Apex legends ahk

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Apex legends ahk

27 Mar 2023, 17:01

Hi guys i was wondering if someone can help to modify a script to make it personal , its a norecoil script and automatic detect weapon for apex legends and its made by sayoui https://www.unknowncheats.me/forum/apex-legends/466312-ahk-reduce-recoil-script-auto-detect-weapon.html

i want if it possible to make some changes but i dont know what to change exactly bcse i heard that EAC ban all the public script so i want to edit it, the script is perfect so please can someone tell me what to do and change some line in the code

thank you


Code: Select all

#MaxHotkeysPerInterval 99000000
#HotkeyInterval 99000000
#KeyHistory 0
#SingleInstance force
#MaxThreadsBuffer on
Process, Priority, , A
SetBatchLines, -1
ListLines Off
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%
SetKeyDelay, -1, -1
SetMouseDelay, -1
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SetWinDelay, -1
SetControlDelay, -1
SendMode Input
CoordMode, Pixel, Screen
; SetCapsLockState , AlwaysOff


Global UUID := "4cded95201964df1913445518ba7136e"


; Read setting.ini

GoSub, IniRead

; Script version ReWrite V 2 S13 Update

; Variable section
Global Current_Weapon := Default_Weapon
Global Active_Pattern := No_Pattern
Global Default_Weapon := "No"
Global SingleFire_Weapon := "SingleFire"
Global RapidMode := 0
Global Subshootkey = 9
; Light
Global R301_Weapon := "R301"
Global R99_Weapon := "R99"
Global P2020_Weapon := "P2020"
Global RE45_Weapon := "RE45"
Global Alternator_Weapon := "Alternator"
Global Spitfire_Weapon := "Spitfire"
; Heavy
Global Flatline_Weapon := "Flatline"
Global Hemlok_Weapon := "Hemlok"
Global CAR_Weapon := "CAR"
Global Prowler_Weapon := "Prowler"
; Energy
Global Lstar_Weapon := "Lstar"
Global Devotion_Weapon := "Devotion"
Global DevotionTurbo_Weapon := "DevotionTurbo"
Global Havoc_Weapon := "Havoc"
Global HavocTurbo_Weapon := "HavocTurbo"
Global Volt_Weapon := "Volt"
Global Nemesis_Weapon := "Nemesis"
Global NemesisCharged_Weapon := "NemesisCharged"
; Supplydrop
Global Rampage_Weapon := "Rampage"

; x, y pos for weapon1 and weapon 2
Global WEAPON_1_PIXELS = LoadPixel("weapon1")
Global WEAPON_2_PIXELS = LoadPixel("weapon2")

; Ammo type color
Global Light_Weapon = 0x2D547D
Global Heavy_Weapon = 0x596B38
Global Energy_Weapon = 0x286E5A
Global Supplydrop_Weapon = 0x3701B2 ; Normal
;Global Supplydrop_Weapon = 0x714AB2 ; Protanopia
;Global Supplydrop_Weapon = 0x1920B2 ; Deuteranopia
;Global Supplydrop_Weapon = 0x312E90 ; Tritanopia

; Light weapon
Global R99_PIXELS := LoadPixel("r99")
Global R301_PIXELS := LoadPixel("r301")
Global RE45_PIXELS := LoadPixel("re45")
Global P2020_PIXELS := LoadPixel("p2020")
Global ALTERNATOR_PIXELS := LoadPixel("alternator")
Global SPITFIRE_PIXELS := LoadPixel("spitfire")

; Heavy weapon
Global FLATLINE_PIXELS := LoadPixel("flatline")
Global HEMLOK_PIXELS := LoadPixel("hemlok")
Global PROWLER_PIXELS := LoadPixel("prowler")

; Special
Global CAR_PIXELS := LoadPixel("car")

; Energy weapon
Global LSTAR_PIXELS := LoadPixel("lstar")
Global DEVOTION_PIXELS := LoadPixel("devotion")
Global HAVOC_PIXELS := LoadPixel("havoc")
Global VOLT_PIXELS := LoadPixel("volt")

; Supplydrop weapon
Global RAMPAGE_PIXELS := LoadPixel("rampage")

; Turbocharger
Global HAVOC_TURBOCHARGER_PIXELS := LoadPixel("havoc_turbocharger")
Global DEVOTION_TURBOCHARGER_PIXELS := LoadPixel("devotion_turbocharger")

; Weapon pixel load
LoadPixel(name) {
    Global resolution
    IniRead, weapon_pixel_str, %A_ScriptDir%\resolution\%resolution%.ini, pixels, %name%
    weapon_num_pixels := []
    Loop, Parse, weapon_pixel_str, `,
        if StrLen(A_LoopField) == 0 {
    return weapon_num_pixels

; Pattern load
No_Pattern := {}

Loop Files, %A_ScriptDir%\Pattern\*.txt, R
	gunName := SubStr(A_LoopFileName, 1, StrLen(A_LoopFileName) - 4)
	FileRead, %gunName%Pattern, %A_ScriptDir%\Pattern\%A_LoopFileName%
	%gunName%_Pattern := []
	Loop, Parse, %gunName%Pattern, `n, `, , `" ,`r

; Variable section 2 (Don't edit this)
Zoom := 1.0/zoom_sens
Active_Pattern := No_Pattern
ModIfier := 4/sens*Zoom

; On/Off Setting (Off : 0, On : 1)
Global On_Off := 1

; Suspend the script when mouse is showing
isCursorShown() {
	StructSize := A_PtrSize + 16
	VarSetCapacity(InfoStruct, StructSize)
	NumPut(StructSize, InfoStruct)
	DllCall("GetCursorInfo", UInt, &InfoStruct)
	Result := NumGet(InfoStruct, 8)
	If Result > 1
		Return 1
		Return 0
Loop {
	Sleep 50
	If isCursorShown() == 1

; Check weapons
    target_color := 0xFFFFFF
    i := 1
    loop, 3 {
        PixelGetColor, check_point_color, weapon_pixels[i], weapon_pixels[i + 1]
        if (weapon_pixels[i + 2] != (check_point_color == target_color)) {
            return False
        i := i + 3
    return True

; Check Turbocharge
    target_color := 0xFFFFFF
    PixelGetColor, check_point_color, turbocharger_pixels[1], turbocharger_pixels[2]
    if (check_point_color == target_color) {
        return true
    return false

; Detect weapons
Detect_Weapon() {
	Sleep 100
    AmmoType := 0
	Current_Weapon := Default_Weapon
    PixelGetColor, AmmoType1, WEAPON_1_PIXELS[1], WEAPON_1_PIXELS[2]
    PixelGetColor, AmmoType2, WEAPON_2_PIXELS[1], WEAPON_2_PIXELS[2]
    If (AmmoType1 == Light_Weapon || AmmoType1 == Heavy_Weapon || AmmoType1 == Energy_Weapon || AmmoType1 == Supplydrop_Weapon) {
        AmmoType := AmmoType1
    } Else If (AmmoType2 == Light_Weapon || AmmoType2 == Heavy_Weapon || AmmoType2 == Energy_Weapon || AmmoType2 == Supplydrop_Weapon) {
        AmmoType := AmmoType2
    } Else {
	; Light
	If (AmmoType == Light_Weapon) {
		If (Check_Weapon(R301_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return R301_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(R99_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return R99_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(CAR_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return CAR_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(Alternator_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return Alternator_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(RE45_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return RE45_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(P2020_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 1
			Return P2020_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(Spitfire_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return Spitfire_Weapon
	; Heavy
	Else If (AmmoType == Heavy_Weapon) {
		If (Check_Weapon(CAR_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return CAR_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(Flatline_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return Flatline_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(Hemlok_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 1
			Return Hemlok_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(Prowler_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 1
			Return Prowler_Weapon
	; Energy
	Else If (AmmoType == Energy_Weapon) {
		If (Check_Weapon(Lstar_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return Lstar_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(Havoc_PIXELS)) {
			If (Check_Turbocharger(Havoc_TURBOCHARGER_PIXELS)) {
				Global RapidMode := 0
				Return HavocTurbo_Weapon
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return Havoc_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(Devotion_PIXELS)) {
			If (Check_Turbocharger(DEVOTION_TURBOCHARGER_PIXELS)) {
				Global RapidMode := 0
				Return DevotionTurbo_Weapon
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return Devotion_Weapon
		} Else If (Check_Weapon(Volt_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return Volt_Weapon
	; Airdrop
	Else If (AmmoType == Supplydrop_Weapon) {
		If (Check_Weapon(Rampage_PIXELS)) {
			Global RapidMode := 0
			Return Rampage_Weapon
	Global RapidMode := 0
	Return Default_Weapon

; Set weapons
DetectAndSetWeapon() {
    if (On_Off) {
	Sleep 100
	Current_Weapon := Detect_Weapon()
	Active_Pattern := %Current_Weapon%_Pattern


~E Up::
	Sleep 200

	Active_Pattern := No_Pattern
	RapidMode := 0

	Sleep 200
    if (!ads_only) {
        Active_Pattern := No_Pattern
		RapidMode := 0

    On_Off := 1

    On_Off := 0
    Active_Pattern := No_Pattern
    RapidMode := 0

    On_Off := !On_Off
    if (On_Off) {
    Else {
	Active_Pattern := No_Pattern
	RapidMode := 0

; ---MouseControl---

#If mice = 0
If (ads_only) {
	if (GetKeyState("RButton") || RapidMode) {
		Loop {
			If (RapidMode) {
				If A_Index < 3
					Random, Rand, 1, 2
				If(Rand = 1)
					Send % Subshootkey
			X := StrSplit(Active_Pattern[a_index],",")[1]
			Y := StrSplit(Active_Pattern[a_index],",")[2]
			T := StrSplit(Active_Pattern[a_index],",")[3]
			DllCall("mouse_event", UInt, 0x01, UInt, Round(X * modIfier), UInt, Round(Y * modIfier))
			Sleep T
			} until !GetKeyState("LButton","P") || a_index > Active_Pattern.maxindex()
} Else {
	Loop {
		If (RapidMode) {
			If A_Index < 3
					Random, Rand, 1, 2
			If(Rand = 1)
				Send % Subshootkey
		X := StrSplit(Active_Pattern[a_index],",")[1]
		Y := StrSplit(Active_Pattern[a_index],",")[2]
		T := StrSplit(Active_Pattern[a_index],",")[3]
		DllCall("mouse_event", UInt, 0x01, UInt, Round(X * modIfier), UInt, Round(Y * modIfier))
		Sleep T
		} until !GetKeyState("LButton","P") || a_index > Active_Pattern.maxindex()

; ---End the script---

    IfNotExist, settings.ini
        MsgBox, Couldn't find settings.ini. I'll create one for you.
		IniWrite, "1080x1920"`n, settings.ini, screen settings, resolution
        IniWrite, "5.0", settings.ini, mouse settings, sens
        IniWrite, "1.0", settings.ini, mouse settings, zoom_sens
		IniWrite, "1", settings.ini, mouse settings, ads_only
		If (A_ScriptName == "ApexRW.ahk") {
            Run "ApexRW.ahk"
	Else {
		IniRead, resolution, settings.ini, screen settings, resolution
        IniRead, sens, settings.ini, mouse settings, sens
        IniRead, zoom_sens, settings.ini, mouse settings, zoom_sens
		IniRead, ads_only, settings.ini, mouse settings, ads_only

	Global 0
	IfEqual, A_IsAdmin, 1, Return 0

	Loop, %0%
		params .= A_Space . %A_Index%

	DllCall("shell32\ShellExecute" (A_IsUnicode ? "":"A"),uint,0,str,"RunAs",str,(A_IsCompiled ? A_ScriptFullPath : A_AhkPath),str,(A_IsCompiled ? "": """" . A_ScriptFullPath . """" . A_Space) params,str,A_WorkingDir,int,1)

HideProcess() {
    if ((A_Is64bitOS=1) && (A_PtrSize!=4))
        hMod := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "hyde64.dll", Ptr)
    else if ((A_Is32bitOS=1) && (A_PtrSize=4))
        hMod := DllCall("LoadLibrary", Str, "hyde.dll", Ptr)
        MsgBox, Mixed Versions detected!`nOS Version and AHK Version need to be the same (x86 & AHK32 or x64 & AHK64).`n`nScript will now terminate!

    if (hMod)
        hHook := DllCall("SetWindowsHookEx", Int, 5, Ptr, DllCall("GetProcAddress", Ptr, hMod, AStr, "CBProc", ptr), Ptr, hMod, Ptr, 0, Ptr)
        if (!hHook)
            MsgBox, SetWindowsHookEx failed!`nScript will now terminate!
        MsgBox, LoadLibrary failed!`nScript will now terminate!

    MsgBox, % "Process ('" . A_ScriptName . "') hidden! `nYour uuid is " UUID

	if (hHook)
		DllCall("UnhookWindowsHookEx", Ptr, hHook)
		MsgBox, % "Process unhooked!"
	if (hMod)
		DllCall("FreeLibrary", Ptr, hMod)
		MsgBox, % "Library unloaded"



[Mod actions: Moved topic from "Scripts and Functions (v2)" to "[V1] Gaming Help" because it is in the wrong forum in three ways: It's not v2, it's asking for help, not sharing finished code with others, and it's for gaming. Moved code tags so that they are around only the code and not the whole post. Removed the superfluous quote and center tags.]

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