Script working on one PC but not another

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Script working on one PC but not another

Post by Xeilous » 31 Mar 2023, 06:07

This script works fine on one PC but not another. I'm not sure what I am doing wrong. I have attached a screenshot of the error message I get when I try to run it on the PC that it doesn't work on. Any help would be appreciated.

Code: Select all

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#SingleInstance force
ListLines Off
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetControlDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1
SetWinDelay, 0
#KeyHistory 0

global LVwindowTitle := "ahk_exe PrintExp.exe" ; Adjust as needed
global objLV := ExtListView_Initialize(LVwindowTitle)

selectedItem := ExtListView_GetNextItem(objLV,,0x0001)
if (WinActive(LVwindowTitle) && selectedItem != -1){
	ControlGetText, fileName, Static8, PrintExp
	; split the string into an array based on the "-" delimiter
	order := ""
	uploads := ""
	sheets := ""
	;StringSplit, parts, fileName, -
	parts := StrSplit(filename, "-")
	; extract the order ID from the first element of the array
	order := parts[1]
	uploads := parts[2]
	quantities := parts[3]
	; split the second element of the array (upload information) into a nested array based on the "_" delimiter
	;StringSplit, upload_parts, uploads, _
	upload_parts := StrSplit(uploads, "_")
	; extract the first and second elements of the nested array as separate variables
	upload := upload_parts[1]
	total_uploads := upload_parts[2]
	; split the third element of the array (sheet information) into a nested array based on the "_" delimiter
	;StringSplit, quantity_parts, quantities, _
	quantity_parts := StrSplit(quantities, "_")
	; extract the first and second elements of the nested array as separate variables
	copies := quantity_parts[1]
	total_sheets := quantity_partsquantity_parts[2]

addSelectedItemToQueue(qty) {
	qty := 5
	selectedItem := ExtListView_GetNextItem(objLV,,0x0001)
	Loop %qty% {
		ExtListView_DoubleClickRow(objLV, selectedItem)
	ControlClick, x531 y61, %LVwindowTitle%

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Name .........: ExtListView library
; Description ..: Collection of functions dealing with the ListViews of external processes.
; AHK Version ..: AHK_L x32/64 ANSI/Unicode
; Author .......: Cyruz -
; License ......: WTFPL -
; Changelog ....: May  18, 2013 - v0.1 - First revision.
; ..............: Jun. 28, 2013 - v0.2 - Added resizable buffer option.
; ..............: Feb. 04, 2014 - v0.3 - Unicode and x64 compatibility.
; ..............: Apr. 10, 2014 - v1.0 - Code refactoring. Added encoding option and simple error management.
; ..............: May  04, 2014 - v1.1 - Detached the handles and memory allocation code.
; ..............: May  05, 2014 - v1.2 - Created ExtListView_GetAllItems and ExtListView_ToggleSelection functions.
; ..............: May  06, 2014 - v2.0 - Complete rewrite of the library. Code more modular and updateable. Separated
; ..............:                        code for De/Initialization, GetNextItem and GetItemText.
; ..............: Jul  24, 2017 - v2.1 - Fixed LVITEM size issue.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_GetSingleItem
; Description ..: Get the first item with the desired state.
; Parameters ...: objLV  - External ListView initialized object.
; ..............: sState - Status of the searched item. Common statuses are:
; ..............:          LVNI_ALL         - 0x0000
; ..............:          LVNI_FOCUSED     - 0x0001 ;The item has the focus, so it is surrounded by a standard focus rectangle. Although more than one item may be selected, only one item can have the focus.
; ..............:          LVNI_SELECTED    - 0x0002 ;The item is selected. The appearance of a selected item depends on whether it has the focus and also on the system colors used for selection.
; ..............:          LVNI_CUT         - 0x0004 ;The item is marked for a cut-and-paste operation.
; ..............:          LVNI_DROPHILITED - 0x0008 ;The item is highlighted as a drag-and-drop target.
; ..............: nCol   - Column of the desired item (0-based index).
; Info .........: For more info on the sState parameter have a look at the MSDN docs for the LVM_GETNEXTITEM message:
; ..............:
; Return .......: Single item as a string.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_GetSingleItem(ByRef objLV, sState, nCol) {
	Try {
		If ( (nRow  := ExtListView_GetNextItem(objLV, -1, sState)) != -1 )
			sItem := ExtListView_GetItemText(objLV, nRow, nCol)
	} Catch e
		Throw e
	Return (sItem) ? sItem : 0

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_GetAllItems
; Description ..: Get all items that share the same status on the target ListView.
; Parameters ...: objLV  - External ListView initialized object.
; ..............: sState - Status of the searched item. Common statuses are:
; ..............:          LVNI_ALL         - 0x0000
; ..............:          LVNI_FOCUSED     - 0x0001
; ..............:          LVNI_SELECTED    - 0x0002
; ..............:          LVNI_CUT         - 0x0004
; ..............:          LVNI_DROPHILITED - 0x0008
; Info .........: For more infor on the sState parameter have a look at the MSDN docs for the LVM_GETNEXTITEM message:
; ..............:
; Return .......: Multidimensional array containing ListView's items. Eg: array[row][column] := "SomeString".
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_GetAllItems(ByRef objLV, sState:=0x0000) {
	Try {
		nRow := -1, objList := []
			If ( (nRow := ExtListView_GetNextItem(objLV, nRow, sState)) == -1 )
			x := A_Index, objList[x] := []
			Loop % objLV.cols
				objList[x][A_Index] := ExtListView_GetItemText(objLV, nRow, A_Index-1)
	} Catch e
		Throw e
	Return ( objList.MaxIndex() ) ? objList : 0

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_ToggleSelection
; Description ..: Select/deselect items in the target ListView.
; Parameters ...: objLV   - External ListView initialized object.
; ..............: bSelect - 1 for selection, 0 for deselection.
; ..............: nItem   - -1 for all items or "n" (0-based) for a specific ListView item.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_ToggleSelection(ByRef objLV, bSelect:=1, nItem:=-1) {
	VarSetCapacity( LVITEM, objLV.szwritebuf, 0 )
	NumPut( 0x0008,                      LVITEM, 0  ) ; mask = LVIF_STATE = 0x0008.
	NumPut( nItem,                       LVITEM, 4  ) ; iItem.
	NumPut( 0,                           LVITEM, 8  ) ; iSubItem.
	NumPut( (bSelect) ? 0x0002 : 0x0000, LVITEM, 12 ) ; state = LVIS_SELECTED = 0x0002 or 0x0000 (reset mask).
	NumPut( 0x0002,                      LVITEM, 16 ) ; stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED = 0x0002.
	If ( !DllCall( "WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr",objLV.hproc, "Ptr",objLV.pwritebuf, "Ptr",&LVITEM, UInt,20, UInt,0 ) )
		Throw Exception("objLV.pwritebuf: error writing memory", "WriteProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	SendMessage, 0x102B, % nItem, % objLV.pwritebuf,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hlv ;LVM_SETITEMSTATE
	;#####, this works because it's reading from it's OWN MEMORY objLV.pwritebuf
ExtListView_ToggleFocusAndSelection(ByRef objLV, bSelect:=1, nItem:=-1) {
	VarSetCapacity( LVITEM, objLV.szwritebuf, 0 )
	NumPut( 0x0008,                      LVITEM, 0  ) ; mask = LVIF_STATE = 0x0008.
	NumPut( nItem,                       LVITEM, 4  ) ; iItem.
	NumPut( 0,                           LVITEM, 8  ) ; iSubItem.
	NumPut( (bSelect) ? 0x0003 : 0x0000, LVITEM, 12 ) ; state = LVIS_SELECTED =  0x0002 or 0x0000 (reset mask).
	NumPut( 0x0003,                      LVITEM, 16 ) ; stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED = 0x0002.
	If ( !DllCall( "WriteProcessMemory", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,objLV.pwritebuf, Ptr,&LVITEM, UInt,20, UInt,0 ) )
		Throw Exception("objLV.pwritebuf: error writing memory", "WriteProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	SendMessage, 0x102B, % nItem, % objLV.pwritebuf,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hlv
ExtListView_ToggleFocus(ByRef objLV, bSelect:=1, nItem:=-1) {
	VarSetCapacity( LVITEM, objLV.szwritebuf, 0 )
	NumPut( 0x0008,                      LVITEM, 0  ) ; mask = LVIF_STATE = 0x0008.
	NumPut( nItem,                       LVITEM, 4  ) ; iItem.
	NumPut( 0,                           LVITEM, 8  ) ; iSubItem.
	NumPut( (bSelect) ? 0x0001 : 0x0000, LVITEM, 12 ) ; state = LVIS_SELECTED =  0x0002 or 0x0000 (reset mask).
	NumPut( 0x0001,                      LVITEM, 16 ) ; stateMask = LVIS_SELECTED = 0x0002.
	If ( !DllCall( "WriteProcessMemory", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,objLV.pwritebuf, Ptr,&LVITEM, UInt,20, UInt,0 ) )
		Throw Exception("objLV.pwritebuf: error writing memory", "WriteProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	SendMessage, 0x102B, % nItem, % objLV.pwritebuf,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hlv
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_GetNextItem
; Description ..: Get the next item in the target ListView.
; Parameters ...: objLV  - External ListView initialized object.
; ..............: nRow   - Row where to start the search for the next item (0-based index).
; ..............: lParam - Status of the searched item. Common statuses are:
; ..............:          LVNI_ALL         - 0x0000
; ..............:          LVNI_FOCUSED     - 0x0001
; ..............:          LVNI_SELECTED    - 0x0002
; ..............:          LVNI_CUT         - 0x0004
; ..............:          LVNI_DROPHILITED - 0x0008
; Info .........: LVM_GETNEXTITEM -
; Return .......: Item content as a string.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_GetNextItem(ByRef objLV, nRow:=-1, lParam:=0x0000) {
	; LVM_GETNEXTITEM = LVM_FIRST (0x1000) + 12 = 0x100C.
	SendMessage, 0x100C, %nRow%, %lParam%,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hlv
	Return ErrorLevel << 32 >> 32

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_GetItemText
; Description ..: Get the text of the desired item.
; Parameters ...: objLV - External ListView initialized object.
; ..............: nRow  - Row of the desired item (0-based index).
; ..............: nCol  - Column of the desired item (0-based index).
; Return .......: Item content as a string.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_GetItemText(ByRef objLV, nRow, nCol) {
	VarSetCapacity( LVITEM, objLV.szwritebuf, 0 )
	NumPut( 0x0001,          LVITEM, 0                          ) ; mask = LVIF_TEXT = 0x0001.
	NumPut( nRow,            LVITEM, 4                          ) ; iItem = Row to retrieve (0 = 1st row).
	NumPut( nCol,            LVITEM, 8                          ) ; iSubItem = The column index of the item to retrieve.
	NumPut( objLV.preadbuf,  LVITEM, 20 + (A_PtrSize - 4)       ) ; pszText = Pointer to item text string.
	NumPut( objLV.szreadbuf, LVITEM, 20 + ((A_PtrSize * 2) - 4) ) ; cchTextMax = Number of TCHARs in the buffer.
	If ( !DllCall( "WriteProcessMemory", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,objLV.pwritebuf, Ptr,&LVITEM, UInt,objLV.szwritebuf
                                       , UInt,0 ) )
		Throw Exception("objLV.pwritebuf: error writing memory", "WriteProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	; LVM_GETITEMTEXTA = LVM_FIRST (0x1000) + 45  = 0x102D.
	; LVM_GETITEMTEXTW = LVM_FIRST (0x1000) + 115 = 0x1073.
	LVM_GETITEMTEXT := (objLV.senc == "UTF-8" || objLV.senc == "UTF-16") ? 0x1073 : 0x102D
	SendMessage, %LVM_GETITEMTEXT%, %nRow%, % objLV.pwritebuf,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hlv
	VarSetCapacity(cRecvBuf, objLV.szreadbuf, 1)
	If ( !DllCall( "ReadProcessMemory", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,objLV.preadbuf, Ptr,&cRecvBuf, UInt,objLV.szreadbuf
                                      , Ptr,0 ) )
		Throw Exception("objLV.preadbuf: error reading memory", "ReadProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	Return StrGet(&cRecvBuf, objLV.szreadbuf, objLV.senc)

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_Initialize
; Description ..: Initialize the object containing ListView's related data.
; Parameters ...: sWnd      - Title of the window containing the ListView.
; ..............: szReadBuf - Size of the buffer used for reading the target process memory. It must be capable enough
; ..............:             to hold the longest cell in the ListView.
; ..............: sEnc      - Target ListView's encoding. "CP0" for ANSI, "UTF-8" or "UTF-16" for Unicode.
; Return .......: objLV            - External ListView initialized object with the following keys:
; ..............: objLV.swnd       - Title of the window owning the ListView.
; ..............: objLV.hwnd       - Handle to the window owning the ListView.
; ..............: objLV.hproc      - Handle to the process owning the ListView.
; ..............: objLV.hlv        - Handle to the ListView.
; ..............: objLV.hhdr       - Handle to the header of the ListView.
; ..............: objLV.rows       - Number of rows in the ListView.
; ..............: objLV.cols       - Number of columns in the ListView.
; ..............: objLV.senc       - Encoding used by the process owning the ListView.
; ..............: objLV.pwritebuf  - Address to the buffer used to write the LVITEM message to the target ListView.
; ..............: objLV.szwritebuf - Size of the write buffer.
; ..............: objLV.preadbuf   - Address to the buffer used to read the answer to the message sent.
; ..............: objLV.szreadbuf  - Size of the read buffer.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_Initialize(sWnd, WHICHSysListView:="SysListView321", szReadBuf:=1024, sEnc:="CP0") {
	objLV            := Object()
	objLV.swnd       := sWnd
	objLV.hwnd       := WinExist(sWnd)
	objLV.szwritebuf := (A_OSVersion == "WIN_XP") ? 52 + (A_PtrSize-4)*5 : 60 + (A_PtrSize-4)*7 ; Size of LVITEM
	objLV.szreadbuf  := szReadBuf
	objLV.senc       := sEnc
	ControlGet, hLv, Hwnd,, % WHICHSysListView, % "ahk_id " objLV.hwnd
	objLV.hlv := hLv
	DllCall( "GetWindowThreadProcessId", Ptr,hLv, PtrP,dwProcessId )
	If ( !(objLV.hproc := DllCall( "OpenProcess", UInt,0x0008|0x0010|0x0020, Int,0, UInt,dwProcessId )) )
		Throw Exception("objLV.hproc: error opening process", "OpenProcess", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	; LVM_GETITEMCOUNT = LVM_FIRST (0x1000) + 4 = 0x1004.
	SendMessage, 0x1004, 0, 0,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hlv
	objLV.rows := ErrorLevel
	; LVM_GETHEADER = LVM_FIRST (0x1000) + 31 = 0x101F.
	SendMessage, 0x101F, 0, 0,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hlv
	objLV.hhdr := ErrorLevel
	; HDM_GETITEMCOUNT = HDM_FIRST (0x1200) + 0 = 0x1200.
	SendMessage, 0x1200, 0, 0,, % "ahk_id " objLV.hhdr
	objLV.cols := ErrorLevel
	; Allocate memory on the target process before returning the object.
	If ( !__ExtListView_AllocateMemory(objLV) )
		Throw Exception("Error allocating memory", "__ExtListView_Initialize", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	Return objLV

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_DeInitialize
; Description ..: DeInitialize the object.
; Parameters ...: objLV - External ListView initialized object.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_DeInitialize(ByRef objLV) {
	; Free the previously allocated memory on the target process.
	If ( !__ExtListView_DeAllocateMemory(objLV) )
		Throw Exception("Error deallocating memory", "__ExtListView_DeInitialize", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	DllCall( "CloseHandle", Ptr,objLV.hproc )
	objLV := ""

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: ExtListView_CheckInitObject
; Description ..: Check if the object is still referring to a valid ListView.
; Parameters ...: objLV - External ListView initialized object.
; Return .......: 0 if false, handle of the window containing the ListView if true.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
ExtListView_CheckInitObject(ByRef objLV) {
	Return WinExist("ahk_id " objLV.hwnd)

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: __ExtListView_AllocateMemory
; Description ..: Allocates memory into the target process.
; Parameters ...: objLV - External ListView initialized object.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__ExtListView_AllocateMemory(ByRef objLV) {
	; MEM_COMMIT = 0x1000, PAGE_READWRITE = 0x4.
	; hProcess:objLV.hproc
	; lpAddress: NULL
	; dwSize:UInt,objLV.szwritebuf
	; flAllocationType:0x1000 ;MEM_RESET_UNDO ;
	; If the function succeeds, the return value is the base address of the allocated region of pages.
	If ( !(objLV.pwritebuf := DllCall( "VirtualAllocEx", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,0, UInt,objLV.szwritebuf, UInt,0x1000
                                                       , UInt,0x4 )) )
		Return 0
	If ( !(objLV.preadbuf  := DllCall( "VirtualAllocEx", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,0, UInt,objLV.szreadbuf,  UInt,0x1000
                                                       , UInt,0x4 )) )
		Return 0
	; RECT is 16 bytes
	If ( !(objLV.rectbuf  := DllCall( "VirtualAllocEx", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,0, UInt,16,  UInt,0x1000
                                                       , UInt,0x4 )) )
		Return 0
	Return 1

; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: __ExtListView_DeAllocateMemory
; Description ..: Frees previously allocated memory.
; Parameters ...: objLV - External ListView initialized object.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
__ExtListView_DeAllocateMemory(ByRef objLV) {
	; MEM_RELEASE = 0x8000.
	If ( !DllCall( "VirtualFreeEx", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,objLV.pwritebuf, UInt,0, UInt,0x8000 ) )
		Return 0
	If ( !DllCall( "VirtualFreeEx", Ptr,objLV.hproc, Ptr,objLV.preadbuf, UInt,0, UInt,0x8000 ) )
		Return 0
	Return 1

	OnExit, QUIT
	WINTITLE = Active Directory Users and Computers ahk_class MMCMainFrame
	objLV := ExtListView_Initialize(WINTITLE)
	HotKey, IfWinActive, %WINTITLE%
	HotKey, ^!g, TOGGLESEL
	( ExtListView_CheckInitObject(objLV) ) ? objLV := ExtListView_Initialize(WINTITLE)
	ExtListView_ToggleSelection(objLV, 1, 0)

; Focus and clicks last focused row || first row
ExtListView_RestoreFocus(objLV) {
	;if not already focused
	if (focusedControl!=objLV.hlv+0) {
		FocusedRow:=ExtListView_GetNextItem(objLV,, 1)
		if (FocusedRow==-1) {
			; default to first row if no row Focused
		ExtListView_EnsureVisible(objLV, FocusedRow)
		ExtListView_ClickRow(objLV, FocusedRow)

ExtListView_ClickRow(objLV, Row) { ; just me ->
	; HLV : ListView's HWND, Row : 0-based row number
	SendMessage, 0x100E, % Row, % rectbuf,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; LVM_GETITEMRECT
	VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16)
	If ( !DllCall( "ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr",objLV.hproc, "Ptr",objLV.rectbuf, "Ptr",&RECT, UInt,16, UInt,0 ) )
		Throw Exception("objLV.rectbuf: error reading memory", "ReadProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	short1:=NumGet(RECT, 0, "Short")
	short2:=NumGet(RECT, 4, "Short")
	POINT := short1 | (short2 << 16)
	PostMessage, 0x0201, 0, POINT,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN
	PostMessage, 0x0202, 0, POINT,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; WM_LBUTTONUP

;ExtListView_DoubleClickRow(objLV, 0)
ExtListView_DoubleClickRow(objLV, Row) { ; just me ->
	; HLV : ListView's HWND, Row : 0-based row number
	SendMessage, 0x100E, % Row, % rectbuf,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; LVM_GETITEMRECT
	VarSetCapacity(RECT, 16)
	If ( !DllCall( "ReadProcessMemory", "Ptr",objLV.hproc, "Ptr",objLV.rectbuf, "Ptr",&RECT, UInt,16, UInt,0 ) )
		Throw Exception("objLV.rectbuf: error reading memory", "ReadProcessMemory", "LastError: " A_LastError)
	short1:=NumGet(RECT, 0, "Short")
	short2:=NumGet(RECT, 4, "Short")
	POINT := short1 | (short2 << 16)
	;PostMessage, 0x0201, 0, POINT,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; WM_LBUTTONDOWN
	;PostMessage, 0x0202, 0, POINT,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; WM_LBUTTONUP
	PostMessage, 0x0203, 0, POINT,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; WM_LBUTTONDBLCLCK
	;PostMessage, 0x0202, 0, POINT,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; WM_LBUTTONUP

ExtListView_EnsureVisible(objLV, Row, fPartialOK:=false) { ;
	; fPartialOK - A value specifying whether the item must be entirely visible.
	; If this parameter is TRUE, no scrolling occurs if the item is at least partially visible.
	; PostMessage, 0x1013, Row, fPartialOK,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE
	SendMessage, 0x1013, Row, fPartialOK,, % "ahk_id " HLV ; LVM_ENSUREVISIBLE

ExtListView_getFocusedControl(objLV) {
	static vTIDAhk := DllCall("GetCurrentThreadId", "UInt")
	static GuiThreadInfo_Size:=24 + 6*A_PtrSize ;4 + 4 + 6*A_PtrSize + 16
	static offset_hwndFocus := 8 + 1*A_PtrSize
	;   typedef struct tagGUITHREADINFO {
	; DWORD cbSize; 0
	; DWORD flags; 4
	; HWND hwndActive;    8
	; HWND hwndFocus;     8 + 1*A_PtrSize
	; HWND hwndCapture;   8 + 2*A_PtrSize
	; HWND hwndMenuOwner; 8 + 3*A_PtrSize
	; HWND hwndMoveSize;  8 + 4*A_PtrSize
	; HWND hwndCaret;     8 + 5*A_PtrSize
	; RECT rcCaret;       8 + 6*A_PtrSize
	;   }
	; DWORD is Uint
	; BOOL AttachThreadInput(
	;   [in] DWORD idAttach,
	;   [in] DWORD idAttachTo,
	;   [in] BOOL  fAttach
	; );
	; BOOL -> Int
	vTID := DllCall("GetWindowThreadProcessId", "Ptr",objLV.hwnd, "Ptr",0, "UInt")
	VarSetCapacity(GuiThreadInfo, GuiThreadInfo_Size, 0)
	; GuiThreadInfo.cbSize = sizeof(GuiThreadInfo);
	NumPut(GuiThreadInfo_Size, GuiThreadInfo,0,"Uint")
	; GetGuiThreadInfo(vTID, &GuiThreadInfo)
	DllCall("GetGUIThreadInfo", "Uint",vTID, "Ptr",&GuiThreadInfo)
	hwndFocus:=NumGet(GuiThreadInfo, offset_hwndFocus, "Ptr")
	return hwndFocus
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