Age of Empires2 HD BOT Topic is solved

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Age of Empires2 HD BOT  Topic is solved

18 May 2017, 09:24

Hi there i would like to create my own bot in aoe 2 hd but i dont want to use csharp c++

so there is my plan when i think today:

-1 map, 8 players max, 8 colors,

- starting map for example, 200 wood 200 food 200 gold 200 stone 3/5 entities

- the first begun at view is one forum with 3 villageois for francs example

- the zone can be or not can be displace by sheeps, baies, big gold and stone

- maybe is was overplace by trees so

- I use process PID for doing something else during playing party

- I press or I autoload script by game For this example i start manually by pressing F1

- so F1:: send v = selecting villagers, send q send q = chosing building defensive and select house (q is the hotkey)

- i note -50 food by villagers, ok actual 150

- now age of empires deliver only snow map all white color or grass map or desert map

The texture of the three's is desert + grass Desert only Grass only or snow only

So now my house is in isometric view by the default game view by 400 x 400y in square

First i need to scan empty zone by the grass desert or snow and send to script

to cmove on empty side and click left button. i stopped after i would liek to purpose my thinkin.

So :

Am i in good direction ?

Can you tell me if you have ideas fore add or change this invention ?

i add i have think to detect 8 color more far in party and when the color come to my buildign for example i will auto bring bell and send unit on Ennemy unit.

Friendly need your help,


Re: Age of Empires2 HD BOT

18 May 2017, 12:50

yes there is

Code: Select all

;200 wood 
;200 food
;100 gold
;200 stone
;4/5 entities
;hotkeys building defensive is q
;hotkeys building house is a
;innocupate villager r
;go to forum e
;create villagers
;size house 182x91 diagonal
;Grass Color is 0x889A34
;Pavé color is 0x8F6D55
;Tree Color is 0x4B361C
CoordMode, ToolTip, screen
CoordMode, Mouse, screen
CoordMode, Pixel, screen
WinGet, id, ID, ahk_exe AoK HD.exe
Send r
sleep 70
send q
sleep 70
send a
sleep 70
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Posts: 368
Joined: 28 Apr 2015, 05:41

Re: Age of Empires2 HD BOT

20 May 2017, 10:43

great, just ask if you want more help :)

Re: Age of Empires2 HD BOT

21 May 2017, 23:24

How to calculate Coordinate from/to XY ?

like Pixelsearch X, Y, 0, 36, 1920, 900 to divide by 200x200 square scan actual screen ?

Re: Age of Empires2 HD BOT

25 May 2017, 02:56


download a autohotkey editor and use window spy to see the coordinates

Re: Age of Empires2 HD BOT

25 May 2017, 05:31

no i would say, how to go coordinate 0,0 to 1920 1080 without write all pixelserach by sqaure search 200x200 like

PixleSearch 0,0,200,0

PixleSearch 0,0,200,0
PixleSearch 0,0,400,0
PixleSearch 0,0,400,0

until all my screen size

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