[Class] string-similarity.ahk

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[Class] string-similarity.ahk

20 Aug 2019, 10:01

Finds degree of similarity between two strings, based on Dice's Coefficient, which is mostly better than Levenshtein distance.

Image Image Image

In a terminal or command line navigated to your project folder:

Code: Select all

npm install string-similarity.ahk
In your code only export.ahk needs to be included:

Code: Select all

#Include %A_ScriptDir%\node_modules
#Include string-similarity.ahk\export.ahk
oStringSimilarity := new stringsimilarity()

oStringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("test", "testing")
; => 0.67
oStringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("Hello", "hello")
; => 1.0

Including the module provides a class stringsimilarity with three methods: .compareTwoStrings, .findBestMatch, and .simpleBestMatch

compareTwoStrings(string1, string2)
Returns a fraction between 0 and 1, which indicates the degree of similarity between the two strings. 0 indicates completely different strings, 1 indicates identical strings. The comparison is case-insensitive.

  1. string1 (string): The first string
  2. string2 (string): The second string
Order does not make a difference.

(Number): A fraction from 0 to 1, both inclusive. Higher number indicates more similarity.


Code: Select all

stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("healed", "sealed")
; => 0.80

stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition."
	, "For sale: table in very good  condition, olive green in colour.")
; => 0.71

stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition."
	, "For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles")
; => 0.30

stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition."
	, "Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears.")
; => 0.11

findBestMatch(mainString, targetStrings)
Compares mainString against each string in targetStrings.

  1. mainString (string): The string to match each target string against.
  2. targetStrings (Array): Each string in this array will be matched against the main string.

(Object): An object with a ratings property, which gives a similarity rating for each target string, and a bestMatch property, which specifies which target string was most similar to the main string. The array of ratings are sorted from higest rating to lowest.


Code: Select all

stringSimilarity.findBestMatch("Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition."
	, ["For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles"
	, "For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour."
	, "Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears."])
; =>
{ ratings:
	[{ target: "For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.",
		rating: 0.71 },
	{ target: "For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles",
		rating: 0.30 },
	{ target: "Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears.",
		rating: 0.11 }],
	{ target: "For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour.",
		rating: 0.71 } }

simpleBestMatch(mainString, targetStrings)
Compares mainString against each string in targetStrings.

  1. mainString (string): The string to match each target string against.
  2. targetStrings (Array): Each string in this array will be matched against the main string.

(String): The string that was most similar to the first argument string.


Code: Select all

stringSimilarity.simpleBestMatch("Hard to"
	, [" hard to    "
	, "hard to"
	, "Hard 2"])
; => "hard to"
Last edited by Chunjee on 17 Oct 2021, 00:12, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: string-similarity.ahk

20 Aug 2019, 10:08


Code: Select all

Class stringsimilarity {

	__New() {

	compareTwoStrings(para_string1,para_string2) {
		;Sørensen-Dice coefficient
		savedBatchLines := A_BatchLines
		SetBatchLines, -1

		vCount := 0
		oArray := {}
		oArray := {base:{__Get:Func("Abs").Bind(0)}} ;make default key value 0 instead of a blank string
		Loop, % vCount1 := StrLen(para_string1) - 1
			oArray["z" SubStr(para_string1, A_Index, 2)]++
		Loop, % vCount2 := StrLen(para_string2) - 1
			if (oArray["z" SubStr(para_string2, A_Index, 2)] > 0) {
				oArray["z" SubStr(para_string2, A_Index, 2)]--
		vDSC := Round((2 * vCount) / (vCount1 + vCount2),2)
		if (!vDSC || vDSC < 0.005) { ;round to 0 if less than 0.005
			return 0
		if (vDSC = 1) {
			return 1
		SetBatchLines, % savedBatchLines
		return vDSC

	findBestMatch(para_string,para_array) {
		savedBatchLines := A_BatchLines
		SetBatchLines, -1
		if (!IsObject(para_array)) {
			SetBatchLines, % savedBatchLines
			return false

		this.info_Array := []

		; Score each option and save into a new array
		loop, % para_array.MaxIndex() {
			this.info_Array[A_Index, "rating"] := this.compareTwoStrings(para_string, para_array[A_Index])
			this.info_Array[A_Index, "target"] := para_array[A_Index]

		;sort the scored array and return the bestmatch
		l_sortedArray := this.internal_Sort2DArrayFast(this.info_Array,"rating", false) ;false reverses the order so the highest scoring is at the top
		l_object := {bestMatch:l_sortedArray[1], ratings:l_sortedArray}
		SetBatchLines, % savedBatchLines
		return l_object

	simpleBestMatch(para_string,para_array) {
		if (!IsObject(para_array)) {
			return false

		l_array := this.findBestMatch(para_string,para_array)
		return l_array.bestMatch.target

	internal_Sort2DArrayFast(byRef a, key, Ascending := True)
		for index, obj in a
			out .= obj[key] "+" index "|" ; "+" allows for sort to work with just the value
		; out will look like:   value+index|value+index|

		v := a[a.minIndex(), key]
		if v is number
			type := " N "
		StringTrimRight, out, out, 1 ; remove trailing |
		Sort, out, % "D| " type  (!Ascending ? " R" : " ")
		l_storage := []
		loop, parse, out, |
			l_storage.insert(a[SubStr(A_LoopField, InStr(A_LoopField, "+") + 1)])
		return l_storage

Performance improvements welcomed via pull requests.

Heavy lifting done by jeeswg at this thread: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?p=243009#p243009

I was making a movie metadata thing and needed to match the user's input with the closest imdb match. Most libraries seem to be designed with short single strings in mind. Longer strings like "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (2002)" proved difficult. I really liked the concept of scoring via a number between 0 and 1. That project is here if you need a realworld example of the package in use: https://github.com/Chunjee/SA-omdbcloner

When working with longer strings, a slight difference like a missing word can make a huge Levenshtein distance number. Other times short movie names wouldn't return a large number even with a bad match. That is why a fraction between 0 and 1 is best, for honestly just about everything because then it is always to scale.
Last edited by Chunjee on 08 Feb 2021, 19:05, edited 10 times in total.
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

22 Aug 2019, 13:39

@Chunjee , thanks a lot. A user (MarkusDS) on the UiPath forum was asking about an old post of mine using Levenshtein and Damerau-Levenshtein in UiPath with AHK, and I've pointed him to this post.
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

22 Aug 2019, 18:09

Pardon my French but, I'll be damned. This might be more useful to me in the future but for right now, I'd more or less use this for some sort of an AI.

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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

22 Aug 2019, 20:36

This is really impressive! I know it'll come in handy for something for sure.
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

23 Aug 2019, 12:41

pardon my ignorance, but why not post the library? I prefer just copy pasting it rather than installing with another program.
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

23 Aug 2019, 12:56

Pardon MY ignorance...

Can anyone speak to whether there are different algorithms to assess similarity depending on what you are trying to accomplish? I can envision that depending on the context of the problem, you may want to weight the various attributes the calculation tries to embody. For example, you may want to stipulate that the first letter must always match to get a high score. Just curious.

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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

24 Aug 2019, 19:45

@Chunjee, could I ask for some help with this?

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

behave as expected, but [code]stringSimilarity.findBestMatch[/code] gives no output.

EDIT: I guess I figured it out, sorry for the bother. I just saw that simpleBestMatch calls findBestMatch, so it's obviously working, and I see findBestMatch returns an object.
So I used errorseven's obj2str.ahk, and I think Maestrith has a similar object-to-string function that I can't find at the moment. I think Joe Glines had a video using it. Bound to be here somewhere :D

Here's my little test script:

Code: Select all

#Include %A_ScriptDir%\lib\string-similarity.ahk\export.ahk
#Include %A_ScriptDir%\obj2str.ahk
stringSimilarity := new stringsimilarity()
similarityrating := stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings("The eturn of the king", "The Return of the King")
;matches := stringSimilarity.findBestMatch("healed", ["edward", "sealed", "theatre"])

newtest := stringSimilarity.findBestMatch("Olive-green table for sale, in extremely good condition."
  , ["For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles"
  , "For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour."
  , "Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears."])
bestmatchstring := stringSimilarity.simpleBestMatch("Blue table for sale, in extremely good condition."
    , ["For sale: green Subaru Impreza, 210,000 miles"
    , "For sale: table in very good condition, olive green in colour."
    , "Wanted: mountain bike with at least 21 gears."])
hoser := obj2str(newtest)

msgbox %similarityrating%`r`n`r`n%hoser%`r`n`r`n%bestmatchstring%
msgbox.PNG (19.14 KiB) Viewed 8806 times
This is a really cool lib, thank you very much!
Regards, burque505
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

25 Aug 2019, 05:08

fenchai wrote:
23 Aug 2019, 12:41
pardon my ignorance, but why not post the library? I prefer just copy pasting it rather than installing with another program.
Yeah probably a good idea as is the norm for ahk. Will be added to Post #2
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

25 Aug 2019, 05:41

burque505 wrote:
24 Aug 2019, 19:45
stringSimilarity.compareTwoStrings and stringSimilarity.simpleBestMatch behave as expected, but stringSimilarity.findBestMatch gives no output.
Sounds like you mostly figured it out. But for completeness for anyone else in the future let me leave an answer:
Since it returns an object, you can't just msgbox the whole object if you are looking for a string. You would do something like msgbox, % newtest.bestMatch.target or msgbox, % newtest.ratings[1].target

I tested the following as a more in depth example:

Code: Select all

newtest := stringSimilarity.findBestMatch("foobar",["foo","bar"])

msgbox, % newtest.bestMatch.target " and " newtest.ratings[1].target " both match"
;; => "bar" for the curious

Regards, burque505\
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

25 Aug 2019, 08:12

Thanks for the excellent example. I know I'm going to get asked how to discard values below a certain confidence rating (today, I'll bet ;) ), so I tried the following:

Code: Select all

newtest2 := stringSimilarity.findBestMatch("foobar",["foo","bar"])
msgbox, % "The match 'for newtest2.bestMatch.target', i.e. '" newtest2.bestMatch.target "', has a confidence rating of " newtest2.ratings[1].rating
That should get me where I need to be. :D
dices-2.PNG (11.97 KiB) Viewed 8667 times
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

26 Aug 2019, 18:23

@Chunjee, saw your post on the Uipath forum, great work! I downloaded your UiPath workflow, made a very minor mod to "Dice.ahk", tweaked the properties a little and it appears to be working, and compared to Markus's original solution it is REALLY fast.
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Re: [Library] string-similarity.ahk

27 Aug 2019, 13:33

3 Ways to filter lower ratings for anyone who needs a hand:

Code: Select all

scoreditems := ssObj.findBestMatch("For Sale:",["Wanted - ","[WTB]","FOR SALE!","SALE:"])
;=> scoreditems.ratings = 1:["rating":0.88, "target":"FOR SALE!"], 2:["rating":0.67, "target":"SALE:"], 3:["rating":0, "target":"[WTB]"], 4:["rating":0, "target":"Wanted - "]
newarray := []
loop, % scoreditems.ratings.MaxIndex() {
    if (scoreditems.ratings[A_Index].rating > .60) {
scoreditems.ratings := newarray
;;=> scoreditems.ratings = 1:["rating":0.88, "target":"FOR SALE!"], 2:["rating":0.67, "target":"SALE:"]

Or do it all in a dedicated function:

Code: Select all

scoreditems := ssObj.findBestMatch("For Sale:",["Wanted - ","[WTB]","FOR SALE!","SALE:"])
scoreditems.ratings := filterlowRatings(scoreditems.ratings,.60)
;;=> scoreditems.ratings = 1:["rating":0.88, "target":"FOR SALE!"], 2:["rating":0.67, "target":"SALE:"]
filterlowRatings(para_ratingsarray,para_scorethreshold) {
    newarray := []
    loop, % para_ratingsarray.MaxIndex() {
        if (para_ratingsarray[A_Index].rating > para_scorethreshold) {
    return % newarray

/!\ SHAMELESS PLUG INCOMING!!! /!\ :siren:
I'm working on a larger utility library that will allow one to sort out low scoring matches like so:

Code: Select all

ssObj := New stringsimilarity()
A := New biga()

scoreditems := ssObj.findBestMatch("For Sale:",["Wanted - ","[WTB]","FOR SALE!","SALE:"])
;=> scoreditems.ratings = 1:["rating":0.88, "target":"FOR SALE!"], 2:["rating":0.67, "target":"SALE:"], 3:["rating":0, "target":"[WTB]"], 4:["rating":0, "target":"Wanted - "]
scoreditems.ratings := A.filter(scoreditems.ratings,Func("filterLowRatings"))
;=> scoreditems.ratings = 1:["rating":0.88, "target":"FOR SALE!"], 2:["rating":0.67, "target":"SALE:"]
filterLowRatings(para_interatee) {
    if (para_interatee.rating >= .60) { ; 60% match or better
        return true
That .filter method is done, but the library, on the whole, is far from done. You can download or learn more about it in this thread: https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=76&t=67466
I could certainly use the help expanding that out.
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Re: [Class] string-similarity.ahk

16 Nov 2019, 15:32

I noticed some typos on the documentation and fixed them today.
Last edited by Chunjee on 31 Aug 2020, 22:59, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Class] string-similarity.ahk

14 Mar 2020, 10:17

I made two logos a few weeks ago. They are now included in one .svg file on the git repo.


Artistic Concept:

If you have an idea of your own feel free to post it.
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Re: [Class] string-similarity.ahk

31 Aug 2020, 22:39

v1.0.4 has been published.

Functionally there is no change.
In the unlikely event someone isn't using SetBatchLines, -1; most methods will set that, perform what it needs to, then resume the previous SetBatchLines speed before returning the output.
Also cleaned up some of the tests.
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Re: [Class] string-similarity.ahk

20 Sep 2020, 17:30

Is it possible for you to offer a 100% offline version? Like a CLI API or something like that.
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Re: [Class] string-similarity.ahk

20 Sep 2020, 19:49

The use of "API" in the documentation is not meant as http API; may update that to "Usage" or something.

This is usable offline.
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Re: [Class] string-similarity.ahk

21 Sep 2020, 07:50

@Chunjee, thanks again for all your work on string-similarity.ahk. This is going to get a lot of traction.
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Re: [Class] string-similarity.ahk

21 Sep 2020, 10:36

Chunjee wrote:
20 Sep 2020, 19:49
The use of "API" in the documentation is not meant as http API; may update that to "Usage" or something.

This is usable offline.
Ah no, that's offline, what I mean is that the installation is 100% offline, for example the node modules are not in github for download, only npm.

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