Cascaded context menu

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Cascaded context menu

Post by Guest » 28 Nov 2023, 04:17

I think this one is pretty self explanatory. At most (in my case at least), AutoHotkey has 5 context menu entries. When all are visible, it can look quite messy. I suggest giving the user an option to cascade the options into their own submenu/category (like 7-Zip, as an example).

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Re: Cascaded context menu

Post by Marium0505 » 08 Dec 2023, 10:52

I think you mean Submenu?

Example from here (screenshot):

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Re: Cascaded context menu

Post by ntepa » 08 Dec 2023, 13:52

They're talking about moving AHK's context menu entries into a submenu like 7-Zip:
menu.png (45.49 KiB) Viewed 747 times

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Re: Cascaded context menu

Post by lexikos » 08 Dec 2023, 23:10

The user already has the option of customizing the context menus; it just requires more effort or knowledge. Whatever a standard AutoHotkey installation could do with registry edits and scripts, a user could do on their own.

I suppose that "giving the user an option" would mean controls within a GUI somewhere. AutoHotkey Dash (which is itself a script) provides GUI for Launch settings and Editor settings, but currently nothing for shell integration. I'm not against one being added, but not likely to do it myself, while I am happy with the default options.

On Windows 11, most of the options are already hidden away by default; they are only shown in the classic context menu, which appears if you Shift-right-click, use AppsKey or Shift-F10, or tweak the registry. On my system, the classic context menu for .ahk files has 26 items, not including separators, and 6 of those items are from AutoHotkey. I am nearly always aiming to use one of those 6, very rarely one of the other 20 items. Putting AutoHotkey's items into a cascading menu would have no practical or asthetic purpose for me.

For 7-zip, a cascading menu makes more sense because the 7-zip's options are present for all file types, not just files that are predominantly used with 7-zip.

@ntepa Is the menu in your screenshot a result of some tweaking? I'm almost certain that a default Windows 11 installation with a default AutoHotkey installation will not produce a menu with both those options and that appearance. I think those icons for "Run as administrator" and "Add to Favorites" are only shown in the new menu, but the new menu only shows "Open" (it doesn't say "Run Script", but does the same thing) and "Run as administrator" by default. Also, the installer registers "Run script", but yours has "Run Script".

"Run as administrator" is registered by the AutoHotkey installer as well; it just gets an icon because it has the standard verb name "runas".

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Re: Cascaded context menu

Post by ntepa » 09 Dec 2023, 00:22

lexikos wrote:
08 Dec 2023, 23:10
Is the menu in your screenshot a result of some tweaking?
That appearance is caused by a program called NileSoft Shell.
I'm not sure why my "Run script" is capitalized. I may have done a registry change that I forgot about.

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