tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

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tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

11 Jun 2014, 10:30

Salvete! Whilst working with the treeview control I came up with my own library of specialized functions and wrappers.
The wrappers make coding a bit more intuitive.

At the head of the script is a list of functions with their parameter requirements.
For details, check out the comments just above the functions themselves.

Please post any additions or changes you would like to see in the thread and I'll keep this version updated.

Last Updated: June 20, 2014 - Just Me fixed the allChildrenHaveAttribute() function.

Code: Select all

;Tuesday, June 10, 2014
;a class and wrapper library for Autohotkey's treeview control
;by Brother Gabriel-Marie
;contributors:  JoeDF and Just Me from the forum

;the class does not need to be initiated

; selection()
; count()

;-------FETCH ID's-------------------------------------------------
; first()
; next(whatid, ifchecked=false)
; previous(whatid)
; sibling(whatid, ifchecked=false)
; parent(whatid)
; child(whatid)
; lastchild(whatid)
; firstchild(whatid)

; isparent(whatid)
; ischild(whatid)
; isroot(whatid)
; islastchild(whatid)
; isfirstchild(whatid)

; ischecked(whatid)
; isexpanded(whatid)
; isbold(whatid)
; hasattribute(whatid, whatattribute="checked")
; haschild(whatid)
; hasparent(whatid)
; allChildrenHaveAttribute(whatid, whatattribute := "checked", recurse := true, checkparents := true)

; text(whatid, whattext="")		;get or set the text of an item
; parenttext(whatid, whattext="")
; delete(whatid, deleteall=false)
; add(whatname, whatparentid=0, whatoptions="")

; check(whatid, value=1)
; expand(whatid, value=1)
; bold(whatid, value=1)
; checkparent(whatid, value=true)
; boldparent(whatid, value=true)
; expandparent(whatid, value=true)

; toggleTree(modify="check", setparent=true, setsubfamilies=true, setsubparents=true)
; toggleFamily(whatid=0, modify="check", setparent=true, setsubfamilies=true, setsubparents=true)


class tv


;returns the id of the current selection
	return tv_getselection()

;returns a count of all items in the tree
	return tv_getcount()

;-------GET ID's-------------------------------------------------

;get the very first element in the tree
	return tv_getnext()

;returns the next item in the tree regardless of structure
;set ifchecked to true to locate the next checked item
next(whatid, ifchecked=false){
		return tv_getnext(whatid, "checked |full")
		return tv_getnext(whatid, "full")

;returns the node previous to this one
	return tv_getprev(whatid)

;returns the id of the next sibling; returns 0 if none
;set ifchecked to true to locate the next checked item
sibling(whatid, ifchecked=false){
		return tv_getnext(whatid, "checked")
		return tv_getnext(whatid)

;return the parent id of the item
	return tv_getparent(whatid)

;return the id of the first child of an item
;if there are no children or this is a parent item, it will return 0
	return tv_getchild(whatid)

;returns the id of the last child of the node
;if this function is called on a node that is root, it will return the last root node
	thisid := whatid
		nextnode := this.sibling(thisid)	
			return thisid
		thisid := this.lastchild(nextnode)

;returns the first child of a family (does not recurse subfamilies)
;if the node has no children, it returns 0
	if(!this.isparent(whatid) ){
		thisid := this.parent(whatid)
			return this.child(thisid)
		return this.child(whatid)


;return true if it is a parent node
	return tv_getchild(whatid)

;return true if it is a child node
	return tv_getparent(whatid)

	if(!this.isparent(whatid) && !this.ischild(whatid) )
		return true

;returns true if the node is the last child in a family
	if(whatid = this.lastchild(whatid) )
		return true

;returns true if the node is the first child in a family
	if(whatid = this.firstchild(whatid) )
		return true


;return true if the item is checked
	if(tv_get(whatid, "checked") )
		return true

;return true if the item is expanded
	if(tv_get(whatid, "expanded") )
		return true

;return true if the item is bolded
	if(tv_get(whatid, "bold") )
		return true

hasattribute(whatid, whatattribute="checked"){
	if(tv_get(whatid, whatattribute) )
		return true

	return tv_getchild(whatid)

	return tv_getparent(whatid)

;determine whether all members of a node are set to a certain attribute
;whatid  		--> is the id of a member of the node you want to check
;whatattribute 	--> should be one of either "checked" "bold" or "expanded"
;recurse		--> whether or not to confirm attributes in subtrees
;checkparents	--> whether or not to confirm subparents (nodes that have children)
;you can only check for one attribute at a time
;if the attribute is found in every member, it will return true
;if the attribute is missing from any member, it will return false
;tv.allChildrenHaveAttribute(thiselement, "checked", true, true) --> should report true if all nodes are checked
;tv.allChildrenHaveAttribute(thiselement, "checked", true, false) --> should report true if all child elements (that are not parents and have no subtrees of their own) are checked (subparents are skipped)
;tv.allChildrenHaveAttribute(thiselement, "checked", false, true) --> should report true if all children of the parent are checked, not checking items in subtrees (subparents are treated as children only)
;Much thanks to JoeDF and JustMe for their diligence with this function
allChildrenHaveAttribute(whatid, whatattribute := "checked", recurse := true, checkparents := true){
    ; invalid item ID
    if(whatid < 0)
        return false
    ;store the parent of whatid in the 'parents' array for non-recursive checks
    parents := [this.parent(whatid)]
    ;walk through the node, as long as the 'parents' array contains parent nodes ...
    while(parents.maxindex() <> ""){
        currentid := this.firstchild(parents[1])
        ;as long as child items are found
            ;if it is a parent ...
               ;if checkparents is true, check the attribute.
               if(checkparents) && !(this.hasattribute(currentid, whatattribute))
                  return false
               ;if recurse is true, add the parent to the 'parents' array.
               if !(this.hasattribute(currentid, whatattribute))
                  return false
            ;get the next sibling, if any.
            currentid := this.sibling(currentid)
        ;remove the current parent node from the 'parents' array
    ;done, all items have been checked
    return true


;gets or sets an item's text
;to set the value, specifiy the second parameter - function will return 1 for success and 0 for failure
;to get the text, do not use the second parameter; returns false if there is no text or there is a failure
text(whatid, whattext=""){
		return tv_modify(whatid, whattext)
		tv_gettext(thistext, whatid)
		return thistext

;gets or sets the text of the item's parent.
;if there is no parent, it returns false
parenttext(whatid, whattext=""){
	thisid := this.parent(whatid)
	return this.text(thisid, whattext)

;deletes a particular item in the tree
;specify the second parameter as true to delete the entire tree
;returns 1 upon success
delete(whatid, deleteall=false){
		return tv_delete(whatid)
	else if(whatid)
		return tv_delete(whatid)

;adds a new item to the tree
;returns the new item's id
;if parentid is not specified, the item will be added at root
add(whatname, whatparentid=0, whatoptions=""){
		return 0
	return tv_add(whatname, whatparentid, whatoptions)

;check or uncheck the item
check(whatid, value=true){
		tv_modify(whatid, "check")
		tv_modify(whatid, "-check")

;check or uncheck the item
expand(whatid, value=true){
		tv_modify(whatid, "expand")
		tv_modify(whatid, "-expand")

;check or uncheck the item
bold(whatid, value=true){
		tv_modify(whatid, "bold")
		tv_modify(whatid, "-bold")

checkparent(whatid, value=true){
	thisid := this.parent(whatid)
	this.check(thisid, value)

boldparent(whatid, value=true){
	thisid := this.parent(whatid)
	this.bold(thisid, value)

expandparent(whatid, value=true){
	thisid := this.parent(whatid)
	this.expand(thisid, value)

;This will allow you to operate on the entire tree
;modify is the value to add/subtract to the tree items
;checkparent is whether to check the main item if it is a parent (don't choose this if you attach this to an event launched when the user clicks the checkbox)
;checksubfamilies is whether to check any families within the parent's element
;checksubparents is whether to check any other parents in the family under the main parent
;note that if you set all the settings to false, it will only operate on root nodes without any subtrees
;the last parameter should not be used - it's only for the function to be able to recurse
toggleTree(modify="check", setparent=true, setsubfamilies=true, setsubparents=true, nextid=0){
	;if the firstid is recorded already, don't start over
		thisid := this.first()
		thisid := nextid
		;got to add this in order to check a root item that has no children
		if(this.isroot(thisid) )
			tv_modify(thisid, modify)
		this.toggleFamily(thisid, modify, setparent, setsubfamilies, setsubparents)	
		nextid := this.sibling(thisid)
			this.toggleTree(modify, setparent, setsubfamilies, setsubparents, nextid)

} ;end toggleTree

;toggleFamily	- allows you to recurse a tree and set attributes for all the sub-parents, a family, or just the elements in a family
;whatid is which item to work upon
;modify is the value to add/subtract to the tree items
;checkparent is whether to check the main item if it is a parent (don't choose this if you attach this to an event launched when the user clicks the checkbox)
;checksubfamilies is whether to check any families within the parent's element
;checksubparents is whether to check any other parents in the family under the main parent
;	tv.toggleFamily(myitemid, "check expand", true, false, true)
toggleFamily(whatid=0, modify="check", setparent=true, setsubfamilies=true, setsubparents=true){
	;if whatid is not specified, then operate on the entire tree
		whatid := this.first()		
	;check this item if it is a parent item, depending on the parameters	
	if(setparent && this.isparent(whatid)){
		tv_modify(whatid, modify)	

	thisid := this.child(whatid)

				;check this particular item if it isn't a parent item
				if(!this.isparent(thisid) )
					tv_modify(thisid, modify)
			;set up for the next item and recurse
			thisid := this.sibling(thisid)	
				this.toggleFamily(thisid, modify, setsubparents, setsubfamilies, setsubparents)			
		} ;end loop
	} ;end if	
} ;end togglefamily

} ;end tv class
Here is a demo:

Code: Select all

;Friday, June 20, 2014
;demo script for tv.ahk library for treeview
SetBatchLines, -1

#singleinstance, force
#include tv.ahk

Gui, Add, TreeView, h290 checked gClickEvent
P1 := TV_Add("Adam")
P1C1 := TV_Add("Adam's 1st child", P1)  ; Specify P1 to be this item's parent.
P2 := TV_Add("Seth")
P2C1 := TV_Add("Harry, Seth's 1st child", P2)
P2C2 := TV_Add("Bob, Seth's 2nd child", P2)
P2C2C1 := TV_Add("Second child of Bob", P2C2)
P2C2C2 := TV_Add("Third child of Bob", P2C2)
P2C2C3 := TV_Add("Mack, George's 3rd child", P2C2)
P2C2C3C1 := TV_Add("Mack's 1st child", P2C2C3)
P2C2C3C2 := TV_Add("Mack's 2nd child", P2C2C3)
P3 := TV_Add("Abel")
;P2C1 := TV_Add("Parent 3's first child", P3)
P4 := TV_Add("Cain")
P4C1 := TV_Add("Cain's first child", P4)
Gui, Add, CheckBox, vRecurse Checked, Recurse
Gui, Add, CheckBox, vCheckParents Checked, Check parents

Gui, Show,  , Class TV ; Show the window and its TreeView.
tv.toggleTree("expand check")
tv.check(P2C2C3C1, false)

   GuiControlGet, Recurse
    GuiControlGet, CheckParents
    ischecked :=  tv.allChildrenHaveAttribute(a_eventinfo, , Recurse, CheckParents)
    ; ischecked :=  tv.familyHasAttribute(a_eventinfo)
    thisname := tv.ischild(a_eventinfo) ? tv.parenttext(a_eventinfo) : "the tree view"
    thisnodename := tv.text(a_eventinfo)
    msgbox All members of %thisname% checked = %ischecked%`rthisnode=%thisnodename%

GuiClose:  ; Exit the script when the user closes the TreeView's GUI window.
Last edited by BGM on 20 Jun 2014, 11:25, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

12 Jun 2014, 02:39

Wrappers FTW!!!
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

12 Jun 2014, 06:31

They aren't all wrappers, Joe. The toggleFamily and toggleTree are real methods. What does FTW mean?
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

12 Jun 2014, 10:01

BGM wrote:What does FTW mean?
A reversed "WTF" Image
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

12 Jun 2014, 10:38

Lol. For The Win!
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 08:36

@Joe - Say, can you take a look at that familyHasAttribute() function? I've spent hours and hours trying to fix that. Everything else in the library works fine except for that.
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 11:36

Alright, I'll see what I can do. :)
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 15:13

Not sure, but this is what I have. ;)

Code: Select all

familyHasAttribute(item,attrib:="Checked",subfamilies:=true,subparents:=true) {
	if (!item)
		return true

	Loop {
		if (subfamilies) {
			if (!subparents) { ;if we only want the children...
				if (this.isparent(nextid))
					if (!this.hasattribute(nextid,attrib))
						return false
			} else ;if we want the parents too, then recurse...
				return (this.familyHasAttribute(this.firstchild(nextid),attrib,subfamilies,subparents))
		} else {
			if (subparents)
				return (this.familyHasAttribute(this.firstchild(nextid),attrib,0,0)) ;check one level only
			else ;(false,false) not defined?? Im guessing it's this...
				if (!this.hasattribute(nextid,attrib))
					return false
		if (!(nextid:=this.sibling(nextid)))
	return true
Regards :D
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 16:09

Thanks for your help on that Joe. Does that work on your computer? On my computer it crashes the demo. I'm trying to figure out where...
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 16:21

WHoops, you're right... Ive mistakenly switched 2 lines, here fixed:

Code: Select all

familyHasAttribute(item,attrib:="Checked",subfamilies:=true,subparents:=true) {
	if (!item)
		return true

	Loop {
		if (subfamilies) {
			if (this.isparent(nextid)) {
				if (!subparents) ;if we only want the children...
				else ;if we want the parents too, then recurse...
					return (this.familyHasAttribute(this.firstchild(nextid),attrib,subfamilies,subparents))
			} else
				if (!this.hasattribute(nextid,attrib))
						return false
		} else {
			if (subparents)
				return (this.familyHasAttribute(this.firstchild(nextid),attrib,0,0)) ;check one level only
			else ;(false,false) not defined?? Im guessing it's this...
				if (!this.hasattribute(nextid,attrib))
					return false
		if (!(nextid:=this.sibling(nextid)))
	return true
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 16:25

Joe, that uh, does the same thing as my function did. If you click on "Mack's 2nd Child" it still shows 1 when it should show 0. But it doesn't crash!
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 16:26

I thought it was supposed to be 1.... ?!?!? why 0?
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 16:29

The function is supposed to return 1 if ALL the the items in the tree have a certain attribute. If any item is missing the attribute, it returns 0. If you click on the first child, it reports correctly. The bug is only ever on the last child.
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 16:51

well then thats because it doesnt start search with the first child.
try this maybe?

Code: Select all

familyHasAttribute(item,attrib:="Checked",subfamilies:=true,subparents:=true,fork:=0) {
	if (!item)
		return true
	if (!fork) {
		if (k:=this.firstchild(item))
   Loop {
		if (subfamilies) {
			if (this.isparent(nextid)) {
				if (!subparents) ;if we only want the children...
				else ;if we want the parents too, then recurse...
					return (this.familyHasAttribute(this.firstchild(nextid),attrib,subfamilies,subparents,1))
			} else
				if (!this.hasattribute(nextid,attrib))
						return false
		} else {
			if (subparents)
				return (this.familyHasAttribute(this.firstchild(nextid),attrib,0,0,1)) ;check one level only
			else ;(false,false) not defined?? Im guessing it's this...
				if (!this.hasattribute(nextid,attrib))
					return false
		if (!(nextid:=this.sibling(nextid)))
	return true
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 16:55

wut? try checking all boxes then click one??
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 19:08

Ha ha, Joe!
Okay, if all the boxes are checked in a subfamily, it should return 1.
If any of the boxes are unchecked, it should return 0.
In my demo above, when you load it, all the boxes are checked except for "Mack's First Child".
When you click in the subtrees, each item should know from the function whether all its subfamily is checked or not.
So if you click on "Mack's first child" you should get 0 (because it is unchecked).
If you click on "Mack's second child" you should get 0 because Mack's first child is unchecked. Instead you get 1, which is a bug.

The whole idea is that you can click on any of the items and that item should know whether it's subtree is all checked.

If you click on "Cain's first child" it gives you 1 because the subtree is all checked. But if you add more than one child, the last child always reads incorrectly.
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 21:22

For example:
A:1=> ( b:0, c:1) Return 0 for c, 0 for a?!?
A:1=> ( b:1=> ( c:0, d:0)) return 1 for a, 0 for b??!?
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 22:30

joedf wrote:For example:
A:1=> ( b:0, c:1) Return 0 for c, 0 for a?!?
A:1=> ( b:1=> ( c:0, d:0)) return 1 for a, 0 for b??!?
Ah, I see you are trying to get me back with logic of your own :D . I think you've got me.
I thought I explained it pretty well in my last post. What part of my last post doesn't make sense?
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Re: tv - a treeview wrapper/function library

16 Jun 2014, 23:19

Nope - that returns 0 no matter what.
??Not always 0...
Instead you get 1, which is a bug.
??Not getting 1...
if you add more than one child, the last child always reads incorrectly.
???last child reads correctly...
It works... im confused :P :? :?:
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