How to get a long-term supported version?

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How to get a long-term supported version?

01 Apr 2021, 22:48

I am using v2 a100, and I have encountered a very serious BUG, but I don't think it will be solved by reporting it, because it is impossible to have a subsequent version of a100.
And I don't want to switch to the latest version, because v2 doesn't have any visible time plan, so I can't evaluate whether it will be maintained for a long time.
This is now in great need of a long-term maintenance version of V2. Is there any hope? :?
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Re: How to get a long-term supported version?

02 Apr 2021, 01:54

well, u should report it anyway. either its been fixed since or at least future ahk version can benefit from it being fixed when it eventually does so
theres no such thing as LTS for v2. as soon as a new release comes about, support for previous one ceases. and thats probably continue well into beta, too
ur options are:
  • update ur project to be a129 compatible. keep updating it incrementally following every subsequent release
  • live with the bug. update ur project whenever v2 happens to have its full release (assuming its been fixed by then)
  • fork a100 and fix the bug urself (if already fixed by a100-129 or a future release, u might be able just copy the fixes over depending on the nature of the bug. of course, ud have to tell us what it is about in the first place)
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Re: How to get a long-term supported version?

02 Apr 2021, 18:47

How to get a long-term supported version: learn C++ and support your own version.

My intention is to release v2.0-beta.1 within a few months, and v2.0.0 some time after that. But intentions change, and I personally have no motive to commit to anything - it's not as though AutoHotkey helps keep me fed. Being realistic, there is no guarantee of continued long-term support for any version, alpha or otherwise. I didn't even intend to support v1.1 for this long.

I'm about to release v2.0-a130, which will make several trivial changes, such as replacing #Persistent with Persistent(). There are a number of other changes I might make prior to v2.0.0 that could break scripts, but they are trivial enough that I would rather spend time implementing them than explaining them. The biggest one is probably changing catch VarName to catch ErrorClass or catch ErrorClass as VarName.
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Re: How to get a long-term supported version?

03 Apr 2021, 07:38

I am ashamed of the implicit complaint in my tone. I always forget that it is not an organization that maintains ahk-l, but an individual, this is respectable.

@swagfag I will report my problem after trying the latest version, if it still exists。
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Re: How to get a long-term supported version?

03 Apr 2021, 21:31

I didn't read it as a complaint. :)
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Re: How to get a long-term supported version?

23 Apr 2021, 14:05

My intention is to release v2.0-beta.1 within a few months, and v2.0.0 some time after that.
@lexikos woot! :D But to be honest the current state alpha is stable enuf for long time already (not considering some blatant last moment bugs like in v2-a132), last time it felt like beta was during v2-a104 (silent failing, errors with misleading description, etc). Also, compatibility breaking changes happen everywhere, what is more important u don't deorbit off the trend.

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