help with MCode Topic is solved

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help with MCode

25 Nov 2019, 00:20

so i've downloaded joedf's MCode4GCC and installed tdm-gcc 32bit

i've pasted in this pixelsearch function:

but i cannot get it to work. i have a full test script working with tic's pixelsearch which is included, but i cannot get rseding's to work

code below, and haystack image attached. please help. @Helgef @joedf @nnnik

maybe it has something to do with Rseding's version allowing me to pass multiple colors to search for? i'm not sure how i would pass multiple colors as unsigned char * through dllcall.

Code: Select all

#include Gdip_All.ahk

; My42Function := MCode("2,x86:uCoAAADD,x64:uCoAAADD")
; Msgbox % DllCall(My42Function,"cdecl")   ; works

pToken := Gdip_Startup()
pBitmapHaystack := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile("red_dot.png")
color := 0xFFFF0000
ret := Tic_PixelSearch(pBitmapHaystack, color, outx, outy)
msgbox, works!`n%ret%`n%outx%`n%outy%
ret := Rseding91_PixelSearch(pBitmapHaystack, color, outx, outy)
msgbox, fails!`n%ret%`n%outx%`n%outy%

Rseding91_PixelSearch(pBitmap, color, ByRef x, ByRef y)
   static PixSearch
   if (!PixSearch)
            . "hdt+c4tEJASLVCRMD7ZIAjHAAcorTCRMiQwkkI10JgAPtkyFAjnRf0c7DCR8Qot8"
            . "JAQPtnSFAQ+2TwGLfCRMAc85/n8rK0wkTDnOfCOLfCQED7Z0hQAPtg+LfCRMAc85"
            . "RCRAAYt0JDiLRCRAAXQkDDlEJEgPhTb///+LRCQkxwD/////i0QkKMcA/////4PE"
            . "ELin5P//W15fXcOLRCQki3QkCIkwi0QkKIt0JECJMIPEEDHAW15fXcOQkJCQkJCQ"
      PixSearch := MCode(code)

   Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, Width, Height)
   if !(Width && Height)
           return -1

   if (E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, 0, 0, Width, Height, Stride1, Scan01, BitmapData1))
           return -2

   x := y := 0
   E := DllCall(PixSearch, "int*", x, "int*", y, "uint", Scan01, "uint", color, "int", 1, "int", Stride1, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", 0, "int", 1, "cdecl uint")
   ; MsgBox, %ErrorLevel%`n%A_LastError%
   Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, BitmapData1)
   return E

  static e1 := 4, e2 := 1
  static c, ptr
  c := (A_PtrSize=8) ? "x64" : "x86"
  ptr := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"

  if (!regexmatch(mcode, "^([0-9]+),(" c ":|.*?," c ":)([^,]+)", m))
  if (!DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), "str", m3, "uint", 0, "uint", e%m1%, ptr, 0, "uint*", s, ptr, 0, ptr, 0))
  p := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, ptr, s, ptr)
  DllCall("VirtualProtect", ptr, p, ptr, s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", op)
  if (DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), "str", m3, "uint", 0, "uint", e%m1%, ptr, p, "uint*", s, ptr, 0, ptr, 0))
    return p
  DllCall("GlobalFree", ptr, p)

Tic_PixelSearch(pBitmap, ARGB, ByRef x, ByRef y)
        static _PixelSearch
        if !_PixelSearch
                MCode_PixelSearch := "8B44241099535583E2035603C233F6C1F80239742418577E388B7C24148B6C24248B5424188D1C85000000008D64240033C085"
                . "D27E108BCF3929743183C00183C1043BC27CF283C60103FB3B74241C7CDF8B4424288B4C242C5F5EC700FFFFFFFF5DC701FFFFFFFF83C8FF5BC38B4C2"
                . "4288B54242C5F890189325E5D33C05BC3"

                VarSetCapacity(_PixelSearch, StrLen(MCode_PixelSearch)//2)
                Loop % StrLen(MCode_PixelSearch)//2      ;%
                        NumPut("0x" SubStr(MCode_PixelSearch, (2*A_Index)-1, 2), _PixelSearch, A_Index-1, "char")
        Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, Width, Height)
        if !(Width && Height)
                return -1

        if (E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, 0, 0, Width, Height, Stride1, Scan01, BitmapData1))
                return -2

        x := y := 0
        E := DllCall(&_PixelSearch, "uint", Scan01, "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", Stride1, "uint", ARGB, "int*", x, "int*", y)
        Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, BitmapData1)
        return (E = "") ? -3 : E
red_dot.png (86 Bytes) Viewed 1311 times

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Re: help with MCode  Topic is solved

25 Nov 2019, 01:06

Try this,

Code: Select all

#include <Gdip_All>
setworkingdir %a_scriptdir%
; My42Function := MCode("2,x86:uCoAAADD,x64:uCoAAADD")
; Msgbox % DllCall(My42Function,"cdecl")   ; works

pToken := Gdip_Startup()
pBitmapHaystack := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile("red_dot.png")
color := 0xFFFF0000

;ret := Tic_PixelSearch(pBitmapHaystack, color, outx, outy)
;msgbox, works!`n%ret%`n%outx%`n%outy%

makeColors(colors, color)
num_colors := 1
makeColors(byref color_out, colors*) {
	; make an unsigned int array from colors.
	varsetcapacity(color_out, colors.length() * 4)
	for k, col in colors
		; edit: numput(col, color_out, "uint")
		numput(col, color_out, (k - 1) * 4, "uint")

ret := Rseding91_PixelSearch(pBitmapHaystack, colors, num_colors, outx, outy)
msgbox % "ret:`t" ret "`nx`t" outx "`ny`t" outy

Rseding91_PixelSearch(pBitmap, byref colors, num_colors, ByRef x, ByRef y)
   static PixSearch
   ;if (!PixSearch)
   ;         . "hdt+c4tEJASLVCRMD7ZIAjHAAcorTCRMiQwkkI10JgAPtkyFAjnRf0c7DCR8Qot8"
   ;         . "JAQPtnSFAQ+2TwGLfCRMAc85/n8rK0wkTDnOfCOLfCQED7Z0hQAPtg+LfCRMAc85"
   ;         . "RCRAAYt0JDiLRCRAAXQkDDlEJEgPhTb///+LRCQkxwD/////i0QkKMcA/////4PE"
   ;         . "ELin5P//W15fXcOLRCQki3QkCIkwi0QkKIt0JECJMIPEEDHAW15fXcOQkJCQkJCQ"
   ;   PixSearch := MCode(code) ; returns blank
	static flProtect:=0x40, flAllocationType:=0x1000 ; PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE ; MEM_COMMIT	
	static raw32:=[]
	static raw64:=[1447122753,1413567809,1398167381,418153288,3089415299,16777216,614763332,128,1221429581,1612991625,609519944,612666216,136,616336196,152,2686758027,1140850688,2955185291,251658240,53125,3158000640,43044,3247247104,1207959552,2303260771,2332566652,9446588,255918080,2370095023,48436,2554855424,1291215693,2370695169,2369847348,1241457732,109399181,2418326667,1275068416,4013553289,2422631293,2128905541,3054453849,2370372182,2370241093,692392196,280367050,2143435076,3526968376,3054449532,256115030,1107253430,1091640461,562027321,1103767876,427610937,1142339087,4267226639,287083841,2145073473,3391702024,2110994753,3229829192,3241756676,3347298165,3330492417,1979529476,3347267991,1946373121,960759844,11019452,2232352768,4294967152,608471880,4278241120,1224736767,1747207307,4294901959,2813919231,3959422948,1149978641,948527140,608471880,948520040,2202583089,1583028420,1547787615,1581342017,2428723009]
	static bin := ""
	if (bin == "") {
		if !bin:=DllCall("Kernel32.dll\VirtualAlloc", "Uptr",0, "Ptr", (raw:=A_PtrSize==4?raw32:raw64).length()*4, "Uint", flAllocationType, "Uint", flProtect, "Ptr")
			throw exception("oom")
		for k, i in raw
		PixSearch := bin

   Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, Width, Height)
   if !(Width && Height)
           return -1
   if (E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, 0, 0, Width, Height, Stride1, Scan01, BitmapData1))
           return -2
   x := y := 0
   ; (int * Foundx, int * Foundy, unsigned char * hScan, unsigned char * NeedleColors, int NumColors, int hStride, int sx1, int sy1, int sx2, int sy2, int v, int sd)
   E := DllCall(PixSearch, "int*", x, "int*", y, "ptr", Scan01, "ptr", &colors, "int", num_colors, "int", Stride1, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", 0, "int", 1, "cdecl uint")
   ; MsgBox, %ErrorLevel%`n%A_LastError%
   Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, BitmapData1)
   return E
The mcode() function returned blank, I also fixed the input to the dllcall. You need to pass an array of colors. Also note the use of ptr vs uint.

Last edited by Helgef on 25 Nov 2019, 03:02, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 3463
Joined: 09 Oct 2013, 10:31

Re: help with MCode

25 Nov 2019, 01:18

Helgef wrote:
25 Nov 2019, 01:06
Try this,
Thank you so much. I'm getting exception "oom" if I run on 32bit ahk. It works on 64 bit ahk
I have no idea what your mcode is. Can you help me get something reproducable? that's why i was trying to use joedf's gcc script.

Helgef wrote:
25 Nov 2019, 01:06
The mcode() function returned blank, I also fixed the input to the dllcall. You need to pass an array of colors.
its not returning blank for me. (edit, its returning blank on ahk x64 because i don't specify 64bit mcode, only x86)
thanks it works with your makeColors func!

Code: Select all

#include Gdip_All.ahk

; Msgbox % MyFunction := MCode("2,x86:uCoAAADD,x64:uCoAAADD")
; Msgbox % DllCall(MyFunction,"cdecl")   ; works
pToken := Gdip_Startup()
pBitmapHaystack := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile("red_dot.png")
color := 0xFFFF0000
; ret := Tic_PixelSearch(pBitmapHaystack, color, outx, outy)
; msgbox, works!`n%ret%`n%outx%`n%outy%
makeColors(colors, color)
ret := Rseding91_PixelSearch(pBitmapHaystack, colors, 1, outx, outy)
msgbox, works!`n%ret%`n%outx%`n%outy%

makeColors(byref color_out, colors*) {
	; make an unsigned int array from colors.
	varsetcapacity(color_out, colors.length() * 4)
	for k, col in colors
		numput(col, color_out, "uint")

Rseding91_PixelSearch(pBitmap, ByRef colors, numcolors, ByRef x, ByRef y)
   static PixSearch
   if (!PixSearch)
                  . "hdt+c4tEJASLVCRMD7ZIAjHAAcorTCRMiQwkkI10JgAPtkyFAjnRf0c7DCR8Qot8"
                  . "JAQPtnSFAQ+2TwGLfCRMAc85/n8rK0wkTDnOfCOLfCQED7Z0hQAPtg+LfCRMAc85"
                  . "/n8NK0wkTDnOfWCQjXQmAIPAATnDdamDRCQIAYNEJAQEi0QkCDlEJEQPhXH///+D"
                  . "RCRAAYt0JDiLRCRAAXQkDDlEJEgPhTb///+LRCQkxwD/////i0QkKMcA/////4PE"
                  . "ELin5P//W15fXcOLRCQki3QkCIkwi0QkKIt0JECJMIPEEDHAW15fXcOQkJCQkJCQ"
      msgbox % PixSearch := MCode(code)

   Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, Width, Height)
   if !(Width && Height)
           return -1

   if (E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, 0, 0, Width, Height, Stride1, Scan01, BitmapData1))
           return -2

   x := y := 0
   E := DllCall(PixSearch, "int*", x, "int*", y, "uint", Scan01, "uint", &colors, "int", 1, "int", Stride1, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", 0, "int", 1, "cdecl uint")
   ; MsgBox, %ErrorLevel%`n%A_LastError%
   Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, BitmapData1)
   return E

  static e1 := 4, e2 := 1
  static c, ptr
  c := (A_PtrSize=8) ? "x64" : "x86"
  ptr := A_PtrSize ? "Ptr" : "UInt"

  if (!regexmatch(mcode, "^([0-9]+),(" c ":|.*?," c ":)([^,]+)", m))
  if (!DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), "str", m3, "uint", 0, "uint", e%m1%, ptr, 0, "uint*", s, ptr, 0, ptr, 0))
  p := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint", 0, ptr, s, ptr)
  DllCall("VirtualProtect", ptr, p, ptr, s, "uint", 0x40, "uint*", op)
  if (DllCall("crypt32\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A"), "str", m3, "uint", 0, "uint", e%m1%, ptr, p, "uint*", s, ptr, 0, ptr, 0))
    return p
  DllCall("GlobalFree", ptr, p)

Tic_PixelSearch(pBitmap, ARGB, ByRef x, ByRef y)
        static _PixelSearch
        if !_PixelSearch
                MCode_PixelSearch := "8B44241099535583E2035603C233F6C1F80239742418577E388B7C24148B6C24248B5424188D1C85000000008D64240033C085"
                . "D27E108BCF3929743183C00183C1043BC27CF283C60103FB3B74241C7CDF8B4424288B4C242C5F5EC700FFFFFFFF5DC701FFFFFFFF83C8FF5BC38B4C2"
                . "4288B54242C5F890189325E5D33C05BC3"

                VarSetCapacity(_PixelSearch, StrLen(MCode_PixelSearch)//2)
                Loop % StrLen(MCode_PixelSearch)//2      ;%
                        NumPut("0x" SubStr(MCode_PixelSearch, (2*A_Index)-1, 2), _PixelSearch, A_Index-1, "char")
        Gdip_GetImageDimensions(pBitmap, Width, Height)
        if !(Width && Height)
                return -1

        if (E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap, 0, 0, Width, Height, Stride1, Scan01, BitmapData1))
                return -2

        x := y := 0
        E := DllCall(&_PixelSearch, "uint", Scan01, "int", Width, "int", Height, "int", Stride1, "uint", ARGB, "int*", x, "int*", y)
        Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap, BitmapData1)
        return (E = "") ? -3 : E

Helgef wrote:
25 Nov 2019, 01:06
Also note the use of ptr vs uint.
are you talking about the Scan parameter or the Colors param? i was using uint for AHK_Basic compatability
Last edited by guest3456 on 25 Nov 2019, 01:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: help with MCode

25 Nov 2019, 01:35

its not returning blank for me. (edit, its returning blank on ahk x64 because i don't specify 64bit mcode, only x86)
And I only supplied the 64bit code, that is why it doesn't work on 32 ;)
Did my b64 output look right?
I didn't look at your mcode string just replaced it when it didn't work.
are you talking about the Scan parameter or the Colors param? i was using uint for AHK_Basic compatability
Yes. Then I assume 64 bit is not available anyways.

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Re: help with MCode

25 Nov 2019, 01:43

Helgef wrote:
25 Nov 2019, 01:35
And I only supplied the 64bit code, that is why it doesn't work on 32 ;)
one last thing, on both your mcode and mine, if we give a fake color, the output variables are correctly set to -1 as in Rsedings C code, however AHK reports the ret value as 4294960295 rather than the -7001 like the C code says


sorry, i see we return "cdecl UINT" rather than "INT". that fixes it

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Re: help with MCode

25 Nov 2019, 02:37

Helgef wrote:
25 Nov 2019, 01:06
You need to pass an array of colors.
another q:

this works on yours:

Code: Select all

makeColors(colors, 0xFFFF0000)
this fails

Code: Select all

makeColors(colors, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF000000)
not sure why, since the first color should be found and return true. but with multiple colors, the pixelsearch is returning false

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Re: help with MCode

25 Nov 2019, 02:56

Helgef wrote:numput(col, color_out, "uint")

Code: Select all

numput(col, color_out, (k - 1) * 4, "uint")
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Re: help with MCode

25 Nov 2019, 09:57

So just a little recap here for me,
Is MCode4GCC working correctly for you @guest3456 ?
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Re: help with MCode

25 Nov 2019, 11:06

joedf wrote:
25 Nov 2019, 09:57
So just a little recap here for me,
Is MCode4GCC working correctly for you @guest3456 ?
yep, so far so good, the error was with how i was passing the color param as unsigned char *. Helgef fixed it

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