WinTitle (define/exemplify window title first), SetTitleMatchMode (examples) Topic is solved

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WinTitle (define/exemplify window title first), SetTitleMatchMode (examples)

Post by neogna2 » 26 Jan 2023, 06:13

(Yes, this is very basic, but clarifying/exemplifying basics help beginners.)

The WinTitle doc page talks about the window title, but does not explain it nor (early and simply) exemplify. In contrast other WinTitle alternatives on that page like A have simple inline examples e.g. MsgBox WinExist("A")

Suggestion: Add a subsection named "Window Title" (above "Matching Behaviour") with this short explainer text:
The title of a window is often visible as text in a title bar at the top of the window. If invisible or only partially visible the complete window title can be read with WinGetTitle or Window Spy.

For example the Calculator app has the window title "Calculator", which can be used as WinTitle parameter

Add a simple side by side example of MatchMode use:

#3 Four ways to activate a window titled "Calculator"

Code: Select all

SetTitleMatchMode 1 ;must start with

SetTitleMatchMode 2 ;contain anywhere

SetTitleMatchMode 3 ;match exactly

SetTitleMatchMode "RegEx"
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Re: WinTitle (define/exemplify window title first), SetTitleMatchMode (examples)  Topic is solved

Post by Ragnar » 18 Aug 2023, 06:01

Thanks for the suggestions. I've added your first suggestion.
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