Run script while Alt Tabed

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Run script while Alt Tabed

Post by Planto144 » 04 Feb 2023, 12:34

I got a script which just holds a for 24s and then holds d for 24s buttons in Minecraft ,i was wondering if it was possible to make it so it would continue working while am alt tabbed

Code: Select all

#MaxThreadsPerHotkey 2			;This you need for it send just 2 Keys (So work a Toggle Script better)
SetBatchLines -1 			;This make your Script faster

*^q::					;With this Key you Start the Script 			

toggle := !Toggle			; "!" are mean False so its just start if you press the Key when you pressed it the "!" false going to be a "True" this means the Script can start.
loop					;Loop means the Script never end
If toggle 				;The Toggle := !Toggle is now false if you press "*^q" the Flase go to an True and the Script can start
Send {d down}				;Here you Copy and Paste what you want to Send, click or something better said, your Script 
sleep, 24500
Send {d up}
Send {a down}
sleep, 24500
Send {a up}
else					; This mean if you press again "*^q" he break the Loop, this mean the Loop stopoed
any help would be great thanks!

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Re: Run script while Alt Tabed

Post by mikeyww » 04 Feb 2023, 17:35

Welcome to this AutoHotkey forum!

You can always have a go with :arrow: ControlSend.

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