Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

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Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

28 Jul 2018, 13:47

I create this topic to know if users of follow some religion. Why not? :) .
I identify myself as atheist agnostic and skeptical (not to be confused with conspiracy).
I do not follow any religion and "I do not like them" because I do not believe religions are a good thing.

If you want, you can comment explaining why (or any brief comment), as long as you do not disrespect. :wave:
If your religion is not listed above, comment it.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

28 Jul 2018, 15:29

Frosti wrote:I have a believe. There's no one word methode to describe it.
Well... here we are talking specifically about religion, I imagine you talk about something else (some deep critical thinking about it).
Therefore, I will simply take it as "without religion", maybe?. :)
I would have liked to be able to add Antitheism and Without religion (added) without removing the current ones.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

28 Jul 2018, 17:06

Hmm it can be an religion and not. It consist of daily behaviour and thoughts that must be very old. Its printed to our gene's. So it's older than any religion. Okay mark it as without religion.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

28 Jul 2018, 20:12

Basically, existence is inexorably enigmatic; without question. I am convinced that everyone can experience where he is put, to a certain extent, in front of itself as 'can-be', that is to say also in front of a radical enigma and of the possibility of 'not-to-be', enigma both encouraging and - most often - overwhelming. In this respect, I think that 'distraction' must be conceived in a non-cynical way: as an absolutely positive resource of the life in the face of absurdity and violence (and, par excellence, political violence) and death as a thought that can only be overwhelming (because of anomie, social exclusion etc.). Nonsense, violence... - if I am not mistaken, religions call this (with the help of words that I find for my part reifying): Evil or Sin.

I notice that many people take a malicious pleasure in the fact that 'evil' 'exists' in our world: either to participate in it in a voluntarist way (out of cruelty, cynicism etc.), or to pervert, in a complacent despair, the true meaning of 'distraction', 'entertainment': from a positive resource to a guarantor of a negative headlong rush. However, we must assume 'distraction' as it is; that is as ambivalent, giving ourselves the means to reflect on it together and if possible in a non cynical way. That's the reason why, as for me, I have a priori no problems with religious institutions as long as they also help to 'assume', to think 'the sin', 'the evil' (and, furthermore, being of service to the philosophy, mostly ignoring it, on principle). However, I note that, very often, on the side of the religious institution and/or the believer, and for various reasons, its far from being the case...

The fact that someone defines himself with the help of 'labels' such as 'agnostic', 'gnostic' etc. already has, in my view, an intrinsically fetishized side. I would say however that I am atheist because I'm betting that its the right to do for me: religions simply do not talk to me :D
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

29 Jul 2018, 04:27

I "voted" Atheist. But I have a question:
What exactly is the difference between "Islam" and "Muslim"?
This poll seems to suggest them to be two separate religions.

In my limited understanding, I would have thought, "Islam" is the name of a religion, and "Muslim" is the label we attach to the human whose life is influenced by Islam. Actually, "muslim" (lower case) is the adjective I attach to anything that I want to identify as influenced by Islam.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

29 Jul 2018, 09:23

@wolf_II Sorry, you're right :oops:. I have not noticed :facepalm:. I'll fix it.
Thank you. :wave:
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

30 Jul 2018, 11:34

I am a Christian. I believe in God and in our Lord Jesus Christ. That being said, i don't follow any particular denomination. I like to evolve my spiritualiaty by employing a continuous rational thinking about the subjective nature of our reality and the experiences we have in our lives. Used to be a fan of atheism x theism debates, but it's been a while i don't watch or participate in any of these.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

30 Jul 2018, 13:49

@Gio Hi ;).
Honestly, if I had the "power" to do it, I would try to gradually orient more to an atheist society. It would definitely destroy all the churches and use the space for something else. :evil:
Basically, and without going any further, I am sure that religions (and God) served in times past to give explanations about things that we did not know, but that today is nothing more than history, and that their only purpose currently It's more like a placebo effect.
I also stopped arguing, it is in vain to try to "change someone" when such a person simply does not want to. Give for an infinite conversation.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

30 Jul 2018, 14:42

I don't really think that religion stopped being important. That being said I'm kind of an atheist myself. I guess you could say I believe in this world as a whole.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

30 Jul 2018, 15:37

IMO, It is important, as I said, for those people who seek consolation (placebo effect) or seek to explain things, for now, impossible to explain (like those that in the past we could not conceive, but today, we can, thanks to science, it's only a matter of time). Religion can be VERY important and motivating for those people who do not find meaning in life.
BTW, I'm curious who voted for pastafarianism. ;)
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

30 Jul 2018, 15:56

Flipeador wrote:gradually...
But where does it actually lead? To a later stage where everyone get rid of its symptomatic beliefs? It sounds to me like a real dystopia.
Flipeador wrote:It would definitely destroy all the churches and use the space for something else.
Let me guess... for something more 'useful', ideally with measurable impact ?? :mrgreen:
Flipeador wrote:their [religions] only purpose currently It's more like a placebo effect.
Like I suggested it, I truly believe that the ultimate placebo is to put into 'question' the 'distraction' from a self-sufficient attitude: one always believes more than might be imagined...
Basically, as I see it, your conception of belief is wrong, intellectualist; our existence are objectively social and worldly...
Admittedly, there's an irreducible scandal in the fact that in a civilized' society individuals are shortchanged by themselves and not able to recognize themselves in their own products (e.g. money, market, technique etc.).
Flipeador wrote:for now, impossible to explain (like those that in the past we could not conceive, but today, we can, thanks to science, it's only a matter of time)
[quote]Pourquoi il y a quelque chose plutôt que rien?[/quote]

This is the question and that's a question that has not been answered 'yet'... Even if God exists, it is contingent: why there's is something good, generous, merciful like God rather than nothing...? In the boredom for example there's 'nothing' to do and it is annoying... Why should I do something than nothing???.... existence is inexorably enigmatic.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

30 Jul 2018, 16:44

Yes, I understand you, and I give you the reason. It's complicated. What can I say, I love science, it would be good to inhabit other planets and show the middle finger to life (God?).
That is the reason why I am an agnostic atheist, I prefer not to waste my time trying to "guess" what is currently impossible to prove. However, I think that there is no God.
I think that if God exists it does not have any resemblance in how the religions describe it. We do not even know if there are several Gods. Many people say something like "I prefer to believe and then be rewarded instead of not believing and end up in hell, in case God exists", but, what if you are praying to the wrong God?, you could end up even worse.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

30 Jul 2018, 17:11

@Flipeador: Hello :wave:
Flipeador wrote:@Gio Hi ;).
Honestly, if I had the "power" to do it, I would try to gradually orient more to an atheist society. It would definitely destroy all the churches and use the space for something else. :evil:
Destructive indeed :shock:

If history is to be accounted for, religious persecution is strongly linked to blood thirsty and power hungry regimes (either religious themselves or not). 20th century communism is a notable example.

Religious tolerance, on the other hand, has been key to maintaining peace in many nations. It is a valuable asset in many constitutions.
Basically, and without going any further, I am sure that religions (and God) served in times past to give explanations about things that we did not know, but that today is nothing more than history, and that their only purpose currently It's more like a placebo effect.
I don't see spirituality as merely serving to explain things we don't know. Neither do i think it's only purpose as of today is as a placebo. Aside of the unique views of the different faiths, there is a lot of value to religion as a whole. By contemplating concepts such as life, death, eternity, meaning, purpose, good, evil, karma, sin, punishment, pleasure, limitations, personality, god, omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, destiny, paradoxes and so many others, people get to evolve their worldviews and acquire a much more rich attitude towards themselves and towards each other. And while these concepts (or at least some of them) can be contemplated from an atheist worldview, most atheists tend to discard them early on, which leads to incapacity or lack of interest in discussing the more intricate models of these concepts.
I also stopped arguing, it is in vain to try to "change someone" when such a person simply does not want to. Give for an infinite conversation.
The exercise of a healthy debate should not be aimed at merely trying to convice someone that they are wrong, but rather at exchanging and evolving ideas and concepts. In this sense, if we can keep the conversation to a level, it doesn't really matter whether we are convincing the other party or not so long as we can exchange well thought ideas.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

31 Jul 2018, 02:05

flipeador wrote:That is the reason why I am an agnostic atheist, I prefer not to waste my time trying to "guess" what is currently impossible to prove
@Flipeador I entirely share your view; I might add that I prefer 'waste' my time trying to think the only thing that is forever impossible to prove and it needs to be thinked: our lives - Gio expresses this better than I can when he says (speaking about it alongside its faith by the way):
Gio wrote:a continuous rational thinking about the subjective nature of our reality and the experiences we have in our lives
Prove a live, prove that we exist is nothing that living, experience which is irreducible; l'existence précède l'essence. It's strange: I mean, I think I share the same allergy as yours against religions; however, I fell compelled to position myself against you... But it is not only due to a prediliection for paradox and contradiction: the way you word it makes me think that you 're hoping ideological and social gains without also pin hopes and exigencies on a the political terrain (like the May 68 generation broadly speaking... whose heritage is under the threat of dangerous reactionary reevaluation today btw...): prove that we exist is happening at a political level as well; it is not only be able to make a middle finger to traditions.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

31 Jul 2018, 09:18

I have been dead. there is more after this life but it is not described in the bible. I most closely identify as an orthodox christian however.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

31 Jul 2018, 17:56

I have been raised to believe the Bible, and I have proved it's message to be truth by believing and obeying and experiencing the power.
try it and see
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

01 Aug 2018, 07:20

I believe religion is an easy way out of questions the conscious mind throws up . I just accept that you can ask questions that simply do not have answers but just semantic constructions like where is the beginning of a circle.So i voted agnostic.
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Re: Do you have any religion? | What's your religion?

01 Nov 2018, 21:31

I love how you say atheist agnostic, then You gotta choose between the 2... lol
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