Allowing multiple options separated by a space not stated for most Gui methods Topic is solved

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Allowing multiple options separated by a space not stated for most Gui methods

Post by boiler » 30 Jul 2023, 17:13

This is apparently the case for both v1 and v2, although I looked more carefully at v2: I was surprised to find when answering a question that I was not able to cite where the documentation specifically states that multiple options for the Gui Add method allows for multiple options by separating them with a space. I found it to be true for most other Gui methods as well. The SetFont method states it, and some examples in the descriptions for some (but not all) methods demonstrate it. I suggest that either a similar statement as the one below from SetFont be added for the other methods or that a more global statement when introducing the methods be added.
SetFont wrote:Zero or more options. Each option is either a single letter immediately followed by a value, or a single word. To specify more than one option, include a space between each. For example: cBlue s12 bold.

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Re: Allowing multiple options separated by a space not stated for most Gui methods  Topic is solved

Post by Ragnar » 15 Aug 2023, 08:21

Thanks for reporting. I've added it. The change is currently not visible due to the "under attack" mode.

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