Array in index

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emmanuel d
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Array in index

19 Oct 2023, 01:54

When we look in the index for array there is only one entry, usually the one i don't want.
Then i have no idea what to actually look for.
can de index please have some added entry's, so it would say

Code: Select all

Array ; This would be linkt to: "Objects" where all of them are. now it links to "Array Object"
Array (Map) ; Links to: "Map Object"
Array (Object)  ; Links to: "Array Object"
Array (Object Literal) ; i don't see a seperate page other than "Objects" for this one
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Re: Array in index

19 Oct 2023, 03:45

You didn't write what exactly you usually want. I guess the "Objects" page.

"Array" is used by the syntax highlighter to recognize it as a built-in class, so it makes little sense to change the link.

The best I can offer you is the new index entries "Arrays (general information)" and "Maps (general information)", analogous to the already existing "Objects (general information)". Both will link to the "Objects" page.
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emmanuel d
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Re: Array in index

19 Oct 2023, 04:11

i am only talking about the index in the chm helpfile
There is only one entry called "Array"
And when you search for it, you might actually want the other types of array.
And they aren't there. And if you click that array it goes to the class array page, but the other types aren't mentioned there either.
Not sure what that has to do with syntax highlighting, the online one?
I only want the index to be clear that there are more types of arrays.

So If you don't know that Map() exist you can stil get there if the index properly list it as a array.
The same for Object Literal

Hence at the least those two should be added to the index:
Array (Map)
Array (Object Literal)
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Re: Array in index

19 Oct 2023, 05:18

emmanuel d wrote: There is only one entry called "Array"
And when you search for it, you might actually want the other types of array.
Because in v2 there is only one specific object of type "Array" with special features. A "Map" is not another kind of "Array", its another kind of "Object".
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Re: Array in index

19 Oct 2023, 05:30

There is only one entry called "Array"
There will be two entries in the next release: Array (class), Array (function). This matches the current state of the online help.

If the third entry "Arrays (general information)" with the link to the "Objects" page is present, this should be sufficient. On this page is everything necessary to understand that there are Object, Array and Map, including "Object Literal". "Array (Map)" can be confusing to users in the sense of "Does this entry now take me to the Array Object or Map Object page?".
Not sure what that has to do with syntax highlighting, the online one?
Both the online and CHM help use a syntax highlighter for code examples. It uses data_index.js to detect keywords and highlight them.

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