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Label, definition of

Posted: 16 Mar 2020, 08:14
by joefiesta
A hotkey is a label. While the LABELs help section does not state so EXPLICITLY, it does put it thusly:
Hotkey and hotstring labels are also valid targets for Goto, Gosub and other commands.
Before that Label says:
A label identifies a line of code, and can be used as a Goto target or to form a subroutine.


To create a label, write the label name followed by a colon as shown above. Aside from whitespace and comments, no other code can be written on the same line.
The last proviso is incorrect, inasmuchas it does not apply to a one-line hotkey defintion, for example:
MyHotkeyLabel:: msgbox Hi Joe

Re: Label, definition of  Topic is solved

Posted: 16 Mar 2020, 09:24
by Ragnar
I will replace a part of the label description with that of, which is more accurate.

Re: Label, definition of

Posted: 16 Mar 2020, 09:54
by joefiesta
appreciated ! thanks