
Community news and information about new or upcoming versions of AutoHotkey
Posts: 9688
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 04:07


Post by lexikos » 01 Dec 2022, 03:15

Added VerCompare().
Added support for breakpoint exceptions via DBGp.
Extended #Requires to support operators for range checks (< <= > >= =) and additional keywords: Unicode, ANSI, 32-bit, 64-bit.
Added CompanyName to the version information in AutoHotkey.exe, which may work around a Windows 10 bug where the program would not appear in Open With.
Changed Switch/Case to perform non-numeric comparison when the switch or case expression is a lone literal string, such as "00", and documented comparison behaviour which was previously undocumented.

Fixed some inconsistencies with integer property names via IDispatch.
  • Negative values always being considered non-numeric.
  • Positive values losing formatting, such as leading zeroes.
Fixed potential crashes when inspecting a ComObject via DBGp after using ComObjConnect.
Fixed FileAppend to treat a blank Encoding as omitted.
Fixed version comparisons to ignore numeric build info; e.g. (1 is the number of commits since
Fixed FileCreateDir X\Y\ (with trailing slash) failing to create X [broken by v1.1.35.00].

SHA256 hashes

Posts: 9688
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 04:07


Post by lexikos » 02 Dec 2022, 04:30

Fixed undefined behaviour within Switch when the switch or case expression yields a string or numeric literal which is then compared numerically.

(This exhibited as a Critical Error under some conditions, but the conditions were coincidental.)

SHA256 hashes

Posts: 9688
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 04:07


Post by lexikos » 07 Dec 2022, 16:06

Improved ComObjConnect to allow detecting disconnect via __Delete.
Fixed a performance issue with command args exceeding 4*1024*1024 chars.
Fixed FileCreateDir with network shares/UNC paths.
Fixed undefined behavior for File.Length/Read() with console buffers.

SHA256 hashes


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