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Re: Enable Function List in Notepad++ for AHK Scripts (with classes now)

Posted: 30 Nov 2019, 08:36
by rediffusion

Hi! :geek:
1. I read your first post, and I did it all in steps.
This file "functionList.xml" a have in 2 locations:

Code: Select all

and here:

Code: Select all

C:\Program Files\Notepad++\
I've made some changes here "AppData".

I don't get it very well. Is this something like "tillagoto" used in SciTE4AutoHotkey?
Show me a screencast or screenshot of how it works? I understand correctly if I have strings:

Code: Select all

…somewhere downstairs, I can type two letters - fi... then I will see "tooltip"!?
Am I right to correct me if I'm not?

Re: Enable Function List in Notepad++ for AHK Scripts (with classes now)

Posted: 30 Nov 2019, 09:20
by toralf
AFAIK this will only populate a window called function list (there should be an icon in the toolbar of npp for it) . The window lists all functions in a file.

Re: Enable Function List in Notepad++ for AHK Scripts (with classes now)

Posted: 09 Dec 2019, 11:51
by rediffusion

There's an interesting topic here...

Re: Enable Function List in Notepad++ for AHK Scripts (with classes now)

Posted: 23 Nov 2020, 09:46
by Nightwolf85
If anybody still checks this thread, Notepad++ has changed the way function list customization works ( I think with v7.9.1 )

Each different language now needs to be in it's own file. I've attached the one I'm using, however I feel it is possibly outdated and may not be the best anymore.

You also need to add a line or two to the overrideMap.xml file.

These are located here:
C:\Program Files\Notepad++\functionList

In the overrideMap you have to add the following lines, I added mine to the location at the bottom specified for User Defined Languages.

Code: Select all

<association id="ahk.xml" ext=".ahk" />
<association id="ahk.xml" userDefinedLangName="AutoHotkey" />
Just make sure that the name you write in here matches exactly what you have your custom language named.

Re: Enable Function List in Notepad++ for AHK Scripts (with classes now)

Posted: 28 Nov 2020, 11:27
by BGM
Thanks for the functionlist!