PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

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PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

02 Apr 2015, 09:27

Dear all,
Who of you is using PSPad as their editor for AHK? Please post so that we can get in contact.

I would like to improve the integration of AHK in PSPad. Jan Fiala (author of PSPad) agreed to support.
But instead of doing all by myself I wanted first to see how others use PSPad and what they have come up with.
The aim is to basically creating an Best-Of that Jan could include in the official PSPad installer.

This is how I use PSPad up to now:
  • recently upgraded to PSPad 4.6.0
  • use Compiler setting to run AHK scripts (like my old installer for PSPad used to set it up)
  • use External Program Settings to compile scripts
  • to use different AHK Versions I have a separate external AHK script, that exchanges the AHK files
  • for Debugging I use mostly MsgBox. Yesterday I used for the first time XDebugClient
  • the DEF und INI files (context & syntax) for AKH are pretty old (from the days of my old installer) and do not contain yet the latest functions/keywords of AHK yet.
If you are interested about what I wrote above let me know, we can exchange file.

I would like to know how you use PSPad. And what do you use 'around' PSPad to work with AHK.

Edit 4/6: Happy Easter
I received the files of three PSPad users. Here are my analysis results and comments. Please post if you want to add comments or critize

Code: Select all

.\PSPad.ini or C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\PSpad\PSPad.ini
property        | toralf         | user1           | user2              | Comment
                |                |                 |                    |
Filter          |*.ahk           |*.ahk;*.ahkl;    |*.ahk               |shouldn't harm to extend, even *.ahk2 possible
                |                | *.ahkla;*.ahkl64|                    |
                |                |                 |                    |
(Un)IndentChar  |*none*          |{}               |*none*              |already set in Syntax, no need to be done here
                |                |                 |                    |
Syntax Color    |                |                 |                    |personal choice
                |                |                 |                    |
Compiler Setting|Run AHK with Log|*none*           |AHK2EXE             |this should Run AHK, because of the LOG Parser
                |                |                 |                    |Could be a script that provides options,
                |                |                 |                    |        e.g. which version, or even to compile
                |                |                 |                    |
External Tools 1|Compile with log|*none*           |Run with AHK        |Could be a single script that provides options,
               2|Debug with XDC  |                 |Run with RunA32     | e.g.
               3|                |                 |Run with RunU32     |  - compile or debug
               4|                |                 |Run with RunV2      |  - which version to use (lists all available)
               5|                |                 |Run with RunAHK_Test|

Code: Select all

files from all other users were completely identical to PSPad file

property         | PSPad                   | toralf                             | Comment
                 |                         |                                    |
Macro definition |basic definitions        |some directives modified            |adds some flexibility to clips
                 |for directives           |additional directive definitions    |see interactice clips below
                 |and some basic parameters|additional basic parameters         |
                 |                         |additional GUI macro definitions    |
                 |                         |                                    |
PSPad Hotkeys    |Resolve                  |added Quote                         |nice shortcuts could be expended
for "Selection"  |Hotkey                   |modified Hotkey                     |
  see after ]*   |HotString                |modified Hostring                   |
                 |BlockComment             |no BlockComment                     |instead "Shift+Ctrl+A" can be used
                 |                         |added Subroutine                    |
                 |                         |added Function                      |
                 |                         |added OutputDebug                   |
                 |                         |                                    |
Clips/snippets   |Commands and Functions   |removed optional []                 |needs double check with current lists
for "Commands and|with parameter           |added missing commands and functions|
       Functions"|                         |fixed some typos                    |
   (Ctrl+Space)  |                         |added loop vars to loop clips       |
                 |                         |                                    |
Interactive clips|Directives               |added missing directives            |"flexible" clips
   (Ctrl+Space)  |                         |additional GUI macro definitions    |but is sometimes not very intuitive
                 |                         |                                    |don't know how often really used
                 |                         |                                    |
Keywords         |typically all the words  |added missing words                 |needs double check with current lists
for              | from the file           |added Owner# and Choose# for        |
"Auto-completion"|.\Syntax\Autohotkey.ini  |  # from 1 to 99                    |
    (Ctrl+J)     |                         |added Limit# for                    |
                 |                         |   # from 1 to 9                    |

Code: Select all

files from two users were completely identical to PSPad file

property     | toralf                 | user1                        | Comment
             |                        |in addition to toralfs changes|
             |                        |                              |
Settings     |changed:                |more file extensions          |
             |(Un)IndentChar          |                              |
             |TabWidth=2              |TabWidth=0                    |
             |KeyWordChars            |                              |
             |                        |                              |
             |removed:                |                              |
             |SingleQuote             |                              |
             |                        |                              |
             |added:                  |not present:                  |
             |DocComment              |DocComment                    |
             |                        |                              |
Keywords     |added missing keywords  |                              |needs double check with current lists
"Commands and|                        |                              |
   Functions"|removed duplicates      |                              |
             |                        |                              |
             |removed:                |re-added:                     |
             |EndRepeat (AutoIt)      |EndRepeat                     |should be deleted, only for AutoIt
             |HideAutoItWin (AutoIt)  |                              |
             |Label (not a keyword)   |                              |
             |                        |                              |
ReservedWords|added Owner# and Choose#|additonal:                    |needs double check with current lists
"Parameters" |  for# from 1 to 99     |DPIScale                      |
             |added Limit# for        |REG_DWORD_BIG_ENDIAN          |some A_LoopRegType values missing
             |   # from 1 to 9        |REG_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR  |add A_LoopRegKey values?
             |                        |REG_LINK                      |
             |                        |REG_QWORD                     |
             |                        |REG_RESOURCE_LIST             |
             |                        |REG_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS_LIST|
             |                        |wp                            |add hp?
             |                        |                              |
             |                        |not present:                  |
             |                        |FloatFast                     |should be in file
             |                        |IntegerFast                   |
             |                        |                              |
Keywords2    |added missing keywords  |additonal:                    |needs double check with current lists
"Variables"  |                        |A_IsUnicode                   |
             |                        |A_PtrSize                     |
             |                        |A_ScreenDPI                   |
             |                        |                              |
Keywords3    |added missing keywords  |                              |needs double check with current lists
"Keys"       |                        |                              |
             |removed:                |                              |
             |key descriptions        |                              |
             |  in {} brackets        |                              |
             |shortcuts for           |                              |
             |   key modifiers        |re-added:                     |
             |Browser_Back            |Browser_Back                  |should be in file
             |Browser_Favorites       |Browser_Favorites             |
             |Browser_Forward         |Browser_Forward               |
             |Browser_Home            |Browser_Home                  |
             |Browser_Refresh         |Browser_Refresh               |
             |Browser_Search          |Browser_Search                |
             |Browser_Stop            |Browser_Stop                  |
             |Launch_App1             |Launch_App1                   |
             |Launch_App2             |Launch_App2                   |
             |Launch_Mail             |Launch_Mail                   |
             |Launch_Media            |Launch_Media                  |
             |Media_Next              |Media_Next                    |
             |Media_Play_Pause        |Media_Play_Pause              |
             |Media_Prev              |Media_Prev                    |
             |Media_Stop              |Media_Stop                    |
             |Volume_Down             |Volume_Down                   |
             |Volume_Mute             |Volume_Mute                   |
             |Volume_Up               |Volume_Up                     |
Last edited by toralf on 06 Apr 2015, 14:02, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

03 Apr 2015, 07:09

I deinstalled it 2 weeks ago. I used it a long time ago. And I loved your (was it yours?) program to make a clean indent!!
But now I mainly write my scripts with Scite4Autohotkey.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

03 Apr 2015, 07:45

I assume you do not have the DEF or INI files for AHK anymore, do you?
Could you describe what (e.g. Scripts or tools) you used to enhance/ease the work with PSPad?
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

03 Apr 2015, 08:45

Oh I only deleted the link so i have everything from 4.5.8







I was starting explorer from pspad, running/compiling different AHK versions; I had Tidy (for html),
and i want a nice and easy to use project system because I tend to forget where i put my work.

I will have a look at the new version.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

03 Apr 2015, 11:01

I don't use PSPad myself but I did start a GH repo for editors in general here - so far there doesn't seem to be much interest... once your new PSPad package is ready feel free to include a link to it in the repo.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

03 Apr 2015, 12:34

Thanks haichen,
Could you please also post your pspad.ini? Or at least the autohotkey section of it?
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

03 Apr 2015, 14:11

Thanks ahk7,
I'll look into it more deeply in the future. I saw that there are files that seem to list all functions keywords commands etc. Are they up-to-date? Who feels responsible to update them?
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

03 Apr 2015, 21:11

I have seen a lot of "Which editor do you use?" polls on AutoHotkey over the years. Most of the polls showed that PSPad was the most used editor for AutoHotkey. This information has probably changed recently but there are still many many PSPad users out there. Myself included. Any updates would be sincerely appreciated by many users.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

03 Apr 2015, 21:43

Dear ahk7,
I looked at the function file. It is missing the latest additions to AHK. Is there someone feeling responsible to update the files or is this only updated when someone needs it updated?

Dear jballi,
Thanks for the reply. Would you be willing to share your files (you could PM me if you do not want to post)? And would you describe your coding environment and how you use pspad?
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

04 Apr 2015, 06:23

toralf wrote:I looked at the function file. It is missing the latest additions to AHK. Is there someone feeling responsible to update the files or is this only updated when someone needs it updated?
Any member of the GH ahkscript group can update the files, just added the Ord & StrReplace functions.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

04 Apr 2015, 21:38

SciTE4AutoHotkey usually has up-to-date keyword and command lists... but not right now.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

05 Apr 2015, 05:52

Indeed, I used SciTE4AutoHotkey as a basis for the updated text files. Hoppfrosch has seemingly started something to generate these automatically from the AHK source code although I haven't been able to get it to work
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

05 Apr 2015, 07:03

lexikos wrote:[...] usually has up-to-date keyword and command lists... but not right now.
The word 'usually' is the problem. And it depends on one person. Since these lists have to be updated for each Editor to be in the correct format it would be great to have them maintained in a central location in a general format, so they can be automatically translated into the format of the editor. Otherwise several more people have to do it for their local installation. Or just miss the latest developments. With the old AHK it was not bad, since it was developed in the last years but with your version now the update process gets more importance again.

The GitHub approach is a good start and also the project from hoppfrosch. But if they do not provide an updated list reliable or do not work it is just a start and needs improvement.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

05 Apr 2015, 07:49

The information here is outdated and links to non-functioning threads (due to loss of ahk . net data) which is why I started the editors repo - If the official documentation (at some point) links to this editors repo there might be a bit more enthusiasm in general - and automating the process of extracting keywords/commands/variables etc would indeed be very helpful.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

05 Apr 2015, 08:17

Hmm just saw the generator script, intriguing.
It would be nice, as mentioned before me, to have a reliable source/list file.
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

06 Apr 2015, 14:04

I received the files of three PSPad users. See OP for my analysis results and comments.
Please post if you want to add comments or criticize.

Any wishes you would like to see in PSPad or do with PSPad?
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

06 Apr 2015, 14:16

This is an overview of the different syntax highlights used. The last two are mine.
Syntax Highlight Overview.JPG
Overview of the different syntax highlights settings
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

06 Apr 2015, 16:24

Dear ahk7,

I do not have a GitHub account, so I'll just post my findings here. Maybe you find the time to add/correct these in the GitHub?

Code: Select all

;different case
And               (upper A)
Or                (upper O)
SetCapsLockState  (upper L)
SetNumLockState   (upper L)

;are these real keywords?
Label             (in master files)
Repeat            (in my file, might be AutoIt)

;missing in Master files:
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Re: PSPad usage - Who uses PSPad?

06 Apr 2015, 20:59

The case of And/Or is a matter of preference. The documentation uses AND/OR in the listing but and/or in examples.

Label is a keyword for the Gui command.

Repeat and EndRepeat were commands originally supported for AutoIt 2 compatibility, but they were removed in v1.1.09.

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