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WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 28 Jul 2020, 07:30
by jNizM

konnte auf der schnelle kein sinnvollen Eintrag hier im Forum dazu finden.

Hat jemand schon mal sich mit der WIN32_FIND_DATA structure auseinander gesetzt?
WIN32_FIND_DATAA structure & WIN32_FIND_DATAW structure

Wird hauptsächlich für InternetFindNextFileA /W / FtpFindFirstFileA / W und InternetFindNextFileA / W benutzt

Im Forum finde ich die diversesten Strukturgrößen (z.B. 1140 usw.), die alle eigtl nicht stimmen können.
Mit dem sizeofchecker bekomme ich fogendes zurück:

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 28 Jul 2020, 07:38
by jNizM

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typedef struct _WIN32_FIND_DATAA {
    DWORD dwFileAttributes;										// UInt							4
    FILETIME ftCreationTime;									// Ptr		-> UInt / UInt		8
    FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;									// Ptr		-> UInt / UInt		8
    FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;									// Ptr		-> UInt / UInt		8
    DWORD nFileSizeHigh;										// UInt							4
    DWORD nFileSizeLow;											// UInt							4
    DWORD dwReserved0;											// UInt							4
    DWORD dwReserved1;											// UInt							4
    _Field_z_ CHAR   cFileName[ MAX_PATH ];						// Char							260
    _Field_z_ CHAR   cAlternateFileName[ 14 ];					// Char							14
#ifdef _MAC
    DWORD dwFileType;
    DWORD dwCreatorType;
    WORD  wFinderFlags;

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typedef struct _WIN32_FIND_DATAW {
    DWORD dwFileAttributes;										// UInt							4
    FILETIME ftCreationTime;									// Ptr		-> UInt / UInt		8
    FILETIME ftLastAccessTime;									// Ptr		-> UInt / UInt		8
    FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;									// Ptr		-> UInt / UInt		8
    DWORD nFileSizeHigh;										// UInt							4
    DWORD nFileSizeLow;											// UInt							4
    DWORD dwReserved0;											// UInt							4
    DWORD dwReserved1;											// UInt							4
    _Field_z_ WCHAR  cFileName[ MAX_PATH ];						// UShort						260 * 2
    _Field_z_ WCHAR  cAlternateFileName[ 14 ];					// UShort						14 * 2
#ifdef _MAC
    DWORD dwFileType;
    DWORD dwCreatorType;
    WORD  wFinderFlags;

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 28 Jul 2020, 08:40
by swagfag

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	[  0] UInt dwFileAttributes
	[  4] UInt ftCreationTime.dwLowDateTime
	[  8] UInt ftCreationTime.dwHighDateTime
	[ 12] UInt ftLastAccessTime.dwLowDateTime
	[ 16] UInt ftLastAccessTime.dwHighDateTime
	[ 20] UInt ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime
	[ 24] UInt ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime
	[ 28] UInt nFileSizeHigh
	[ 32] UInt nFileSizeLow
	[ 36] UInt dwReserved0
	[ 40] UInt dwReserved1
	[ 44] Char cFileName[ 260 ]
	[304] Char cAlternateFileName[ 14 ]
	[318] Char paddingbytes[ 2 ]

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 29 Jul 2020, 06:12
by just me

nur ein ergänzender Hinweis:

Die FILETIME Struktur enthält zwei DWORD / UInt Felder a 4 Bytes. Das ergibt zwar mit 8 Bytes auf 64-Bit Systemen zusammen einen Speicherbereich in Pointergröße, es ist aber kein Ptr Typ. (Die Ausrichtung lässt grüßen!)

Die Werte aus Deinem sizeofchecker stimmen (siehe swagfag's paddingbytes).

Viel Spaß noch!

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 29 Jul 2020, 06:26
by jNizM

soweit habe ich das zzt. nur sind die Rüggabewerte noch etwas mau. Muss noch mehr testen.

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	FindFirstFile(hConnect, ByRef hFind, SearchFile := "*.*", TimeFormat := "system", SizeFormat := "auto", SizeSuffix := false)
		VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, (A_IsUnicode ? 592 : 320), 0)
		if (hFind := DllCall("wininet\FtpFindFirstFile", "ptr", hConnect, "str", SearchFile, "ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA, "uint", 0, "uint*", 0))
			return this.FindData(&WIN32_FIND_DATA, TimeFormat, SizeFormat, SizeSuffix)
		VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, 0)
		return false

		VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, (A_IsUnicode ? 592 : 320), 0)
		if (DllCall("wininet\InternetFindNextFile", "ptr", hFind, "ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA))
			return this.FindData(&WIN32_FIND_DATA, TimeFormat, SizeFormat, SizeSuffix)
		VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, 0)
		return false

	FindData(WIN32_FIND_DATA, TimeFormat := "system", SizeFormat := "auto", SizeSuffix := false)
		static MAX_PATH := 260
		static MAXDWORD := 0xffffffff

		addr := &WIN32_FIND_DATA
		FIND_DATA := []
		FIND_DATA["FileAttributes"]    := "test"
		FIND_DATA["CreationTime"]      := this.FileTime(   NumGet(addr +  4, "uint") << 32 | NumGet(addr +  8, "uint"), TimeFormat)
		FIND_DATA["LastAccessTime"]    := this.FileTime(   NumGet(addr + 12, "uint") << 32 | NumGet(addr + 16, "uint"), TimeFormat)
		FIND_DATA["LastWriteTime"]     := this.FileTime(   NumGet(addr + 20, "uint") << 32 | NumGet(addr + 24, "uint"), TimeFormat)
		FIND_DATA["FileSize"]          := this.FormatBytes((NumGet(addr + 28, "uint") * (MAXDWORD + 1)) + NumGet(addr + 32, "uint"), SizeFormat, SizeSuffix)
		FIND_DATA["FileName"]          := StrGet(addr + 44, "utf-16")
		FIND_DATA["AlternateFileName"] := StrGet(addr + 44 + MAX_PATH * (A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1), "utf-16")
		return FIND_DATA

	FileTime(FileTime, TimeFormat := "system")
		addr := 0
		if (TimeFormat = "system")
			addr := this.FileTimeToSystemTime(FileTime)
		else if (TimeFormat = "local")
			addr := this.FileTimeToLocalFileTime(FileTime)
			return false

		if (addr)
			return Format("{:04}{:02}{:02}{:02}{:02}{:02}"
					, NumGet(addr,  0, "ushort")
					, NumGet(addr,  2, "ushort")
					, NumGet(addr,  6, "ushort")
					, NumGet(addr,  8, "ushort")
					, NumGet(addr, 10, "ushort")
					, NumGet(addr, 12, "ushort"))
		return false

		VarSetCapacity(SystemTime, 16, 0)
		if (DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &SystemTime))
			return &SystemTime
		return false

		VarSetCapacity(LocalTime, 16, 0)
		if (DllCall("FileTimeToLocalFileTime", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &LocalTime))
			return &LocalTime
		return false

		VarSetCapacity(LocalTime, 16, 0)
		if (DllCall("SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime", "ptr", 0, "ptr", &SystemTime, "ptr", &LocalTime))
			return &LocalTime
		return false

	FormatBytes(bytes, SizeFormat := "auto", suffix := false)
		static S_OK := 0

		if (SizeFormat = "auto")
			size := VarSetCapacity(buf, 1024, 0)
			if (DllCall("shlwapi\StrFormatByteSizeEx", "int64", bytes, "int", SFBS_FLAGS_ROUND_TO_NEAREST_DISPLAYED_DIGIT, "str", buf, "uint", size) = S_OK)
				output := buf
		else if (SizeFormat = "kilobytes" || SizeFormat = "kb")
			output := Round(bytes / 1024, 2) . (suffix ? " KB" : "")
		else if (SizeFormat = "megabytes" || SizeFormat = "mb")
			output := Round(bytes / 1024**2, 2) . (suffix ? " MB" : "")
		else if (SizeFormat = "gigabytes" || SizeFormat = "gb")
			output := Round(bytes / 1024**3, 2) . (suffix ? " GB" : "")
		else if (SizeFormat = "terabytes" || SizeFormat = "tb")
			output := Round(bytes / 1024**4, 2) . (suffix ? " TB" : "")
			output := Round(bytes, 2) . (suffix ? " Bytes" : "")
		return output


Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 29 Jul 2020, 07:57
by swagfag
  • using the wrong pointer
  • UB: accessing out of scope local variables

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 29 Jul 2020, 09:31
by jNizM
First one is done and works.

But for the "FILETIME" I still get strange outputs. Even if its in the same function

Code: Select all

	FindFirstFile(hConnect, ByRef hFind, SearchFile := "*.*", TimeFormat := "system", SizeFormat := "auto", SizeSuffix := false)
		VarSetCapacity(WIN32_FIND_DATA, (A_IsUnicode ? 592 : 320), 0)
		if (hFind := DllCall("wininet\FtpFindFirstFile", "ptr", hConnect, "str", SearchFile, "ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA, "uint", 0, "uint*", 0))

			;MsgBox % FileTime := NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "uint")
			VarSetCapacity(FileTime, 8)
			DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "str", FileTime, "uint", &WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "uint", 8)

			;VarSetCapacity(LocalTime, 16, 0)
			;DllCall("FileTimeToLocalFileTime", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &LocalTime)

			VarSetCapacity(SystemTime, 16, 0)
			DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &SystemTime)
			MsgBox % NumGet(SystemTime, 0, "ushort")

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 29 Jul 2020, 10:03
by swagfag

Code: Select all

DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "str", FileTime, "uint", &WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "uint", 8)
should be

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DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", &FileTime, "Ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "Ptr", 8)

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;VarSetCapacity(LocalTime, 16, 0)
			;DllCall("FileTimeToLocalFileTime", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &LocalTime)
LocalTime should be a FILETIME struct of size 8

thats as far as syntax goes. any other errors can only be attributed to other(unseen) syntax error or incorrect api usage. what does "strange outputs for FILETIME" mean?

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;MsgBox % FileTime := NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "uint")
returns the value of the DWORD dwLowDateTime member of the filetime struct, not a pointer to the struct or whatever

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 30 Jul 2020, 03:58
by jNizM
Selbst wenn ich mich an den im Forum bereits versuchten Klassen / Funktionen halte, bekomme ich trotzdem immer falsche werte zurück.
Even if I stick to the classes / functions already tried in the forum, I still always get wrong values back.

while FileSize works perfect

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FileSize := (NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 28, "uint") * (MAXDWORD + 1)) + NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 32, "uint")
MsgBox % FileSize    ; -> 6 (bytes)
i still stuck with FileTime. I tried every thing I found on this forum about WIN32_FIND_DATA

Code: Select all

;VarSetCapacity(FileTime, 8, 0)
;FileTime := NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "uint") << 32 | NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 8, "uint")		; -> returns 1601
;FileTime := NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "ptr")													; -> returns 1601
;DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "uptr", 8)					; -> returns 1601
;DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", FileTime, "ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4, "uptr", 8)					; -> returns 1601

VarSetCapacity(SystemTime, 16, 0)
DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &SystemTime)

MsgBox % NumGet(SystemTime, 0, "ushort")    ; -> should be 2020 (Year)
I don't know if I'm on the tube or just blind to see the error.
(sounds better in german: Keine Ahnung ob ich auf dem Schlauch stehe oder einfach nur Blind bin, den Fehler zu sehen.)

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 30 Jul 2020, 04:15
by jNizM
Uff.. I got it...

Code: Select all

VarSetCapacity(FileTime, 8, 0)
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &WIN32_FIND_DATA + 20, "uptr", 8)
VarSetCapacity(SystemTime, 16, 0)
DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "ptr", &FileTime, "ptr", &SystemTime)
MsgBox % "Year: " NumGet(SystemTime, 0, "ushort")
My focus was too much on "CreationTime"... which still returns 1601. Also "LastAccessTime" returns 1601.
But "LastWriteTime" returns now 2020

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 30 Jul 2020, 07:51
by jNizM

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 30 Jul 2020, 10:03
by just me

die Funktion FileTimeToSystemTime erwartet ja zwei Pointer:
1. einen Pointer auf eine FILETIME-Struktur,
2. einen Pointer auf eine SYSTEMTIME-Struktur.

Der Wert des Pointers auf die FILETIME-Struktur(ren) ist &WIN32_FIND_DATA + 4/12/20. Diesen Wert kannst Du der Funktion direkt übergeben. Das Auslesen und Zwischenspeichern des Inhalts brauchst Du dafür nicht.

Wenn Du den Wert in eine eigene Variable legen willst, sollte Folgendes funktionieren:

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VarSetCapacity(FileTime, 8, 0)
NumPut(NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 20, "UInt64"), FileTime, "UInt64")
VarSetCapacity(SystemTime, 16, 0)
DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "Ptr", &FileTime, "Ptr", &SystemTime)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
; oder alternativ
; -------------------------------------------------------------------
FileTime := NumGet(&WIN32_FIND_DATA + 20, "UInt64")
VarSetCapacity(SystemTime, 16, 0)
DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "Int64P", FileTime, "Ptr", &SystemTime)
(Der Speicherbereich einer FILETIME-Struktur ist wie der eines Int64-Werts aufgebaut.)

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 31 Jul 2020, 01:26
by jNizM
Danke euch beide. Habe es an der "alternative" angepasst.

Re: WIN32_FIND_DATA structure

Posted: 01 Aug 2020, 04:21
by just me

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   this.FileTimeToSystemTime(addr, SystemTime)
erweckt sehr stark den Anschein, dass in addr ein Pointer und kein Wert übergeben wird. Und genau so hatte ich mir das auch vorgestellt:

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FindData(ByRef WIN32_FIND_DATA, SizeFormat := "auto", SizeSuffix := false)
   FIND_DATA["CreationTime"]      := this.FileTime(addr +  4)
   FIND_DATA["LastAccessTime"]    := this.FileTime(addr + 12)
   FIND_DATA["LastWriteTime"]     := this.FileTime(addr + 20)
   this.FileTimeToSystemTime(addr, SystemTime)
   this.SystemTimeToTzSpecificLocalTime(&SystemTime, LocalTime)
FileTimeToSystemTime(FileTimePtr, ByRef SystemTime)
   VarSetCapacity(SystemTime, 16, 0)
   if (DllCall("FileTimeToSystemTime", "ptr", FileTimePtr, "ptr", &SystemTime))
      return true
   return false
Für FtpFindFirstFile gibt es eine möglicherweise interessante Anmerkung:

For FtpFindFirstFile, file times returned in the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure are in the local time zone, not in a coordinated universal time (UTC) format.