I seem to have a handle on all but for the calling of the API, as explained here @teadrinker. Any assistance will be helpful. Thanks in advanceYou would write some code - in whatever language you want - that loops through your directory of images, and then calls the 'create-asset' API - documented here: - making sure to include the 'image' attribute, for each one.
API with AHK
API with AHK
So I needed a quick and automated way of updating my database and was advised that an API would be my best bet.
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- Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41
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Re: API with AHK
As I understand, you at least have to specify the actual id instead of the "id" text.
Re: API with AHK
I am attempting to upload a file for a specific hardware ie hardware/2 and my script is as follow:
It reports success alright, but the file sample.png doesn't get uploaded. Any help pls
Code: Select all
oWhr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
oWhr.Open("PATCH", "https://user.snipe-it.io/api/v1/hardware/2", false)
oWhr.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")
oWhr.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9")
; Specify the file path
filePath := "C:\Users\User\Desktop\sample.png"
; Read the image file
FileRead, fileData, %filePath%
if (ErrorLevel) {
MsgBox, % "Failed to read the file at " filePath ". Ensure the file exists."
; Base64 encode the file data
base64Data := Base64Encode(fileData)
; JSON payload with the base64 image data
jsonData := "
""notes"": null,
""assigned_user"": null,
""assigned_location"": null,
""assigned_asset"": null,
""company_id"": null,
""serial"": null,
""order_number"": null,
""warranty_months"": null,
""purchase_cost"": null,
""purchase_date"": null,
""requestable"": false,
""archived"": false,
""rtd_location_id"": null,
""name"": null,
""location_id"": null,
""image"": " base64Data "
; Send the request
; Check the status and response
if (oWhr.Status = 200) {
MsgBox, % "Success! Response: `r`n" oWhr.ResponseText
} else {
MsgBox, % "Failed with status " oWhr.Status ": `r`n" oWhr.ResponseText
; Base64 encoding function
Base64Encode(ByRef data) {
StrPut(data, "utf-8") ; Convert binary data to UTF-8 encoded string
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "Ptr", &data, "UInt", StrLen(data), "UInt", 1 | 0x40000000, "Ptr", 0, "UIntP", len) ; Get length
VarSetCapacity(out, len * 2, 0)
DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "Ptr", &data, "UInt", StrLen(data), "UInt", 1 | 0x40000000, "Str", out, "UIntP", len) ; Actual encoding
return out
- Posts: 4602
- Joined: 29 Mar 2015, 09:41
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Re: API with AHK
Make sure that what you are about to send is truly meant to be sent. MsgBox will show the literal content:
Code: Select all
jsonData := "
""notes"": null,
""assigned_user"": null,
""assigned_location"": null,
""assigned_asset"": null,
""company_id"": null,
""serial"": null,
""order_number"": null,
""warranty_months"": null,
""purchase_cost"": null,
""purchase_date"": null,
""requestable"": false,
""archived"": false,
""rtd_location_id"": null,
""name"": null,
""location_id"": null,
""image"": " base64Data "
MsgBox jsonData
Re: API with AHK
The success you see is because the raw transfer was successful. However, as best as I can tell, their API is broken. I am getting a 302 redirect to a login screen... which totally defeats the point of an API, lol.
Re: API with AHK
I've moved this topic from Ask for Help (v2) to Ask for Help (v1).
Re: API with AHK
Supposedly, there are other ways to do this that works as shown here. What am attempting was advised as shown in the attached screenshot but they couldn't provide any help because the languages suggested didn't include AHK.teadrinker wrote: ↑12 Dec 2024, 17:13Make sure that what you are about to send is truly meant to be sent. MsgBox will show the literal content:Code: Select all
jsonData := " ( { ""notes"": null, ""assigned_user"": null, ""assigned_location"": null, ""assigned_asset"": null, ""company_id"": null, ""serial"": null, ""order_number"": null, ""warranty_months"": null, ""purchase_cost"": null, ""purchase_date"": null, ""requestable"": false, ""archived"": false, ""rtd_location_id"": null, ""name"": null, ""location_id"": null, ""image"": " base64Data " } )" MsgBox jsonData
- Attachments
- Screenshot.png (543.18 KiB) Viewed 265 times
Re: API with AHK
Code: Select all
oWhr.SetRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9")
Re: API with AHK
I'm aware. I pulled the example from their PATCH method and the example on the page is giving a redirect. I don't know if you were getting a redirect as your example doesn't check anything except the status of the raw transfer, which itself really just means your internet is on.
The tool that is being used in those example is cURL. I'm very familiar with cURL as I've been writing a library for it. The actual programming language details on that page are irrelevant because the underlying example is broken.
Code: Select all
curl -v -i --request PATCH --url https://develop.snipeitapp.com/api/v1/hardware/id --header "Authorization: Bearer eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJhdWQiOiIxIiwianRpIjoiZTU2MDc0MjVmYjM5YTEwYjFjNTZlZTAxMTBmZDk4ZjQ0ZjVjODMzYjcxZWVhYjZlNDk1NGMwOThlY2YzMzU2MDY4Mzg4MmFhMDMzOTAzNzciLCJpYXQiOjE2MzI4NjU5MTgsIm5iZiI6MTYzMjg2NTkxOCwiZXhwIjoyMjY0MDIxNTE4LCJzdWIiOiIxIiwic2NvcGVzIjpbXX0.LgGVzyH67IRhXvccHd4j2Dn6TDuIuQTBoo30_wD9jPehy8v_h0xBmE1-dOUBRJyeJOI8B4gwPeALsWaudpGj9Lb5qWAtKV7eYtH9IYQKoLF_iHgOGXnAUcNwID6zBU_YyLNSI6gp8zjutLJias33CBLsHy5ZRNpxVibVrZouJ_HjYuIYbtZyLus-KFFeibtZoPiTWOeHhQFD37MR6ifx4dBqT37fN-xDS99mONtrkAplEIou5aSO1oZ4IlJIPCUyA1lixPgpn1YU7PxiBDZp1teeugD0WEmrAqxRS2I0bH4qPsuTsrVXS_lo87Sf5LBGLW7lGHKqyYH6J47OZOM0K-SrxLKtE1ww8jyLBgnnxH0lJHRLCBiwUnL5ZGTUmiOysUA-wSJ6s78o8Pc-ec6bpBvAlelHdiQ-wslE7gzEJDptbejFg-75b_CEwgJYh7J2D18ul6Qu5EFCUEgt033mm04dgVk0isWTDt6EW5ZvTo5Qhr1LY0YnEIXCTqIRN-BSQjL55sZaCrtwR_21bnBGgniyI5MRDYblFawVmFKroeClCpSjBo9vi66akdD5hjpvx67RL3r33BZQhEXmPifUPNH5wP_U-IHGFUD99TJk2c1awF0RASveZRLSunbJb1x6hGAVUaIvQV4r2quWzXqYyKLph9kGTyJYrb6iJtH5smE" --header "accept: application/json" --header "content-type: application/json" --data "{\"notes\": \"null\", \"assigned_user\": null, \"assigned_location\": null, \"assigned_asset\": null, \"company_id\": null, \"serial\": \"null\", \"order_number\": \"null\", \"warranty_months\": null, \"purchase_cost\": null, \"purchase_date\": \"null\", \"requestable\": false, \"archived\": false, \"rtd_location_id\": null, \"name\": \"null\", \"location_id\": \"null\"}"
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I'd be willing to troubleshoot further but right now everything on that site that I have access to is broken. If you're willing to trust your private Bearer token to the random stranger on the internet trying to help you then you can DM me and we can go from there. You can also try inserting your Bearer token into my sample curl command above to see if you get anything besides a redirect to a login.
Edit: I tried again after replying and I got a completely different response. So idk.
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