Label names are NOT unique to a script

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Label names are NOT unique to a script

22 Aug 2022, 10:42

at Labels,, it is stated, where their names are defined:
Label names must be unique throughout the whole script.
I believe that to be incorrect.

Multiple labels with the same name may exist in a script in the case of each being a different hotkey definition under a different #IfWinActive (or similar) directive.

I believe it would be more accurately written as:
Normal label names (non-Hotkey and non-Hotstring) must be unique throughout the whole script
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Re: Label names are NOT unique to a script

22 Aug 2022, 11:34

You might want to give an example to prove your point.
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Re: Label names are NOT unique to a script

22 Aug 2022, 11:44

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Re: Label names are NOT unique to a script

01 Sep 2022, 20:54

It would be more correct to clarify that the entire paragraph applies only to normal labels. Hotkey and hotstring "label names" are restricted by the hotkey and hotstring syntax, and not by any of the restrictions noted in that paragraph. The recommendations about style conventions obviously also don't apply.

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