Archived board de-indexing

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Joined: 18 Apr 2019, 06:24

Archived board de-indexing

Post by Adventurer » 24 Jan 2020, 08:46

While this is a bit tangential to documentation improvements, a lot of confusion is derived from archived posts being among the top of Google search results rather than anything from the documentation or the new forum. Most of the help the archived boards provide has become very out of date in several respects, and the new forum has had enough time to be populated with a slew of better, new suggestions regarding the same issue.

Nowadays a lot of search engine indexers outright ignore robots.txt FNAR, so the best way of going about it is to block their respective user agents from even being able to load anything within "" at all.

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Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 06:48

Re: Archived board de-indexing

Post by gregster » 24 Jan 2020, 09:51

Imho, there are still many interesting topics in the old forum - and Google is the best way to find them (after all, the internal forum search in the archives doesn't work anymore).
Much code might be outdated, but can still be useful as a starting point.

I mean, there is the red Archived sign at the top - and on the board index levels, there are these notifications with a link to the new forums:
Screenshot_2020-01-24 AutoHotkey.png
Screenshot_2020-01-24 AutoHotkey.png (23.02 KiB) Viewed 2246 times
It could probably be argued that they should be visible in invidiual topics, too. But then, if you try to register, you'll get a similar message anyway.

Our internal forum search is limited to new topics anyway, although in our Google Custom search you can choose all results, or limit them either to the new or archived forums: Without such external search engines, we would have to implement an independent search for the archived forums... or lose easy access to a lot of valuable information.

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