Symmetric information about #if and Alt-Tab Hotkeys

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Symmetric information about #if and Alt-Tab Hotkeys

Post by mslonik » 02 Mar 2020, 13:19

Dear Forum,

first of all I'd like to underline that I find most of the time documentation of AutoHotkey superb. Having this statement in mind I'd propose the following change:

In the article it is explicite mentioned:
They are not affected by #IfWin or #If.
(About special commands that are only recognized when used on the same line as a hotkey).

I would suggest to put symmetric information in the article which explains #If and #IfWin directives as well:

The reason for my request is that I've spent more than hour trying to figure out why #If doesn't work with AltTab special command and reading again and again about the same article. Finally I've searched Google which pointed me out to the first article quoted above.

Kind regards, mslonik

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Re: Symmetric information about #if and Alt-Tab Hotkeys

Post by Ragnar » 02 Mar 2020, 15:21

Well, the #If page remarks that most behavioural properties of the #IfWin directives also apply to #If.

There you will find the following remark:
Alt-tab hotkeys are not affected by #IfWin: they are in effect for all windows.

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Re: Symmetric information about #if and Alt-Tab Hotkeys

Post by mslonik » 05 Mar 2020, 12:10

True, but it isn't mentioned explicitly at the page to which I've referenced to. So my point is: if we mentione about something in one place, why not do the same in the other?

Kind regards, mslonik

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Re: Symmetric information about #if and Alt-Tab Hotkeys

Post by guest3456 » 05 Mar 2020, 23:16

It really can't hurt to have the information duplicated, it can only help.

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