Listview is deleting my tabs? Topic is solved

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Listview is deleting my tabs?

02 Feb 2018, 11:04

Hi all,

I've got some code where I set up a gui with multiple tabs,

I then try to add a listview to one of the tabs. But by adding in the bold line below, the listbox appears, but all my tabs disappear? :( What am I missing here?

Code: Select all

	;~ ===== Changes the font temporarily to add the Tabs, then changes back
    Gui, 1:font,s12, Verdana 
    Gui, 1:add, Tab, x1 y1 w1300 h900 vTabs, Search|Add|Edit
    Gui, 1:font,s8, Verdana 
	;~ ==========================================
	;~ ===== TAB 1 : SEARCH PAGE (a)
	;~ ==========================================
		Gui, 1:tab, Search                                                  ;~ ===== Changes the focus to the managers tab, so all changes apply to it.
		Gui, 1:font, s18 cE31B23, Verdana									;~ ===== Makes text larger and red for title
		Gui, 1:add, text,  x5 y40 w200 h50, Accident Search					;~ ===== Adds title textbox
		Gui, 1:font, s8  c000000, Verdana 									;~ ===== Makes text back to default for rest of window

		;~ ==========================================
		;~ ===== Main Search Results  
		;~ ==========================================
			MSStartx := 5																							;~ ===== Start X coord for the section
			MSStarty := 145																							;~ ===== Start Y coord for the section
			Offx := MSStartx + 0
			Offy := MSStarty + 0
			[b][u]Gui, 1:Add, ListView, aResults x%Offx% y%Offy% h500   w1285  , Item1|Item1|Item1|Item1|Item1|Item1  ;~ ===== Listbox for Account Code[/u][/b]
			;LV_ModifyCol(3, N500)
Many Thanks

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Re: Listview is deleting my tabs?

02 Feb 2018, 13:31

>> Gui, 1:Add, ListView, aResults x%Offx% y%Offy% h500 w1285 , Item1|Item1|Item1|Item1|Item1|Item1 <<

This option is new for me and I could not find in help file.
Even if it's maybe not the bug, would you kindly explain this unknown option to me?
Einfach nur ein toller Typ. :mrgreen:
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Re: Listview is deleting my tabs?

05 Feb 2018, 05:18

Apologies, I left that in from before when I was trying to differentiate between two different listviews, but I forgot to remove it when it didn't work.

It doesn't solve my issue though :(
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Re: Listview is deleting my tabs?  Topic is solved

05 Feb 2018, 07:31

-example with 3 TABs ( see altsubmit , variable , define TAB etc )
- DRAG and MOVE the GUI

Code: Select all

;- 3 TAB's 
;- can DRAG and MOVE the GUI
    Gui, 1:font,s12, Verdana
    Gui, 1:add, Tab, x1 y1 w1000 h500 vTabs altsubmit, Search|Add|Edit
    Gui, 1:font,s8, Verdana

    Gui, 1:tab, Search
	Gui, 1:font, s18 cE31B23, Verdana		           	;~ ===== Makes text larger and red for title
	Gui, 1:add, text,  x5 y40 w200 , Accident Search		;~ ===== Adds title textbox
	Gui, 1:font, s8  c000000, Verdana 				;~ ===== Makes text back to default for rest of window
	Gui, 1:Add, ListView, grid x10 y100 h400 w900 gMyListView vA1 altsubmit , A|B|C
        LV_Add("","Tab 1", "Line 1","C1")
        LV_Add("","Tab 1", "Line 2","C2")
        LV_Add("","Tab 1", "Line 3","C3")
        Gui,add,button,x10 y550  gT1,TEST1

     Gui, 1:Tab, Add
        Gui, 1:Add, ListView, x10 y50 h400 w900 gMyListView vA2 altsubmit,Tab-No|Line-No|C3
        LV_Add("","Tab 2", "Line 1","C1")
        LV_Add("","Tab 2", "Line 2","C2")
        LV_Add("","Tab 2", "Line 3","C3")
        Gui,add,button,x10 y550  gT2,TEST2

     Gui,1:Tab, Edit
        Gui,1:add,Edit, x10 y50 w950 h400 vA3,1Test3`n2TEST3
        Gui,1:add,button,x10 y550  gT3,TEST3
Gui, 1:Show,x10 y10 w1000 h600 , Tabs
OnMessage(0x201, "WM_LBUTTONDOWN")


msgbox, 262208, ,T1,3
msgbox, 262208, ,T2,3
msgbox, 262208, ,T3,3

ControlGet, whichTab, Tab, , SysTabControl321, Tabs
if A_GuiEvent = Normal          ;click once
  msgbox, 262208, ,Column1=%c1%`nColumn2=%c2%`nColumn3=%c3%,3

WM_LBUTTONDOWN(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
Gui, +LastFound
Checkhwnd := WinExist()
if hwnd = %Checkhwnd%
   PostMessage, 0xA1, 2
;- 0x201 is the number for Windows Message WM_LBUTTONDOWN, which is the message Windows sends when the mouse clicks on our window.
;- 0xA1 is WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, to make Windows think we clicked on the non-client area of the window (the border).
;- The "2" tells windows we clicked on caption at the top of the window, as if to drag it.

Last edited by garry on 05 Feb 2018, 08:57, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Listview is deleting my tabs?

05 Feb 2018, 08:35

Thanks Garry,
I've managed to now condense the issue down to the following code

Code: Select all

    Gui, 1:color, f7f7f7    ;~ ===== Sets the background colour of the window (F5F5F5)
	gui, 1:-border			;~ ===== Turns off the border   

	;~ ===== Changes the font temporarily to add the Tabs, then changes back
    Gui, 1:font,s12, Verdana 
    Gui, 1:add, Tab, x1 y1 w1300 h900 vTabs, Search|Add|Edit
    Gui, 1:font,s8, Verdana 

		Gui, 1:tab, Search                                                  ;~ ===== Changes the focus to the managers tab, so all changes apply to it.

			MSStartx := 5																							;~ ===== Start X coord for the section
			MSStarty := 145																							;~ ===== Start Y coord for the section
			Offx := MSStartx + 0
			Offy := MSStarty + 0
			Gui, 1:Add, ListView, grid x%Offx% y%Offy% h500   w1285 vaResults , OrderNo|Registration|Dealership|Driver|Manager|Regional     	;~ ===== Listbox for Account Code
			gui, 1:default																												;~ =====  Dont know but needed to get listview to update
			Gui, 1:ListView, aResults																									;~ ===== Resets current listview focus to Accidents Results

	gui, 1:show, w1300 h700
		Gui, %GuiLabel%:Add, Text, x0 y0 w%A_w% h%A_h% +BackgroundTrans gGUI_Drag
		PostMessage 0xA1,2  ;-- Goyyah/SKAN trick
- If I comment out the listview, the tabs work fine
- If I put the list view in, they dissappear
- I've narrowed it down to the enableGUIDrag function at the bottom. If I dont call it, they both work, but i cant drag the gui.

Do you have any idea why the enableGUIDrag function would kill off my tabs? Both the tabs and the listview work fine with it on their own, but not together :(
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Re: Listview is deleting my tabs?

05 Feb 2018, 08:58

modified script above , possible to DRAG the GUI
Posts: 18
Joined: 19 Oct 2016, 05:52

Re: Listview is deleting my tabs?

05 Feb 2018, 09:37

Thanks Garry, that's a tonne of help! I should be able to port the dragging code over to mine easily enough now

I don't suppose you know what part of the dragging code in my example is causing the conflict or why? so I can learn a bit from all this?
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Re: Listview is deleting my tabs?

05 Feb 2018, 09:54

@JackPJ, sorry I don't really understand the function 'EnableGuiDrag' , have just basic knowledge with ahk- commands
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Joined: 19 Oct 2016, 05:52

Re: Listview is deleting my tabs?

05 Feb 2018, 10:01

garry wrote:@JackPJ, sorry I don't really understand the function 'EnableGuiDrag' , have just basic knowledge with ahk- commands
No Worries, thanks anyway

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