No "recoil" fortnite

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No "recoil" fortnite

14 Feb 2018, 21:30

Hi guys, sorry if u missunderstand the title, but i need (Only if u can) some script for fortnite, something wich control the "recoil" or "bloom" as they called...

thanks for reading! <3
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Re: No "recoil" fortnite

16 Feb 2018, 12:05

This is a forum for asking for CODING help. Do you have any interest in learning to code at all, or do you just want a cheat handed to you on a plate? What made you think it was appropriate to post here?
This is not a rhetorical question, I am genuinely interested in knowing why you posted here.

Re: No "recoil" fortnite

19 Apr 2018, 11:45

evilC wrote:This is a forum for asking for CODING help. Do you have any interest in learning to code at all, or do you just want a cheat handed to you on a plate? What made you think it was appropriate to post here?
This is not a rhetorical question, I am genuinely interested in knowing why you posted here.
What's with the hostility? Who cares if he doesn't want to learn. He was asking a question if anyone could help him create or kindly pass along their script.

Don't understand people like you, if you don't like what he's saying, move on. No point in wasting efforts trying to get your point.
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Re: No "recoil" fortnite

19 Apr 2018, 14:18

Because all these people want to do is cheat in an online competitive game - they care nothing about coding or the damage that they are doing to the image of AHK.

Some games even refuse to run if AHK is running, precisely because so many people cheat using AHK, then meaning that legitimate users (eg those with disabilities who need to remap some keys or something) get screwed over because of the actions of people like this.
So yeah, I am sick of people thinking they can turn up on this coding forum, and ask to be handed hacks on a plate
If you wanna learn to code, and you are gonna write the hack, then not so bad, and I may even help you learn some coding techniques, but to just rock up to a coding forum and in your first post ask for hacks - that's just rude. There are law-suits being flung at people for facilitating hacking, so quite apart from the moral standpoint, you don't want to be painting a target on your back by becoming associated with this douche-baggery.
[Edit to add] It's not that I am against *all* game automation, but this is a blatant aim-bot in a competitive game - it crosses a line.
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Re: No "recoil" fortnite

20 Apr 2018, 01:49

Considering this thread has plenty of views, I'd imagine that this sort of script would be very sought after. Why not make a general template recoil script so these gamers have something to work off of? I'd imagine for many it's their first exposure to AHK, so it could be pinned to the top.
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Re: No "recoil" fortnite

20 Apr 2018, 04:39

warning!! - rant on. This is not aimed at anyone, but rather at society as a whole, if it makes you think, it was worth my time writing.

I am in evilC's corner here, well kinda. There is a very fine line between legitimate needs and lazy needs. Most people are lazy and unwilling to make and effort, inconsiderate thinking society owes them something or just plain self centered and they expect people to fall over themselves to meet your every whim. The number of single line requests for bots and anti-recoil scripts are stupid. A small amount of forum searching will, in many cases, give the searcher exactly what he is looking for, but sadly many are not even willing to put in that much effort.

I view this as an incredibly sad reflection of where society is heading with the demand for instant gratification and the unwillingness to actually sit down and learn something. 50 years ago, my parents would go to the hardware store and get the gizmo that was needed for repairing the thingymajig. 20 years ago I would have to go to the hardware store to buy the glass to replace the window that I broke with a ball. Today people are not willing to wait at a traffic light and keep an intersection open in case the light changes before the traffic in front clears enough for you to fit and not cause gridlock. And then we all complain about it but what do we do? - Nothing, we hand out free code that the user wants and they have no idea what else it can do.

If people are unwilling to learn anything, do you not think they would always feel as if the world is out to get them and they never get a break. It is sad but I know a number of people like this and there is not much that you can do, other than try to encourage them and not let them pull you down to their level. You make your own opportunities, the old saying of "teach a man to fish" actually holds a lot more truth than what is obvious.

Just down the road from us is a corner where the local unskilled guys go to wait for informal work. Super depressing every time you drive past there but every now and then you see a guy that suddenly has a spirit level with him or a paint-roller with him. 4 months later this guy is on a different corner in the area with a poster and his name and contact number, advertising his painting skills. A few months later I saw the guy talking to someone else on the corner, they then got into a pickup and drove off, the pickup was branded with the guys name, contact details and "Super-Neat painters".
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Re: No "recoil" fortnite

20 Apr 2018, 05:39

iseahound wrote:Considering this thread has plenty of views, I'd imagine that this sort of script would be very sought after. Why not make a general template recoil script so these gamers have something to work off of? I'd imagine for many it's their first exposure to AHK, so it could be pinned to the top.
1) Great idea! While we are at it, why not put up libraries for writing malware and the blueprints of a nuclear bomb?
2) That doesn't even work. We have stickies that explain how to do a toggle, yet it is still the most asked question.

Re: No "recoil" fortnite

05 Aug 2018, 09:53

I would also be interested by this :)
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Re: No "recoil" fortnite

08 Aug 2018, 08:40

evilC wrote:
iseahound wrote:Considering this thread has plenty of views, I'd imagine that this sort of script would be very sought after. Why not make a general template recoil script so these gamers have something to work off of? I'd imagine for many it's their first exposure to AHK, so it could be pinned to the top.
1) Great idea! While we are at it, why not put up libraries for writing malware and the blueprints of a nuclear bomb?
2) That doesn't even work. We have stickies that explain how to do a toggle, yet it is still the most asked question.
I feel bad for you guys getting asked this garbage. I can see how it would lead to a bad image for AHK. Sorry 12 year olds, you're gonna have to learn how to play or program. Besides, this is the reason Epic added random bloom.

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