Code Puzzle Thread

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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

09 Jan 2018, 07:21

Hi Helgef,

yes, I think I solved it, but I'm waiting for others who might jump in (because I won't contribute a new puzzle).
My last hint has been my personal key to solve the problem.

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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

09 Jan 2018, 08:21

:thumbup:. submitting new puzzles aren't mandatory, you are welcome to submit your solution whenever you like.

Cheers :wave: .
just me
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

09 Jan 2018, 11:27

And the answer is: 42!

Athough it should always be true, it's obviously not true in this case. I tried without success. After that I noticed, that the LOOP and the Helgef sections always give the same result, regardless of the value in Count. So I added Task.tick := 0 above Task.List:= []. The Helgef section was indeed 'significant faster' after doing this: 0 ms for 50,000 Task instances, WOW! :shock:

This seemed to be a little too fast. I realized that Task.tick isn't touched by Task.List:= [] at all. From this follows that Task.__delete() is not called. The only reason for this behaviour is: The objects are not released because 'something' still holds a reference. Some thoughts later I found this 'something'. It's the enumerator object created by while (_enum:= Task.List._newEnum()) in the ENUM section. So the real answer is:

Code: Select all

; ENUM -----------------------------------------------
loop % count
	new Task("name" A_Index)
Task.time:= ""
while (_enum:= Task.List._newEnum()).Next(key, val) {
	loop {
	} until !_enum.Next(key, val)
_enum := ""	; <<<<< added
msgBOX(result.= "ENUM`t:= " Task.tick "`n")
Due to my limited knowledge about OOP and the AHK implementation details my explanation might be technically imprecise, but the solution is working.

Cheers ;) .
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

09 Jan 2018, 12:23

You are spot on just me, both in regards to reasoning, explaination and solution, great job :thumbup:. You will be rewarded a point.

Since just me already declined the offer to submit a new puzzle, it is free for anyone who likes to, to do so.

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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

10 Jan 2018, 03:36

just me wrote:_enum := "" ; <<<<< added
Cheers ;) .
Yep my mistake.

Code: Select all

class Task {
	static time:= 0
	static tick:= 0
	static List:= []
	__new(name, mode:= 0x13) {
		this.mode:= mode name
		Task.List[this]:= ""
	static end:= func("__Task_end")
	__delete() { ;destruct idea by Helgef
		if !Task.time
			Task.time:= A_TickCount
		if this.mode != "" { ;prevent second run
			;on destruct actions <<< ----------------------------------	;
			this.mode:= "" ;clear to prevent second run  	;
		}																;
		Task.tick:= A_TickCount - Task.time								;
}	}																	;
__Task_end(byRef this) {												;
	if !Task.time														;
		Task.time:= A_TickCount											;
	this.__delete()			; forced call on destruct actions	<<< ---	;
	Task.List.Delete(this)	; remove reference from Task.List
	this:= "" ;if no more references <<< destruct

result:= ""
count:= 50000
;count:= 20
; LOOP -----------------------------------------------
loop count
	new Task("name" A_Index)
Task.time:= ""
while !isEmpty { ;just less code but the same
	isEmpty:= 0
	for key in Task.List {
		isEmpty:= 1 
}	}
msgBOX(result.= "LOOP`t:= " Task.tick "`n") ;<<< 1391
; Helgef ---------------------------------------------
loop count
	new Task("name" A_Index)
Task.time:= "" ;Task.time:= 0 (the same)
Task.List:= []
;next line is needed to become destruction ready
;there count times calling of Task.__delete()
;but the fastest way
msgBOX("Wait for Helgef",, "T1") ;1 seccond enough
msgBOX(result.= "HELL`t:= " Task.tick "`n") ;<<<  234 (fastest)
Ty guys!
AHKv2.0 alpha forever.
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

24 Jan 2018, 02:06

I was also waiting for the 3D formula to apply in the game.
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

02 Feb 2018, 04:26

Disconnect the Proxy from the Target
You may not edit the underlying object in memory with numput/get or similar.
You may only add new code in the marked area.

Code: Select all

;add code here

;don't edit the code below
class Proxy {
	__New() {
		static init := new Proxy()
		if init
			return init
		Proxy := this
	__Call( fn, p* ){
		return Target[fn]( p* )
	__Set( p* ) {
		value := p.pop()
		return Target[p*] := value
	__Get( p* ){
		return Target[p*]
class Target {
	__New() {
		static init := new Target()
		if init
			return init
		Target := this
		this.val := 13
	test() {
		Msgbox Hello World!
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

02 Feb 2018, 04:49

Thank you nnnik, I will mark this as the current puzzle. You will get one point for submitting a new puzzle.

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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

03 Feb 2018, 17:13

This puzzle strikes my interest, but only in that I would like to learn more about classes. So I can't solve it :(
try it and see
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

12 Mar 2018, 06:41

It seems nnnik's puzzle remains unsolved, great :D. Maybe it is time for a hint?

I have posted a bonus puzzle here, if someone wants to ponder it, it assumes some understanding of c/c++ so it is not fit for this thread.

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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

25 May 2018, 13:05

I think it is time for a new puzzle, I leave it open to anyone who likes to submit one to do so, please see the rules in the first post and do not hesitate to ask me (via pm) if you have any questions.

This is my (pre- suggestion for a solution to nnnik's puzzle,

Code: Select all

;add code here
objrawset(f(), "__set", "")
objrawset(f(), "__get", "")
objrawset(f(), "__call", "")

	static b := proxy
	return b
;don't edit the code below
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

25 May 2018, 14:06

Well I really searched for a solution myself for quite a while as it was a problem that I couldnt solve myself.
I was rather impressed at the speed he came up with the solution.
Also while Helgefs solution solves this riddle but does not solve the underlying problem for me since the underlying problem does not allow the addition of a static initialisation by writing a new function.
In AHK v1.1.29.00 you can use ObjGetBase and ObjSetBase to solve this.
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

30 Nov 2018, 09:03

Puzzle 11
Puzzle objectives:
Recreate the built in functions numget and numput. The important point is to be able to correctly write and read any of the number types the built-in functions can, you do not need to consider parameter validation and you can assume all parameters are passed if you like.
Puzzle rules:
You are not allowed to call any external API functions other than this,

Code: Select all

memcpy(dest, src, count){
	void *memcpy(  
		void *dest,  
		const void *src,  
		size_t count   
	url: (memcpy)
	return dllcall("MSVCRT.dll\memcpy", "ptr", dest, "ptr", src, "ptr", count, "cdecl")
You are not allowed to use a file object. You may give your answer in either v1 or v2 code. You may write any number of help functions. Your functions should work on both 32 bit and 64 bit.

For reference, this question was asked here: read byte via DllCall. This topic is not supposed to be a hint.

Edit, :arrow: hint .

jeeswg gave a partial solution :arrow: here. I still accept other solutions, see comments :arrow: here.

Last edited by Helgef on 04 Feb 2019, 04:23, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

30 Nov 2018, 10:33

I forgot to tell you cannot use file objects.
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

25 Jan 2019, 14:21

Hello :wave: .
Did someone attempt to solve puzzle 11? Please comment if something is unclear. I will give a hint, the solution does not need to involve very much code, actually, quite few lines are needed.

I came up with a (quite simple) puzzle, it requires some basic knowledge of C so this just a bonus puzzle, solving it rewards you only with a bonus point ;). Also, the one which writes the fastest version will get a point.
Bonus puzzle.
Description: You are working on a computation heavy application and need to improve performance, your computations involve large amounts of calls to this function,

Code: Select all

rsqrt(x) {
	return 1/sqrt(x)
You ask your friend John for advice and he tells you about a function which approximates this result sufficiently well, which he have used in one of his project with good result, he gives you :arrow: this C function: Q_rsqrt.
Puzzle objectives: Implement the function Q_rsqrt in AHK and optimise it as much as you can with all tricks you know. Compare the (speed) performance to the more accurate function rsqrt and report your code, test results and conclusions. You are welcome to use both v1 and v2.

Edit, edited wrong post...
Last edited by Helgef on 27 Jan 2019, 05:00, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

26 Jan 2019, 22:21

Re. Puzzle 11. Something like this? Cheers.

Code: Select all

;AHK v1 script
;'PuzGet'/'PuzPut' - recreate NumGet/NumPut functionality (minus Float/Double functionality)
;where 'Puz' refers to 'Code Puzzle Thread'
w:: ;test PuzPut and PuzGet functions
VarSetCapacity(vData1, 8, 0)
VarSetCapacity(vData2, 8, 0)
NumPut(-12345678, &vData1, "Int")
PuzPut(-12345678, &vData2, "Int")
MsgBox, % NumGet(&vData1, "Int")
MsgBox, % NumGet(&vData2, "Int")
MsgBox, % PuzGet(&vData1, "Int")

q:: ;test PuzPut and PuzGet functions
oType := StrSplit("Char,Short,Int,Int64,Ptr,UChar,UShort,UInt,UInt64,UPtr", ",")
VarSetCapacity(vData1, 8)
VarSetCapacity(vData2, 8)
Loop, 10000
	Random, vNum, -2147483648, 2147483647
	vNum *= 256**3
	Random, vTemp, 1, % oType.Length()
	vType := oType[vTemp]
	NumPut(vNum, &vData1, vType)
	PuzPut(vNum, &vData2, vType)
	vNum1 := NumGet(&vData1, vType)
	vNum2 := NumGet(&vData2, vType)
	vNum1X := PuzGet(&vData1, vType)
	vHex1 := Format("0x{:X}", vNum1)
	vHex2 := Format("0x{:X}", vNum2)
	vHex1X := Format("0x{:X}", vNum1X)
	;if 0
	if !(vNum1 = vNum2)
	;if !InStr(vType, "Int64")
		MsgBox, % "put`r`n" "index: " A_Index "`r`n" vType "`r`n" vNum1 "`r`n" vNum2 "`r`n" vHex1 "`r`n" vHex2
	;if 0
	if !(vNum1 = vNum1X)
		MsgBox, % "get`r`n" "index: " A_Index "`r`n" vType "`r`n" vNum1 "`r`n" vNum1X "`r`n" vHex1 "`r`n" vHex1X
MsgBox, % "done"


PuzGet(vAddr, vType:="UPtr")
	static oChar, oType := {Char:1, Short:2, Int:4, Int64:8, Ptr:A_PtrSize=8?8:4}
	static vIsReady := 0
	if !vIsReady
		oChar := {0:0}
		VarSetCapacity(vData, 1, 0)
		Loop, 255
			PuzPut(A_Index, &vData, "UChar")
			, vOrd := Ord(StrGet(&vData, 1, "CP0"))
			, oChar[vOrd] := A_Index
		vIsReady := 1

	vIsSigned := !RegExMatch(vType, "i)^U")
	vSize := oType[RegExReplace(vType, "i)^U")]
	vNum := 0
	Loop, % vSize
		vNum |= oChar[Ord(StrGet(vAddr+A_Index-1, 1, "CP0"))] << (A_Index*8-8)
	if vIsSigned
		if (vSize = 1) && (vNum >= 128)
			return vNum - 256
		else if (vSize = 2) && (vNum >= 32768)
			return vNum - 65536
		else if (vSize = 4) && (vNum >= 2147483648)
			return vNum - 4294967296
	return vNum

PuzPut(vNum, vAddr, vType:="UPtr")
	static oChar, oType := {Char:1, Short:2, Int:4, Int64:8, Ptr:A_PtrSize=8?8:4}
	static vIsReady := 0, vDataNull := 0
	if !vIsReady
		;oChar := {0:""}
		oChar := {}
		VarSetCapacity(vDataNull, 1, 0)
		Loop, 255
			oChar[A_Index] := Chr(A_Index)
		vIsReady := 1
	vSize := oType[RegExReplace(vType, "i)^U")]
	Loop, % Min(vSize, 7)
		vTemp := vNum & (0xFF << (A_Index*8-8))
		, vTemp >>= (A_Index*8-8)
		, (vTemp=0) ? memcpy(vAddr+A_Index-1, &vDataNull, 1) : memcpy(vAddr+A_Index-1, oChar.GetAddress(vTemp), 1)
	;0xFF00000000000000 (UInt64) = (0xFF00000000000000 - 0x10000000000000000) (Int64) = -0x100000000000000 (Int64)
	if (vSize = 8)
		vTemp := SubStr(Format("0x{:016X}", vNum & -0x100000000000000), 1, 4)
		, (vTemp=0) ? memcpy(vAddr+7, &vDataNull, 1) : memcpy(vAddr+7, oChar.GetAddress(vTemp), 1)

memcpy(dest, src, count){
	void *memcpy(
		void *dest,
		const void *src,
		size_t count
	url: (memcpy)
	return dllcall("MSVCRT.dll\memcpy", "ptr", dest, "ptr", src, "ptr", count, "cdecl")
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

27 Jan 2019, 03:34

Hello jeeswg :wave:. Thank you for participating. Your code seems fine for your test cases, well done, but float and double are also required.

Great function names :P.

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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

27 Jan 2019, 04:57

I will specify a little on the hint for puzzle 11, my v2 solution is 21 lines, without parameter verification, and without trying to make it short, also not counting memcpy. V1 will require just a few lines more. You can make it as long as you like though.
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

27 Jan 2019, 08:23

- I've added support for Floats and Doubles.
- Note: the script is now for AHK v2.

Code: Select all

;AHK v2 script
;'PuzGet'/'PuzPut' - recreate NumGet/NumPut functionality
;where 'Puz' refers to 'Code Puzzle Thread'

;note: when converting from/to Floats,
;the fractions could be *fractionally* different,
;although the tests show the expected accuracy

;note: the maths of handling the raw binary data
;of the Floats is very fiddly, so errors are possible

;AHK v2 is used because you can convert from/to Doubles
;by using the address of a variable

w:: ;test PuzPut and PuzGet functions
VarSetCapacity(vData1, 8, 0)
VarSetCapacity(vData2, 8, 0)
NumPut(-12345678, &vData1, "Int")
PuzPut(-12345678, &vData2, "Int")
MsgBox(NumGet(&vData1, "Int"))
MsgBox(NumGet(&vData2, "Int"))
MsgBox(PuzGet(&vData1, "Int"))

q:: ;test PuzPut and PuzGet functions
;oType := StrSplit("Char,Short,Int,Int64,Ptr,UChar,UShort,UInt,UInt64,UPtr", ",")
;oType := StrSplit("Char,Short,Int,Int64,Ptr,UChar,UShort,UInt,UInt64,UPtr,Float,Double", ",")
oType := StrSplit("Float,Double", ",")
VarSetCapacity(vData1, 8)
VarSetCapacity(vData2, 8)
Loop 10000
	vNum := Random(-2147483648, 2147483647)
	vNum *= 256**3
	vTemp := Random(1, oType.Length())
	vType := oType[vTemp]
	NumPut(vNum, &vData1, vType)
	PuzPut(vNum, &vData2, vType)
	vNum1 := NumGet(&vData1, vType)
	vNum2 := NumGet(&vData2, vType)
	vNum1X := PuzGet(&vData1, vType)
	vHex1 := Format("0x{:X}", vNum1)
	vHex2 := Format("0x{:X}", vNum2)
	vHex1X := Format("0x{:X}", vNum1X)
	;if 0
	if !(vNum1 = vNum2)
	;if !InStr(vType, "Int64")
		MsgBox("put`r`n" "index: " A_Index "`r`n" vType "`r`n" vNum1 "`r`n" vNum2 "`r`n" vHex1 "`r`n" vHex2)
	;if 0
	if !(vNum1 = vNum1X)
		MsgBox("get`r`n" "index: " A_Index "`r`n" vType "`r`n" vNum1 "`r`n" vNum1X "`r`n" vHex1 "`r`n" vHex1X)


PuzGet(vAddr, vType:="UPtr")
	static oChar, oType := {Char:1, Short:2, Int:4, Int64:8, Ptr:A_PtrSize=8?8:4}
	static vIsReady := 0
	if !vIsReady
		oChar := {0:0}
		VarSetCapacity(vData, 1, 0)
		Loop 255
			PuzPut(A_Index, &vData, "UChar")
			, vOrd := Ord(StrGet(&vData, 1, "CP0"))
			, oChar[vOrd] := A_Index
		vIsReady := 1

	if (vType = "Double")
		vData := 0.0
		memcpy(&vData, vAddr, 8)
		return vData

	if (vType = "Float")
		vNum := PuzGet(vAddr+0, "UInt")
		vSign := !!(vNum & 0x80000000)
		vPow := ((vNum & 0x7F800000) >> 23)
		vNum := vNum & 0x7FFFFF
		if (vPow = 255)
			vPow := 2047
		else if (vPow > 0)
			vPow := (vPow - 127 + 1023)
		;else if (vPow = 0)
		;	vPow := 0
		vNum <<= (52-23)
		vTemp := (vSign ? -0x8000000000000000 : 0) | (vPow << 52) | vNum
		VarSetCapacity(vData, 8)
		PuzPut(vTemp, &vData, "Int64")
		return PuzGet(&vData, "Double")

	vIsSigned := !RegExMatch(vType, "i)^U")
	vSize := oType[RegExReplace(vType, "i)^U")]
	vNum := 0
	Loop vSize
		vNum |= oChar[Ord(StrGet(vAddr+A_Index-1, 1, "CP0"))] << (A_Index*8-8)
	if vIsSigned
		if (vSize = 1) && (vNum >= 128)
			return vNum - 256
		else if (vSize = 2) && (vNum >= 32768)
			return vNum - 65536
		else if (vSize = 4) && (vNum >= 2147483648)
			return vNum - 4294967296
	return vNum

PuzPut(vNum, vAddr, vType:="UPtr")
	static oChar, oType := {Char:1, Short:2, Int:4, Int64:8, Ptr:A_PtrSize=8?8:4}
	static vIsReady := 0, vDataNull := 0
	if !vIsReady
		;oChar := {0:""}
		oChar := {}
		VarSetCapacity(vDataNull, 1, 0)
		Loop 255
			oChar[A_Index] := Chr(A_Index)
		vIsReady := 1

	if (vType = "Double")
		vData := vNum + 0.0
		memcpy(vAddr, &vData, 8)

	if (vType = "Float")
		vData := vNum + 0.0
		vNum := PuzGet(&vData, "Int64")

		;0x8000000000000000 (UInt64) = 0x8000000000000000 - 0x10000000000000000 (Int64) = -0x8000000000000000 (Int64)
		vSign := !!(vNum & -0x8000000000000000)
		vPow := ((vNum & 0x7FF0000000000000) >> 52)
		vNum := vNum & 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFF

		if (vPow = 2047)
			vPow := 255
		else if (vPow > 0)
			vPow := (vPow - 1023 + 127) & 0xFF
		;else if (vPow = 0)
		;	vPow := 0
		vNum >>= (52-23)

		vTemp := (vSign << 31) | (vPow << 23) | vNum
		PuzPut(vTemp, vAddr+0, "UInt")

	vSize := oType[RegExReplace(vType, "i)^U")]
	Loop Min(vSize, 7)
		vTemp := vNum & (0xFF << (A_Index*8-8))
		, vTemp >>= (A_Index*8-8)
		, (vTemp=0) ? memcpy(vAddr+A_Index-1, &vDataNull, 1) : memcpy(vAddr+A_Index-1, oChar.GetAddress(vTemp), 1)
	;0xFF00000000000000 (UInt64) = (0xFF00000000000000 - 0x10000000000000000) (Int64) = -0x100000000000000 (Int64)
	if (vSize = 8)
		vTemp := SubStr(Format("0x{:016X}", vNum & -0x100000000000000), 1, 4)
		, vTemp := Integer(vTemp)
		, (vTemp=0) ? memcpy(vAddr+7, &vDataNull, 1) : memcpy(vAddr+7, oChar.GetAddress(vTemp), 1)

memcpy(dest, src, count){
	void *memcpy(
		void *dest,
		const void *src,
		size_t count
	url: (memcpy)
	return dllcall("MSVCRT.dll\memcpy", "ptr", dest, "ptr", src, "ptr", count, "cdecl")
- Haha cheers re. the function names.
Last edited by jeeswg on 27 Jan 2019, 14:45, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Code Puzzle Thread

27 Jan 2019, 13:23

You call numput / numget in your puz functions. I guess that is a mistake. Please correct and I will look at your code later this week.


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