Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

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Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

22 Apr 2015, 16:11

Create a generic function to parse AHK code
that can be used flexible in cases the code structure is needed

Planned Steps:
1) Create a function that mimiks PSPads code explorer (ftAHK)
Aim: Improve the ftAHK for PSPad
2) Generalize the return value of the function
Aim: return an Object with the structure information,
so the function can be used in general cases
3) Extend the recognition of the command structure to identify all blocks correctly
Aim: be able to use the function for Auto-Syntax-Tidy

a) Run this script
It will show the 'main structure' features of this script:
Functions, Classes, Nested Classes, Methods, Meta-Functions, Class Properties, Lables, DLLCalls, Hotkeys, HotStrings
in a TreeView
b) Drag and drop any other AHK file onto the GUI
The 'main structure' of the first dropped AHK script will be shown
c) Repeat b
d) Close GUI or press Esc to exit

For History of changes please see top of script.

It doesn't write anything to disk nor does it change your script(s).
It only read files.
Please try it on your scripts and report any issues, requests, improvements.
Preferably with sample code that shows the topic.

ParseAHK v1.jpg
Screenshot ParseAHK v1.0

Code: Select all

 * Line based Parser for AHK Code
 * by just me & toralf 
 * some concepts taken from CoCo's ListClasses scipt (
 * April 2015
 * Version 1.2 * URL:

 * Intention:
 *      Create a generic function to parse AHK code
 *      that can be used flexible in cases the code structure is needed
 * Planned Steps:
 *      1) Create a function that mimiks PSPads code explorer (ftAHK)
 *         Aim: Improve the ftAHK for PSPad
 *      2) Generalize the return value of the function
 *         Aim: return an Object with the structure information,
 *              so the function can be used in general cases
 *      3) Extend the recognition of the command structure to identify all blocks correctly
 *         Aim: be able to use the function for Auto-Syntax-Tidy
 * It doesn't write anything to disk nor does it change your script(s).
 * It only read files.
 * Please try it on your scripts and report any issues, requests, improvements.
 * Preferably with sample code that shows the topic.

 * Usage:
 *      a) Run this script
 *            It will show the 'main structure' features of this script:
 *            Functions, Classes, Nested Classes, Methods, Meta-Functions, Class Properties, Lables, DLLCalls, Hotkeys, HotStrings
 *            in a TreeView
 *      b) Drag and drop any other AHK file onto the GUI
 *            The 'main structure' of the first dropped AHK script will be shown
 *      c) Repeat b
 *      d) Close GUI or press Esc to exit

  * History:
  *  1.0: Initial release 4/22/2015
  *  1.1: Bug fixes & update 4/23/2015
  *       Fixed: initialize ContinuationBufferLine (thanks guest)
  *       Added: detection of `s after Join in continuation block method 2
  *       Fixed: Lables inside of function body are now shown underneath the function in code explorer
  *       Fixed: corrected counting of blocks for functions for braces at end of the line
  *       Improved: some RegEx to detect structures
  *       Fixed: recognition of class properties
  *       Changed: simplified OTB search within functions bodies
  *  1.2: Bug fixes & update 4/27/2015
  *       Improved: some RegEx to detect structures
  *       Improved: limited OTB detection to OTB commands
  *       Improved: Flow of checks
  *       Improved: Variable Names
  *       Added: Count items under each Master tree node (for Joetazz)

SetBatchLines, -1
GoSub BuildGui

Hotkey, Backspace, test

;>>> Test Area for code outside of functions or labels -----------------------------------------------------------------
MsgBox, 4, Test,  ; Comment.
; Comment.
( Join(:)) LTrim  ;Comment.                ;currently doesn't work with 'Join:' (is reported as bug now)
     ; This is not a comment; it is literal. Include the word Comments in the line above to make it a comment.
        This is not a function definition because it is in a continuation section
), 1   ; Comment.

;>>> Parse AHK Function ================================================================================================
ParseAHK(Lines, Tree, DocComment := "") {
  ; internal vars
  local InCommentSection := False             ; true if within a comment section '/* ... */'
      , ContinuationBuffer := ""              ; buffer to collect continuation lines
      , ContinuationBufferLineNum := 0        ; buffer for first line number of continuation lines
      , InContinuationBlock2 := False         ; true if within a continuation block of method 2 '( ... )'
      , AllowComments := 0                    ; true if comments are allowed within a continuation block of method 2
      , Match3 := Match4 := Match7 := ""      ; variable names for subpatterns of options for continuation block of method 2

      , ClassLevel := 0                       ; current class level, 0 if none
      , tnClasses := []                       ; array of tree nodes of classes, index is class Level
      , BlockLevel := []                      ; number of open blocks '{ ... }' per class level, index is class Level

      , tnCurrentFuncDef := 0                 ; tree node of function while in definition, 0 if not
      , FuncBlockLevel := 0                   ; number of open blocks '{ ... }' in the current function definition

  ;dummy values for ftAHK
      , IM_FldClose := "image of a closed folder"
      , IM_File     := "image of a file"
      , IM_Obj      := "image of a box"
      , IM_Point    := "image of a grey dot"
      , IM_Funct    := "image of an pink arrow"
      , IM_Proc     := "image of an green arrow"
      , IM_Prop     := "image of an green arrow"
  ;create master nodes in TreeView od code explorer
      , tnClass     := AddBaseNode(Tree, "Classes"   , IM_FldClose)
      , tnFunc      := AddBaseNode(Tree, "Functions" , IM_FldClose)
      , tnLab       := AddBaseNode(Tree, "Labels"    , IM_FldClose)
      , tnDLL       := AddBaseNode(Tree, "DLL calls" , IM_FldClose)
      , tnNote      := AddBaseNode(Tree, "Notes"     , IM_FldClose)
      , tnHotkey    := AddBaseNode(Tree, "HotKeys"   , IM_FldClose)
      , tnHotString := AddBaseNode(Tree, "HotStrings", IM_FldClose)

  ;>>> define RegEx Needles
      , DocCommRE :="
              ( Join LTrim Comment         ; DocComment allows comments to show up in Code Explorer as Notes
                    iS)(*UCP)                  ;case insensitive (for the DocComment string), Study and Unicode (for \s and DocComment)
                    (^|.*\s);                  ;a ';' either at start of line or with some code and a whitespace infront, thus it is an AHK comment
                    \s*                        ;optional whitespace
                    \Q" DocComment "\E         ;the literal DocComment string
                    \s*                        ;optional whitespace
                    (.*)                       ;$2 the documentation string
      , HotStringRE :="
              ( Comment Join LTrim
                    S)                         ;Study
                    ^:                         ;a ':' at start of line
                    .*?                        ;options (ungreedy)
                    :                          ;a ':'
                    (.+)                       ;$1 the hotstring
                    ::                         ;two ':'s
                    .*                         ;rest of line
                    $                          ;end of line
      , HotKeyRE :="
              ( LTrim Join Comment
                    S)                         ;Study
                    ^                          ;at start of line
                    (.+)                       ;$1 the hotkey at least one character (but including whitespace)
                    ::                         ;two ':'s
                    .*                         ;rest of line
                    $                          ;end of line
      , HotKeyCommandRE :="
              ( LTrim Join Comment
                    iS)(*UCP)                  ;case insensitive (for the Hotkey texts), Study and Unicode (for \s)
                    ^Hotkey                    ;the text 'Hotkey' at start of line
                    (\s*,\s*|\s+)              ;a comma or space
                    (?!If)                     ;not the text 'If'
                    (.+?)                      ;$2 the hotkey
                    \s*                        ;spaces
                    ,                          ;a comma
                    .*                         ;rest of line
                    $                          ;end of line
      , ContinuationBlock2RE :="
              ( Comment LTrim Join         ; for Continuation Block Method 2
                    iS)(*UCP)                  ;case insensitive (for the option texts), Study and Unicode (for \s and JoinString)
                    ^\(                        ;a '(' at start of line
                        \s*                         ;optional white space(s)
                          (Join)                       ;the option Join (Match3)
                          (\S{0,15})                   ;and an optional joinstring (up to 15 characters long) (Match4)
                          |(LTrim)                     ;or the option LTrim (Match5)
                          |(L|R)Trim0                  ;or the option LTrim0 and RTrim0
                          |(C\S*)                      ;or the option Comments (a string that starts with a 'C') (Match7)
                          |(Q\S*)                      ;or the option Quotes (for AHK v2; a string that starts with a 'Q')
                          |(`%)                        ;or the option %
                          |(,)                         ;or the option ,
                          |(``))                       ;or the option `
                   `)*                         ;the above items are optional and can exits multiple times
                    (?!                        ;and the following itmes are not to exist to the right
                        .*?                        ;any optional text (ungreedy)
                          \)                          ;and a ')'
                          |:$))                       ;or a ':' at the end of line
      , LabelRE :="
              ( Join LTrim Comment
                    S)(*UCP)                  ;Study and Unicode (for \s)
                    ^([^\s,`:]+)              ;$1 some characters at the start of the line (but no whitespace, comma, backtick or colon)
                    :$                        ;a ':' at the end of line
      , ContinuationOperatorsRE :="
              (LTrim Join Comment
                    iS)(*UCP)                 ;case insensitive (for 'and' and 'or'), Study and Unicode (for \w)
                    ^(                        ;at the start of line
                       (and|or)[^\w#@$]|      ;either "And" or "Or" followed by non word character
                       &|,|-(?!-)|!|~|/|<|>|=|:|    ;or operators that do not need to be escaped, but no --
                       \\|\.|\*|\?|\+(?!\+)|\||\^)  ;or these operators (that must be preceded by a backslash to be seen as literal), but no ++
      , DllCallRE :="
              ( Join LTrim Comment
                    i)                        ;case insensitive (for 'DllCall')
                    .*                        ;some code
                    (                         ;$1
                       DllCall                ;the text 'DllCall'
                       \(                     ;a '('
                       .*                     ;some code         ;            if i would make this ungreedy the first ) would be taken, not necessary the right one.
                       \))                    ;closing bracket   ;>>> to fix: takes the last ) in the line, not necessary the right one.
      , ClassRE :="
              ( Join LTrim Comment
                    iS)(*UCP)                 ;case insensitive (for \s, \w and 'Class'), Study and Unicode (for \s and \w)
                    ^Class                    ;the text 'Class' at the start of line
                    \s+                       ;at least one whitespace
                    ([\w#$@]+)                ;$1 one ore more chracters (A-Za-z0-9_) or #, $, @  (all allowed characters in variable names)
                    .*                        ;rest of the line
      , FunctionRE :="
              ( Join LTrim Comment            ;$1 the whole line will be a match
                    S)(*UCP)                  ;Study and Unicode (for \w)
                    ^                         ;at the start of line
                    [\w$#@]+                  ;one ore more chracters (A-Za-z0-9_) or #, $, @  (all allowed characters in variable names)
                    \(                        ;a '('
      , PropertyRE :="
              ( Join LTrim Comment            ;$1 the whole line will be a match
                    S)(*UCP)                  ;Study and Unicode (for \w)
                    ^                         ;at the start of line
                    [\w$#@]+                  ;one ore more chracters (A-Za-z0-9_) or #, $, @  (all allowed characters in variable names)
      , OTBCommandsRE :="
              ( Join LTrim Comment
                    iS)(*UCP)^(                                           ;case insensitive and at start of line
                    If((Not)?Exist|MsgBox)?|                              ; either If|If[Not]Exit|IfMsgBox
                    If((Not)?(Equal|InString)|(Greater|Less)(OrEqual)?)|  ; or If[not]Equal|If[not]Equal|If[Greater|Less][OrEqual]
                    IfWin(Not)?(Active|Exist)|                            ; or IfWin[Not][Active|Exist]
                    Else|Try|Catch|Finally|                               ; or
                    Loop|While|For)                                       ; or
                    [,\s(]                                                ; followed by an ',' space or '('
      ;local variable without initialization
      , TotalNumberOfLine, PhysicalLineNum, Line, TempLine, TempLineNum, FuncName, IM, Count

  ;>>> Begin to parse script line by line
  TotalNumberOfLine := Lines.MaxIndex()
  For PhysicalLineNum, Line In Lines {
    Line := Trim(Line)        ;remove leading/trailing whitespaces

    If (DocComment <> "")     ;extract DocComment regardless of where it is (even inside a comment or comment section)
      ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnNote, IM_File, Line, DocCommRE, "$2", PhysicalLineNum)

    ;>>> Remove all comments and skip empty lines ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;Skip comment section
    ;the /* and */ symbols comment out an entire section, but only if the symbols appear at the beginning of a line
    ;code after the */ is not part of the comment section
    If (InCommentSection) {
      If (SubStr(Line, 1, 2) = "*/"){
        InCommentSection := False
        Line := Trim(SubStr(Line, 3))   ;remove the /* from the beginning of the line and continue checking
        Continue                        ;discard this line, it is in a Comment Section
    }Else If (SubStr(Line, 1, 2) = "/*") {
      InCommentSection := True

    ;when InContinuationBlock2 empty lines matter and maybe even comments
    ;hence, this has to be done before comments are stipped off and empty lines are skipped
    If (InContinuationBlock2) {
      If (SubStr(Line, 1, 1) = ")"){             ;it's the end of the continuation section
        InContinuationBlock2 := False
        AllowComments := False
        Line := SubStr(Line, 2)                  ;remove ) from line
      If !AllowComments                          ;check if comments are allowed literaly
        Line := RemoveComments(Line)
      ;when still in continuation section concatenate the line with the JoinString,
      ;otherwise the code after the ) will be concatenated without any string
      ContinuationBuffer .= (InContinuationBlock2 ? JoinString : "") . Line
      Continue                                   ;go to next line

    ;Remove any comment and skip empty lines (If not the last line)
    If ((!Line := RemoveComments(Line)) AND PhysicalLineNum <> TotalNumberOfLine)

    ;>>> HotStrings & HotKeys ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;HotStrings & HotKeys are not allowed inside of functions or classes or on the same line as the } of a {} block
    ;but AHK takes care of it, so I will not worry and assume that the code provided is valid AHK code.
    ;potential HotKeys and HotStrings contain a double colon
    If (InStr(RemoveQuotedStrings(Line), "::")){
      If ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnHotString, IM_Point, Line, HotStringRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)
        Continue                                   ;>>> to fix: escaped characters are not escaped in code explorer
     If ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnHotKey, IM_Point, Line, HotKeyRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)
        Continue                                   ;>>> to fix: DLLCalls on same line will not be shown, but it should be rare

    ;>>> Collect continuation lines ==================================================================================

    ;>>> Check for Labels And/Or Start collecting continuation lines
    ;Label names are not case sensitive, and may consist of any characters other than space, tab, comma and the escape character (`).
    ;they are allowed inside of functions definitions, thus they are detected here but will be used later (detected again)
    If (RegExMatch(Line, LabelRE) or ContinuationBuffer = "") {
      ;this is not a continuation line. It is a label or the first line to be put into the buffer.

      ;Labels checked here to avoid false positives in checks below
      ;Since labels are allowed within a function body, they might be preceded with a brace, e.g.
      ;e.g. when a label is the first line after a multiline function definition without OTB
;       FuncDef()
;       { Label:    ;this label would not be catched correctly here
;       }
      ;or when it is following immediatly a {} block  (within in a function body or outside)
;       If(  )
;       {
;       } Label:    ;this label would not be catched correctly here

      ;thus do nothing just now, it will be catched later
      ;within functions first the {} blocks have to be analysed and the barces trimmed off,
      ;then the line has to be scanned again, but re-scanning can not start before the swap of lines
      ; (due to check for continuation) since this might screw up the order of lines
      ;thus, everything that is relevant within the function body has to be processed after the swap of lines

      ;in case there is no line in buffer, get next one
      ;this could happen when a label was detected very early, e.g. on the very first line in file.
      If (ContinuationBuffer = ""){
        ContinuationBuffer := Line
        ContinuationBufferLineNum := PhysicalLineNum
        If (PhysicalLineNum <> TotalNumberOfLine)
          Continue                    ;go to next line, but not in case of last line

    ;>>> Collect continuation section Method 2
    ;used to merge a large number of lines; can also be used with any command or expression (assignment)
    ;in most cases there shouldn't be any valuable info for the code explorer on any of these lines (including any code on last line after ")")
    }Else If (RegExMatch(Line, ContinuationBlock2RE, Match)) {  ;it's the start of the continuation section when it starts with (
      InContinuationBlock2 := True                                ;but doesn't have a ), execption is after Join; it could be an expressions like (x.y)[z]()
                                                                ;and doesn't have a : at it's start or end, execption is after Join; it could be a label, hotkey or hoststring
      JoinString := Match3 ? "``n" : ""               ;JoinString is by default `n, when Join is present it is 'no space'
      JoinString := Match4 ? Match4 : JoinString      ;when a string is given right after Join, it is used instead
      AllowComments := Match7 ? True : False
      Continue                   ;go to next line     ;other parameters are ignored, because they do not matter for code explorer, e.g. LTRIM or `s

    ;>>> Collect continuation lines Method 1
    ;A line that starts with the following operators is automatically merged with the line directly above it
    ;operators: "and", "or", ||, &&, a comma or a period and all other expression operators except ++ and --
    ;AHK ignores also ::, but since hotstrings are caught above I see no need in this script
    }Else If (RegExMatch(Line, ContinuationOperatorsRE)){
      ContinuationBuffer .= " " Line   ;merge lines with a space
      If (PhysicalLineNum <> TotalNumberOfLine)
        Continue                       ;go to next line, but not in case of last line

    ;>>> Swap buffer with current line
    TempLine           := ContinuationBuffer
    ContinuationBuffer := Line             ;the current line is now buffered to be checked later
    Line               := TempLine         ;Line is now the previously buffered line
    TempLineNum               := ContinuationBufferLineNum
    ContinuationBufferLineNum := PhysicalLineNum
    PhysicalLineNum           := TempLineNum

    ;>>> DllCalls ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;>>> who has a need for showing DllCall in code explorer?
    If InStr(Line, "DLLCall")
      ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnDll, IM_Proc, Line, DllCallRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)

    ;>>> Open block counter for classes and functions ------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;Process braces at the start of a line
    ;the concept with InStr() was taken from CoCo's ListClasses scipt (line 52;
    While (i := InStr("}}{", SubStr(Line, 1, 1)) ) {
      If (ClassLevel > 0  AND !tnCurrentFuncDef ){  ;we are in a class definition
        BlockLevel[ClassLevel] += i - 2
        If (BlockLevel[ClassLevel] < 1)
      }Else If (tnCurrentFuncDef){                  ;we are in a function definition
        FuncBlockLevel += i - 2
        If (FuncBlockLevel < 1){
          FuncBlockLevel = 0
          tnCurrentFuncDef = 0
      }Else                                         ;neither in a class nor function definition
        Break                                         ;don't trim line and break loop
      If !(Line := LTrim(SubStr(Line, 2), " `t"))
        Continue, 2             ;when no more braces and line is empty go to next line

    ;>>> Class definitions ===========================================================================================
    ;a Class definition starts with the keyword "class"
    ;Class definitions can contain variable declarations, method and property definitions, Meta-Functions and nested class definitions
    ;they are not alowed inside a function definition
    tn := ClassLevel > 0 ? tnClasses[ClassLevel] : tnClass
    If (tn := ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tn, IM_Obj, Line, ClassRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)) {
      tnClasses[ClassLevel] := tn
      BlockLevel[ClassLevel] := 0
      If RegExMatch(Line, "\{$")      ;check OTB

    ;>>> Functions / methods / meta functions / class properties =====================================================
    ;function/method/metaFunction definitions are only allowed outside of function/method definitions (outside or inside of class) and on base level of a class
;     func()      ;case 1
;     {
;     }
;     func(){     ;case 2
;     }
;     class classname
;     {
;        MethodOrMetaFunction()    ;case 3
;        {
;        }
;        MethodOrMetaFunction(){   ;case 4
;        }
;     }

    If (!tnCurrentFuncDef AND (ClassLevel = 0 Or BlockLevel[ClassLevel] = 1)){
    ; we are not in another function definition and (outside of a class or at the base level of a class)
      ;>>> Check for a new function/method/metaFunction definition
      If (RegExMatch(Line, FunctionRE, FuncName)) {    ;potential function definition or call without return value, let's check the end of line or next not empty linep
        If ( (SubStr(Line, 0) = ")" AND SubStr(ContinuationBuffer, 1, 1) = "{")   ;case 1 & 3: function definition with { on next line
          OR (SubStr(Line, 0) = "{" ))                                            ;case 2 & 4: function definition with OTB
          tnCurrentFuncDef := 1                  ;set that something was found, (the var for the hwnd os misused as a flag)

      ;class property definitions are only allowed on base level of a class
      ;they can only have Get and Set functions, but since these would be function definitions within function definition, these will be skipped
;       class classname
;       {
;          prop      ;case 1
;          {
;             get {
;                 return ...
;             }
;             set {
;                 return ... := value
;             }
;          }
;          prop{     ;case 2
;          }
;          prop[]    ;case 3
;          {
;          }
;          prop[]{   ;case 4
;          }
;       }
             ;"ClassLevel > 0" is redundant because BlockLevel[0] would not be 1, but for clearity I leave it in
      Else If (ClassLevel > 0 AND BlockLevel[ClassLevel] = 1){
      ;we are not in another function definition and in a class and at the base level of a class

        ;>>> Check for a new class property definition
        If (RegExMatch(Line, PropertyRE, FuncName)) {    ;potential a property definition, let's check the end of line or next not empty linep
           If (SubStr(FuncName, 0) = "["
               AND ((SubStr(Line, 0) = "]" AND SubStr(ContinuationBuffer, 1, 1) = "{") OR SubStr(Line, 0) = "{")   ;case 3 & 4
            Or SubStr(Line, 0) = "{" )                                                                                                       ;case 1 & 2
              tnCurrentFuncDef := 1              ;set that something was found, (the var for the hwnd os misused as a flag)

      ;>>> Previous checks found a function, method, meta function or class property
      If (tnCurrentFuncDef){
        If (SubStr(Line, 0) = "{"){       ;check again for OTB
          Line := RTrim(Line , " {")
        tn := ClassLevel > 0 ? tnClasses[ClassLevel] : tnFunc        ;distinguish Functions       from methods/meta functions/ClassProperties
        IM := InStr(FuncName, "(") ? IM_Funct : IM_Prop              ;distinguish ClassProperties from methods/meta functions
        tnCurrentFuncDef := ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tn, IM, Line, "(.*)", "$1", PhysicalLineNum)

    ;>>> Search for braces at the end of a line (OTB)
    ;    for classes no check at end of the line is done, because only definitions are allowed inside a class definition,
    ;    no flow commands that would allow OTB
    If (tnCurrentFuncDef AND SubStr(Line, 0) = "{"){
        ;we are in a function definition and at end of line is a { with some text before it
        ;class, functions/methods and parameters have been checked for OTB previously
        ;need to check if the line is a command that supports OTB
        ;this avoids false positives like "Msgbox, {" or "StringReplace, Out, In, Search, {"
        ;it is still not 100% robust but close, e.g. "IfEqual, var, {" would still be a false positive.
        If (RegExMatch(Line, OTBCommandsRE)){

    ;>>> Labels ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    ;Label names are not case sensitive, and may consist of any characters other than space, tab, comma and the escape character (`).
    ;they are allowed inside of functions definitions, in this case they are 'belonging' to the function definitions
    ;since all the block braces are trimmed off, the remaining of the line is the label
    tn := tnCurrentFuncDef ? tnCurrentFuncDef : tnLab
    If ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tn, IM_Point, Line, LabelRE, "$1", PhysicalLineNum)

    ;>>> Hotkey Command
    If ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnHotKey, IM_Point, Line, HotKeyCommandRE, "$2", PhysicalLineNum)

    If (PhysicalLineNum = TotalNumberOfLine - 1 )
      GoTo ProcessLastLine

    ;every line that makes it through to this point is a 'normal' command
    ;in the case of the code explorer nothig needs to be done

   ;remove all empty master nodes
   SortOrDeleteNode(tnClass, True)
   SortOrDeleteNode(tnFunc, True)
   SortOrDeleteNode(tnLab, True)
   SortOrDeleteNode(tnDll, True)
   SortOrDeleteNode(tnNote, True)
   SortOrDeleteNode(tnHotKey, True)
   SortOrDeleteNode(tnHotString, True)

   ;Count items under each Master tree node
   tn := 0
   While (tn := TV_GetNext(tn)){
      tnChild := TV_GetChild(tn)
      Count := 1
      While (tnChild := TV_GetNext(tnChild))
      TV_GetText(Title, tn)
      TV_Modify(tn, "", Title " (count " Count ")")

   ;expand all nodes except for DLLCall, Hotkey and HotString
   tn := 0
   While (tn := TV_GetNext(tn, "Full"))
      If (tn <> tnDll And tn <> tnHotKey and tn <> tnHotString)
        TV_Modify(tn, "Expand")

;>>> PSPad functions to populate its code explorer ---------------------------------------------------------------------
;the following three functions try to mimik PSPad functions, but the real code or function is unknown
AddBaseNode(Tree, Caption, Image) {
   Return TV_Add(Caption, 0, "Sort")
}ParseAndAddNode(Tree, ParentID, Image, Line, Needle, Replacement, LineNumber)  {
   If RegExMatch(Line, Needle)
      Return TV_Add(RegExReplace(Line, Needle, Replacement, , 1) " (Line " LineNumber ")", ParentID)
   Return 0
}SortOrDeleteNode(TreeNode, Delete) {
   If !TV_GetChild(TreeNode) && (Delete)

;>>> Internal Helper Functions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  If !(Pos := InStr(Trim(Line), ";"))
    Return Line             ; no quote character in this line

  If (Pos = 1)
    Return                  ; whole line is pure comment

  ;remove comments (first clean line of quotes strings)
  If (Pos := RegExMatch(RemoveQuotedStrings(Line), "\s+;.*$"))
    Line := SubStr(Line, 1, Pos - 1)

  Return Line

  ;the concept how to remove quoted strings was taken from CoCo's ListClasses scipt (line 77;
  ;replace quoted strings with dots and dashes to keep length of line constant, and that other character positions do not change
  static q := Chr(34)       ; quote character

  ;Replace quoted literal strings             1) replace two consecutive quotes with dots
  CleanLine := StrReplace(Line, q . q, "..")

  Pos := 1                                 ;  2) replace ungreedy strings in quotes with dashes
  Needle := q . ".*?" . q
  While Pos := RegExMatch(CleanLine, Needle, QuotedString, Pos){
    ReplaceString =
    Loop, % StrLen(QuotedString)
       ReplaceString .= "-"
    CleanLine := RegExReplace(CleanLine, Needle, ReplaceString, Count, 1, Pos)
  Return CleanLine

_D(Title := "Debug", Vars*){      ;small helper to Debug
  local Var,Value,Text := ""
  For Var,Value in Vars           ;call it like this
    Text .= Var ": " Value "`n"   ;>>> _D("end of line", {i:i, Line:Line, FuncBlockLevel:FuncBlockLevel}*)
  MsgBox, 0, %Title%, %Text%

;>>> Gui ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  Gui, Add, TreeView, w400 r50 hwndHTV
  Gui, Show, , ParseAHK - Code Explorer - Drop your AHK files here
GuiDropFiles:       ;only take first file
  Loop, parse, A_GuiEvent, `n
  {   FillTreeView(A_LoopField)
  global HTV
  GuiControl, -Redraw, %HTV%
  FileRead, Script, %File%
  Lines := StrSplit(Script, "`n", "`r")
  ParseAHK(Lines, HTV, DocComment := ">>>")
  GuiControl, +Redraw, %HTV%
  TV_Modify(TV_GetNext(), "VisFirst")

;>>> Test Section for different Syntax =================================================================================

*/ FuncDefOnLastLineOfBlockComment(){

; // Find the hotstring's final double-colon by considering escape sequences from left to right.
; // This is necessary for to handles cases such as the following:
; // ::abc```::::Replacement String
; // The above hotstring translates literally into "abc`::".
::abc```::::Replacement String
  ::afk::away from keyboard
::btw::by the way


(:                    ;>>> if this label is after the '(' hotkey, AHK throws error  ==> Duplicate label.
  MsgBox, This is a label %A_ThisLabel%

F1:: MsgBox, "Help me"

  MsgBox, This is a Hotkey %A_ThisHotkey%
  GoSub, (
  If (alt = 1) {
    GoSub, LabelAroundFuncDef


;hotstring & DLLCall
  MsgBox, This is a HotString %A_ThisLabel% or %A_ThisHotkey%
  Result := Trim(DllCall("DllFile\Function"
                             , Type1, Arg1
                             + text, Type2
                             := (x = 1 )
                             ? "test"
                             : "case" , Arg2, "Cdecl ReturnType")
                             . "TrimExtension not DllCall")

;function with labels
;Q: should the function def be nested underneath the label? similar to lables within function bodies
;   a non empty line (D := 2) is required between label and function def, otherwise error ==> A label must not point to a function.
;   because of that and the items below I do not think it should be nested
;      a) it is too rare and doesn't have any benefit (I see).
;      b) labels within functions are privat but func defs inside labels are public
;      c) goto/gosub label will not trigger the function unless the function is also called
  D := 2
  MyFuncA() {
     MyFuncB(A, B)
     MsgBox, %A% - %B%

;function with multiline and label
MyFuncB(ByRef A
       , ByRef B)
;Test for comment between func def and {
{ LabelWithoutBrace:
   A := B := 10
   HotKey !c,MySub

Class MyClass
   InstanceVar := 5 + 1
   static ClassVar := 10 + 2

   Class SubClass {
      SubClassMethod() {
   MyClassMethod1() {
   Prop {
   MyCLassMethod2() {
   }MyCLassMethod3() {             ;>>> currently not allowed if previous block is a property
   MyCLassMethod6() {
   }Class SubClass2 {              ;>>> currently not allowed if previous block is a property
      SubClassMethod2() {
   MyClassMethod4() {
}Class MyClass2
{  Prop2 [ a][  b ] [  c ]{
}  }

;class extended with OTB
class ExtendClass Extends MyClass {
                   , B)

;function after class with multiline and OTB
MyMultilineFunc(ByRef A
              , ByRef B){
   A := B := 10

;unicode function name

  if yy
  { testinnerbrace:    ;>>> do not show currently, because {} are only processed currently inside class and function definitions

  } testafterbrace:    ;>>> do not show currently, because {} are only processed currently inside class and function definitions


} testAfter:           ;>>> this shows up, because the } gets removed (it belongs to the function)
    MsgBox, {
Last edited by toralf on 27 Apr 2015, 15:43, edited 3 times in total.

Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code

22 Apr 2015, 16:28

A #Warn error with a very silly script

Code: Select all

Warning: This variable has not been assigned a value.
Specifically: ContinuationBufferLine (a local variable)
184: {
185: ContinuationBuffer .= " " Line
186: if (PhysicalLineNum <> TotalNumberOfLine)
187: Continue
188: Line =
189: }
192: TempLine := ContinuationBuffer
---> 193: TempLineNum := ContinuationBufferLine
194: ContinuationBuffer := Line
195: Line := TempLine
196: ContinuationBufferLine := PhysicalLineNum
197: PhysicalLineNum := TempLineNum
201: if InStr(Line, "DLLCall")
202: ParseAndAddNode(Tree, tnDll, IM_Proc, Line, "i)(.*?)(DllCall\(.*\))", "$2", PhysicalLineNum)
205: LineGotTrimmed := False
For more details, read the documentation for #Warn.
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code

22 Apr 2015, 16:41

Will be fixed in next update
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

23 Apr 2015, 15:29

Updated to version 1.1
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 03:01

Thank you for your script!
As far as I understand it can be useful for code analyzers and for code manipulations, right?
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 06:21

I hope with the next update that all the functionality is available to identify the structure of code to list the labels, hotkeys/strings, classes, function/methods/parameter.

The intend of this function is not to manipulate.
But I want to use it in its final stage as the basis to adjust the indentation of lines (for Auto-Syntax -Tidy)

So the answer to your question is yes and no.

Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 06:54

So this could also be used to build a new TillaGoto/GoToTilla

fincs/thegood: TillaGoto
budrich GotToTilla 1
hoppfrosh GotToTilla 2
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 07:17

I thought about something like AutoHotkey v1 code to v2 code converter.
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 08:28

Guest wrote:So this could also be used to build a new TillaGoto/GoToTilla

fincs/thegood: TillaGoto
budrich GotToTilla 1
hoppfrosh GotToTilla 2
in general yes. Maybe some modifications have to be done. But earliest when this function reaches version number 2.x
The function is not there yet
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Joe Glines
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 08:31

This is pretty cool! :bravo:

One thing you might consider adding is a count next to each high-level item. (i.e. Classes (count=4) DLL Calls (count=1) Hotkeys (count=12) Functions (count=5) Hotstrings (count=33) etc.
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 08:44

vasili111 wrote:toralf
I thought about something like AutoHotkey v1 code to v2 code converter.
That is not my target. But I assume this function could be used in some sense. But I can not really judge how useful it will be. I assume that will be way more complex.
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 08:47

Joetazz wrote:adding is a count next to each high-level item
This is surely possible. But what benefit does it give you?
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Joe Glines
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.1

27 Apr 2015, 09:08

Perhaps I'm going to use it differently but it just gives me a quick summary of what is in the script. I know I can get a decent idea from a visual scan but some of my scripts have hundreds / thousands of hotstrings/hotkeys/functions.

I think it would add a little value but not make it harder to follow.

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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

27 Apr 2015, 15:45

Updated to version 1.2
  • 1.2: Bug fixes & update 4/27/2015
  • Improved: some RegEx to detect structures
  • Improved: limited OTB detection to OTB commands
  • Improved: Flow of checks
  • Improved: Variable Names
  • Added: Detection of Hotkey Command
  • Added: Count items under each Master tree node (for Joetazz)
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Joe Glines
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

27 Apr 2015, 20:27

Very cool! :bravo:

Here is a summary of my main AutoHotKey file. Love it!
example.JPG (47.74 KiB) Viewed 9836 times
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

27 Apr 2015, 22:43

Are the Items in tree view correct and complete?
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Joe Glines
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

28 Apr 2015, 06:25

Hmmm... Ironically I was looking forward to using your script for this exact purpose as I wasn't sure how to get to the counts otherwise.

I used Hotkey Help from Fanatic guru ... tkeys#p549 which made it easy to come up with another metric showing Hotkeys and Hotstrings. Both matched with my counts from Line Based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

I'm not sure how to easily count the number of functions and/or labels but I know I don't have many in my main script.
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

05 May 2015, 07:52

Scroll View Issue - Plz Fix
Bye the way, did I say you :bravo: WONDERFUL WORK :bravo:
This is complete GUI, no crops! :oops:
Scroll View Issues!
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Re: Line based Parser for AHK Code v1.2

05 May 2015, 10:46

ahklearner wrote:Scroll View Issue - Plz Fix
Dear ahklearner,

I do not understand what the issue is. Could you please explain.
What I see:
The picture does show the upper part of the GUI.
The scroll bar is moved all the way to the bottom.
So where is the issue?

The Treeview is set up to have 50 rows r50. Is that too much for your screen and the Gui is too high so it is hiding the lower portion? Then please change in line 596 the number of rows Gui, Add, TreeView, w400 r50 hwndHTV to fit your screen.

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