Edit - HiEdit reference replace/expand [WIP]

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Edit - HiEdit reference replace/expand [WIP]

02 Jan 2020, 16:48

In the AHK docs https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/commands/GuiControls.htm#Edit_Options

It says:
A more powerful edit control: HiEdit is a free, multitabbed, large-file edit control consuming very little memory. It can edit both text and binary files. For details and a demonstration, see HiEdit on GitHub.
Drawbacks: only works for AHK 32bit Ansi and you need to fiddle around with it in order to get the _test.ahk to work (add two more files or comment some lines)

Suggested update (provided an update Scintilla wrapper can be made available [see note]
More control:

1. AutoHotkey (All current versions): Edit v2.0 Library help exploits the capabilities of this excellent control. See forum thread here https://www.autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=5063
2. AutoHotkey (All current versions): Wrapper for the free Scintilla editing component, see GitHub here https://github.com/RaptorX/scintilla-wrapper/
3. AutoHotkey 32-bit Ansi only: HiEdit is a free, multitabbed, large-file edit control consuming very little memory. It can edit both text and binary files. For details and a demonstration, see HiEdit on GitHub.
Note re Scintilla wrapper - I managed to cobble together a 32/64 bit version using the Scilexer DLLs from AutoGui - see https://github.com/RaptorX/scintilla-wrapper/issues/5 @RaptorX @Alguimist - all examples by RaptorX work apart from the "Highlight Test.ahk"
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Re: Edit - HiEdit reference replace/expand [WIP]

02 Jan 2020, 17:22

I think removing the HiEdit reference would be prefereable.
Regardless of whether we add the new references to the new libraries.
Recommends AHK Studio

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