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Help me to make script for battles in Yakuza Series

Posted: 29 Apr 2024, 11:57
by lukepker
Hi! I have physical disabilities, and fast button mashing is difficult for me. So, I tried to make process easier using Autohotkey v2, but have no idea how to do it =(
I want to make this script with 2 parts: the 1st part is while i holding Shift button, script is pressing shift repeatly with pauses in 300ms, and when I release button, script stops pressings, and the 2nd part is same as 1st one, but with left mouse button instead of shift.
Help me to make this script, please (and sorry for bad english)

Re: Help me to make script for battles in Yakuza Series  Topic is solved

Posted: 30 Apr 2024, 08:02
by mikeyww
Welcome to this AutoHotkey forum!

Short of a class, here is a simple approach.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
spam1  := () => SendEvent('{Shift}')
spam2  := () => SendEvent('{LButton}')
period := 300
SetKeyDelay 25, 25

RShift:: {
 SetTimer(spam1, period), spam1()
 SoundBeep 1500
 KeyWait ThisHotkey

LShift Up::
RShift Up:: {
 SetTimer spam1, 0
 SoundBeep 1000

+LButton:: {
 SetTimer(spam2, period), spam2()
 SoundBeep 1500

LButton Up::
+LButton Up:: {
 SetTimer spam2, 0
 SoundBeep 1000