Error with NumGet() when converting to v2 Topic is solved

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Error with NumGet() when converting to v2

Post by one1tick » 20 Nov 2022, 06:57

Hi, I am trying to convert an old usefull lib to v2 but there is an issue with NumGet() => Error: Invalid parameter(s) on line 74 and probably on the follwing use of NumGet().
I don't understand the issue as I tried several thing to check...
As I am not a pro of NumGet()/NumPut() I would be happy if someone can help me on this issue.
Thanks a lot in advance.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0-beta
ShellFileOperation(0x1, "C:\Text.txt", "D:\", 0x100)


	Provides access to Windows built-in file operation system
	(move / copy / rename / delete files or folders with the standard Windows dialog and error UI).
	Utilizes the SHFileOperation shell function in Windows.

	Release #3

	Joshua A. Kinnison
	2010-09-29, 15:12

ShellFileOperation(fileO := 0x0, fSource := "", fTarget := "", flags := 0x0, ghwnd := 0x0)
{    ;dout_f(A_THisFunc)

    static FO_MOVE := 0x1
    static FO_COPY := 0x2
    static FO_DELETE := 0x3
    static FO_RENAME := 0x4

    static FOF_MULTIDESTFILES := 0x1    ; Indicates that the to member specifies multiple destination files (one for each source file) rather than one directory where all source files are to be deposited.
    static FOF_CONFIRMMOUSE := 0x2    ; ?
    static FOF_SILENT := 0x4    ; Does not display a progress dialog box.
    static FOF_RENAMEONCOLLISION := 0x8    ; Gives the file being operated on a new name (such as "Copy #1 of...") in a move, copy, or rename operation if a file of the target name already exists.
    static FOF_NOCONFIRMATION := 0x10    ; Responds with "yes to all" for any dialog box that is displayed.
    static FOF_WANTMAPPINGHANDLE := 0x20    ; returns info about the actual result of the operation
    static FOF_ALLOWUNDO := 0x40    ; Preserves undo information, if possible. With del, uses recycle bin.
    static FOF_FILESONLY := 0x80    ; Performs the operation only on files if a wildcard filename (*.*) is specified.
    static FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS := 0x100    ; Displays a progress dialog box, but does not show the filenames.
    static FOF_NOCONFIRMMKDIR := 0x200    ; Does not confirm the creation of a new directory if the operation requires one to be created.
    static FOF_NOERRORUI := 0x400    ; don't put up error UI
    static FOF_NOCOPYSECURITYATTRIBS := 0x800    ; dont copy file security attributes
    static FOF_NORECURSION := 0x1000    ; Only operate in the specified directory. Don't operate recursively into subdirectories.
    static FOF_NO_CONNECTED_ELEMENTS := 0x2000    ; Do not move connected files as a group (e.g. html file together with images). Only move the specified files.
    static FOF_WANTNUKEWARNING := 0x4000    ; Send a warning if a file is being destroyed during a delete operation rather than recycled. This flag partially overrides FOF_NOCONFIRMATION.
    static FOF_NORECURSEREPARSE := 0x8000    ; treat reparse points as objects, not containers ?

    ; static items for builds without objects
    static _mappings := "mappings"
    static _error := "error"
    static _aborted := "aborted"
    static _num_mappings := "num_mappings"
    static make_object := "Object"

    fileO := fileO ? fileO : fileO

    If (SubStr(flags, 0) == "|")
        flags := SubStr(flags, 1, -1)

    _flags := 0
    Loop Parse, flags, "|"
        _flags |= A_LoopField
    flags := _flags ? _flags : (flags ? flags : flags)

    If (SubStr(fSource, 0) != "|")
        fSource := fSource . "|"

    If (SubStr(fTarget, 0) != "|")
        fTarget := fTarget . "|"

    char_size := 2    ; A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1
    char_type := "UShort"    ; A_IsUnicode ? "UShort" : "Char"

    fsPtr := &fSource
    Loop (StrLen(fSource)) {
        ; msgbox(fsource " / " A_Index " / " char_size)
        if NumGet(fSource, (A_Index - 1) * char_size, char_type) == 124
            NumPut(0, fSource, (A_Index - 1) * char_size, char_type)

    ftPtr := &fTarget
    Loop (StrLen(fTarget))
        if NumGet(fTarget, (A_Index - 1) * char_size, char_type) == 124
            NumPut(0, fTarget, (A_Index - 1) * char_size, char_type)

    VarSetStrCapacity(SHFILEOPSTRUCT, 60)    ; Encoding SHFILEOPSTRUCT
    NextOffset := NumPut(ghwnd, &SHFILEOPSTRUCT, char_type)    ; hWnd of calling GUI
    NextOffset := NumPut(fileO, NextOffset + 0, char_type)    ; File operation
    NextOffset := NumPut(fsPtr, NextOffset + 0, char_type)    ; Source file / pattern
    NextOffset := NumPut(ftPtr, NextOffset + 0, char_type)    ; Target file / folder
    NextOffset := NumPut(flags, NextOffset + 0, 0, "Short")    ; options

    code := DllCall("Shell32\SHFileOperationW", char_type, &SHFILEOPSTRUCT)
    aborted := NumGet(NextOffset + 0, char_type)
    H2M_ptr := NumGet(NextOffset + 4, char_type)

    ; if !IsFunc(make_object)
    ;     ret := aborted    ; if build doesn't support object, just return the aborted flag
    ; else
    ; {
    ret := %make_object%()
    ret[_mappings] := %make_object%()
    ret[_error] := ErrorLevel := code
    ret[_aborted] := aborted

        ret[_num_mappings] := NumGet(H2M_ptr + 0, char_type)
        map_ptr := NumGet(H2M_ptr + 4, char_type)

        Loop (ret[_num_mappings])
            ; _SHNAMEMAPPING
            addr := map_ptr + (A_Index - 1) * 16    ;
            old := StrGet(NumGet(addr + 0, char_type))
            new := StrGet(NumGet(addr + 4, char_type))

            ret[_mappings][old] := new
    ; }

    ; free mappings handle if it was requested
        DllCall("Shell32\SHFreeNameMappings", char_type, H2M_ptr)

    Return ret

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Re: Error with NumGet() when converting to v2

Post by Leafk » 20 Nov 2022, 09:30

I think NumGet is not the problem. It's NumPut.
NumPut has changed it's parameters order ( I was stuck trying to do the same as you with another old code ).

I would try the following (maybe its wrong)

Code: Select all

Loop (StrLen(fTarget))
	if NumGet(fTarget, (A_Index - 1) * char_size, char_type) == 124
		;NumPut(0, fTarget, (A_Index - 1) * char_size, char_type) ;<< old(v1)  NumPut(Number, VarOrAddress , Offset := 0, Type := "UPtr")
		NumPut(char_type, 0, fTarget, (A_Index - 1) * char_size) ;<< new(v2) NumPut Type, Number, Type2, Number2, ... Target , Offset

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Re: Error with NumGet() when converting to v2

Post by one1tick » 20 Nov 2022, 13:37

Thanks, your are right Numput() was wrong but even after the correction I still have an error on the NumGet() line...
Thanks anyway-
Leafk wrote:
20 Nov 2022, 09:30
I think NumGet is not the problem. It's NumPut.
NumPut has changed it's parameters order ( I was stuck trying to do the same as you with another old code ).

I would try the following (maybe its wrong)

Code: Select all

Loop (StrLen(fTarget))
	if NumGet(fTarget, (A_Index - 1) * char_size, char_type) == 124
		;NumPut(0, fTarget, (A_Index - 1) * char_size, char_type) ;<< old(v1)  NumPut(Number, VarOrAddress , Offset := 0, Type := "UPtr")
		NumPut(char_type, 0, fTarget, (A_Index - 1) * char_size) ;<< new(v2) NumPut Type, Number, Type2, Number2, ... Target , Offset

just me
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Re: Error with NumGet() when converting to v2

Post by just me » 25 Nov 2022, 10:59

@TheArkive has written a class for SHFileOperation running with v2. You'll find the script on GitHub

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Re: Error with NumGet() when converting to v2

Post by one1tick » 26 Nov 2022, 01:31

thanks @just me it works!
However I would like to solve my issue, the objective being increasing my knowledge ib ahk2.

just me
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Re: Error with NumGet() when converting to v2

Post by just me » 26 Nov 2022, 07:15

Hi @one1tick,

there's already a problem in the v1 script you used, it's not 64-bit compatible. The field lengths and offsets of the SHFILEOPSTRUCT structure are:

Code: Select all

Shellapi.h:                         #if !defined(_WIN64)
                                    #include <pshpack1.h>

                                    typedef WORD FILEOP_FLAGS;

32-bit            64-bit            typedef struct _SHFILEOPSTRUCTA
Offset   Size     Offset   Size     {
0        4        0        8           HWND            hwnd;
4        4        8        4           UINT            wFunc;
8        4        16       8           PCZZSTR         pFrom;
12       4        24       8           PCZZSTR         pTo;
16       2        32       2           FILEOP_FLAGS    fFlags;
18 *     4        36       4           BOOL            fAnyOperationsAborted;
22 *     4        40       8           LPVOID          hNameMappings;
26 *     4        48       8           PCSTR           lpszProgressTitle; // only used if FOF_SIMPLEPROGRESS
         ___               ___      } SHFILEOPSTRUCTA, *LPSHFILEOPSTRUCTA;
         30 *              56

* : non-default alignment
Additionally you have to consider many syntax changes, e.g.
  • &Var doesn't provide the address of the string buffer any more, it provides a VarRef. If you need to pass the address of a string buffer, you have to use StrPtr(Var)
  • Numget/NumPut's Soure/Target parameters must contain a memory address or an object with a .Ptr property providing the address.
  • ...
At last, v2 supports only Unicode, so you don't need checks like

Code: Select all

	char_size := A_IsUnicode ? 2 : 1
	char_type := A_IsUnicode ? "UShort" : "Char"
Hope i could help you a little.

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Re: Error with NumGet() when converting to v2  Topic is solved

Post by TheArkive » 26 Nov 2022, 07:25

:D @just me
I remember quite fondly when you explained that to me way back when.

The offsets just me are referring to are addressed on lines 113 and 126 on my github repo pertaining to this function.

How I implemented these offsets is one of many ways it can be done. But it certainly needs to be done for the sake of compatibility.

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Re: Error with NumGet() when converting to v2

Post by one1tick » 30 Nov 2022, 14:53

Thanks guys but it is too complicated for me... I will give up the conversion of that script.

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