WinMove difference between script & executable Topic is solved

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WinMove difference between script & executable

20 Aug 2018, 07:02

I'm working on a program that will 'snap' a just created window to the edge of the screen. The WinMove command is used to move the window and is issued within a function invoked when the HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED message is received. If a compiled version of the program is running, the WinMove command moves the window as expected. If the script is not compiled the WinMove command fails, causing the program to end without any message (icon remains visible in tray but disappears when the mouse arrow is moved over it).

Here is a small test program that exhibits the problem. While the script is running, the WinOpened() function will be invoked anytime a window is created. If the created window is a file's "Properties" window (left click on a file in the File Explorer program and select "Properties"), the WinOpened() function will change the window's title to "<%Title%>" to indicate the script detected the window and then issue the WinMove command to move the window to screen location (100,100).

Only checked with AHK version

Code: Select all


;Register shell hook 
DetectHiddenWindows, On  ;Access this processes' hidden window
Process, Exist  ;Get its process ID
hwnd := WinExist( "ahk_pid " . ErrorLevel ) ;Get its hwnd

;Get message when a window created
DllCall("RegisterShellHookWindow", "UInt", hwnd )
msgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
;Call function when message received
OnMessage( msgNum, "winOpened" )	;Register function to invoke

;Perform actions on just created window
winOpened( wParam, lParam )
   If( wParam = 1 )  ; 1 = HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED
      WinGet, hwnd, ID, A  ;hwnd of just created window
      ;Act only on a File Explorer's file properties window
      WinGetTitle, winTitle, ahk_id %hwnd%
      if( InStr( winTitle, "Properties" ) )
         ;Change the title of the window (always works)
         WinSetTitle, ahk_id %hwnd%, , <%winTitle%>
         ;Move the window (Only works if a compiled script)
         WinMove, ahk_id %hwnd%, , 100, 100
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Re: WinMove difference between script & executable

20 Aug 2018, 08:04

I tested your script. It works just perfectly fine for me. Both the Compiled and Uncompiled versions.
I run Win 7 Pro, 32 bit. Running AHK version
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Joined: 12 Jan 2016, 21:02

Re: WinMove difference between script & executable

20 Aug 2018, 08:20

It appears I'm running, not 11.29.01
It figure's I'd notice it after I post the problem.

Thanks joefiesta for the feedback. I saw your post when I went to delete mine.
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Re: WinMove difference between script & executable

20 Aug 2018, 08:21

could it have something to do with UAC or running as admin?

Posts: 16
Joined: 12 Jan 2016, 21:02

Re: WinMove difference between script & executable  Topic is solved

20 Aug 2018, 09:03

Just to clarify, version caused WinMove to not work correctly in some situations. Version fixed the problem.

Maybe someone will find my test code useful as example code for how to detect when a window is created.
Posts: 57
Joined: 19 Oct 2015, 15:53

Re: WinMove difference between script & executable

21 Aug 2018, 05:43

TomL wrote:Maybe someone will find my test code useful as example code for how to detect when a window is created.
thanks, I use your code with WinClose instead of WinMove to get rid of a nag screen.
I believe there is no way to hinder the window creation itself; if I am mistaken plz let me know, as I'd prefer not to see the nag at all :roll: ...

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