Class_ScrollGUI.ahk und GuiControl Topic is solved

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Class_ScrollGUI.ahk und GuiControl

Post by glnklein » 09 Apr 2021, 14:07

Hi ,
eigentlich sollte sich Bild1 und Text ändern !
Kennt jemand die Lösung was an den Zeilen falsch ist ?

Code: Select all

GuiControl,  % SG1.HWND . ":", zeile1,neuer Text
GuiControl,  % SG1.HWND . ":", neuesbild1,C:\Windows\Web\Screen\img100.jpg

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
Img := "C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Windows\img0.jpg"
;Child GUI 1
Gui, New, +hwndHGUI
Gui, Margin, 10, 10
Loop, 20 {
   Gui, Add, Pic , xm    vneuesbild%A_Index%   w40  h40 AltSubmit, %Img%
   Gui, Add, Text, x+20 yp vzeile%A_Index% w400 h15 cRed     , Extrazeile %A_Index%-1
   Gui, Add, Text, xp   y+5 w400 h15 cGreen   , Extrazeile %A_Index%-2

; Create ScrollGUI's
Global SG1 := New ScrollGUI(HGUI, 0, 275, "", 2, 4)

; Create the main window (parent)
Gui, Main:New
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
Gui, % SG1.HWND . ":-Caption +ParentMAIN +LastFound +Resize"
;Gui, % SG1.HWND . ":Show", Hide

Gui, Show,w450 h500, Setting
SG1.Show("", "x0 y25")

 Gui, Add, Text, x10 y450  gupdate  , Update

GuiControl,  % SG1.HWND . ":", zeile1,neuer Text
GuiControl,  % SG1.HWND . ":", neuesbild1,C:\Windows\Web\Screen\img100.jpg



; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ======================================================================================================================
; Namepace:       ScrollGUI
; Function:       Creates a scrollable GUI as a parent for GUI windows.
; Tested with:    AHK (1.1.20+ required)
; Tested on:      Win 8.1 (x64)
; License:        The Unlicense ->
; Change log:
;        me        -  initial release on
;        me        -  bug fixes
;        me        -  bug fixes, mouse wheel handling, AutoSize method
;        me        -  mouse wheel handling, resizing, OnMessage, bug fixes
; ======================================================================================================================
Class ScrollGUI {
	Static Instances := []
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; __New          Creates a scrollable parent window (ScrollGUI) for the passed GUI.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    HGUI        -  HWND of the GUI child window.
   ;    Width       -  Width of the client area of the ScrollGUI.
   ;                   Pass 0 to set the client area to the width of the child GUI.
   ;    Height      -  Height of the client area of the ScrollGUI.
   ;                   Pass 0 to set the client area to the height of the child GUI.
   ;    ----------- Optional:
   ;    GuiOptions  -  GUI options to be used when creating the ScrollGUI (e.g. +LabelMyLabel).
   ;                   Default: empty (no options)
   ;    ScrollBars  -  Scroll bars to register:
   ;                   1 : horizontal
   ;                   2 : vertical
   ;                   3 : both
   ;                   Default: 3
   ;    Wheel       -  Register WM_MOUSEWHEEL / WM_MOUSEHWHEEL messages:
   ;                   1 : register WM_MOUSEHWHEEL for horizontal scrolling (reqires Win Vista+)
   ;                   2 : register WM_MOUSEWHEEL for vertical scrolling
   ;                   3 : register both
   ;                   4 : register WM_MOUSEWHEEL for vertical and Shift+WM_MOUSEWHEEL for horizontal scrolling
   ;                   Default: 0
   ; Return values:
   ;    On failure:    False
   ; Remarks:
   ;    The dimensions of the child GUI are determined internally according to the visible children.
   ;    The maximum width and height of the parent GUI will be restricted to the dimensions of the child GUI.
   ;    If you register mouse wheel messages, the messages will be passed to the focused control, unless the mouse 
   ;    is hovering on one of the ScrollGUI's scroll bars. If the control doesn't process the message, it will be
   ;    returned back to the ScrollGUI.
   ;    Common controls seem to ignore wheel messages whenever the CTRL is down. So you can use this modifier to 
   ;    scroll the ScrollGUI even if a scrollable control has the focus.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	__New(HGUI, Width, Height, GuiOptions := "", ScrollBars := 3, Wheel := 0) {
		Static WS_HSCROLL := "0x100000", WS_VSCROLL := "0x200000"
		Static FN_SCROLL := ObjBindMethod(ScrollGui, "On_WM_Scroll")
		Static FN_SIZE := ObjBindMethod(ScrollGui, "On_WM_Size")
		Static FN_WHEEL := ObjBindMethod(ScrollGUI, "On_WM_Wheel")
		ScrollBars &= 3
		Wheel &= 7
		If ((ScrollBars <> 1) && (ScrollBars <> 2) && (ScrollBars <> 3))
      || ((Wheel <> 0) && (Wheel <> 1) && (Wheel <> 2) && (Wheel <> 3) && (Wheel <> 4))
			Return False
		If !DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr", HGUI, "UInt")
			Return False
		VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
      ; Child GUI
		If !This.AutoSize(HGUI, GuiW, GuiH)
			Return False
		Gui, %HGUI%:-Caption -Resize
		Gui, %HGUI%:Show, w%GuiW% h%GuiH% Hide
		MaxH := GuiW
		MaxV := GuiH
		LineH := Ceil(MaxH / 20)
		LineV := Ceil(MaxV / 20)
      ; ScrollGUI
		If (Width = 0) || (Width > MaxH)
			Width := MaxH
		If (Height = 0) || (Height > MaxV)
			Height := MaxV
		Styles := (ScrollBars & 1 ? " +" . WS_HSCROLL : "") . (ScrollBars & 2 ? " +" . WS_VSCROLL : "")
		Gui, New, %GuiOptions% %Styles% +hwndHWND
		Gui, %HWND%:Show, w%Width% h%Height% Hide
		Gui, %HWND%:+MaxSize%MaxH%x%MaxV%
		PageH := Width + 1
		PageV := Height + 1
      ; Instance variables
		This.HWND := HWND + 0
		This.HGUI := HGUI
		This.Width := Width
		This.Height := Height
		This.UseShift := False
		If (ScrollBars & 1) {
			This.SetScrollInfo(0, {Max: MaxH, Page: PageH, Pos: 0}) ; SB_HORZ = 0
			OnMessage(0x0114, FN_SCROLL) ; WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114
			If (Wheel & 1)
				OnMessage(0x020E, FN_WHEEL) ; WM_MOUSEHWHEEL = 0x020E
			Else If (Wheel & 4) {
				OnMessage(0x020A, FN_WHEEL) ; WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A
				This.UseShift := True
			This.MaxH := MaxH
			This.LineH := LineH
			This.PageH := PageH
			This.PosH := 0
			This.ScrollH := True
			If (Wheel & 5)
				This.WheelH := True
		If (ScrollBars & 2) {
			This.SetScrollInfo(1, {Max: MaxV, Page: PageV, Pos: 0}) ; SB_VERT = 1
			OnMessage(0x0115, FN_SCROLL) ; WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
			If (Wheel & 6)
				OnMessage(0x020A, FN_WHEEL) ; WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A
			This.MaxV := MaxV
			This.LineV := LineV
			This.PageV := PageV
			This.PosV := 0
			This.ScrollV := True
			If (Wheel & 6)
				This.WheelV := True
      ; Set the position of the child GUI
		Gui, %HGUI%:+Parent%HWND%
		Gui, %HGUI%:Show, x0 y0
      ; Adjust the scroll bars
		This.Instances[This.HWND] := &This
		OnMessage(0x0005, FN_SIZE) ; WM_SIZE = 0x0005
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; __Delete       Destroy the GUIs, if they still exist.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	__Delete() {
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Show           Shows the ScrollGUI.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    Title       -  Title of the ScrollGUI window
   ;    ShowOptions -  Gui, Show command options, width or height options are ignored
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	Show(Title := "", ShowOptions := "") {
		ShowOptions := RegExReplace(ShowOptions, "i)\+?AutoSize")
		W := This.Width
		H := This.Height
		Gui, % This.HWND . ":Show", %ShowOptions% w%W% h%H%, %Title%
		Return True
   ;Hide Gui From View
   ; ==================
	Hide() {
		If This.Instances.HasKey(This.HWND) {
			Gui, % This.HWND . ":Hide"
			Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Destroy        Destroys the ScrollGUI and the associated child GUI.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    None.
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; Remarks:
   ;    Use this method instead of 'Gui, Destroy' to remove the ScrollGUI from the 'Instances' object.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	Destroy() {
		If This.Instances.HasKey(This.HWND) {
			Gui, % This.HWND . ":Destroy"
			This.Instances.Remove(This.HWND, "")
			Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; AdjustToChild  Adjust the scroll bars to the new child dimensions.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    None
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; Remarks:
   ;    Call this method whenever the visible area of the child GUI has to be changed, e.g. after adding, hiding,
   ;    unhiding, resizing, or repositioning controls.
   ;    The dimensions of the child GUI are determined internally according to the visible children.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	AdjustToChild() {
		VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
		DllCall("User32.dll\GetWindowRect", "Ptr", This.HGUI, "Ptr", &RC)
		PrevW := NumGet(RC, 8, "Int") - NumGet(RC, 0, "Int")
		PrevH := Numget(RC, 12, "Int") - NumGet(RC, 4, "Int")
		DllCall("User32.dll\ScreenToClient", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Ptr", &RC)
		XC := XN := NumGet(RC, 0, "Int")
		YC := YN := NumGet(RC, 4, "Int")
		If !This.AutoSize(This.HGUI, GuiW, GuiH)
			Return False
		Gui, % This.HGUI . ":Show", x%XC% y%YC% w%GuiW% h%GuiH%
		MaxH := GuiW
		MaxV := GuiH
		Gui, % This.HWND . ":+MaxSize" . MaxH . "x" . MaxV
		If (GuiW < This.Width) || (GuiH < This.Height) {
			Gui, % This.HWND . ":Show", w%GuiW% h%GuiH%
			This.Width := GuiW
			This.SetPage(1, MaxH + 1)
			This.Height := GuiH
			This.SetPage(2, MaxV + 1)
		LineH := Ceil(MaxH / 20)
		LineV := Ceil(MaxV / 20)
		If This.ScrollH {
			This.SetMax(1, MaxH)
			This.LineH := LineH
			If (XC + MaxH) < This.Width {
				XN += This.Width - (XC + MaxH)
				If (XN > 0)
					XN := 0
				This.SetScrollInfo(0, {Pos: XN * -1})
				This.GetScrollInfo(0, SI)
				This.PosH := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
		If This.ScrollV {
			This.SetMax(2, MaxV)
			This.LineV := LineV
			If (YC + MaxV) < This.Height {
				YN += This.Height - (YC + MaxV)
				If (YN > 0)
					YN := 0
				This.SetScrollInfo(1, {Pos: YN * -1})
				This.GetScrollInfo(1, SI)
				This.PosV := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
		If (XC <> XN) || (YC <> YN)
			DllCall("User32.dll\ScrollWindow", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", XN - XC, "Int", YN - YC, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
		Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; SetMax         Sets the width or height of the scrolling area.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    SB          -  Scroll bar to set the value for:
   ;                   1 = horizontal
   ;                   2 = vertical
   ;    Max         -  Width respectively height of the scrolling area in pixels
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	SetMax(SB, Max) {
      ; SB_HORZ = 0, SB_VERT = 1
		If (SB <> 0) && (SB <> 1)
			Return False
		If (SB = 0)
			This.MaxH := Max
			This.MaxV := Max
		Return This.SetScrollInfo(SB, {Max: Max})
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; SetLine        Sets the number of pixels to scroll by line.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    SB          -  Scroll bar to set the value for:
   ;                   1 = horizontal
   ;                   2 = vertical
   ;    Line        -  Number of pixels.
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	SetLine(SB, Line) {
      ; SB_HORZ = 0, SB_VERT = 1
		If (SB <> 0) && (SB <> 1)
			Return False
		If (SB = 0)
			This.LineH := Line
			This.LineV := Line
		Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; SetPage        Sets the number of pixels to scroll by page.
   ; Parameters:
   ;    SB          -  Scroll bar to set the value for:
   ;                   1 = horizontal
   ;                   2 = vertical
   ;    Page        -  Number of pixels.
   ; Return values:
   ;    On success: True
   ;    On failure: False
   ; Remarks:
   ;    If the ScrollGUI is resizable, the page size will be recalculated automatically while resizing.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	SetPage(SB, Page) {
      ; SB_HORZ = 0, SB_VERT = 1
		If (SB <> 0) && (SB <> 1)
			Return False
		If (SB = 0)
			This.PageH := Page
			This.PageV := Page
		Return This.SetScrollInfo(SB, {Page: Page})
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Methods for internal or system use!!!
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	AutoSize(HGUI, ByRef Width, ByRef Height) {
		DHW := A_DetectHiddenWindows
		DetectHiddenWindows, On
		VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16, 0)
		Width := Height := 0
		CMD := 5 ; GW_CHILD
		L := T := R := B := LH := TH := ""
		While (HWND := DllCall("GetWindow", "Ptr", HWND, "UInt", CMD, "UPtr")) && (CMD := 2) {
			WinGetPos, X, Y, W, H, ahk_id %HWND%
			W += X, H += Y
			WinGet, Styles, Style, ahk_id %HWND%
			If (Styles & 0x10000000) { ; WS_VISIBLE
				If (L = "") || (X < L)
					L := X
				If (T = "") || (Y < T)
					T := Y
				If (R = "") || (W > R)
					R := W
				If (B = "") || (H > B)
					B := H
			Else {
				If (LH = "") || (X < LH)
					LH := X
				If (TH = "") || (Y < TH)
					TH := Y
		DetectHiddenWindows, %DHW%
		If (LH <> "") {
			VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0)
			NumPut(LH, POINT, 0, "Int")
			DllCall("ScreenToClient", "Ptr", HGUI, "Ptr", &POINT)
			LH := NumGet(POINT, 0, "Int")
		If (TH <> "") {
			VarSetCapacity(POINT, 8, 0)
			NumPut(TH, POINT, 4, "Int")
			DllCall("ScreenToClient", "Ptr", HGUI, "Ptr", &POINT)
			TH := NumGet(POINT, 4, "Int")
		NumPut(L, RECT, 0, "Int"), NumPut(T, RECT,  4, "Int")
		NumPut(R, RECT, 8, "Int"), NumPut(B, RECT, 12, "Int")
		DllCall("MapWindowPoints", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", HGUI, "Ptr", &RECT, "UInt", 2)
		Width := NumGet(RECT, 8, "Int") + (LH <> "" ? LH : NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int"))
		Height := NumGet(RECT, 12, "Int") + (TH <> "" ? TH : NumGet(RECT,  4, "Int"))
		Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	GetScrollInfo(SB, ByRef SI) {
		VarSetCapacity(SI, 28, 0) ; SCROLLINFO
		NumPut(28, SI, 0, "UInt")
		NumPut(0x17, SI, 4, "UInt") ; SIF_ALL = 0x17
		Return DllCall("User32.dll\GetScrollInfo", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", SB, "Ptr", &SI, "UInt")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	SetScrollInfo(SB, Values) {
		Static SIF := {Max: 0x01, Page: 0x02, Pos: 0x04}
		Static Off := {Max: 12, Page: 16, Pos: 20}
		Mask := 0
		VarSetCapacity(SI, 28, 0) ; SCROLLINFO
		NumPut(28, SI, 0, "UInt")
		For Key, Value In Values {
			If SIF.HasKey(Key) {
				Mask |= SIF[Key]
				NumPut(Value, SI, Off[Key], "UInt")
		If (Mask) {
			NumPut(Mask | 0x08, SI, 4, "UInt") ; SIF_DISABLENOSCROLL = 0x08
			Return DllCall("User32.dll\SetScrollInfo", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", SB, "Ptr", &SI, "UInt", 1, "UInt")
		Return False
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	On_WM_Scroll(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      ; WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114, WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
		If (Instance := Object(This.Instances[HWND]))
			If ((Msg = 0x0114) && Instance.ScrollH)
         || ((Msg = 0x0115) && Instance.ScrollV)
				Return Instance.Scroll(WP, LP, Msg, HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	Scroll(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      ; WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114, WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
		If (LP <> 0)
		SB := (Msg = 0x0114 ? 0 : 1) ; SB_HORZ : SB_VERT
		SC := WP & 0xFFFF
		SD := (Msg = 0x0114 ? This.LineH : This.LineV)
		SI := 0
		If !This.GetScrollInfo(SB, SI)
		PA := PN := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
		PN := (SC = 0) ? PA - SD ; SB_LINEMINUS
          : (SC = 1) ? PA + SD ; SB_LINEPLUS
          : (SC = 2) ? PA - NumGet(SI, 16, "UInt") ; SB_PAGEMINUS
          : (SC = 3) ? PA + NumGet(SI, 16, "UInt") ; SB_PAGEPLUS
          : (SC = 5) ? NumGet(SI, 24, "Int") ; SB_THUMBTRACK
          : PA
		If (PA = PN)
			Return 0
		This.SetScrollInfo(SB, {Pos: PN})
		This.GetScrollInfo(SB, SI)
		PN := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
		If (SB = 0)
			This.PosH := PN
			This.PosV := PN
		If (PA <> PN) {
			HS := (Msg = 0x0114) ? PA - PN : 0
			VS := (Msg = 0x0115) ? PA - PN : 0
			DllCall("User32.dll\ScrollWindow", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", HS, "Int", VS, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
		Return 0
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	On_WM_Size(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
		If ((WP = 0) || (WP = 2)) && (Instance := Object(This.Instances[HWND]))
			Return Instance.Size(LP & 0xFFFF, (LP >> 16) & 0xFFFF)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	Size(Width := 0, Height := 0) {
		If (Width = 0) || (Height = 0) {
			VarSetCapacity(RC, 16, 0)
			DllCall("User32.dll\GetClientRect", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Ptr", &RC)
			Width := NumGet(RC, 8, "Int")
			Height := Numget(RC, 12, "Int")
		SH := SV := 0
		If This.ScrollH {
			If (Width <> This.Width) {
				This.SetScrollInfo(0, {Page: Width + 1})
				This.Width := Width
				This.GetScrollInfo(0, SI)
				PosH := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
				SH := This.PosH - PosH
				This.PosH := PosH
		If This.ScrollV {
			If (Height <> This.Height) {
				This.SetScrollInfo(1, {Page: Height + 1})
				This.Height := Height
				This.GetScrollInfo(1, SI)
				PosV := NumGet(SI, 20, "Int")
				SV := This.PosV - PosV
				This.PosV := PosV
		If (SH) || (SV)
			DllCall("User32.dll\ScrollWindow", "Ptr", This.HWND, "Int", SH, "Int", SV, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0)
		Return 0
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	On_WM_Wheel(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      ; MK_SHIFT = 0x0004, WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A, WM_MOUSEHWHEEL = 0x020E, WM_NCHITTEST = 0x0084
		HACT := WinActive("A") + 0
		If (HACT <> HWND) && (Instance := Object(This.Instances[HACT])) {
			SendMessage, 0x0084, 0, % (LP & 0xFFFFFFFF), , ahk_id %HACT%
			OnBar := ErrorLevel
			If (OnBar = 6) && Instance.WheelH ; HTHSCROLL = 6
				Return Instance.Wheel(WP, LP, 0x020E, HACT)
			If (OnBar = 7) && Instance.WheelV ; HTVSCROLL = 7
				Return Instance.Wheel(WP, LP, 0x020A, HACT)
		If (Instance := Object(This.Instances[HWND])) {
			If ((Msg = 0x020E) && Instance.WheelH)
         || ((Msg = 0x020A) && (Instance.WheelV || (Instance.WheelH && Instance.UseShift && (WP & 0x0004))))
				Return Instance.Wheel(WP, LP, Msg, HWND)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
	Wheel(WP, LP, Msg, HWND) {
      ; MK_SHIFT = 0x0004, WM_MOUSEWHEEL = 0x020A, WM_MOUSEHWHEEL = 0x020E, WM_HSCROLL = 0x0114, WM_VSCROLL = 0x0115
		If (Msg = 0x020A) && This.UseShift && (WP & 0x0004)
			Msg := 0x020E
		Msg := (Msg = 0x020A ? 0x0115 : 0x0114)
		SB := ((WP >> 16) > 0x7FFF) || (WP < 0) ? 1 : 0
		Return This.Scroll(SB, 0, Msg, HWND)
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Re: Class_ScrollGUI.ahk und GuiControl

Post by glnklein » 10 Apr 2021, 01:48

moin ,
ausgeschlafen , und 1 Stunde ausprobieren habe ich es nun gefunden , in Zeile 15 wird der Name des scrollGui bestimmt auch wenn ich keine Ahnung habe warum das so ist

Richtig ist

Code: Select all

GuiControl,%HGUI%:, zeile1,neuer Text
GuiControl,%HGUI%:, neuesbild1,C:\Windows\Web\Screen\img100.jpg
:D verwende AutoHotkey104805 :D ------------------------UPDATE auf .. erfolgreich , jetzt kommen neue Probleme :lolno:
just me
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Re: Class_ScrollGUI.ahk und GuiControl

Post by just me » 10 Apr 2021, 04:25


das Handle (HWND) des zu scrollenden Fensters wird in Zeile 5 festgelegt. Es wird dann in Zeile 15 an die Klasse übergeben, damit die weiß, welches Fenster sie verarbeiten soll.

SG1.HWND enthält dagegen das Handle des innerhalb der Klasse erstellten Elternfensters.

Wenn Du dem Scrollfenster einen Namen gibst, kannst Du auch den benutzen um die Controls anzusprechen.

Code: Select all

;Child GUI 1
Gui, MeinFensterName:New, +hwndHGUI
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Re: Class_ScrollGUI.ahk und GuiControl

Post by glnklein » 10 Apr 2021, 10:00

Danke und wie kann ich dem Hauptfenster einen Namen geben , bisher heist es ja nur " Gui, " warum geht nicht " Gui ,1: " sobalt ich Gui,1: verwende , geht es nicht mehr
:D verwende AutoHotkey104805 :D ------------------------UPDATE auf .. erfolgreich , jetzt kommen neue Probleme :lolno:
just me
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Re: Class_ScrollGUI.ahk und GuiControl

Post by just me » 11 Apr 2021, 04:38

Wenn Du mit 'Hauptfenster' das alles umgebende Elternfenster meinst, trägt das in Deinem Beispiel offensichtlich den Namen Main:

Code: Select all

; Create the main window (parent)
Gui, Main:New
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Re: Class_ScrollGUI.ahk und GuiControl  Topic is solved

Post by glnklein » 12 Apr 2021, 06:19

danke hab den Wald vor lauter bäumen nicht gesehen :-)
:D verwende AutoHotkey104805 :D ------------------------UPDATE auf .. erfolgreich , jetzt kommen neue Probleme :lolno:
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