New Autohotkey folder created when I use Scite

The popular SciTE-based AutoHotkey Script Editor
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New Autohotkey folder created when I use Scite

14 Mar 2018, 22:59

I had Autohotkey and Scite installed and everything was working well. I had to uninstall them to change the drive they were installed on. Now Autohotkey and Scite do not work together. I downloaded the current installation files and installed Autohotkey in C:/Program files. Then I installed Scite and it installed in the Autohotkey folder. This worked before but now when I open a file with Scite there is no syntax highlighting and I have tried everything to get it. Functions such as save and run also do not work. But worse it creates a new Autohotkey folder on the C:/ drive So I end up with two or more Autohotkey folders: some on the c:/ drive and the original installation on C:/Program Files.

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Re: New Autohotkey folder created when I use Scite

27 May 2018, 14:26

Hmm sounds similar to my problem, highlighting gone.

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