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Omission of spaces and tabs at end of line in continuation section

Posted: 16 Feb 2024, 18:20
by flyingDman
By default, trailing spaces and tabs are automatically trimmed from each line in a continuation section. The docs do not explicitly reveal this although they state that "[RTrim0] turns off the omission of spaces and tabs from the end of each line."

A new paragraph stating this (c|sh)ould be inserted after the paragraph addressing the omission of spaces and tabs at the beginning of lines in a continuation section.

Re: Omission of spaces and tabs at end of line in continuation section  Topic is solved

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 08:33
by Ragnar
Thanks for the suggestion. I've added this.

Re: Omission of spaces and tabs at end of line in continuation section

Posted: 07 Mar 2024, 11:17
by flyingDman