cluttered.

You can export functions, classes, etc., using vscode's ahk v2 extension
image.png (313.82 KiB) Viewed 720 times

Re: Extract a sorted list of functions

Posted: 17 Sep 2023, 11:08
by emmanuel d
Are functions not objects?
Why cant we do a for loop and get the all the custom and built in functions?