ListView wäre besser Topic is solved

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ListView wäre besser

23 Mar 2021, 03:29

hallo ,

ich habe eine Gui und möchte Symbole und Text anordnen , sobald es aber zu viel werden bekomme ich sie nicht mehr zu sehen weil man Bilder nicht scrollen kann , in ListView bekomme ich es nicht angeordnet.
hat jemand eine Lösung ??


Code: Select all


Gui, +0x300000 ; WS_VSCROLL | WS_HSCROLL
;funktioniert nicht

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Picture,x10 y10 w40 h40 ,C:\Windows\Web\4K\Wallpaper\Windows\img0_1366x768.jpg ; als muster 
Gui, Add, Text   ,x70 y10 h15 w400,extrazeile 1
Gui, Add, Text   ,x70 y+5 h15 w400,extrazeile 2

Gui, Add, Text   ,x60 y20 h40,
loop 20
Gui, Add, Picture,x10 y+20 w40 h40 backgroundtrans ,C:\Windows\Web\4K\Wallpaper\Windows\img0_1366x768.jpg ; als muster ändert sich ständig

Gui, Add, Text   ,x60 y20 h40,
loop 20
Gui, Add, text,x60 y+20 w400 h40 backgroundtrans ,zeile 1
;Gui, Add, Text   ,x60 y+30 h40, Bitte tragen Sie Ihren Namen ein:


Gui, Add, Text   ,x60 y40 h40, 
loop 20
Gui, Add, text,x60 y+20 w400 h40 backgroundtrans ,zeile 2
;Gui, Add, Text   ,x60 y+30 h40, Bitte tragen Sie Ihren Namen ein:


Gui, show, w250 h600  ,testgui

just me
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Re: ListView währe besser

23 Mar 2021, 04:37


Zwischenablage-1.jpg (20.19 KiB) Viewed 1033 times

Code: Select all

Img := "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg"
ImgW := 40 ; Breite der Bilder
ImgH := 40 ; Höhe der Bilder
HIL := IL_Create()
IL_SetSize(HIL, ImgW, ImgH)
IL_Add(HIL, Img, 0xFFFFFF, 1)
Gui, Add, ListView, w600 h300 vLV, Bild|Text
LV_SetImageList(HIL, 1)
Loop, 20
   LV_Add("Icon1", "", "Zeile 1`nZeile 2")
LV_ModifyCol(1, ImgW + 4)
Gui, Show, , LV

; ======================================================================================================================
; IL_SetSize(ILID, W, H)
; Function:       Sets the dimensions of images in an image list and removes all images from the list.
; Parameters:     ILID     -  The unique ID (HIMAGELIST) of the ImageList returned by IL_Create().
;                 W        -  The width, in pixels, of all images in the image list.
;                 H        -  The height, in pixels, of all images in the image list.
; Return values:  Returns nonzero if successful, or zero otherwise.
; MSDN: 
; Remarks:        All images in an image list have the same dimensions.
; ======================================================================================================================
IL_SetSize(ILID, W, H) {
   Return DllCall("ComCtl32.dll\ImageList_SetIconSize", "Ptr", ILID, "Int", W, "Int", H, "Int")
Wenn Du wie im Beispiel die zwei Zeilen untereinander anzeigen willst, musst Du eventuell die Höhe der Bilder anpassen.
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Re: ListView währe besser

23 Mar 2021, 05:06

SUPER !!!!!!!!! DANKE

Kann man den abstand zwischen den Bilder irgend wo angeben und eventuell Zeile 1 in rot und Zeile 2 in grün schreiben ???
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Re: ListView währe besser

23 Mar 2021, 05:18

ohhh und den scroll balken farbig z.b schwarz , nochmal danke :-)
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Re: ListView wäre besser

23 Mar 2021, 11:44

Ok, verschiedene Farben in einer Spalte einer Zeile sind wahrscheinlich möglich, brauchen aber viel 'Handarbeit'. eine fertige Lösung gibt es meines Wissens nicht.

Das Einfärben einer zu einem ListView gehörenden Scrollbar ist wahrscheinlich ähnlich kompliziert, falls machbar.

Wenn es Dir nur um die Möglichkeit geht, die Bilder und den Text zu scrollen, schau Dir das mal an: Class_ScrollGUI - updated on 2015-03-13
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Re: ListView wäre besser

23 Mar 2021, 16:00

Cool das kann ich gut einsetzen,

Code: Select all

;ListView wäre besser  
#SingleInstance force
SetBatchLines, -1
FileEncoding, UTF-8

#Include M:\GUI Datenbank\LVA.ahk

Gui, New
Gui, Font, s%FS%
Gui, Font, s12
Gui, +hwndHGUI +LastFound 
Gui, Add, ListView, w1200 h600 vLV AltSubmit Grid cBlack BackgroundFFDD99, ScreenPrint|ID|Actors|Genres|Col4

HIL := IL_Create()
ImgW := 80 ; Breite der Bilder
ImgH := 80 ; Höhe der Bilder
IL_SetSize(HIL, ImgW, ImgH)

Img1 := "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg"
Img2 := "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Theme1\img1.jpg"

IL_Add(HIL, Img1, 0xFFFFFF, 1)
IL_Add(HIL, Img2, 0xFFFFFF, 1)

LV_SetImageList(HIL, 1)
Loop, 20
   LV_Add("Icon" A_Index, "", A_Index,"Donald Duck`nDaisy Duck`nRoald Dahl","Action`nSoap")
LV_ModifyCol(1, ImgW + 40)
LVA_ListViewAdd("LV", "+AR cfFF0000 cbFFDD99")
OnMessage("0x4E", "LVA_OnNotify")
Gui, Show, , LV

; ======================================================================================================================
; IL_SetSize(ILID, W, H)
; Function:       Sets the dimensions of images in an image list and removes all images from the list.
; Parameters:     ILID     -  The unique ID (HIMAGELIST) of the ImageList returned by IL_Create().
;                 W        -  The width, in pixels, of all images in the image list.
;                 H        -  The height, in pixels, of all images in the image list.
; Return values:  Returns nonzero if successful, or zero otherwise.
; MSDN: 
; Remarks:        All images in an image list have the same dimensions.
; ======================================================================================================================
IL_SetSize(ILID, W, H) {
   Return DllCall("ComCtl32.dll\ImageList_SetIconSize", "Ptr", ILID, "Int", W, "Int", H, "Int")
ListView wäre besser_3.jpg
ListView wäre besser_3.jpg (71.91 KiB) Viewed 698 times
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Re: ListView wäre besser

24 Mar 2021, 03:26

von den farbigen Zeilen bin ich dann mal ab gekommen da es zu aufwändig ist .
Kennt jemand eine Möglichkeit die Zeilenhöhe an zu passen außer mit der Bildgröße ,
alternativ habe ich schon mal daran gedacht zwei Bilder nebeneinander zu machen eins mit 50px und eins mit 30px ,hat aber nicht geklappt .
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Re: ListView wäre besser

24 Mar 2021, 06:13

Ich kenne keine andere Möglichkeit.
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Re: ListView wäre besser

24 Mar 2021, 08:54

wei jemand wie man in das ListView nicht nur 1 bild in die erste zelle bekommt sondern noch ein zweites aus einer zweiten quelle ?
Dann könnte man das zweite bild 10px grösser machen und in der breite auf 0px setzen
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just me
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Re: ListView wäre besser

25 Mar 2021, 05:07

Moin @glnklein,

mit 'halbwegs normalen' Mitteln kann man in jeder Zelle nur ein Bild unterbringen.

Wenn es Dir hauptsächlich ums Scrollen geht, wäre das vielleicht doch die flexiblere Lösung:

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
Img := "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg"
Gui, Child:New, +hwndHCHILD
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Loop, 20 {
   Gui, Add, Pic , xm       w40  h40 AltSubmit, %Img%
   Gui, Add, Text, x+20 yp  w400 h15 cRed     , Extrazeile %A_Index%-1
   Gui, Add, Text, xp   y+5 w400 h15 cGreen   , Extrazeile %A_Index%-2
Parent := New ScrollGUI(HCHILD, 480, 400, "+LabelParent", 2, 2)


; #Include Class_ScrollGUI.ahk
; ======================================================================================================================
; Namepace:       ScrollGUI
; Function:       Creates a scrollable GUI as a parent for GUI windows.
; Tested with:    AHK (1.1.20+ required)
; Tested on:      Win 8.1 (x64)
; License:        The Unlicense ->
; Change log:
;        me        -  initial release on
;        me        -  bug fixes
;        me        -  bug fixes, mouse wheel handling, AutoSize method
;        me        -  mouse wheel handling, resizing, OnMessage, bug fixes
; ======================================================================================================================
Class ScrollGUI {
   Static Instances := []
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; __New          Creates a scrollable parent window (ScrollGUI) for the passed GUI.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    HGUI        -  HWND of the GUI child window.
   ;    Width       -  Width of the client area of the ScrollGUI.
   ;                   Pass 0 to set the client area to the width of the child GUI.
   ;    Height      -  Height of the client area of the ScrollGUI.
   ;                   Pass 0 to set the client area to the height of the child GUI.
   ;    ----------- Optional:
   ;    GuiOptions  -  GUI options to be used when creating the ScrollGUI (e.g. +LabelMyLabel).
   ;                   Default: empty (no options)
   ;    ScrollBars  -  Scroll bars to register:
   ;                   1 : horizontal
   ;                   2 : vertical
   ;                   3 : both
   ;                   Default: 3
   ;    Wheel       -  Register WM_MOUSEWHEEL / WM_MOUSEHWHEEL messages:
   ;                   1 : register WM_MOUSEHWHEEL for horizontal scrolling (reqires Win Vista+)
   ;                   2 : register WM_MOUSEWHEEL for vertical scrolling
   ;                   3 : register both
   ;                   4 : register WM_MOUSEWHEEL for vertical and Shift+WM_MOUSEWHEEL for horizontal scrolling
   ;                   Default: 0
   ; Return values:
   ;    On failure:    False
   ; Remarks:
   ;    The dimensions of the child GUI are determined internally according to the visible children.
   ;    The maximum width and height of the parent GUI will be restricted to the dimensions of the child GUI.
   ;    If you register mouse wheel messages, the messages will be passed to the focused control, unless the mouse
   ;    is hovering on one of the ScrollGUI's scroll bars. If the control doesn't process the message, it will be
   ;    returned back to the ScrollGUI.
   ;    Common controls seem to ignore wheel messages whenever the CTRL is down. So you can use this modifier to
   ;    scroll the ScrollGUI even if a scrollable control has the focus.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   __New(HGUI, Width, Height, GuiOptions := "", ScrollBars := 3, Wheel := 0) {
      Static WS_HSCROLL := "0x100000", WS_VSCROLL := "0x200000"
      Static FN_SCROLL := ObjBindMethod(ScrollGui, "On_WM_Scroll")
      Static FN_SIZE := ObjBindMethod(ScrollGui, "On_WM_Size")
      Static FN_WHEEL := ObjBindMethod(ScrollGUI, "On_WM_Wheel")
      ScrollBars &= 3
      Wheel &= 7
      If ((ScrollBars <> 1) && (ScrollBars <> 2) && (ScrollBars <> 3))
      || ((Wheel <> 0) && (Wheel <> 1) && (Wheel <> 2) && (Wheel <> 3) && (Wheel <> 4))
         Return False
      If !DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr", HGUI, "UInt")
         Return False
      VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
      ; Child GUI
      If !This.AutoSize(HGUI, GuiW, GuiH)
         Return False
      Gui, %HGUI%:-Caption -Resize
      Gui, %HGUI%:Show, w%GuiW% h%GuiH% Hide
      MaxH := GuiW
      MaxV := GuiH
      LineH := Ceil(MaxH / 20)
      LineV := Ceil(MaxV / 20)
      ; ScrollGUI
      If (Width = 0) || (Width > MaxH)
         Width := MaxH
      If (Height = 0) || (Height > MaxV)
         Height := MaxV
      Styles := (ScrollBars & 1 ? " +" . WS_HSCROLL : "") . (ScrollBars & 2 ? " +" . WS_VSCROLL : "")
      Gui, New, %GuiOptions% %Styles% +hwndHWND
      Gui, %HWND%:Show, w%Width% h%Height% Hide
      Gui, %HWND%:+MaxSize%MaxH%x%MaxV%
      PageH := Width + 1
      PageV := Height + 1
      ; Instance variables
      This.HWND := HWND + 0
      This.HGUI := HGUI
      This.Width := Width
      This.Height := Height
      This.UseShift := False
      If (ScrollBars & 1) {
         This.SetScrollInfo(0, {Max: MaxH, Page: PageH, Pos: 0}) ; SB_HORZ = 0
         OnMessage(0x0114, FN_SCROLL) ; WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114
         If (Wheel & 1)
            OnMessage(0x020E, FN_WHEEL) ; WM_MOUSEHWHEEL = 0x020E
         Else If (Wheel & 4) {
            OnMessage(0x020A, FN_WHEEL) ; WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A
            This.UseShift := True
         This.MaxH := MaxH
         This.LineH := LineH
         This.PageH := PageH
         This.PosH := 0
         This.ScrollH := True
         If (Wheel & 5)
            This.WheelH := True
      If (ScrollBars & 2) {
         This.SetScrollInfo(1, {Max: MaxV, Page: PageV, Pos: 0}) ; SB_VERT = 1
         OnMessage(0x0115, FN_SCROLL) ; WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
         If (Wheel & 6)
            OnMessage(0x020A, FN_WHEEL) ; WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A
         This.MaxV := MaxV
         This.LineV := LineV
         This.PageV := PageV
         This.PosV := 0
         This.ScrollV := True
         If (Wheel & 6)
            This.WheelV := True
      ; Set the position of the child GUI
      Gui, %HGUI%:+Parent%HWND%
      Gui, %HGUI%:Show, x0 y0
      ; Adjust the scroll bars
      This.Instances[This.HWND] := &This
      OnMessage(0x0005, FN_SIZE) ; WM_SIZE = 0x0005
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; __Delete       Destroy the GUIs, if they still exist.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   __Delete() {
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Show           Shows the ScrollGUI.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    Title       -  Title of the ScrollGUI window
   ;    ShowOptions -  Gui, Show command options, width or height options are ignored
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Show(Title := "", ShowOptions := "") {
      ShowOptions := RegExReplace(ShowOptions, "i)\+?AutoSize")
      W := This.Width
      H := This.Height
      Gui, % This.HWND . ":Show", %ShowOptions% w%W% h%H%, %Title%
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Destroy        Destroys the ScrollGUI and the associated child GUI.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    None.
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; Remarks:
   ;    Use this method instead of 'Gui, Destroy' to remove the ScrollGUI from the 'Instances' object.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Destroy() {
      If This.Instances.HasKey(This.HWND) {
         Gui, % This.HWND . ":Destroy"
         This.Instances.Remove(This.HWND, "")
         Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; AdjustToChild  Adjust the scroll bars to the new child dimensions.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    None
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; Remarks:
   ;    Call this method whenever the visible area of the child GUI has to be changed, e.g. after adding, hiding,
   ;    unhiding, resizing, or repositioning controls.
   ;    The dimensions of the child GUI are determined internally according to the visible children.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   AdjustToChild() {
      VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
      DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindowRect", "Ptr", This.HGUI, "Ptr", &RC)
      PrevW := NumGet(RC, 8, "Int") - NumGet(RC, 0, "Int")
      PrevH := Numget(RC, 12, "Int") - NumGet(RC, 4, "Int")
      DllCall("User32.dll\ScreenToClient", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Ptr", &RC)
      XC := XN := NumGet(RC, 0, "Int")
      YC := YN := NumGet(RC, 4, "Int")
      If !This.AutoSize(This.HGUI, GuiW, GuiH)
         Return False
      Gui, % This.HGUI . ":Show", x%XC% y%YC% w%GuiW% h%GuiH%
      MaxH := GuiW
      MaxV := GuiH
      Gui, % This.HWND . ":+MaxSize" . MaxH . "x" . MaxV
      If (GuiW < This.Width) || (GuiH < This.Height) {
         Gui, % This.HWND . ":Show", w%GuiW% h%GuiH%
         This.Width := GuiW
         This.SetPage(1, MaxH + 1)
         This.Height := GuiH
         This.SetPage(2, MaxV + 1)
      LineH := Ceil(MaxH / 20)
      LineV := Ceil(MaxV / 20)
      If This.ScrollH {
         This.SetMax(1, MaxH)
         This.LineH := LineH
         If (XC + MaxH) < This.Width {
            XN += This.Width - (XC + MaxH)
            If (XN > 0)
               XN := 0
            This.SetScrollInfo(0, {Pos: XN * -1})
            This.GetScrollInfo(0, SI)
            This.PosH := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
      If This.ScrollV {
         This.SetMax(2, MaxV)
         This.LineV := LineV
         If (YC + MaxV) < This.Height {
            YN += This.Height - (YC + MaxV)
            If (YN > 0)
               YN := 0
            This.SetScrollInfo(1, {Pos: YN * -1})
            This.GetScrollInfo(1, SI)
            This.PosV := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
      If (XC <> XN) || (YC <> YN)
         DllCall("User32.dll\ScrollWindow", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", XN - XC, "Int", YN - YC, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; SetMax         Sets the width or height of the scrolling area.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    SB          -  Scroll bar to set the value for:
   ;                   1 = horizontal
   ;                   2 = vertical
   ;    Max         -  Width respectively height of the scrolling area in pixels
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   SetMax(SB, Max) {
      ; SB_HORZ = 0, SB_VERT = 1
      If (SB <> 0) && (SB <> 1)
         Return False
      If (SB = 0)
         This.MaxH := Max
         This.MaxV := Max
      Return This.SetScrollInfo(SB, {Max: Max})
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; SetLine        Sets the number of pixels to scroll by line.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    SB          -  Scroll bar to set the value for:
   ;                   1 = horizontal
   ;                   2 = vertical
   ;    Line        -  Number of pixels.
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   SetLine(SB, Line) {
      ; SB_HORZ = 0, SB_VERT = 1
      If (SB <> 0) && (SB <> 1)
         Return False
      If (SB = 0)
         This.LineH := Line
         This.LineV := Line
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; SetPage        Sets the number of pixels to scroll by page.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    SB          -  Scroll bar to set the value for:
   ;                   1 = horizontal
   ;                   2 = vertical
   ;    Page        -  Number of pixels.
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; Remarks:
   ;    If the ScrollGUI is resizable, the page size will be recalculated automatically while resizing.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   SetPage(SB, Page) {
      ; SB_HORZ = 0, SB_VERT = 1
      If (SB <> 0) && (SB <> 1)
         Return False
      If (SB = 0)
         This.PageH := Page
         This.PageV := Page
      Return This.SetScrollInfo(SB, {Page: Page})
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Methods for internal or system use!!!
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   AutoSize(HGUI, ByRef Width, ByRef Height) {
      DHW := A_DetectHiddenWindows
      DetectHiddenWindows, On
      VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
      Width := Height := 0
      HWND := HGUI
      CMD := 5 ; GW_CHILD
      L := T := R := B := LH := TH := ""
      While (HWND := DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", HWND, "UInt", CMD, "UPtr")) && (CMD := 2) {
         WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %HWND%
         W += X, H += Y
         WinGet, Styles, Style, ahk_id %HWND%
         If (Styles & 0x10000000) { ; WS_VISIBLE
            If (L = "") || (X < L)
               L := X
            If (T = "") || (Y < T)
               T := Y
            If (R = "") || (W > R)
               R := W
            If (B = "") || (H > B)
               B := H
         Else {
            If (LH = "") || (X < LH)
               LH := X
            If (TH = "") || (Y < TH)
               TH := Y
      DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
      If (LH <> "") {
         VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0)
         NumPut(LH, POINT, 0, "Int")
         DllCall("ScreenToClient", "Ptr", HGUI, "Ptr", &POINT)
         LH := NumGet(POINT, 0, "Int")
      If (TH <> "") {
         VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0)
         NumPut(TH, POINT, 4, "Int")
         DllCall("ScreenToClient", "Ptr", HGUI, "Ptr", &POINT)
         TH := NumGet(POINT, 4, "Int")
      NumPut(L, RECT, 0, "Int"), NumPut(T, RECT,  4, "Int")
      NumPut(R, RECT, 8, "Int"), NumPut(B, RECT, 12, "Int")
      DllCall("MapWindowPoints", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", HGUI, "Ptr", &RECT, "UInt", 2)
      Width := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int") + (LH <> "" ? LH : NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int"))
      Height := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int") + (TH <> "" ? TH : NumGet(RECT,  4, "Int"))
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetScrollInfo(SB, ByRef SI) {
      VarSetCapacity(SI, 28, 0) ; SCROLLINFO
      NumPut(28, SI, 0, "UInt")
      NumPut(0x17, SI, 4, "UInt") ; SIF_ALL = 0x17
      Return DllCall("User32.dll\GetScrollInfo", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", SB, "Ptr", &SI, "UInt")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   SetScrollInfo(SB, Values) {
      Static SIF := {Max: 0x01, Page: 0x02, Pos: 0x04}
      Static Off := {Max: 12, Page: 16, Pos: 20}
      Mask := 0
      VarSetCapacity(SI, 28, 0) ; SCROLLINFO
      NumPut(28, SI, 0, "UInt")
      For Key, Value In Values {
         If SIF.HasKey(Key) {
            Mask |= SIF[Key]
            NumPut(Value, SI, Off[Key], "UInt")
      If (Mask) {
         NumPut(Mask | 0x08, SI, 4, "UInt") ; SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL = 0x08
         Return DllCall("User32.dll\SetScrollInfo", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", SB, "Ptr", &SI, "UInt", 1, "UInt")
      Return False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   On_WM_Scroll(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      ; WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114, WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
      If (Instance := Object(This.Instances[HWND]))
         If ((Msg = 0x0114) && Instance.ScrollH)
         || ((Msg = 0x0115) && Instance.ScrollV)
            Return Instance.Scroll(WP, LP, Msg, HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Scroll(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      ; WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114, WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
      If (LP <> 0)
      SB := (Msg = 0x0114 ? 0 : 1) ; SB_HORZ : SB_VERT
      SC := WP & 0xFFFF
      SD := (Msg = 0x0114 ? This.LineH : This.LineV)
      SI := 0
      If !This.GetScrollInfo(SB, SI)
      PA := PN := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
      PN := (SC = 0) ? PA - SD ; SB_LINEMINUS
          : (SC = 1) ? PA + SD ; SB_LINEPLUS
          : (SC = 2) ? PA - NumGet(SI, 16, "UInt") ; SB_PAGEMINUS
          : (SC = 3) ? PA + NumGet(SI, 16, "UInt") ; SB_PAGEPLUS
          : (SC = 5) ? NumGet(SI, 24, "Int") ; SB_THUMBTRACK
          : PA
      If (PA = PN)
         Return 0
      This.SetScrollInfo(SB, {Pos: PN})
      This.GetScrollInfo(SB, SI)
      PN := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
      If (SB = 0)
         This.PosH := PN
         This.PosV := PN
      If (PA <> PN) {
         HS := (Msg = 0x0114) ? PA - PN : 0
         VS := (Msg = 0x0115) ? PA - PN : 0
         DllCall("User32.dll\ScrollWindow", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", HS, "Int", VS, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
      Return 0
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   On_WM_Size(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      If ((WP = 0) || (WP = 2)) && (Instance := Object(This.Instances[HWND]))
         Return Instance.Size(LP & 0xFFFF, (LP >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Size(Width := 0, Height := 0) {
      If (Width = 0) || (Height = 0) {
         VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
         DllCall("User32.dll\GetClientRect", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Ptr", &RC)
         Width := NumGet(RC, 8, "Int")
         Height := Numget(RC, 12, "Int")
      SH := SV := 0
      If This.ScrollH {
         If (Width <> This.Width) {
            This.SetScrollInfo(0, {Page: Width + 1})
            This.Width := Width
            This.GetScrollInfo(0, SI)
            PosH := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
            SH := This.PosH - PosH
            This.PosH := PosH
      If This.ScrollV {
         If (Height <> This.Height) {
            This.SetScrollInfo(1, {Page: Height + 1})
            This.Height := Height
            This.GetScrollInfo(1, SI)
            PosV := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
            SV := This.PosV - PosV
            This.PosV := PosV
      If (SH) || (SV)
         DllCall("User32.dll\ScrollWindow", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", SH, "Int", SV, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
      Return 0
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   On_WM_Wheel(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      ; MK_SHIFT = 0x0004, WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A, WM_MOUSEHWHEEL = 0x020E, WM_NCHITTEST = 0x0084
      HACT := WinActive("A") + 0
      If (HACT <> HWND) && (Instance := Object(This.Instances[HACT])) {
         SendMessage, 0x0084, 0, % (LP & 0xFFFFFFFF), , ahk_id %HACT%
         OnBar := ErrorLevel
         If (OnBar = 6) && Instance.WheelH ; HTHSCROLL = 6
            Return Instance.Wheel(WP, LP, 0x020E, HACT)
         If (OnBar = 7) && Instance.WheelV ; HTVSCROLL = 7
            Return Instance.Wheel(WP, LP, 0x020A, HACT)
      If (Instance := Object(This.Instances[HWND])) {
         If ((Msg = 0x020E) && Instance.WheelH)
         || ((Msg = 0x020A) && (Instance.WheelV || (Instance.WheelH && Instance.UseShift && (WP & 0x0004))))
            Return Instance.Wheel(WP, LP, Msg, HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Wheel(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      ; MK_SHIFT = 0x0004, WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A, WM_MOUSEHWHEEL = 0x020E, WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114, WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
      If (Msg = 0x020A) && This.UseShift && (WP & 0x0004)
         Msg := 0x020E
      Msg := (Msg = 0x020A ? 0x0115 : 0x0114)
      SB := ((WP >> 16) > 0x7FFF) || (WP < 0) ? 1 : 0
      Return This.Scroll(SB, 0, Msg, HWND)
Posts: 6564
Joined: 13 May 2014, 17:15

Re: ListView wäre besser

25 Mar 2021, 05:36

Sollen die Bilder (in unterschiedlicher Größe) als Aliase für Download-Links agieren?? Dann zeige das Bild (ausschließlich für die aktuell aktive Zeile) in der GUI separat in voller Größe, jedoch an anderer Position an, und platziere in der LV-Zeile stattdessen 'download-icons' ('Disketten') in Größe 8x8px an.
IMHO ist hierfür ein gutes Beispiel die Gui von:
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Posts: 90
Joined: 23 Oct 2020, 04:26

Re: ListView wäre besser  Topic is solved

28 Mar 2021, 09:31

danke ich schau mal was ich am ende verwende aber eine gute Option ist dein Code
Für mich ist die frage super beantwortet

Danke an alle
:D verwende AutoHotkey104805 :D ------------------------UPDATE auf .. erfolgreich , jetzt kommen neue Probleme :lolno:

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