Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

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Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by Trisolaris » 18 May 2022, 05:37

Hi everyone,

in my line of work, we have to share hyperlinks to files or folders on our LAN very frequently. Converting the file/folder paths to hyperlinks via the Ctrl+K method is too cumbersome IMO.

What does it do?
  • Select one or several files or folders on your desktop or in WinExplorer.
  • Press Win+P to get the corresponding file/folder paths into a string variable.
  • Switch to an MS Office App (PowerPoint, Outlook, Word, Excel, OneNote) and Press Ctrl+Alt+K to instantly insert hyperlinks to each selected item. The visible hyperlink text will be the file name and extension for each selected file, and the name of the last subfolder for each selected folder. This happens by converting the paths to html via the included libraries.
  • Since OneNote handles hyperlinks differently, a custom solution was included for that (albeit not as nice as the solution for the other Office apps)
  • Since Teams does not (yet) accept hyperlinks to local sources, the script sends the file/folder path as clear text there.
  • Pressing Ctr+Alt+K hotkey while on the desktop or in WinExplorer creates a shortcut to each selected item.
Credits: the code relies on...
  • The brilliant Explorer_GetSelection() and GetDesktopIShellFolderViewDual() COM-based functions by @teadrinker
Known issues & feedback:
  • The operations relying on the included libraries are a bit slow. I've included sleep times to improve reliability. If you know ways to boost speed and reliability, kindly share!
  • This is the first utility script I share with you folks, so please don't burn me if I didn't find the most elegant way of coding it.
  • Any feedback is much appreciated.

Code: Select all

;Credits to teadrinker for the Explorer_GetSelection() and GetDesktopIShellFolderViewDual() COM-based functions
;Credits to Deo for the WinClipAPI and WinClip libraries which must be included for this to work
#SingleInstance, Force
Tooltip, Loaded
Sleep, 5000
#Include <WinClipAPI> ;Includes the WinClipAPI library; must be included before WinClip lib below;
Sleep, 1000
#Include <WinClip> ;Includes the WinClip library;
If (A_IsCompiled = "") ;Following block will only be read if the script was not compiled into an exe file
	If FileExist("C:\Program Files (x86)\Notepad++\notepad++.exe")
		Menu, Tray, Add , Edit with Notepad++, Edit++
		Menu, Tray, Add, Edit, Edit

;Credits to teadrinker for the Explorer_GetSelection() and GetDesktopIShellFolderViewDual() COM-based functions
HLArray := "" ;Empties array
HLArray := StrSplit(Explorer_GetSelection() , "`n") ;Splits the string output by the GetSelection() function into an array
MsgBox, 64, , % "Copied " . HLArray.MaxIndex() . " path(s)", 1 ;Message window shows how many paths were copied

^!k:: ;Inserts hyperlinks or shortcuts to previously selected folders and files
	IfWinActive, ahk_exe Explorer.exe
		GoTo, InsertShortcut
		GoTo, InsertHL

	For index, value in HLArray ;Loops through all values in the HLArray
		; MsgBox % "Item " index " is '" value "'" ;Debug
		WinClip.Clear() ;Clears clipboard; WinClipAPI & WinClip libraries
		WinClip.SetText(value) ;Stores value of current item of HLArray as text; WinClipAPI & WinClip libraries
		HLString := StrReplace(value, A_Space, "%20") ;Replaces spaces inside the value with %20. This is necessary for hyperlinks
		Sleep, 600
		HLText := SubStr(value, InStr(value, "\", false, -1, 1)+1) ;Visible text of the hyperlink = substring to the right of "/" inside value of current array item 
		; MsgBox, HLText = %HLText% ;Debug
		WinClip.SetHTML("<a href=" . HLString . ">" . HLText . "</a>") ;Converts the clipboard entry to an HTML; WinClipAPI & WinClip libraries
		Sleep, 100
		IfWinActive, ahk_exe ONENOTE.EXE
			Send, file:///%HLString% ;OneNote handles hyperlinks differently from other Office apps
		IfWinActive, ahk_exe Teams.exe
			Send, %value% ;File paths to local or network drive do not work in Teams; This line sends the initial path as text
		If (WinActive("ahk_exe ONENOTE.EXE") + WinActive("ahk_exe Teams.exe") < 1) ;If active window is neither OneNote nor Teams
			WinClip.Paste() ;Pastes the HTML-converted HLString
		If (index < HLArray.MaxIndex()) ;If there is at least one more item in the array
			IfWinActive, ahk_exe Teams.exe
				Send, +{Enter} ;Sends Shift+Enter
				Send, `n ;Sends line break
		Else ;If this is the last item in the array
			IfWinActive, ahk_exe EXCEL.EXE
				Send, `n ;Sends line breat after last entry to avoid overwriting the last inserted hyperlink with a space
				Send, %A_Space% ;Sends space after last entry in all apps but Excel (sending space there would overwrite the cell content)

InsertShortcut: ;Inserts shortcuts to previously selected folders and files via Ctr+Alt+k
	TargetLocation := Explorer_GetSelection()
	For index, value in HLArray ;Loops through all values in the HLArray
		ShortcutText := SubStr(value, InStr(value, "\", false, -1, 1)+1) ;Visible text of the hyperlink = substring to the right of "/" inside value of current array item 
		LinkFile := TargetLocation . "\" . ShortcutText
		IfWinActive, ahk_exe Explorer.exe
			FileCreateShortcut, %value%, %LinkFile%.lnk

   WinGetClass, winClass, % "ahk_id" . hWnd := WinExist("A")
   if (winClass ~= "Progman|WorkerW")
      oShellFolderView := GetDesktopIShellFolderViewDual()
   else if (winClass ~= "(Cabinet|Explore)WClass") 
      for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
         if (hWnd = window.HWND) && (oShellFolderView := window.document)
   for item in oShellFolderView.SelectedItems
      result .= (result = "" ? "" : "`n") . item.path
   if !result
      result := oShellFolderView.Folder.Self.Path
   Return result

    IShellWindows := ComObjCreate("{9BA05972-F6A8-11CF-A442-00A0C90A8F39}")
    desktop := IShellWindows.Item(ComObj(19, 8)) ; VT_UI4, SCW_DESKTOP                
    ; Retrieve top-level browser object.
    if ptlb := ComObjQuery(desktop
        , "{4C96BE40-915C-11CF-99D3-00AA004AE837}"  ; SID_STopLevelBrowser
        , "{000214E2-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}") ; IID_IShellBrowser
        ; IShellBrowser.QueryActiveShellView -> IShellView
        if DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(ptlb+0)+15*A_PtrSize), "ptr", ptlb, "ptr*", psv) = 0
            ; Define IID_IDispatch.
            VarSetCapacity(IID_IDispatch, 16)
            NumPut(0x46000000000000C0, NumPut(0x20400, IID_IDispatch, "int64"), "int64")
            ; IShellView.GetItemObject -> IDispatch (object which implements IShellFolderViewDual)
            DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(psv+0)+15*A_PtrSize), "ptr", psv
                , "uint", 0, "ptr", &IID_IDispatch, "ptr*", pdisp)
            IShellFolderViewDual := ComObjEnwrap(pdisp)
    return IShellFolderViewDual

SetClipboardHTML(HtmlBody, HtmlHead:="", AltText:="") {       ; v0.67 by SKAN on D393/D42B
Local  F, Html, pMem, Bytes, hMemHTM:=0, hMemTXT:=0, Res1:=1, Res2:=1   ; @
Static CF_UNICODETEXT:=13,   CFID:=DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "Str","HTML Format")

  If ! DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Ptr",A_ScriptHwnd)
    Return 0
  Else DllCall("EmptyClipboard")

  If (HtmlBody!="")
      Html     := "Version:0.9`r`nStartHTML:00000000`r`nEndHTML:00000000`r`nStartFragment"
               . ":00000000`r`nEndFragment:00000000`r`n<!DOCTYPE>`r`n<html>`r`n<head>`r`n"
                         . HtmlHead . "`r`n</head>`r`n<body>`r`n<!--StartFragment -->`r`n"
                              . HtmlBody . "`r`n<!--EndFragment -->`r`n</body>`r`n</html>"

      Bytes    := StrPut(Html, "utf-8")
      hMemHTM  := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "Int",0x42, "Ptr",Bytes+4, "Ptr")
      pMem     := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr",hMemHTM, "Ptr")
      StrPut(Html, pMem, Bytes, "utf-8")

      F := DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrStrA", "Ptr",pMem, "AStr","<html>", "Ptr") - pMem
      StrPut(Format("{:08}", F), pMem+23, 8, "utf-8")
      F := DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrStrA", "Ptr",pMem, "AStr","</html>", "Ptr") - pMem
      StrPut(Format("{:08}", F), pMem+41, 8, "utf-8")
      F := DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrStrA", "Ptr",pMem, "AStr","<!--StartFra", "Ptr") - pMem
      StrPut(Format("{:08}", F), pMem+65, 8, "utf-8")
      F := DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrStrA", "Ptr",pMem, "AStr","<!--EndFragm", "Ptr") - pMem
      StrPut(Format("{:08}", F), pMem+87, 8, "utf-8")

      DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr",hMemHTM)
      Res1  := DllCall("SetClipboardData", "Int",CFID, "Ptr",hMemHTM)

  If (AltText!="")
      Bytes    := StrPut(AltText, "utf-16")
      hMemTXT  := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "Int",0x42, "Ptr",(Bytes*2)+8, "Ptr")
      pMem     := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr",hMemTXT, "Ptr")
      StrPut(AltText, pMem, Bytes, "utf-16")
      DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr",hMemTXT)
      Res2  := DllCall("SetClipboardData", "Int",CF_UNICODETEXT, "Ptr",hMemTXT)

  hMemHTM := hMemHTM ? DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr",hMemHTM) : 0

Return (Res1 & Res2)

Edit: ;Triggered by notification area context menu entry
	run, notepad.exe "%A_ScriptFullPath%"
Edit++: ;Triggered by notification area context menu entry to edit in notepad++
	run, notepad++.exe "%A_ScriptFullPath%"

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Re: Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by teadrinker » 18 May 2022, 08:58

Trisolaris wrote: Explorer_GetSelection() and GetDesktopIShellFolderViewDual() COM-based functions by @teadrinker
There is a more compact solution:

Code: Select all

$F1::MsgBox % Explorer_GetSelection()

Explorer_GetSelection() {
   WinGetClass, winClass, % "ahk_id" . hWnd := WinExist("A")
   if !(winClass ~= "^(Progman|WorkerW|(Cabinet|Explore)WClass)$")
   shellWindows := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
   if (winClass ~= "Progman|WorkerW")  ; IShellWindows::Item:
                                       ; IShellFolderViewDual:
      shellFolderView := shellWindows.Item( ComObject(VT_UI4 := 0x13, SWC_DESKTOP := 0x8) ).Document
   else {
      for window in shellWindows       ; ShellFolderView object:
         if (hWnd = window.HWND) && (shellFolderView := window.Document)
   for item in shellFolderView.SelectedItems
      result .= (result = "" ? "" : "`n") . item.Path
   ;~ if !result
      ;~ result := shellFolderView.Folder.Self.Path
   Return result

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Re: Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by Trisolaris » 18 May 2022, 15:40

teadrinker wrote:
18 May 2022, 08:58
There is a more compact solution:
Thanks, I'll try that out!

Does anyone have an idea how to speed up the library operations?

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Re: Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by JoeWinograd » 18 May 2022, 16:13

teadrinker wrote:There is a more compact solution
Tested here...single file and multiple file selections...both worked perfectly! Thank you, teadrinker...great stuff! Regards, Joe

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Re: Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by Trisolaris » 19 May 2022, 09:18

teadrinker wrote:
18 May 2022, 08:58
There is a more compact solution:
@teadrinker I just replaced Explorer_GetSelection() and GetDesktopIShellFolderViewDual() with the new Explorer_GetSelection() function.
This appears to have rendered the

Code: Select all

InsertShortcut: ;Inserts shortcuts to previously selected folders and files via Ctr+Alt+k
label non-functional. Trying to display the result of Explorer_GetSelection() in a MsgBox shows an empty variable. Am I missing something here?

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Re: Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by teadrinker » 19 May 2022, 09:28

The last function has one difference:

Code: Select all

   ;~ if !result
      ;~ result := shellFolderView.Folder.Self.Path
This part is commented out.

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Re: Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by Trisolaris » 30 May 2022, 03:55

teadrinker wrote: ↑
19 May 2022, 15:28
The last function has one difference:
Code: Select all - Download - Toggle Line numbers

;~ if !result
;~ result := shellFolderView.Folder.Self.Path
This part is commented out.
Hello @teadrinker,
I've activated the commented code in your updated function. The Hyperlinks part works, but there's still an issue with shortcuts. Now the shortcuts are only created when I'm in an explorer window. When I'm on the desktop and fire the Explorer_GetSelection() function, it returns the desktop path as TargetLocation. Can you help me debug this? I really like the more compact code.

Here's the current code

Code: Select all

;Credits to teadrinker for the Explorer_GetSelection() and GetDesktopIShellFolderViewDual() COM-based functions
;Credits to Deo for the WinClipAPI and WinClip libraries which must be included for this to work
#SingleInstance, Force
Tooltip, Loaded
Sleep, 5000
#Include <WinClipAPI> ;Includes the WinClipAPI library; must be included before WinClip lib below;
Sleep, 1000
#Include <WinClip> ;Includes the WinClip library;

;Credits to teadrinker for the Explorer_GetSelection() and GetDesktopIShellFolderViewDual() COM-based functions
HLArray := "" ;Empties array
HLArray := StrSplit(Explorer_GetSelection() , "`n") ;Splits the string output by the GetSelection() function into an array
MsgBox, 64, , % "Copied " . HLArray.MaxIndex() . " path(s)", 1 ;Message window shows how many paths were copied

^!k:: ;Inserts hyperlinks or shortcuts to previously selected folders and files
	IfWinActive, ahk_exe Explorer.exe
		GoTo, InsertShortcut
		GoTo, InsertHL

	For index, value in HLArray ;Loops through all values in the HLArray
		; MsgBox % "Item " index " is '" value "'" ;Debug
		WinClip.Clear() ;Clears clipboard; WinClipAPI & WinClip libraries
		WinClip.SetText(value) ;Stores value of current item of HLArray as text; WinClipAPI & WinClip libraries
		HLString := StrReplace(value, A_Space, "%20") ;Replaces spaces inside the value with %20. This is necessary for hyperlinks
		Sleep, 600
		HLText := SubStr(value, InStr(value, "\", false, -1, 1)+1) ;Visible text of the hyperlink = substring to the right of "/" inside value of current array item 
		; MsgBox, HLText = %HLText% ;Debug
		WinClip.SetHTML("<a href=" . HLString . ">" . HLText . "</a>") ;Converts the clipboard entry to an HTML; WinClipAPI & WinClip libraries
		Sleep, 100
		IfWinActive, ahk_exe ONENOTE.EXE
			Send, file:///%HLString% ;OneNote handles hyperlinks differently from other Office apps
		IfWinActive, ahk_exe Teams.exe
			Send, %value% ;File paths to local or network drive do not work in Teams; This line sends the initial path as text
		If (WinActive("ahk_exe ONENOTE.EXE") + WinActive("ahk_exe Teams.exe") < 1) ;If active window is neither OneNote nor Teams
			WinClip.Paste() ;Pastes the HTML-converted HLString
		If (index < HLArray.MaxIndex()) ;If there is at least one more item in the array
			IfWinActive, ahk_exe Teams.exe
				Send, +{Enter} ;Sends Shift+Enter
				Send, `n ;Sends line break
		Else ;If this is the last item in the array
			IfWinActive, ahk_exe EXCEL.EXE
				Send, `n ;Sends line breat after last entry to avoid overwriting the last inserted hyperlink with a space
				Send, %A_Space% ;Sends space after last entry in all apps but Excel (sending space there would overwrite the cell content)

InsertShortcut: ;Inserts shortcuts to previously selected folders and files via Ctr+Alt+k
	TargetLocation := Explorer_GetSelection()
	MsgBox %TargetLocation% ;Debug
	For index, value in HLArray ;Loops through all values in the HLArray
		ShortcutText := SubStr(value, InStr(value, "\", false, -1, 1)+1) ;Visible text of the hyperlink = substring to the right of "/" inside value of current array item 
		LinkFile := TargetLocation . "\" . ShortcutText
		IfWinActive, ahk_exe Explorer.exe
			FileCreateShortcut, %value%, %LinkFile%.lnk

   WinGetClass, winClass, % "ahk_id" . hWnd := WinExist("A")
   if !(winClass ~= "^(Progman|WorkerW|(Cabinet|Explore)WClass)$")
   shellWindows := ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
   if (winClass ~= "Progman|WorkerW")  ; IShellWindows::Item:
                                       ; IShellFolderViewDual:
      shellFolderView := shellWindows.Item( ComObject(VT_UI4 := 0x13, SWC_DESKTOP := 0x8) ).Document
      for window in shellWindows       ; ShellFolderView object:
         if (hWnd = window.HWND) && (shellFolderView := window.Document)
		for item in shellFolderView.SelectedItems
			result .= (result = "" ? "" : "`n") . item.Path
		if !result
			result := shellFolderView.Folder.Self.Path
		Return result

SetClipboardHTML(HtmlBody, HtmlHead:="", AltText:="") {       ; v0.67 by SKAN on D393/D42B
Local  F, Html, pMem, Bytes, hMemHTM:=0, hMemTXT:=0, Res1:=1, Res2:=1   ; @
Static CF_UNICODETEXT:=13,   CFID:=DllCall("RegisterClipboardFormat", "Str","HTML Format")

  If ! DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Ptr",A_ScriptHwnd)
    Return 0
  Else DllCall("EmptyClipboard")

  If (HtmlBody!="")
      Html     := "Version:0.9`r`nStartHTML:00000000`r`nEndHTML:00000000`r`nStartFragment"
               . ":00000000`r`nEndFragment:00000000`r`n<!DOCTYPE>`r`n<html>`r`n<head>`r`n"
                         . HtmlHead . "`r`n</head>`r`n<body>`r`n<!--StartFragment -->`r`n"
                              . HtmlBody . "`r`n<!--EndFragment -->`r`n</body>`r`n</html>"

      Bytes    := StrPut(Html, "utf-8")
      hMemHTM  := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "Int",0x42, "Ptr",Bytes+4, "Ptr")
      pMem     := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr",hMemHTM, "Ptr")
      StrPut(Html, pMem, Bytes, "utf-8")

      F := DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrStrA", "Ptr",pMem, "AStr","<html>", "Ptr") - pMem
      StrPut(Format("{:08}", F), pMem+23, 8, "utf-8")
      F := DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrStrA", "Ptr",pMem, "AStr","</html>", "Ptr") - pMem
      StrPut(Format("{:08}", F), pMem+41, 8, "utf-8")
      F := DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrStrA", "Ptr",pMem, "AStr","<!--StartFra", "Ptr") - pMem
      StrPut(Format("{:08}", F), pMem+65, 8, "utf-8")
      F := DllCall("Shlwapi.dll\StrStrA", "Ptr",pMem, "AStr","<!--EndFragm", "Ptr") - pMem
      StrPut(Format("{:08}", F), pMem+87, 8, "utf-8")

      DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr",hMemHTM)
      Res1  := DllCall("SetClipboardData", "Int",CFID, "Ptr",hMemHTM)

  If (AltText!="")
      Bytes    := StrPut(AltText, "utf-16")
      hMemTXT  := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "Int",0x42, "Ptr",(Bytes*2)+8, "Ptr")
      pMem     := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Ptr",hMemTXT, "Ptr")
      StrPut(AltText, pMem, Bytes, "utf-16")
      DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Ptr",hMemTXT)
      Res2  := DllCall("SetClipboardData", "Int",CF_UNICODETEXT, "Ptr",hMemTXT)

  hMemHTM := hMemHTM ? DllCall("GlobalFree", "Ptr",hMemHTM) : 0

Return (Res1 & Res2)

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Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41

Re: Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by teadrinker » 30 May 2022, 14:33

Trisolaris wrote: When I'm on the desktop and fire the Explorer_GetSelection() function, it returns the desktop path as TargetLocation.
I'm not sure that I undestand what the issue is. For me the function works as expected. When on desktop some object is selected, it returns the path to selected object/objects. If there is no selection it returns the path to the desktop. The same for any explorer folder.

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Re: Convert File / Folder Paths into Hyperlinks / Shortcuts

Post by Xtra » 30 May 2022, 21:28

Maybe this will give you some ideas how to ditch the libs:

Code: Select all


ClipChange(type) {
	if (type = 1) {    ; = text
		HLStr := Clipboard
        Loop, Parse, HLStr, `n, `r
            RegExMatch(A_LoopField, "(.*\\)(.+)", m)
            output .= "<a href=""" . StrReplace(m1 . m2, " ", "%20") . """>" . m2 . "</a>`n"
		OnClipboardChange("ClipChange", 0)
		Clipboard := ""
		Clipboard := RTrim(output, "`n")
		ClipWait, 2
		OnClipboardChange("ClipChange", 1)

Usage: Copy and paste anywhere.

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