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Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 15:33
by joedf
Maybe a special directive in the future...? :)

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 17:55
boiler wrote:
27 Aug 2020, 11:25
Given the goal of making it as much like AHK as possible, it would make the most sense for array indexing to be the same as it is in AHK.
I agree with boiler. The core of those that will use Keysharp will be existing AHK users, that are using or will now experiment with non-Windows OSes, are involved with C# and .NET, or possibly involved in RDA/RPA. Makes sense to keep the switching between variants as smooth as possible. With Keysharp being aligned more with AHK v2, this will probably cause enough issues as it is and with the "moving target issue" since AHK v2 is still evolving and not locked into a Beta yet.

The other very important point would seem to be documentation. With Keysharp sticking close to AHK, people can often refer to the existing AHK help. Allowing Keysharp to keep its help file to just the minimum or differences, because that will take time to do build as well. As a reference, AutoHotkey_H help files kind of does this.

If something is done, than I think joedf's idea seems best, where there is a directive.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 23:13
by Chunjee
In my mind, Keysharp is ahk's best chance to become more compliant with programming norms. Only working on one OS; not normal. Using 1 as the starting index; not normal.

So I encourage Keysharp to make it an option at least.
but as always, I appreciate and encourage OP's efforts and will use Keysharp regardless.

One reason I bring this up as early as I can; is so mfeemster doesn't get coded into a corner where it gets to hard work around later.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 27 Aug 2020, 23:57
Chunjee wrote:
27 Aug 2020, 23:13
Using 1 as the starting index; not normal.
That's not entirely true, or at least its not something that outrageous or that AHK doesn't have company. A number of famous programming languages start at 1 or are flexible about it. Pascal/Object Pascal and Ada are flexible. Lua, Smalltalk, COBOL, Fortran, Julia, MATLAB, etc... default is 1. Just saying...

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 01 Sep 2020, 16:20
by BoBo
Not sure if this is of any use (i.e. to create a new keysharp/AHK-command)
Keyword: virtual desktop / Win10

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 01 Sep 2020, 21:56
by mfeemster
I have thought about the indexing thing, and have had some conversations with @Chunjee in Discord. Initially, I will leave indexing as 1-based, but will provide a #directive later on.

I am currently still trying to wrap up the file/dir functions. I'm almost done, just been hung up on the Ini file functions for a couple of weeks because I've been busy with other things.

Regarding the virtual desktop link, I've bookmarked it and will give it another look sometime in the future.

Regarding documentation, I've had some thoughts about that myself. I might just start with the AHK documentation, and insert my changes into it. Not sure though, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Thanks for the interest. This stuff is slow going, but we'll get there eventually.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 03 Sep 2020, 05:25
by BoBo
@mfeemster mster
Regarding documentation, I've had some thoughts about that myself. I might just start with the AHK documentation, and insert my changes into it. Not sure though, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.
The expert ! regarding the AHK documentation (IMHO by far), and especially for the reason that he's doing it on a constant basis (AFAIK, for ages now) is <f a n f a r e> :salute: :salute: @Ragnar :salute: :salute: Just for the records. I'd guess it's kinda 'must' to get in touch with him sooner or later. Thx for listening :)

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 03 Sep 2020, 15:26
by mfeemster
Thanks @BoBo, I'll keep that user in mind when the time for documentation comes.

I would like to announce that I have finished the file/dir functions. All except for one: FileOpen() because that returns an object and I need to do some more work to get objects fully supported.

I will move onto the registry functions next. IronAHK has already started them, so it shouldn't be too much work to put on the finishing touches.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 13 Sep 2020, 23:43
by mfeemster
I have finished the registry functions. I will move onto the Drive functions next. IronAHK has already started them, so it shouldn't be too much work to put on the finishing touches.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 01:16
mfeemster wrote:
13 Sep 2020, 23:43
I have finished the registry functions. I will move onto the Drive functions next. IronAHK has already started them, so it shouldn't be too much work to put on the finishing touches.

Thanks for the update and good news.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 15 Sep 2020, 07:04
by burque505
Thanks @mfeemster, that's great news.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 23 Sep 2020, 00:37
by mfeemster
I have finished the drive functions. I was unable to fully test some because they deal specifically with CD drives and I don't have a CD drive on this laptop.

I will move onto the Process functions next. IronAHK has already done some of them, but V2 adds a few more.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 28 Sep 2020, 20:22
by mfeemster
I have finished the Process functions and will move on to the Screen functions. IronAHK has already started them, so it shouldn't be too much work to put on the finishing touches.

FYI, the Shutdown() function only seems to work when doing a logoff. A full shutdown or power off never seemed to work. Unsure how to solve this.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 01 Oct 2020, 04:15
by BoBo
BC I have no clue of that whole topic, you should ignore the following if being nonsense or unrelated: Nevertheless, HTH and thx for your effort :thumbup:

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 01 Oct 2020, 07:22
by joedf
For windows, you'll likely want to use InitiateSystemShutdownEx :

There are probably system calls on Linux and macOS, but here's code golf with a bunch implementations:

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 30 Oct 2020, 12:17
Chunjee wrote:
11 Aug 2020, 07:18
mfeemster wrote:
11 Aug 2020, 07:14
it makes far more sense to do something like:
retval := func(x, y)


func(ref retval, x, y)
jc thank you. I call that output as arguments and it needs to go away forever.
I kind of overlooked commenting about this before, but ByRef parameters are in AHK_v2 and in other programming languages as well, though can be called by a different name like out parameters. In AutoHotkey, this can be avoided by returning an Object (Associative Array) or an Array. The ByRef or out parameter issue exists in other programming languages as well, and usually they also have alternative ways to return multiple results. In the AHK community, appears a lot of AHKers fell into the habit of using ByRef in their functions, which is why it was so widely seen. But it didn't have to be that way.

Help document examples:

Code: Select all

    Test := [123,"ABC"]
    return Test

    x := 456
    y := "EFG"
    return [x, y]

    Test := {id: 789, val: "HIJ"}
    return Test

    Test := {} := 789
    Test.val := "HIJ"
    return Test

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 08:55
by mfeemster
I took a month and a half off from this project, so it took me a while, but I've finished the Screen function. ImageSearch() was the hardest one.

I am now back to working on this regularly and will now implement the Monitor functions. IronAHK never implemented these, so I'll be doing them from scratch.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 09:01
by burque505
@mfeemster, thanks for the update, great news. Really looking forward to it.

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 10 Nov 2020, 10:30
by anaglypta
If IronAHK has SysGet, that would have the Monitor functionality.
jeeswg's backport lib may give you other clues for where AHK v1 commands can be shaped into AHK v2 functions.
Thanks for working on this!

Re: Keysharp - the resurrection of IronAHK

Posted: 12 Nov 2020, 00:11
by mfeemster
I have finished the Monitor functions. I will move onto the Sound functions next. IronAHK has already started them, so it shouldn't be too much work to put on the finishing touches.

Regarding the comments about monitor functions, it was fairly easy to do because C# has the System.Windows.Forms.Screen class which hides all of the tedious Windows API calls from the programmer.