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Combobox Bug

03 Apr 2018, 06:46

When I'm trying to set combobox to precise item, combobox is jumping to the next one item - "1.4301" to "1.4301_4N" (I can understand it's because similar beggining, prefixes).
Also another combobox is jumping from "1,5" to "5" (I can understand it's because of comma).

I'm using ControlSend, %matcombo%, %gmat%, Job. Where matcombo is controlNN of combobox, and gmat is variable from other form but value always exist in combobox.

How to set precise item in combobox and avoid this behaviour?
Last edited by BriHecato on 03 Apr 2018, 16:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Combobox issue

03 Apr 2018, 08:00

Why don't you want to use Control, ChooseString, ...?
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Re: Combobox issue

03 Apr 2018, 08:37

Thanks alot - this solve my second "comma" problem, but still first problem persist.

As in documentation: "Sets the selection (choice) in a ListBox or ComboBox to be the first entry whose leading part matches String."

My items in this combo are (in order):

Code: Select all

And when my %gmat% variable is "1.4301" - both Control and ControlSend commands make combobox set on "1.4301_4N" ... why? It's the next entry!
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Re: Combobox issue

03 Apr 2018, 11:03

Congratulations! :bravo:

You've found a bug in script_autoit.cpp (the source containing code/functions originally written for AutoIt):

Code: Select all

		else // ComboBox or single-select ListBox.
			if (!SendMessageTimeout(control_window, msg, 1, (LPARAM)aValue, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 2000, &dwResult)
				|| dwResult == CB_ERR) // CB_ERR == LB_ERR
				goto error;
This is sending a CB_SELECTSTRING message to the control. The third parameter (wParam) has to be -1 instead of 1 to search the entire list. 1 starts the search at the third list entry.

You should change the topic's title to "Combobox bug".
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Re: Combobox issue

03 Apr 2018, 12:06

- There's another *really important* problem with ChooseString. Basically, it's not working on newer OSes.
- E.g. on Windows 7, it *appears* to change the chosen item, but the external program does not register the change.
- E.g. open Notepad, do 'File, Save', use ChooseString to change the encoding from ANSI to UTF-8, and save the file, then choose Save As..., this will show that the file has been saved as ANSI, not UTF-8, the change in ComboBox selection will not have been registered.
- The code below notifies the program, and fixes the issue.
- (Note: If you send key presses to the ComboBox, that can also 'notify' the window.)

Code: Select all

;based on:

q:: ;Notepad - set ComboBox to UTF-8 (visual change in selection, Notepad is *not* notified)
Control, ChooseString, UTF-8, ComboBox3, A

w:: ;Notepad - set ComboBox to UTF-8 (visual change in selection, Notepad *is* notified)
Control, ChooseString, UTF-8, ComboBox3, A

ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, ComboBox3, A
vCtlID := DllCall("user32\GetDlgCtrlID", Ptr,hCtl)
hWndParent := DllCall("user32\GetParent", Ptr,hCtl, Ptr)
SendMessage, 0x111, % vCtlID|(9 << 16), % hCtl,, % "ahk_id " hWndParent ;WM_COMMAND := 0x111
Last edited by jeeswg on 03 Apr 2018, 17:36, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Combobox Bug

03 Apr 2018, 17:03

@just me - so how to make this work? "Switch/case" with if/else - and targeting items?

@jeeswg - where in windows notepad you have combobox3 (in main window) with encoding ???
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Re: Combobox Bug

03 Apr 2018, 17:36

@BriHecato: The Save As dialog, I've added 'do 'File, Save'', to my post above.
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 01:15

Hi BriHecato,

this might be used as a workaround until the bug is fixed:

Code: Select all

gMat := "1.4301"
matcombo := "ComboBox1"
Gui, Add, ComboBox, , -All-|1.4301|1.4301_4N|1.4301_BA
Gui, Show, , Job
Sleep, 1000
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Control, ChooseString, %gmat%, %matcombo%, Job
SendMessage, 0x014C, -1, &gmat, %matcombo%, Job ; CB_FINDSTRING = 0x014C
If !(ErrorLevel & 0x80000000) ; ErrorLevel is set to CB_ERR (-1) if the string could not be found
   Control, Choose, % (ErrorLevel + 1), %matcombo%, Job ; the item index returned by CB_FINDSTRING is 0-basedReturn
; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Last edited by just me on 04 Apr 2018, 01:39, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 01:24

@just me: I just tested, and an ErrorLevel of '-1' is different on AHK x64/x32:
So an x64/x32 compatible version would be:
if !(ErrorLevel & 0xFFFFFFFF = 0xFFFFFFFF)
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 01:34

True, thanks. I didn't remember that AHK 64 always receives a signed int64. Fixed!
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 02:28

OK, I finally got a few things cleared up. (I hope that the SendMessage description is accurate.)
- From the MSDN pages:
- PostMessage returns a BOOL (Int)
- SendMessage returns an LRESULT (Ptr) [the Int/Int64 (Ptr) is converted to an Int64, (so an Int effectively becomes a UInt), note: if AHK x64 receives a reply from an x32 window, the message will be Int-sized]
- GetMenuItemID returns a UINT (UInt)

- Was there a reason why SendMessage/OnMessage sometimes convert signed to unsigned integers?
- Is that the shortest we can make the bitwise logic? I'm going to check over multiple scripts that check ErrorLevel for -1.
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 03:14

Your bitwise logic is simply incorrect.
This would also trigger if a 64 bit program returned 0xFFFFFFFF.
There is no way to know if the return value is -1 without checking the program the message was send to.
It just works in this specific context because it is highly unlikely that anyone ever using this code will have a ComboBox containing 0xFFFFFFFF items.
It's roughly as correct as just mes.
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 03:16

jeeswg wrote:- Was there a reason why SendMessage/OnMessage sometimes convert signed to unsigned integers?
AHK is actually calling SendMessageTimeout. The returned result is of type PDWORD_PTR. AFAIK, that's the only reason why AHK 32 returns an UInt. On AHK 64 a signed value is returned only because AHK doesn't support UInt64.
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 09:43

Does anyone know a good reason why AHK doesn't support UInt64?
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 12:48

There are only 2 kind of number data types in AHK:
Double: 0.12..
Int64: 1234

Adding a UInt64 type would require adding a new number type that is not very distinct from the Int64.
You would have to add a whole typing system if you really wanted to add them seriously.
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 14:19

- @Flipeador: While native UInt64 might be nice, I think that using the Format function where necessary, solves all problems. Do you have any major issues? I had thought though, that some sort of support for infinite precision integers stored as strings, might be useful.
- @nnnik: Yes I knew all of that from your earlier post, but thanks for pointing it out, and thanks for the info re. AHK using Double/Int64. I was too busy at the time to do the testing in order to produce this one-liner which will hopefully work in all circumstances.
if !(ErrorLevel = (A_PtrSize=8 && JEE_ProcessIs64Bit(vPID) ? -1 : 0xFFFFFFFF))
Cf. my quick fix from earlier:
if !(ErrorLevel & 0xFFFFFFFF = 0xFFFFFFFF)
Btw it's unlikely that controls will ever have 4294967295 or more items (0xFFFFFFFF), but I never cut corners!

Code: Select all

;test SendMessage and ErrorLevel
;2 separate scripts:

;test SendMessage 1.ahk
Gui, Add, ComboBox,, abc|def|ghi
Gui, Show

;test SendMessage 2.ahk
vText := "abc"
vText := "def"
vText := "ghi"
vText := "---"
WinGet, vPID, PID, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
SendMessage, 0x14C, -1, % &vText, ComboBox1, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI ;CB_FINDSTRING := 0x14C
vRet := ErrorLevel
if (vRet = (A_PtrSize=8 && JEE_ProcessIs64Bit(vPID) ? -1 : 0xFFFFFFFF))
	vRet2 := -1
	vRet2 := vRet
ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, ComboBox1, ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
vRet3 := DllCall("user32\SendMessage", "Ptr",hCtl, "UInt",0x14C, "UPtr",-1, "Ptr",&vText, "Ptr") ;CB_FINDSTRING := 0x14C
MsgBox, % vRet " (" vRet2 ")`r`n" vRet3

;AHK	GUI	result		result (DllCall)
;32	32	4294967295	-1
;32	64	4294967295	4294967295
;64	32	4294967295	-1
;64	64	-1		-1

	if !vPID
	else if !A_Is64bitOS
		return 0
	hProc := DllCall("kernel32\OpenProcess", "UInt",0x400, "Int",0, "UInt",vPID, "Ptr")
	DllCall("kernel32\IsWow64Process", "Ptr",hProc, "Int*",vIsWow64Process)
	DllCall("kernel32\CloseHandle", "Ptr",hProc)
	return !vIsWow64Process
- [EDIT:] Edited script slightly.
- I need to get this ErrorLevel thing right as it affects this, I will update it when I feel sure of the answer.
GUIs via DllCall: get/set internal/external control text - AutoHotkey Community

- [EDIT: 2019-09-27]
- Rewrote the test script, and added checks for SendMessageTimeout:

Code: Select all

;script 1:
Gui, Add, ComboBox,, abc|def|ghi
Gui, Show,, % "Test" (A_PtrSize=8?64:32)


;script 2:
vAHKBit := A_PtrSize=8?64:32

WinGet, hWnd32, ID, Test32 ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
WinGet, hWnd64, ID, Test64 ahk_class AutoHotkeyGUI
ControlGet, hCtl32, Hwnd,, ComboBox1, % "ahk_id " hWnd32
ControlGet, hCtl64, Hwnd,, ComboBox1, % "ahk_id " hWnd64

vMsg := 0x14C ;CB_FINDSTRING := 0x14C
vText := "MyNeedle"
wParam := -1
lParam := &vText

Loop 2
	vNum := A_Index*32
	hCtl := hCtl%vNum%
	SendMessage, % vMsg, % wParam, % lParam,, % "ahk_id " hCtl
	vRet1 := ErrorLevel
	vRet2 := DllCall("user32\SendMessage", "Ptr",hCtl, "UInt",vMsg, "UPtr",wParam, "Ptr",lParam, "Ptr")
	vRet3 := 0
	;SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG := 0x2 ;source: WinUser.h
	DllCall("user32\SendMessageTimeout", "Ptr",hCtl, "UInt",vMsg, "UPtr",wParam, "Ptr",lParam, "UInt",0x2, "UInt",2000, "UPtr*",vRet3, "Ptr")
	vRet%vNum% := vRet1 " " vRet2 " " vRet3

Clipboard .= "`r`n" "AHK" "`t" "GUI" "`t" "SM AHK" "`t" "SM DC" "`t" "SMT DC"
Clipboard .= "`r`n" vAHKBit "`t" "32" "`t" vRet32
Clipboard .= "`r`n" vAHKBit "`t" "64" "`t" vRet64
MsgBox, % "done"


;note: SM AHK and SMT DC match
;headers: AHK bitness, GUI bitness, SendMessage AHK function, SendMessage DllCall, SendMessageTimeout DllCall
;32	32	4294967295 -1 4294967295
;32	64	4294967295 -1 4294967295
;64	32	4294967295 4294967295 4294967295
;64	64	-1 -1 -1

Last edited by jeeswg on 27 Sep 2019, 13:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 15:33

Thanks to both for answering, but I was looking for something more detailed. :)
I think that using the Format function where necessary, solves all problems
Yes... there are solutions, but they are not pleasant. :|
some sort of support for infinite precision integers stored as strings, might be useful
I do not think this is more important than adding UInt64 support. I agree that it would be interesting, but I do not think I'll use it, it is not common and, if implemented, I would probably never use it; unless I'm about to programing a calculator or something, but since it already exists, i would not waste my time.

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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 16:55

@nnnik: Btw, from experience I'd say that AutoHotkey has Double and Int64, but is there anything more concrete that can be cited? Also are there any specs on how strings and binary data are handled (and objects, object keys, ClipboardAll and window groups).
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Re: Combobox Bug

04 Apr 2018, 17:44

Object keys are stored in a search tree as far as I can tell.
But I only got that from experimentation.
ClipboardAll and all the binary stuff is handled similar to a string whose size is just larger than the 0 terminator - recently lexikos added some stuff to make it better I will have to look into them again.
I have never really cared for window groups and never looked into them either.

BTW: good work on the 1-liner - I will reccomend it
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Re: Combobox issue

06 Apr 2018, 03:50

jeeswg wrote:There's another *really important* problem with ChooseString. Basically, it's not working on newer OSes.
That is inaccurate. ChooseString fails with this particular ComboBox for one of the following reasons:
  • The ComboBox has no ID.
  • The ComboBox has an ID of 0 (which one may assume is impossible, since "If the [GetDlgCtrlID] function fails, the return value is zero.").
  • The ComboBox has an ID, but GetDlgCtrlID fails (returns 0) for some reason. [Edit: SetLastError/A_LastError indicates it is not failing.] (If that's the case, Notepad does not use the ID to identify the control.)
ChooseString currently considers a return value of 0 from GetDlgCtrlID to be an error condition; it aborts and sets ErrorLevel.

ChooseString does virtually the same thing as your script, but has more error-checking.

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