
Get help with using AutoHotkey (v1.1 and older) and its commands and hotkeys
Posts: 149
Joined: 05 Apr 2021, 21:54


Post by akirofe » 04 Oct 2022, 00:21

Hi guys,

Please kindly help me with as to why the codes below didn't work - thank you very much guys!!

Code: Select all

Ctrl & q::send p
Ctrl & w::send o
Ctrl & e::send i
Ctrl & r::send u
Ctrl & t::send y
Ctrl & a::send {;}
Ctrl & s::send l
Ctrl & d::send k
Ctrl & f::send j
Ctrl & g::send h
Ctrl & z::send {/}
Ctrl & x::send {.}
Ctrl & c::send {,}
Ctrl & v::send m
Ctrl & b::send n

*** Thank you for reading. I am not in coding and know almost nothing about professional coding, hope for your patience and deeply appreciate any of your kind helps. My current interest in this awesome AHK is due to that my work is graphical ((architect/CAD) and, to reduce strains, my right hand is better off not leaving the mouse (an MMO mouse that has 12 side keys which I maps a lot of F keys and other keys in) as much as possible. All the best you lovely coders! ***

Posts: 7608
Joined: 04 Jun 2014, 08:33
Location: Germany

Re: Troubleshooting

Post by Rohwedder » 04 Oct 2022, 01:02

Here, the ^!q:: Hotkey cannot be triggered:

Code: Select all

Ctrl & q::SoundBeep, 4000 ;high beep
^!q::SoundBeep, 1000 ;low beep
The prefix key Ctrl of the combination Ctrl & q loses its native function and custom combinations act as though they have the wildcard (*) modifier by default.

But in this way

Code: Select all

^q::SoundBeep, 4000 ;high beep
^!q::SoundBeep, 1000 ;low beep
both work.

Posts: 149
Joined: 05 Apr 2021, 21:54

Re: Troubleshooting

Post by akirofe » 05 Oct 2022, 17:55

Thank you very much Rohwedder!!

I still need time to understand your help - and I also tried to follow to no avail - it must be sth else in my entire codes below - if you could also kindly have a look - thank you very much again Rohwedder!!

Code: Select all

;  ;.... = available

akirofe wrote: ↑
Today, 10:23
Thank you very much Gregster!! Long time no see, how are you? :)

Now I see it was such a basic question :(

Could you also please help me with where to read about the above so I won't keep asking such basic questions...?
Thank you, fine, still hanging around here a lot. :)

I would recommend reading the docs ;)
Controlsend's Keys parameter is pretty similar to the one of the normal Send commands -> keynames need braces; and letters without braces are taken literally. The Send docs have a list of special keynames, and a few more details:
The ControlSend docs even lead you to the Send docs: "Keys: The sequence of keys to send (see the Send command for details).[...] "

And could you please also help me with where I can read to know how to solve the below codes , which I believe didn't work because of the same keys being used for F5 and F14 further down... :(
Tbh, I don't know what "solve" means in this case.
What happens, what should happen instead?
I think the comboF5 & F14 should work while pressing F5 and F14 separately should still work as well.

I don't have F14, but these all work here:
Code: Select all - Download - Toggle Line numbers

#IfWinNotActive, ahk_exe something.exe
F5 & F10:: msgbox combo

F5::msgbox F5
F10::msgbox F10
Well, F5 fires now only on key release, which is a side-effect of it being a prefix key in a custom combination.


; Key symbols

Why didn't work?
F5 & F16::
Sleep 500
send {c}
Sleep 200
send {i}
Shift & F15/Tab::^g

To try:


In order to prevent duplicate instances, I normally do not re-launch a script but use the build-in function Reload. I launch this with Ctrl+Win+Alt+R and use Ctrl+Win+Alt+E to edit the main AHK script.

Actually, my script looks like this:

Send, ^s ; To save a changed script
Sleep, 300 ; give it time to save the script

As a matter of fact, all the way at the top of my script I have this to give me a visual and audio indication that the script was restarted:

#SingleInstance Force
Menu, Tray, Icon , Shell32.dll, 25, 1
TrayTip, AutoHotKey, Started, 1
SoundBeep, 300, 150


To send the left arrow key, you need to put braces around it: {Left}
Same for Right -> {Right}

Hi Rohwedder,

Thank you very much for constantly helping me!!

Could you please also help me with how to make the following codes work please Rohwedder?

F15 & F9::9
^F15::send {Thank you.}
; To send "Regards." when press Ctrl-F15-F9:
^9::send {Regards.}

Thank you very much Rohwedder!!

Kind Regards.

#SingleInstance Force

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn  ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen

Loop, 5000
  Hotkey, % "~*" GetKeyName(Format("vk{:x}", a_index - 1)), GetText
  Hotkey, % "~*" GetKeyName(Format("sc{:x}", a_index - 1)), GetText
  ; "~" keeps the button original function
  ; "*" fires the hotkey even if extra modifiers are being held down


  Sleep, 50
  Key := RegExReplace(A_ThisHotkey, "^..")    	; "^.." removes the first 2 characters ("~*") from the returned string
  If StrLen(Key) > 1
    Key := "{" Key "}"
  Text .= Key
  ToolTip, % "" . Key "`n`n" . Text, 0, 0	; X\Y coordinates

;============================== Start Auto-Execution Section ==============================

; Keeps script permanently running

; Avoids checking empty variables to see if they are environment variables
; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases

; Ensures that there is only a single instance of this script running
#SingleInstance, Force

;Determines whether invisible windows are "seen" by the script
DetectHiddenWindows, On

; Makes a script unconditionally use its own folder as its working directory
; Ensures a consistent starting directory
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

; sets title matching to search for "containing" isntead of "exact"
SetTitleMatchMode, 2

;sets controlID to 0 every time the script is reloaded
controlID       := 0


;============================== Main Script ==============================
#IfWinNotActive, ahk_exe chrome.exe

F3 & Ctrl::
    ; Gets the control ID of google chrome
    ControlGet, controlID, Hwnd,,Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND1, Google Chrome

    ; Focuses on chrome without breaking focus on what you're doing
    ControlFocus,,ahk_id %controlID%

    ; Checks to make sure YouTube isn't the first tab before starting the loop
    ; Saves time when youtube is the tab it's on
    IfWinExist, YouTube
        ControlSend, Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND1, k , Google Chrome

    ; Sends ctrl+1 to your browser to set it at tab 1
    ControlSend, , ^1, Google Chrome

    ; Starts loop to find youtube tab
        IfWinExist, YouTube

        ;Scrolls through the tabs.
        ControlSend, ,{Control Down}{Tab}{Control Up}, Google Chrome

        ; if the script acts weird and is getting confused, raise this number
        ; Sleep, is measures in milliseconds. 1000 ms = 1 sec
        Sleep, 150

    Sleep, 50

    ; Sends the K button to chrome
    ; K is the default pause/unpause of YouTube (People think space is. Don't use space!
    ; It'll scroll you down the youtube page when the player doesn't have focus.
    ControlSend, Chrome_RenderWidgetHostHWND1, k , Google Chrome


;============================== End Script ==============================

F5 & F8::
KeyWait, F8
IF (A_TimeSinceThisHotkey < 500)
{ ; type F5 & F8 < 500ms: release keys
	Loop, 0xFF
		IF GetKeyState(Key:=Format("VK{:X}",A_Index))
			SendInput, {%Key% up}
Else ; hold F5 & F8 down > 500ms: (on/off) show (pressed/stuck down) keys
	SetTimer, StuckKeys,% (StuckKeys:=!StuckKeys)?100:"Off"
CoordMode, ToolTip, Screen
ToolTip,% StuckKeys?KeyCombination():, 0, 0
{ ;All pressed keys and buttons will be listed
	ExcludeKeys .= "{Shift}{Control}{Alt}{WheelUp}{WheelDown}"
	Loop, 0xFF
		IF !GetKeyState(Key:=Format("VK{:02X}",0x100-A_Index))
		If !InStr(ExcludeKeys,Key:="{" GetKeyName(Key) "}")
			KeyCombination .= RegexReplace(Key,"Numpad(\D+)","$1")
	Return, KeyCombination



/*#NoTrayIcon ; Hide the tray icon. (Use Win + Alt+ X to close.)


DetectHiddenWindows, On 
WinGet, List, List, ahk_class AutoHotkey 

Loop %List% 
    WinGet, PID, PID, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% 
    If ( PID <> DllCall("GetCurrentProcessId") ) 
         PostMessage,0x111,65405,0,, % "ahk_id " List%A_Index% 


RButton & LButton::MButton

F1::send {WheelUp 7}
;; F3::Shift
F4::send {WheelDown 10}
Sleep 500
send {m}
Sleep 200
send {v}
Sleep 500
send {e}
Sleep 200
send {w}

F6 & LButton::^v
F6 & Ctrl::^c
;F6 & Shift
F6 & F5::^s
;F6 & F9::
F6 & F13::^x
F6 & F14::#v
F6 & F15::
Sleep 500
send {p}
Sleep 200
send {a}
F6 & F16::^a

;;;;;F8 & = can't, because hold for continued delting

F11 & LButton::ExitApp
F11 & Ctrl::Reload
;F11 & Ctl::
;F11 & F8::
;F11 & F10::
;F11 & F13::; other F1-F12...  But can't F2: hold for middle mouse button pan.

;^Shift::***do not use. Easy to mistype.
;^Tab::***do not use. Conflict with Window's Ctrl-Tab
send {Ctrl down}{LButton down}{LButton up}{Ctrl up}
Sleep 500
send {a}
Sleep 200
send {l}
Sleep 500
send {t}
Sleep 200
send {r}
Sleep 500
send {d}
Sleep 200
send {i}
Sleep 500
send {c}
Sleep 200
send {s}
Sleep 500
send {m}
Sleep 200
send {a}
Sleep 500
send {j}
Sleep 200
send {j}
Sleep 500
send {c}
Sleep 200
send {o}
^F8::send {Up}
^F10::send {Left}
^F11::send {Down}
^F12::send {Right}
^F13::send {t}

F15 & Ctrl::0
F15 & F14::,
F15 & F16::.
;Not possible - F15 & LButton::
;Not possible - F15 & F13::
F15 & F1::1
F15 & F2::2
F15 & Shift::3

F15 & F4::4
F15 & F5::5
F15 & F6::6

F15 & F7::7
F15 & F8::8
F15 & F9::9

F15 & F10::=
F15 & F11::+
F15 & F12::-

F13 & Ctrl::send
F13 & F1::
Sleep 500
send {c}
Sleep 200
send {i}
F13 & F2::send Yes please call me 0420946997 or Whatsapp/Zalo +61420946997 cheers
F13 & Shift::
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyMMdd
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%

F13 & F4::^x
F13 & F5::^s
F13 & F6::#v

F13 & F7::Reload
F13 & F8::^d

F13 & F9::send [email protected]
F13 & F10::
F13 & F11::^f
F13 & F12::send 0420946997

;;;Shift & Ctrl::control Youtube in Chrome above: 
;Shift & Capslock::
;Shift & Space::
;Shift & LAlt::
;;;;;Shift & F2::
;Shift & F6::
Shift & F13::
Sleep 500
send {c}
Sleep 200
send {i}
;Shift & Tab::^g
Shift & F14::Volume_Down
Shift & F16::Volume_Up

F5 & LButton::run VirtualKeyboard.ahk
;;;; F5 & Ctrl::
F5 & F13::
Sleep 500
send {s}
Sleep 200
send {c}
;F5 & F14::
F5 & F15::
Sleep 500
send {s}
Sleep 200
send {o}
;F5 & F16::
F5 & F2::
Sleep 500
send {s}
Sleep 200
send {p}
F5 & F6::
Sleep 500
send {s}
Sleep 200
send {m}
F5 & F4::
Sleep 500
send {s}
Sleep 200
send {e}
;;;;;F5 & F8:: (clear stuck key scripts above)

Space Up::Send, {Space}

Space & F5::CapsLock

Space & Tab::
Sleep 500
send {s}
Sleep 200
send {p}
Space & Capslock::0
Space & Shift::Volume_Up
Space & Ctrl::Volume_Down
;###Send {Volume_Down 100} ; Turns the volume DOWN 100 intervals, not muting

^q::send p
^w::send o
^e::send i
^r::send u
^t::send y
^a::send {;}
^s::send l
^d::send k
^f::send j
^g::send h
^z::send {/}
^x::send {.}
^c::send {,}
^v::send m
^b::send n


f & Space::send {f }
f & q::Escape
f & w::`
f & e::Delete
f & r::send fr
f & t::send ft
f & a::send fa
f & s::Enter
f & d::Backspace
f & g::send fg
f & z::Tab
f & x::^F4
f & c::send @
f & v::send fv
f & b::send fb
f & y::send fy
f & u::send fu
f & i::send fi
f & o::send fo
f & p::send fp
f & h::send fh
f & j::send fj
f & k::send fk
f & l::send fl
f & n::send fn
f & m::send fm

s & Space::send {s }
s & q::send sq
s & w::send sw
s & e::send se
s & r::Up
s & t::send st
s & a::send sa
;s & s::
s & d::Left
s & f::Down
s & g::Right
s & z::.
s & x::send sx
s & c::,
s & v::?
s & b::!
s & y::send sy
s & u::send su
s & i::send si
s & o::send so
s & p::send sp
s & h::send sh
s & j::send sj
s & k::send sk
s & l::send sl
s & n::send sn
s & m::send sm

; could be EVEN  more
d & Space::send {d }
d & q::send dq
d & w::send dw
d & e::send de
d & r::send dr
d & t::send dt
d & a::send da
d & s::send ds
;;;;;;d & d::send dd
d & f::Home
d & g::PgUp
d & z::send dz
d & x::send dx
d & c::send dc
d & v::End
d & b::PgDn
d & y::send dy
d & u::send du
d & i::send di
d & o::send do
d & p::send dp
d & h::send dh
d & j::send dj
d & k::send dk
d & l::send dl
d & n::send dn
d & m::send dm

z & Space::send {z }
z & q::send zq
z & w::[
z & e::]
z & r::\
;z & t::
z & a::send za
z & s::?
z & d::;
z & f::'
z & g::!
;z & z::
z & x::,
z & c::.
z & v::/
z & b::send {<3}
z & y::send zy
z & u::send zu
z & i::send zi
z & o::send zo
z & p::send zp
z & h::send zh
z & j::send zj
z & k::send zk
z & l::send zl
z & n::send zn
z & m::send zm

q & Space::send {q }
;q & q::send qq
q & w::&
q & e::*
q & r::(
q & t::)
q & a::send qa
q & s::$
q & d::
clipboard := "%"
send ^v
q & f::^
q & g::-
q & z::send qz
q & x::!
q & c::@
q & v::#
q & b::=
q & y::send qy
q & u::send qu
q & i::send qi
q & o::send qo
q & p::send qp
q & h::send qh
q & j::send qj
q & k::send qk
q & l::send ql
q & n::send qn
q & m::send qm

w & Space::send {w }
w & q::send Yes please call me 0420946997 or Whatsapp/Zalo +61420946997 cheers
;w & w::send ww
w & e::send we
w & r::send wr
w & t::send wt
w & a::send wa
w & s::send ws
w & d::
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime,, yyMMdd
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
w & f::send 0420946997
w & g::send [email protected]
w & z::send wz
w & x::send wx
w & c::send wc
w & v::send wv
w & b::send wb
w & y::send wy
w & u::send wu
w & i::send wi
w & o::send wo
w & p::send wp
w & h::send wh
w & j::send wj
w & k::send wk
w & l::send wl
w & n::send wn
w & m::send wm

XButton1 & F1::z
XButton1 & F2::a
XButton1 & Shift::q

XButton1 & F4::x
XButton1 & F5::s
XButton1 & F6::w

XButton1 & F7::c
XButton1 & F8::d
XButton1 & F9::e

XButton1 & F10::v
XButton1 & F11::f
XButton1 & F12::r

XButton1 & LButton::b
XButton1 & F15::g
XButton1 & Ctrl::t

XButton2 & F1::/
XButton2 & F2::;
XButton2 & Shift::p

XButton2 & F4::.
XButton2 & F5::l
XButton2 & F6::o

XButton2 & F7::,
XButton2 & F8::k
XButton2 & F9::i

XButton2 & F10::m
XButton2 & F11::j
XButton2 & F12::u

XButton2 & LButton::n
XButton2 & F15::h
XButton2 & Ctrl::y

Space & 1::WheelLeft
Space & 2::WheelRight
Space & 3::8
Space & 4::9
;Space & 5::
;Space & 6::

Space & [::5
Space & `;::WheelDown
Space & '::RButton
Space & ,::Delete
Space & .::!Tab
Space & /::send {!}

^y::send {+}
^u::send {6}
^i::send {7}
^o::send {8}
;^p::send {9}
^[::send {0}
^h::send {=}
^j::send {Home}
^k::send {Up}
^l::send {End}
^`;::send {PgUp}
;^'::send {}
^n::send {-}
^m::send {Left}
^,::send {Down}
^.::send {Right}
^/::send {PgDn}

LAlt & F8::
ToolTip, da, 100, 150

s & q::send sq
s & w::send sw
s & e::send se
s & r::send sr
s & t::send st
s & a::send sa
s & s::send ss
s & d::send sd
s & f::send sf
s & g::send sg
s & z::send sz
s & x::send sx
s & c::send sc
s & v::send sv
s & b::send sb
s & y::send sy
s & u::send su
s & i::send si
s & o::send so
s & p::send sp
s & h::send sh
s & j::send sj
s & k::send sk
s & l::send sl
s & n::send sn
s & m::send sm

$q::Delay("=") ;Delay: 300 ms
$w::Delay("7", 2000) ;Delay: 2 seconds
$g::Delay("{Ctrl Down}{WheelUp 1}{Ctrl Up}")
$b::Delay("{Ctrl Down}{WheelDown 1}{Ctrl Up}")
*Space::Global Down .= Down ? "" : A_TickCount
*Space Up::Down =
Delay(Key, Delay:=300)
{ ;Standard Delay = 300 ms
	Send,% Down And (Down + Delay < A_TickCount)
	? Key : SubStr(A_ThisHotkey, 2)

; Example: This is a hotkey that temporarily reduces the mouse cursor's speed, which facilitates precise positioning.
; Hold down Ctrl key to slow down the cursor. Release it to return to original speed.
IF OrigMouseSpeed
; Retrieve the current speed so that it can be restored later:
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, SPI_GETMOUSESPEED, UInt, 0, UIntP, OrigMouseSpeed, UInt, 0)
; Now set the mouse to the slower speed specified in the next-to-last parameter (the range is 1-20, 10 is default):
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, SPI_SETMOUSESPEED, UInt, 0, Ptr, 3, UInt, 0)
~Ctrl up::
DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", UInt, 0x71, UInt, 0, Ptr, OrigMouseSpeed, UInt, 0)  ; Restore the original speed.
OrigMouseSpeed =
*** Thank you for reading. I am not in coding and know almost nothing about professional coding, hope for your patience and deeply appreciate any of your kind helps. My current interest in this awesome AHK is due to that my work is graphical ((architect/CAD) and, to reduce strains, my right hand is better off not leaving the mouse (an MMO mouse that has 12 side keys which I maps a lot of F keys and other keys in) as much as possible. All the best you lovely coders! ***

Posts: 7608
Joined: 04 Jun 2014, 08:33
Location: Germany

Re: Troubleshooting

Post by Rohwedder » 06 Oct 2022, 04:20

Sorry, but this is just too much! I'm surprised that anything works at all.
My personal opinion: A 100% keyboard belongs to the basic human needs just like sex and meat.

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