Detect if a key has been left pressed inside a script

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Detect if a key has been left pressed inside a script

Post by wetware05 » 28 May 2023, 13:33


The title explains it all. But I will make myself understood. If someone has created a big script out of little scripts, and they did it when they were a newbie, if in any of their scripts a key is held down (sometimes triggered by pressing two keys at the same time), what causes the computer becomes erratic, in such a way that the only way to resolve the situation is to restart the computer... :evil: is there any routine or way to know that a key has been pressed and which key it is, by reversing its pressing? Going through all the scripts becomes infeasible and tedious (but I know I'll have to do it sometime).

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Re: Detect if a key has been left pressed inside a script

Post by Rohwedder » 29 May 2023, 02:32


Code: Select all

{ ;release all pressed keys
    Loop, 0xFF
        IF GetKeyState(Key:=Format("VK{:X}",A_Index))
            SendInput, {%Key% up}
And try this. All currently pressed keys and buttons are displayed. A mouse wheel rotation saves it to the clipboard.

Code: Select all

; Send, {q Down}{w Down}

SetTimer, KeyCombination, 50,% ClipBoard := ""
IF A_TimeIdlePhysical > 100
KeyCombination := KeyCombination()
ToolTip,% KeyCombination?KeyCombination:"ClipBoard:`n" ClipBoard
*WheelDown::ClipBoard := KeyCombination 
{ ;All pressed keys and buttons will be listed
    ExcludeKeys .= "{Shift}{Control}{Alt}{WheelUp}{WheelDown}"
    Loop, 0xFF
        IF !GetKeyState(Key:=Format("VK{:02X}",0x100-A_Index))
        If !InStr(ExcludeKeys,Key:="{" GetKeyName(Key) "}")
            KeyCombination .= RegexReplace(Key,"Numpad(\D+)","$1")
    Return, KeyCombination

Posts: 750
Joined: 04 Dec 2020, 16:09

Re: Detect if a key has been left pressed inside a script

Post by wetware05 » 29 May 2023, 04:49

Thank you very much @Rohwedder. :thumbup:

I have tried the second one and it works perfectly. I will have the first one as an emergency kit for when it happens again.

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