Just wanted to say thank you to all!

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Joined: 15 Jun 2018, 14:18

Just wanted to say thank you to all!

15 Jun 2018, 14:46

I feel like I'm late to automation hotkey scripting game here, I've done my fair share of macro recording/running in Notepad++ and have recently switched over to VSCode, to learn GIT, Node.js, bootstrap, etc, basically moving up from a low level web "programmer" to a "developer", and wanted a way to speed up some routine tasks outside of VSCode. After some brief research and review of other hotkey software out there, I must say this is the best. It's got low fluff, and is has everything one would need when it comes to scripting. :dance: Keep up the good work! :dance:
Posts: 2
Joined: 21 May 2018, 02:24

Re: Just wanted to say thank you to all!

10 Jul 2018, 07:49

That's very nice of you! You put the words right out of my mouth :)

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