Almost there! Need some help creating 2 toggles :) Topic is solved

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Almost there! Need some help creating 2 toggles :)  Topic is solved

02 May 2017, 11:30

Hello! :)

I created a script to hold down a key (Q and E, respectively) on a toggle. This is so that I can toggle the leaning function in-game. (S.T.A.L.K.E.R : Call of Pripyat)

I need the script to do 3 things:
  • Hold Q down on a toggle
  • Hold E down on a toggle
  • Switch between holding E to holding Q when the other one is pressed
Here is my code, it works in notepad; spamming q then e, etc.
However once in-game it works once, then stops leaning. Alt-tabbing back to notepad and it works no problem?

Any help would be amazing! :dance:

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#maxThreadsPerHotkey, 4

;================DECLARE VARIABLES===================================
toggle_q := 0 
toggle_e := 0

;===========RUN LEAN_HOLD EVERY 100 TICS=============================
settimer, lean_hold_q, 100 ;run lean_hold every 100 tics
settimer, lean_hold_e, 101

;===========Q BUTTON TOGGLE==========================================

toggle_e := 0  ;stop other lean direction

toggle_q := !toggle_q  ; switch from toggle true/false everytime "q" pressed

lean_hold_q:    ;routine runs by setimer
	If (!Toggle_q) ; if not toggled on, do nothing
	Sendinput {q DOWN}       ; if toggled on send q 

;===========E BUTTON TOGGLE (SAME AS Q TOGGLE)=======================

Toggle_q := 0

toggle_e := !toggle_e

	If (!Toggle_e)
	Sendinput {e DOWN}


Here is the code that solved my problem! (posted by neomulemi6) (

Code: Select all

q := !q
if (q) 
	send {e up}{q down}
	send {q up}

e := !e
if (e)
	send {q up}{e down}
	send {e up}

Last edited by Albertstrum on 06 May 2017, 11:14, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Almost there! Need some help creating 2 toggles :)

02 May 2017, 12:11

Code: Select all

q := !q
if (q) 
	send {e up}{q down}
	send {q up}

e := !e
if (e)
	send {q up}{e down}
	send {e up}
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Re: Almost there! Need some help creating 2 toggles :)

02 May 2017, 14:50

Looks like you got help. Why asking specific for me?
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Re: Almost there! Need some help creating 2 toggles :)

03 May 2017, 11:50

Thanks neomulemi6 for your code, it is working :) (after adding * to q:: and e:: :p)

There still some issues though :(

I press Q, it holds down Q, I press Q again, and it lets Q go up (perfect!) - Same with using E.

The issue is switching between the toggles, for example: When Q is toggled down, I tap E to switch to E toggle down and it takes between 0 - 3 taps. The same goes for switching from E to Q.

It seems to be getting caught up on something? ( I have tried #MaxThreadsPerHotkey, 4 with no success :( )

In this thread ... 18&t=24666
they suggest using a loop to avoid weird behavior, I will experiment them in the meantime.

@Almost_there Haha a bit of serendipity there sorry, still, any ideas on my issue? :D :D
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Re: Almost there! Need some help creating 2 toggles :)

03 May 2017, 12:44

I have adapted eventhorizon's script to use Q and E, but the exact same issue remains; works a for a few key presses then the game stops being able to hold Q or E at all (although after alt-tabbing into notepad, it works perfectly!?)

Code: Select all

; set all the toggles to 0 first
qtoggle := 0
etoggle := 0

;loop through the keys to send
{	gosub SendMyKeys
*q:: ;set the q toggle
	etoggle := 0
	qtoggle := !qtoggle
	;msgbox,0x1000,,qtoggle = %qtoggle%
*e:: ;set the e toggle
	qtoggle := 0
	etoggle := !etoggle
	;msgbox,0x1000,,etoggle = %etoggle%

;this sends the keys one after the other with a 10ms delay to allow the
;keys to settle; the loop above will keep this thing running even if no
;toggles are active. You may want to find another way to activate the 
;SendMyKeys subroutine so you can use other keys too but this is just a
;proof of concept.

	if (qtoggle)
	{	send, {q DOWN}
		sleep 10
	if (etoggle)
	{	send, {e DOWN}
		sleep 10
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Re: Almost there! Need some help creating 2 toggles :)

03 May 2017, 18:15

That's strange. Must be that particular game doing something strange, because I did test my script in a different game and it worked as intended. Maybe try putting SetKeyDelay, 0, 50 at the top of your script?
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Re: Almost there! Need some help creating 2 toggles :)

06 May 2017, 11:10

Must be, the game uses a very buggy engine it's likely.
I'm using the code you posted and it's much better than having to hold down the buttons so I'm happy.


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