Pulover's Macro Creator v5.4.1 - The Complete Automation Tool

Advanced Macro Recorder/Editor.

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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

19 Oct 2017, 16:03

Hi.I have a script that I created using Pulover's macro creator. When I export as an exe, my script is working but after running it still works in the system tray. I want it to automatically shut down after I run my script without pressing any key. I made a few trials, but it did not close.
My script

Code: Select all

Run, C:\Program Files (x86)\CAS\LP-Works\LP-Works.exe, C:\Program Files (x86)\CAS\LP-Works\
WinActivate, Program Manager ahk_class Progman
Sleep, 333
Sleep, 4000
Send, {LAlt Down}{f}{LAlt Up}{Down 4}{Right}{Enter}
Sleep, 333
SendRaw, expdata.XLS
Send, {Enter}{Enter}
WinWaitActive, LP-Works
Sleep, 333
    CoordMode, Pixel, Window
    ImageSearch, FoundX, FoundY, 0, 0, 1373, 736, C:\Users\Win\Downloads\MacroCreatorPortable\x64\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20171019223225.png
    CenterImgSrchCoords("C:\Users\Win\Downloads\MacroCreatorPortable\x64\MacroCreator\Screenshots\Screen_20171019223225.png", FoundX, FoundY)
    If ErrorLevel = 0
    	Click, %FoundX%, %FoundY% Left, 1
Until ErrorLevel = 0
Sleep, 333
Send, {LAlt Down}{c}{LAlt Up}{Down}{Enter}{Enter}
Sleep, 333
Send, {LAlt Down}{f}{LAlt Up}{x}

CenterImgSrchCoords(File, ByRef CoordX, ByRef CoordY)
	static LoadedPic
	LastEL := ErrorLevel
	Gui, Pict:Add, Pic, vLoadedPic, %File%
	GuiControlGet, LoadedPic, Pict:Pos
	Gui, Pict:Destroy
	CoordX += LoadedPicW // 2
	CoordY += LoadedPicH // 2
	ErrorLevel := LastEL

Sorry my bad english.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

24 Oct 2017, 18:30


OS: W7x64 Hebrew
AutoHotkeyU64.exe (<-- AHK Portable version)
AutoHotkeyU64.ahk (<-- Source code - PuloversMacroCreator-5.0.5)

1. I get many alerts like this:

2. After pressing No, the program doesn't come up.

Look at
https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic ... 14&t=34020
Last edited by Stamimail on 25 Oct 2017, 05:20, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

25 Oct 2017, 00:23

Did you try Porteble.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

26 Oct 2017, 05:03

hasantr wrote:Did you try Porteble.
Tested all versions (Sourcecode, Portable, Setup).
The problem is there in all.
I get like 40 dialog-boxes like the above, one by one, before the program appear.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

29 Oct 2017, 14:36

I get like 40 dialog-boxes like the above, one by one, before the program appear.
It doesn't matter what the Keyboard Input is when starting Pulover's Macro Creator, it always switch the Keyboard Input to He (Hebrew), and showing the #1 Dialog-Box. But...
leaving it on Hebrew Keyboard Input, making the 40 dialog-boxes to appear, one by one (OK OK OK ...) as described. Program doesn't have those Hotkeys.
Switching the Keyboard Input to En(English) after the first dialog-box show up, making the program run after pressing OK. Program has those Hotkeys (except the first one ^c).

Tested on XP.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

13 Nov 2017, 19:34

Hello and thank you for the highly useful tool. It has saved me so much time.

I have an issue. Ive created a macro to loop through a text file with account numbers and then navigate some custom software to run a report and then export an XML file. It's been working fine with numeric account "numbers". I've gone through 30-40,000 reports and it works like a champ. Now i am running into some alphanumeric account numbers and it just stops.

Code: Select all

[PMC Code v5.0.5]|||1|Screen,2,Fast,0,1,Input,-1,-1,1|1|Macro2
2|fncOpenCCDMenuKB|_null := |1|0|Function|||||
3|fncSndAcctNum|_null := %A_LoopReadLine%|1|0|Function|||||
4|fnc_SelFirstRec|_null := |1|0|Function|||||
05|fncCancelMenu|_null := |1|0|Function|||||
6|fncSaveCCDAccount|_null := %A_LoopReadLine%|1|0|Function|||||

Code: Select all

[PMC Code v5.0.5]|||1|Screen,2,Fast,0,1,Input,-1,-1,1|1|fncSndAcctNum()
2|[FunctionStart]|fncSndAcctNum|1|0|UserFunction|Local| / |||
I can output to a Messagebox and it works fine. I can't type the AlphaNumeric into a Notepad. If i edit the text file source for all Numeric it works just fine. I don't see anywhere i could type a variable. I have tried exported CSV's from Excel and new text files from notepad it all operates the same, Numeric works fine, AlphaNumeric Pfffffttttttt.

I must be missing something, but can't fine it so far.

Many Thanks

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

14 Nov 2017, 07:30

I have problem. I'm using Assign variable from excel. I want have whole cell saved as raw text.

Code: Select all

var1[1] := RegExReplace(XL.Range("A1").Value, "\r\n$","")
And it is working most of the time.

But some of my variables (cells) have special symbols like ",! etc
Is there any way to make it work?

Example (and I want to save with ! and " symbols) :
"Hello world!"

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

14 Nov 2017, 18:29

The issue was how i was calling the Function. When using %A_LoopReadLine%, only Numeric values would pass, using A_LoopReadLine worked for both Numeric / Alphanumeric.

Dantell wrote:Hello and thank you for the highly useful tool. It has saved me so much time.

I have an issue. Ive created a macro to loop through a text file with account numbers and then navigate some custom software to run a report and then export an XML file. It's been working fine with numeric account "numbers". I've gone through 30-40,000 reports and it works like a champ. Now i am running into some alphanumeric account numbers and it just stops.

Code: Select all

[PMC Code v5.0.5]|||1|Screen,2,Fast,0,1,Input,-1,-1,1|1|Macro2
2|fncOpenCCDMenuKB|_null := |1|0|Function|||||
3|fncSndAcctNum|_null := %A_LoopReadLine%|1|0|Function|||||
4|fnc_SelFirstRec|_null := |1|0|Function|||||
05|fncCancelMenu|_null := |1|0|Function|||||
6|fncSaveCCDAccount|_null := %A_LoopReadLine%|1|0|Function|||||

Code: Select all

[PMC Code v5.0.5]|||1|Screen,2,Fast,0,1,Input,-1,-1,1|1|fncSndAcctNum()
2|[FunctionStart]|fncSndAcctNum|1|0|UserFunction|Local| / |||

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

17 Nov 2017, 16:52


I am running into another odd issue. I'm running the latest portable version in an RDP session. I am reading a text file with some account numbers. Frequently when it is typing the account numbers into the search box it will cycle the Shift key. Not repeatably but frequently. It may run for an hour without doing it, it may run for 2 minutes.

I have account numbers like:

1. BALL0000
2. BALL0001
3. BACK0000

it will type them in like:

I stop / start it and it picks back up and runs for a random amount of time without doing it again. I thought it might be a dodgy keyboard, so i put in a new one and no change.

Thank you for the tool.
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

20 Nov 2017, 13:36

Hi geniuses :D
Need Help for using PULOVERS MACRO CREATOR. Can anyone know How to input Random text at specific field Image , for example I want to input random city names text at selected field. :?: also how can i select random folder or random image at active windows ? :!: I'm not good at programming :crazy: that's why i want to complete this task by Pulovers. Thanks in advance.
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BUG REPORT Version 5.0.5 - #INCLUDE

03 Dec 2017, 05:22

BUG REPORT Version 5.0.5

hi all.
I'm using ADOSQL v5.04L - By [VxE] to connect to SQL server and it working, for that I use "Function / Array Methods" with "Function from External File" like this :

Code: Select all

1|[Assign Variable]|Connection_String := ... conection string text ...|1|0|Variable|||||
2|[Assign Variable]|Query_Statement := SELECT * FROM ...|1|0|Variable|||||
3|ADOSQL|sqlObjectReturn := Connection_String, Query_Statement|1|0|Function|C:\ ... \ADOSQL.ahk||||
4|[MsgBox]|LastError :`n`n%ADOSQL_LastError%`n`n`nLastQuery :`n`n%ADOSQL_LastQuery%|1|0|MsgBox|0||||
5|[MsgBox]|% sqlObjectReturn.MaxIndex() " rows returned"|1|0|MsgBox|0||||
The problem is in the GLOBALS declared on the ADOSQL Function (in the included file), when "Playing" the code in PMC they are empty, but after exporting the project to AHK or EXE it works as expected.
After some extra tests I found out the return variable "sqlObjectReturn" is empty when printed on the LINE 5 MsgBox. This does work too after exporting the project.

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03 Dec 2017, 11:06


It wold be nice to have a option to specify a custom ICO for the EXE export since ahk2exe does accept the ico option =D

Thanks and FANTASTIC work!!
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Web video end detection

07 Dec 2017, 07:07

Hello to all.

To administrator:
If this is not the right place in this forum for this question, please move it to the right one.

If someone can help me I will appreciate it really very much.

I need to detect a web video playback end .

My needs are, sequencially :

Macro creator controls obs screen recorder to record several web videos, pre-opened in chrome tabs.

Macro creator starts the first video by clicking on its play on the first tab.

Macro creator waits for the video end
(this what I don't know how to do)

When the video ends, macro creator changes to next chrome tab and clicks play on the next video

and so on...

Thank in advance,

Miguel Garcia
Last edited by miggarc on 07 Dec 2017, 08:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Web video end detection

07 Dec 2017, 07:07

Hello to all.

To administrator:
If this is not the right place in this forum for this question, please move it to the right one in this forum.

If someone can help me I will appreciate it really very much.

I need to detect a web video playback end .

My needs are, sequencially :

Macro creator controls obs screen recorder to record several web videos, pre-opened in chrome tabs.

Macro creator starts the first video by clicking on its play on the first tab.

Macro creator waits for the video end
(this what I don't know how to do)

When the video ends, macro creator changes to next chrome tab and clicks play on the next video

and so on...

Thank in advance,

Miguel Garcia
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

16 Dec 2017, 15:29

This is to dispair! -- I can't found the method how to install Pulovers MC! Not on http://www.macrocreator.com/ and not here. Do I have to install AHK first and then MC and how do I connect the both? -- NO Information!
Greetings PB
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Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

18 Dec 2017, 09:14

You could try downloading the installer and see for yourself if it is a generic process or not...
try it and see

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

27 Dec 2017, 10:30

guys, the hotkey that I've set to get the macro to play (F4) doesn't do anything when pressed at the right window. any idea's?

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

29 Dec 2017, 10:59

Hello, im new at this.
How could i make a random word generator with time interval.
After 3 mins
Hit enter
After 3 mins
Hit enter

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

08 Jan 2018, 12:26

Why is it when I select the whole screen as the region then search image it show in the preview my whole screen in the top left hand corner and all black around it. I am unable to so anything as when I drag search image off something it not showing what I dragged show image over but some where else on the screen as it off.

Re: Pulover's Macro Creator v5.0.5 - The Complete Automation Tool

09 Jan 2018, 11:31

I have problem with sendmail command that subject is blank. Anyone facing like this? please suggest me to fix it.

**A email has sent from PMC via exchange system.

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