documentation syntax conventions

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documentation syntax conventions

Post by joefiesta » 17 May 2023, 09:39

Where is the documentation for the syntax used in the documentation?
If it exists, I can't find it.

My exact problem is the FORMAT function and the SetFormat command

1. The SETFORMAT command applies to all calculation. So, if I want all my number to be 6 digits, with 2 decimal places I simply use

Code: Select all

SetFormat, float, 6.2
However, the documentation URGES me not to use the SetFormat command, but rather the FORMAT function.

But, I don't see a way to that using Format(). Am I supposed to use the format() function EVERY TIME I do a calculation? That's rather tedious in some cases.

2. The FORMAT() function shows the syntax as:

Code: Select all

String := Format(FormatStr [, Values...])
The brackets around the VALUES parameter are colored red.

A. I interpret that as "the parameter is optional". Am I wrong? If the parameter IS OPTIONAL, what happens when it is not specified is NOT DEFINED.

B. What exactly do the red brackets indicate?

C. Is the meaning of the red brackets documented somewhere?

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Re: documentation syntax conventions

Post by Ragnar » 17 May 2023, 12:04

Issue #1:

Where is your suggestion for improving the documentation? I can only vaguely guess that you don't want to see SetFormat as deprecated. However, SetFormat is deprecated, because 1) selective formatting is better in most cases, as it is more traceable and less error-prone, and 2) it was removed in v2. For further discussion, please use a more appropriate forum such as "General Discussion".

Issue #2:

Regarding A, nothing happens (no information is also an information). Regarding B and C, see Concepts and Conventions: Functions/Commands or Tutorial: The mysterious square brackets.

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