Make a map editor for simple 2D games

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Make a map editor for simple 2D games

13 Nov 2015, 19:32

Hello :) I'm looking for an easy tool to make a tilemap editor with
I just discovered AHK's gui module and I have no idea what it's capable of

I would require either:
the ability to cut up an image and paste the pieces into a large bitmap
or render many small cropped images at once

Thank you
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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

14 Nov 2015, 00:08

Welcome, Ledrik! :D
Glad you're here with us sharing your passion for AHK.

You could very well be able to do such application with AHK, definitely.
However, I might as well be direct and point you to Tiled:

As much as the community enjoys creating and even porting things into AHK, I don't think it's always wise to reinvent the wheel. ;)
Antonio França - | | |
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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

14 Nov 2015, 18:37

I just want to try, maybe I'll give up and use something else later but it seems like a good idea for now :)
I found the docs for Pic but it didn't say anything about cropping or pasting in new pixels
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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

16 Nov 2015, 06:56

Hello Buddy! Do you even tried tool called: "game maker"? Try Game maker 7, this is the best version in my opinion. I've done a lot of games on it, when i was just a kid.
Good Luck!
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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

16 Nov 2015, 12:48

Here's a base for a 2d tilemap script.
Has the basic functionality required and the rendering is quite ezpz, just screenshot and paste into paint :)
You can use ahk to take a 'snapshot' from the gui and then save it as a file but, most options require a huge wall of text or externals/additional libs so you can add those if you so desire.

Code: Select all

tile_w := 48, tile_h := 48
temp_x := 0, temp_y := 0
loop, Files, %a_scriptDir%\*.*
	if (instr("jpg,png,bmp",a_loopfileext)) {
		picList .= a_loopfilename ";"
grid_dim := ceil(sqrt(c)), c := 0
loop % grid_dim {
	loop % grid_dim {
		gui 1: add,picture,x%temp_x% y%temp_y% w%tile_w% h-1 gPicClick vpicControl%c%, % picControl%c%
		temp_x += tile_w
	temp_y += tile_h, temp_x := 0
gui_w := tile_w*grid_dim*3, gui_h := tile_h*grid_dim*2
Gui 2: Show, w%gui_w% h%gui_h%, GridMap
gui_w := tile_w*ceil(sqrt(c)), gui_h := tile_h*ceil(sqrt(c))
Gui 1: Show, w%gui_w% h%gui_h%, Sprites

gui 1: submit,nohide
gridPicControl%gui2c% := %a_guicontrol%
gui 2: add,picture,x0 y0 w%tile_w% h-1 +wantreturn vgridPicControl%gui2c% gMoveMe, % %a_guicontrol%
while (getKeyState("LButton","P")) {
	mx -= (tile_w/2), my -= (tile_h/2)*2
	if (mx != px ||my != py) {
		guicontrol,move,%a_guicontrol%, x%mx% y%my%
		px := mx, py := my
drop_x := round(px/tile_w)*tile_w
drop_y := round(py/tile_h)*tile_h
guicontrol,move,%a_guicontrol%, x%drop_x% y%drop_y%
Anyway, drop the sprites/tiles you want in the same folder as the script, it'll load them into gui 1 and when you click on a tile in gui 1 it'll add it to gui 2.
To get rid of a tile, just drag it outside of the gui and it'll "disappear".

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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

16 Nov 2015, 16:41

Nice job John!

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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

16 Nov 2015, 18:26

Thanks John, it was really nice of you to do that and it's a neat little program, but I need the ability to cut up a tilesheet into individual tiles or just use one small piece of a tilesheet at a time
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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

16 Nov 2015, 19:51

Code: Select all

;~ #include, Gdip.ahk
src_tilesheet := "PathAndObjects.png"
tile_dim := 32
editor_w := tile_dim*10, editor_h := tile_dim*4
tile_arr := {}
gdip := Gdip_Startup()
bmp := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(src_tilesheet)
bmp_w := Gdip_GetImageWidth(bmp)
bmp_h := Gdip_GetImageHeight(bmp)
tileCount_x := bmp_w/tile_dim
tileCount_y := bmp_h/tile_dim
loop % tileCount_y {
	y_index := a_index
	loop % tileCount_x {
		temp_x := (a_index-1)*tile_dim, temp_y := (y_index-1)*tile_dim
		temp_control := "pic" c
		gui 1: add,picture,x%temp_x% y%temp_y% w%tile_dim% h-1 hwnd%temp_control% 0xE v%temp_control% gPicClick,
		tileBmp := Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(bmp, (a_index-1)*tile_dim, (y_index-1)*tile_dim, tile_dim, tile_dim)
		tile_arr[temp_control] := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(tileBmp)
		SetImage(%temp_control%, tile_arr[temp_control])
temp_x += tile_dim, temp_y += tile_dim
gui 1: show, w%temp_x% h%temp_y%
Gui 2: Show, w%editor_w% h%editor_h%, GridMap

temp_control := "pic_2_" gui2c
gui 2: add,picture,x0 y0 w%tile_dim% h-1 hwnd%temp_control% 0xE v%temp_control% gMoveMe,
SetImage(%temp_control%, tile_arr[a_guicontrol])

while (getKeyState("LButton","P")) {
	mx -= (tile_dim/2), my -= (tile_dim/2)*2
	if (mx != px ||my != py) {
		guicontrol,move,%a_guicontrol%, x%mx% y%my%
		px := mx, py := my
drop_x := round(px/tile_dim)*tile_dim
drop_y := round(py/tile_dim)*tile_dim
guicontrol,move,%a_guicontrol%, x%drop_x% y%drop_y%

for k in tile_arr {

You'll need gdip.ahk but, i'm sure you'll manage.
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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

16 Nov 2015, 21:30

Is there any possible way in the wildest of imaginings of doing it without gdip or dll calls? :D
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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

16 Nov 2015, 21:37

Not that I know of with a GUI. But by all means, you could do it with an image editor like GIMP or Paint.NET and automating that tool to process cutting an image for you.
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Re: Make a map editor for simple 2D games

16 Nov 2015, 21:41

Hmm, I suppose that's one option

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