Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by tidbit » 11 Sep 2018, 10:57

rawr. fear me.
Is it December 21, 2012 yet?

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by garry » 11 Sep 2018, 13:32

... last 'proof' ... how it 'really' looks

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by joedf » 12 Sep 2018, 17:13

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by garry » 28 Oct 2018, 05:17

The earth is flat especially in Netherlands ( Nederland > neder = low / down )

USA first > Nederland second https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_cont ... -xxis7hDOE )
Last edited by garry on 31 Oct 2018, 11:26, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by CyL0N » 29 Oct 2018, 12:29

Its seems to me that in every flat earth imagery I've seen, the moon is always round with the curvature of a sphere... How's this still a thing... though that is a cool pic...
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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by Kilo_SSK » 31 Oct 2018, 10:10

I've heard recently of another completely wacky theory... The fact that the Earth isn't exactly flat, but laid out almost flat on a huge, HUGE ice ball around which the sun orbits because at night it flies through a tunnel in the ice ball. And they suppose that there are other worlds somewhere on the ice ball.
Let them a couple years and they'll come up with the idea that the Earth is flat, but just stuck on a sphere that happens to be of the exact right shape and size for the planet to wrap itself around!

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by tidbit » 05 Nov 2018, 11:04

I heard of something similar, like this:
same as above, but also a sphere version. Something like, earth is 1000x larger than we're taught and so that's why it feels flat. and there's many many more continents out there besides the ones we know.

edit: spoilers are dead too. image:
rawr. fear me.
Is it December 21, 2012 yet?

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by joedf » 05 Nov 2018, 22:31

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by garry » 29 Aug 2019, 04:51


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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by joedf » 29 Aug 2019, 10:02

lol nice
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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by garner » 18 Sep 2019, 12:26

I can't believe that this is still a question in 21st century.

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by joedf » 18 Sep 2019, 16:54

@garner It's for jokes ;)
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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by Capn Odin » 19 Sep 2019, 13:05

I woke to the truth just recently the Earth is flat and I can prove it.

If a plane flew along the earth and it had a curve as great as they say it does then the pilot would need to correct for it by dipping the nose down every few kilometers. They do not do this , so the Earth can't be round.
And it would be silly to thing that after a while the plane would be flying upside down when it reached the south pole.

When ships disappear at the horizon from the bottom up it is due to perspective and the refraction limit ,it has nothing to do with an imaginary curve.
If you don't believe me just ask Nathan Oakley what refraction is. If you are not convinced grab a Nikon COOLPIX P1000 and go test it yourself on a hundred meter race track.

Things falls due to density differences between the thing falling and the medium it is in ,not because they are pulled by an invisible magical force. This can be seen easily in how a helium balloon rises in the air while a stone falls to the ground.
If you are confused about the Cavendish experiment it proves only that lead attracts lead nothing more ,, it doesn't prove gravity.

They say that the Earth is a ball spinning at 1609 km/h and yet they want us to believe that the water on Earth would stick to it.
You can do this experiment that disproves it yourself just get a ball put some water on it and spin it really fast , you will see that the water is shooting off of it.

Water will always find its level and become completely flat as can be seen in the Bolivia mirror lake, you would not get a reflection like this if the water was curved.

In the heliocentric model we are told that the tide is caused by the supposed gravitational pull of the Moon , however the model is in conflict with itself as the Earth is many times more massive than the Moon the water would be pulled with greater force towards the Earth.
Another problem with the heliocentric model is that lakes and ponds does not exhibit any tide ,why would the Moon not be able to attract small bodies of water when it supposedly can pull the enormous oceans.
In fact the tide is caused by the gentle and gradual rise and fall of the Earth on the bosom of the mighty deep.

The Sun is much closer to the Earth than they will have you believe, this is most easily seen in how sun rays spread out at the bottom when piercing cloud cover. If the Sun was as far away as they say then the rays would be parallel when they reach us and not spread out.

You can't have a gas pressure next to a vacuum , the gas would expand to fill out the space, hence why the Earth must have a dome. This dome is called the firmament, the Sun and the Moon move along this dome.

Don't believe NASA's lies! Trust your senses , the Earth is a flat motionless plane.
Please excuse my spelling I am dyslexic.

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by garry » 19 Sep 2019, 14:58

nice try

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by Gio » 20 Sep 2019, 12:57

Capn Odin wrote:
19 Sep 2019, 13:05
I woke to the truth just recently the Earth is flat and I can prove it.
Aight, i'll bite right into the bait! :D

Who says planes do not correct their trajectories? The plane does correct itself a lot during flight time!

The dynamics through which certain models of aircrafts are more (or less) stable during flights (specially with autopilot turned on), however, are not as easy to explain, and are highly dependant on aircraft design. But in any case, if there were actually no controls and no corrections in the angle of attack at all, a flat earth alone would NOT make an aircraft fly a straight line perfectly in parallel to ground without any corrections at all. Wind, turbulence, air currents, etc would all still be a thing. Therefore, correction ARE made regularly. Aircrafts actually have many instruments that allow corrections in the angle of attack to be made, including: The Attitude Indicator, the Altimeter, the Vertical Speed Indicator, etc. These corrections will account for any cause of variation, not just earths curvature (hence why this whole talk about earths curvature being "a key big problem for aviation" is just flat-earthers imagination).

If you still think earths curvature is a big problem for aviation, consider this: flat-earthers have calculated that earths curvature means there is "an amazing 8 inch drop for every mile". This "amazing number that acumulates over time" would thus have to be accounted for, which, according to them, would be "a big problem for aviation".

But is it really that big of deal? Let's look at another even bigger problem: a skilled pilot cannot manually fly an aircraft with more than about 2º accuracy (source).

So if ~2º error is considered okay for a skilled pilot, how much distortion does a 1º error in flight trajectory causes every mile?

Tan(1) = 0.0175
1 mile = 63360"
63360 * 0.0175 = 1108"

Thats right! only 1 degree off in the angle of attack means that the plane will either rise or fall more than a thousand inches per mile! (Which is actually well within the expected range of error for uncorrected manual flights).

So as you can see, this 8 inch drop every mile is not even a big deal at all. Much bigger corrections in flight trajectory are regularly made by pilots (or autopilots). Planes DO NOT fly absolutely straight line trajectories (they never had to in the first place: all thanks to regular instruments and trajectory corrections).

Refraction occurs when light enters a mean of higher or lower refractive index. If the mean is basically the same (air at sea level), no refraction occurs. This means refraction is NOT responsible for the sinking of objects at the horizon.

When you parachute from a plane, you will fall from a place of lower air density to a place of higher air density. Yet, you are accelerating downwards.

The key point is that the earth has a low angular velocity. This angular velocity (and not the straight vector velocity) is what causes the phenomenom you are observing in the tennis ball. You can see this page for a formula that describes centripetal acceleration and how angular velocity is the key component.

If the tides were caused by the entire earth rising and falling, high tides would occur at the same exact time everywhere in the planet, regardless of it being daytime or nighttime in each location. This is obviously not the case.

Perspective is a wonderful thing isn't it?

In the picture below, would you assume the sun is right above tree height?


Sea level pressure (1 atm) is the result of the weight of the air in the atmosphere (the air that is above sea level). If you go up towards outerspace, less and less air weight is above your head and so less and less pressure will be present. This can be proven by the fact that if you climb a big mountain, you will experience ever decreasing levels of pressure in the air, to the point where most people will need oxygen tanks for climbing the everest.

The conclusion is that there is actually no pressure diferential at all in the atmosphere/outerspace boundaries.

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by Jondirbos » 10 Dec 2019, 08:36

I don't believe in it, but from what I've seen it seems to be a religious thing, mixed in with other conspiracy theories. The connection seems to be to tie in fundamentalist christianity (the bible says the earth is like a snowglobe or something), government conspiracies, pseudoscientific spiritual medicine vs real evil conspiracy medicine, and technology fears.

Flat earthers I've seen believe in the bible's version of the earth, and from that they go to say that it's the end times and that the united states government is evil and conspiring to make people non believers, and some of the methods include using technology that attacks the spirit. From that, it justifies lumping in the belief that NASA is faking everything. In order to appear semi-intellectual, they say that all scientists are anti-Christian propagandists that are trying to hide the "fact" that the earth is flat.

After all of the above, some try to go even more extreme and say that the earth is the center of the entire universe, and the reason that people don't believe it anymore is because of all this anti-Christian propaganda and spirit attacking technology and fake science and medicine (they usually say vaccines have something to do with attacking the body so that it can weaken the spirit or lower iqs or something to that effect). They say that the powers that control this I don't believe in it, but from what I've seen it seems to be a religious thing, mixed in with other conspiracy theories. The connection seems to be to tie in fundamentalist christianity (the bible says the earth is like a snowglobe or something), government conspiracies, pseudoscientific spiritual medicine vs real evil conspiracy medicine, and technology fears.

Flat earthers I've seen believe in the bible's version of the earth, and from that they go to say that it's the end times and that the united states government is evil and conspiring to make people non believers, and some of the methods include using technology that attacks the spirit. From that, it justifies lumping in the belief that NASA is faking everything. In order to appear semi-intellectual, they say that all scientists are anti-Christian propagandists that are trying to hide the "fact" that the earth is flat.

After all of the above, some try to go even more extreme and say that the earth is the center of the entire universe, and the reason that people don't believe it anymore is because of all this anti-Christian propaganda and spirit attacking technology and fake science and medicine (they usually say vaccines have something to do with attacking the body so that it can weaken the spirit or lower iqs or something to that effect). They say that the powers that control all these anti-Christianity efforts are satanists and whatever other evil thing, have ties to other popular evil things, etc etc., and that that is their motive for doing everything they've done, to get favor with the devil in a kind of Faust way.

Their way of justifying their belief that the whole universe revolves around the earth is that the earth is special because it's god's testing ground for humans. People don't believe it because the devil is trying to make them fail the test as bad as possible.

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by Xeo786 » 07 Jan 2020, 08:11

According to Word Game... :geek:

Engineers work on assuming land is flat, In arabic "ard ارض " which means land, and it sounds like Earth "ard"
another thing, the word Plant Earth is an Oxymoron. :eh:

Planet means `Warder Star`, all star travel in sync except these wanderer stars, they are faster than every other star in the sky,
Earth literally is not wandering in the sky as star. this proves now Earth is not a planet , :idea:

Landing can only be made on land, :shifty: otherwise it will be something else if you skip the word land from landing :HeHe: , as I previously said Ard `which means land` is Earth `which also mean land` unless you behave like some stubborn globalizational freak, :trollface:

let us come to the word Global :sick:
The thing I do not like, I also do not like to describe so read the link :terms:

so in simple word global is introduced by some newbie in 1930 :facepalm: and we coders hate newbies so much we defiantly not gonna like such newbie word global which do not have any meaningful connection :problem: , well the acceptance can only be make as far as all planets (wanderer stars) can be considered global :ugeek: and earth is not meaningfully earth when you call it global :cookie: ,

I am not here to prove Earth is flat but I can assure you earth is not global either, you all know, what it is?, its simply a Land, the only place where you can make landings, and please do not act like gf

gf = some stubborn globalizational freak :trollface:
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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by Gio » 07 Jan 2020, 09:45

Jondirbos wrote:
10 Dec 2019, 08:36
... The connection seems to be to tie in fundamentalist christianity (the bible says the earth is like a snowglobe or something), government conspiracies, pseudoscientific spiritual medicine vs real evil conspiracy medicine, and technology fears.

Flat earthers I've seen believe in the bible's version of the earth, and from that they go to say that it's the end times and that the united states government is evil and conspiring to make people non believers, and some of the methods include using technology that attacks the spirit.
So yours is a conspiracy theory about conspiracy theorists conspiring? :beer:

You are wrong about christians. A quick survey should demonstrate that the vast majority of christians are not flat-earthers (including many of the so called fundamentalists). Here a couple articles from a fundamentalist christian site debunking flat-earth ideas:


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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by suganm » 09 Jan 2020, 01:27

One of my friends is a flat earther,who has tried many times to convince me and our circle of friends,we all have told him on numerous occasions that the earth is round like all the other planets in the universe,but no luck he is a firm believer he has eight flat earth followers and they have meetings every Friday ......a bunch of crazy men and woman

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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Post by Xeo786 » 09 Jan 2020, 02:28

suganm wrote:
09 Jan 2020, 01:27
they have meetings every Friday ......a bunch of crazy men and woman
I can only wish to have those meeting visited :problem:
"When there is no gravity, there is absolute vacuum and light travel with no time" -Game changer theory

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