Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

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Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Zogger86 » 02 Jun 2023, 13:04

Hello there,

I know that AutoHotkey v1.1 is not supported anymore but our guild uses the latest version v1.1 and we have some strange issue with keyboards suddenly not responding. I would like to know, if this is a issue with AutoHotkey v1.1 and we then need to swap to AutoHotkey v2.0+ or if it is not AutoHotkey related at all. Hope someone can help. Thanks :thumbup:

In use: AutoHotkey
Laptop i5 with external USB Keyboard
Mouse: Razer DeathAdder

Script for game related setup:

Code: Select all

F4::SendInput {Enter}/leave{Enter}
F5::SendInput {Enter}/quit{Enter}
F6::SendInput {Enter}/stuck{Enter}
PrintScreen::SendInput {Enter}/screenshot{Enter}
[Mod edit: [code][/code] tags added.]

Sometimes (rarely) during gameplay, the Keyboard is not responding to the commands anymore. The game character can still be moved with W S A D but for example, leaving the party (F4) or quitting the game (F5) and also the mouse wheel button to close the game executable does not work anymore. The strange thing I don't understand, the game character can still be moved with W S A D.

Does this make sense to anyone? All guild members experienced this issue so far, so it is not Laptop related.

greetings and thanks for any help

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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Rohwedder » 03 Jun 2023, 02:59

maybe a modifier key is pressed logically? Try:

Code: Select all

*F4::SendInput {Enter}/leave{Enter}
*F5::SendInput {Enter}/quit{Enter}
*F6::SendInput {Enter}/stuck{Enter}
*PrintScreen::SendInput {Enter}/screenshot{Enter}
AutoHotkey v1.1 is not supported anymore, really?

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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Zogger86 » 03 Jun 2023, 04:40

Rohwedder wrote:
03 Jun 2023, 02:59
AutoHotkey v1.1 is not supported anymore, really?
Hi Rohwedder,

thanks so much for the quick help and response. Will try it. Misinterpreted deprecated as noch supported anymore. My bad.

Greetings & thanks

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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Zogger86 » 03 Jun 2023, 04:50

Rohwedder wrote:
03 Jun 2023, 02:59
maybe a modifier key is pressed logically? Try:

Code: Select all

*F4::SendInput {Enter}/leave{Enter}
*F5::SendInput {Enter}/quit{Enter}
*F6::SendInput {Enter}/stuck{Enter}
*PrintScreen::SendInput {Enter}/screenshot{Enter}
Hi, can I also use * infront of the xbutton1 and xbutton2 command? What does it do?

Thanks & greetings

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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Zogger86 » 03 Jun 2023, 05:40

Hi, interesting thing happened. I used this script now:

Code: Select all

*F4::SendInput {Enter}/leave{Enter}
*F5::SendInput {Enter}/quit{Enter}
*F6::SendInput {Enter}/stuck{Enter}
*PrintScreen::SendInput {Enter}/screenshot{Enter}
So after some minutes, I was not able to use F4-6 anymore. The game didn't react to leave the party but the Mouse Wheel Button command worked to shutdown the exe and I was also able to use the number panel this time and move around. Still doesn't make sense but at least I was able to see some effect. Any ideas?


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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Rohwedder » 03 Jun 2023, 06:47

Any ideas?
Without instrumental (Windows Spy) examination of the patient (your laptop) and his disease (this game) I can't say anything about it.
This * infront of Hotkeys is called Wildcard, see
* infront of Remappings Xbutton1::0 is pointless these already have it installed.
It should at least not hurt to give the patient something strengthening (Autohotkey

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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Zogger86 » 03 Jun 2023, 12:47

Hello Rohwedder,

here's a answer from one of the members in the Discord group about this isse:
I'm still inclined to think that the reason is most likely is what I outlined in #testing:

at times these modifier keys (Ctrl, Shift, Alt) may not get "released" or unpressed properly, which could explain F1 or 1234 keys not working, but sending WASD inputs. So the possible solution or the way to fix it is to briefly press Ctrl/Shift/Alt to make sure it's unpressed and check if F1 or 1234 keys are working after that. This might be even caused by something different than AHK, because the game accepts WASD inputs even with Ctrl/Shift/Alt pressed, but not F1 or 1234, so this could possibly explain it.

In this regard, Wildcard could actually help bypassing your script keys not working. As for F1 or 1234 you could try including them in your script either as simple remaps *F1::F1 (doesn't seem to work like that with HG, might need another modifier on top to make it work), or Send commands like

Code: Select all

SendInput {F1}

allows HG to accept F1 input even if Ctrl/Alt/Shift is/are held. It does not work for mouse buttons, for example
. But I suspect it might have to do with keyboard being old or cable/usb port acting up and "eating" Ctrl/Shift/Alt "releases"/"unpresses" occassionaly or something of similar nature.

Yep, this does solve the issue or so it seems from my brief test, but you'd need like 13 commands in total for each F1-F3 and 1-0 keys I guess. Probably not the perfect solution, but that's all I could come up with off the top of my head
The major drawback is that I can't think of a way to make it compatible with mouse key remapping. But you can always just change 9 and 0 to Q/E/R/T or someting in game's settings.
So is there a way to also get the mouse keys included?


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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Zogger86 » 03 Jun 2023, 14:38

I just tested it in the game. Loaded the old script without Wildcards and hold Ctrl/Strg while pressing F4 and the other keys and they were blocked but I was till able to move with W A S D. So it seems like this is exactly the problem we are facing. So the control key acts as if it is stuck periodically. So is there any solution also for the mouse (wheel) buttons?


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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Rohwedder » 04 Jun 2023, 00:10


Code: Select all

Global LModUp := "{Blind}{LWin Up}{LCtrl Up}{LAlt Up}{LShift Up}"

*F4::SendInput %LModUp%{Enter}/leave{Enter}
*F5::SendInput %LModUp%{Enter}/quit{Enter}
*F6::SendInput %LModUp%{Enter}/stuck{Enter}
*PrintScreen::SendInput %LModUp%{Enter}/screenshot{Enter}

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Re: Keyboard suddenly not responding during gaming

Post by Zogger86 » 06 Jun 2023, 06:36

Hello Rohwedder,

thanks again for your help and suggestions. I was not able to get it working with your suggestion (F keys still being blocked) so I decided to go back to the old script and added two lines to reload the script and shut down the exe binding those to two wildcard keyboard buttons:

Code: Select all

F4::SendInput {Enter}/leave{Enter}
F5::SendInput {Enter}/quit{Enter}
F6::SendInput {Enter}/stuck{Enter}
PrintScreen::SendInput {Enter}/screenshot{Enter}

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